QUOTE: Originally posted by trainjunky29 Dear LimitedClear, Any pictures I take from public property are fair game. According to the supreme court, this includes military installations until I am asked not to. Everything else is A-okay. It is the responsibility of the citizen to not become a railroader if he or she does not want railfans taking pictures of him or her. Sincerely and respectfully, Daniel Parks
QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon I prefer the Book of Armaments 1:1....
QUOTE: Originally posted by Murphy Siding QUOTE: Originally posted by Mookie Let me see if I am following this: As a railfan, I need to be sure Millie is packed with a camera, no film, peek in no windows, except bathroom ones and only with one eye, carry an unarmed armament, a bible and be sure my lawyer is with me at all times! I think I got it - and just in time for this weekend's train watching! Mook Is Millie the name of your car?
QUOTE: Originally posted by Mookie Let me see if I am following this: As a railfan, I need to be sure Millie is packed with a camera, no film, peek in no windows, except bathroom ones and only with one eye, carry an unarmed armament, a bible and be sure my lawyer is with me at all times! I think I got it - and just in time for this weekend's train watching! Mook
She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw
QUOTE: Originally posted by trainjunky29 Dear LimitedClear, Please take a look at this: http://www.krages.com/ThePhotographersRight.pdf Most sincerely, Daniel Parks
QUOTE: Originally posted by trainjunky29 Dear LimitedClear, The first ammendment also, by default replies to state and local laws. Of course, you are right, common sense should always be followed. PEOPLE, ALWAYS BE CALM, POLITE, and USE COMMON SENSE. Sincerely, Daniel Parks
QUOTE: Originally posted by TheAntiGates QUOTE: Originally posted by Limitedclear So think about that the next time you want to take a photo of a railroad employee. LC The amazing thing about this conversation is that the ones bellyaching the most defiantly are also the ones to have had unpleasant encounters with the railroads, Coincidence? I suspect not... [;)]
QUOTE: Originally posted by Limitedclear So think about that the next time you want to take a photo of a railroad employee. LC
QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon I prefer the Book of Armaments 1:1.... If thou cannot reason with thy foe, use all reasonable means and then some, to smite him into the ground.
QUOTE: Originally posted by mudchicken QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon I prefer the Book of Armaments 1:1.... If thou cannot reason with thy foe, use all reasonable means and then some, to smite him into the ground. Think I saw in the footnotes a referral to "A Smith & Wesson trumps four aces"....I am so-ooooo not worthy! Kudos Dan! [bow][bow][bow]
QUOTE: Originally posted by Junctionfan Don't you need a restraining order of some sort in order to enforce no photography rules of private property from public property? Also, if you are to pleed that you are immune some how of being prosecuted for taking pictures, don't you have to be a licenced journalist/ press in order for that excuse to work?
QUOTE: Originally posted by rgroeling I am just wondering, why do some railroaders (not all of them, some) get so mad when you take pics of their train..
QUOTE: Originally posted by TheAntiGates QUOTE: Originally posted by rgroeling I am just wondering, why do some railroaders (not all of them, some) get so mad when you take pics of their train.. Maybe they are ashamed, because they have lowest seniority and always get stuck with the creaky old EMD's cause the senior guys always grab the GE's for themselves?... [}:)] But, my personal bet is that they are not mad about the photos, they are mad about the snotty, defiant attitudes of the photographer telling them what the score is.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Mookie QUOTE: Originally posted by Murphy Siding QUOTE: Originally posted by Mookie Let me see if I am following this: As a railfan, I need to be sure Millie is packed with a camera, no film, peek in no windows, except bathroom ones and only with one eye, carry an unarmed armament, a bible and be sure my lawyer is with me at all times! I think I got it - and just in time for this weekend's train watching! Mook Is Millie the name of your car? Yes - we have two - and rather than say old or new - I just named her. It is a Buick Century - hence the name Millenium "Millie".....
Thanks to Chris / CopCarSS for my avatar.
QUOTE: Originally posted by NARguy OK. It's time to lock this one and move on. Bergie?
QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon QUOTE: Originally posted by TheAntiGates QUOTE: Originally posted by Limitedclear So think about that the next time you want to take a photo of a railroad employee. LC The amazing thing about this conversation is that the ones bellyaching the most defiantly are also the ones to have had unpleasant encounters with the railroads, Coincidence? I suspect not... [;)] and teens for the most part.....oh to be half as smart as I was then.....
23 17 46 11
QUOTE: Originally posted by edblysard I failed to see that between the black and white of my then narrow and limited experiences that the world was really full of a lot, and I mean a lot, of gray. Now, 30 years later, I have something I didn’t have as an 18 year old, the ability to see in gray, and to place myself in the position of another person, and try to see things as they would, whether I agree with them or not. Ed
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