Flat Wheel Cafe/Diner/CS: 1st Quarter for 2011

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Posted by AgentKid on Sunday, February 6, 2011 3:29 PM

"Hello football fans in the United States and Canada, this is your Fox broadcast of Super Bowl in the USA."

I'm paraphrasing the opening that used to be made by the first man to broadcast a Hockey game on radio and used until recent times if not still on CBC-TV broadcasts. His name was Foster Hewitt and there is still some controversy about whether he broadcast the first ever professional sports event, before the US announcer who did the first US football game.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.Tthe lousy weather I reported last night has now turned into a Snowfall Warning. We are expecting 3 to 6 inches of snow starting later this afternoon and continuing into Monday. Currently it is 11°, with a E wind at 7 mph giving us a windchill of 1°. It is only going downhill from here.

I see where the CP line in the Rogers Pass has dodged the avalanches that hit the highway, so that is good.

Enjoy the Super Bowl everyone.



So shovel the coal, let this rattler roll.

"A Train is a Place Going Somewhere"  CP Rail Public Timetable

"O. S. Irricana"

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Posted by rvos1979 on Sunday, February 6, 2011 12:01 PM

Apparently, the weather people forgot to look out the window this morning, the inch of snow we were forecast to get at 7am turned into a 4 to 6 inch at 11am.  Snowing steady all morning, will probably have to use 4wd when I head over to mom and dads later today for dinner and game.

Otherwise, working on cars again, installing more wire grabs on some, and putting others together.  I've got a feeling that after I move into the house and set up a paint booth, will be busy doing weathering and decaling of a lot of cars......

Have a hospital appointment tomorrow morning, nothing major, just a routine echo-cardiogram to keep an eye on a de-formed valve in my heart.  After that, will get taxes done so we can get started on the home loan application, so we can buy the house come spring......

See everyone later.....

Randy Vos

"Ever have one of those days where you couldn't hit the ground with your hat??" - Waylon Jennings

"May the Lord take a liking to you and blow you up, real good" - SCTV

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Posted by Modelcar on Sunday, February 6, 2011 8:53 AM

......Thank you all, we're trying to cope and get origanized.  Just hope the forecasters are closer to be correct today than they were yesterday.

To be much lighter {snow}, today than that system that kept dumping it on us....I'm changing yesterdays snow to at least 4", and it certainly made it difficult to get to where we needed to go....Seemed to catch the maintenance people too.....We're just about up to melting temp now.  I sure hope it does some of that today.   Don't like that heavy wet snow / ice buildup on people's roofs.  Including mine.

Thankfully, several years ago when we had our house reroofed, they took off the "two" layers that were on and of course we have just the new 30 yr. stuff on now....Reduced weight with just one layer.

See on TV areas have snowblowers up on flat roofs trying to reduce weight....Good idea.

Must do this one day at a time here.


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Posted by spokyone on Sunday, February 6, 2011 8:24 AM

We had about 1" of snow overnight. No problem. The pastor wants everyone to wear a sports jersey this morning.  Barbara & I have our RAMS jerseys. So that will work.As I am typing this, I heard the pastor hurt his back pushing a stuck car.

The other day an elderly lady fell on the ice over at the housing authority. She appeared to be uninjured, but could not get up. I was surprised that I was able to lift her to her feet. Barbara says that I am sure-footed. I said, "OK, but don't call me an old goat."

Go Big Ben

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Posted by JoeKoh on Sunday, February 6, 2011 7:07 AM

good morning

cw thanks for breakfast.not a good morning for NS in Arcadia ohio on the nkp line.68 K jumped the tracks .It is an ethanol train with a fire and evacuations.Our church is cancelled for today.Going to go see what csx is running for a bit then come home and watch basketball.Dan I am hoping for a packers win but pittsburgh might steal this one.

stay safe


Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by cherokee woman on Sunday, February 6, 2011 5:51 AM

Good Sunday morning everyone.  Quentin, I'm sorry to hear about Jean's fall.  Hope you both will do all right, and have no problems healing.

Dan, that just means you truly love and care about them, to miss them so. 

Current temp here in Louisville is 32 degrees, going for a high of about 45 degrees today.  That will be very nice!!

Coffee, juices and other morning beverages are fresh and ready to go, including hot water for tea, and hot cocoa this morning.  Mudchicken, have plenty of hot cider for you and anyone else who wants a cup.

On the serving station this morning:  pancakes, waffles, cinnamon rolls, bacon & eggs.

Getting Pork Chop Abracadbra ready to go into the Crock Pot for our Sunday Dinner.  Also going to fix some Italian spaghetti w/garlic Texas toast and fix a fresh tossed salad, or you can have Caesar salad.  Pork chops should be ready by about 2:30, and the spaghetti should be ready about 5:30, 6:00 p.m. 

Everyone have a good day, keep safe, and see you all later.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by CNW 6000 on Saturday, February 5, 2011 10:30 PM

I hope Jean recovers quickly, fully, and can avoid further gravitational experiments.  Ma Earth is usually the winner AFAIK.  Hopefully the hips are nothing more than bruised!

I was in TX attending the LiveStrong National Assembly.  My YMCA is one of the first 40 YMCA's globally to be offering the LiveStrong at the Y program.  It was a learning & sharing session.  Some truly inspirational and touching stories.  I am truly blessed and grateful that I was invited to be a part of the program. 

Finally back home...I missed my lil' guy and wife so much it was crazy. 


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Posted by AgentKid on Saturday, February 5, 2011 10:26 PM

Quentin, my goodness. I am very sorry to hear of your wife's injury. I took a fall last winter and broke bones in two fingers. Not pleasant at all.

I only came to the computer to check the weather and I read about the trouble with Quentin. It didn't snow much, but the weather is lousy. 20° with a N 25 mph wind giving us a windchill of 3°.

It was a good night to stay indoors. I watched the Canadian Junior Girls (under 20) Curling Championship. The Boys Championship is on the TV tomorrow. 9 of the 11 teams in the Canadian Womens Championship starting soon are former Junior Champions, so it is a good way to spot teams you will see on the TV for years to come. It was held here in Calgary. Alberta lost to Saskatchewan, and I am glad I decided to not go and see it in person, as I hadn't considered the effects of all those cheering teenagers. Some things are better left to the young.

Like walking on snow covered ice I guess. See everyone tomorrow.



So shovel the coal, let this rattler roll.

"A Train is a Place Going Somewhere"  CP Rail Public Timetable

"O. S. Irricana"

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Posted by Deggesty on Saturday, February 5, 2011 10:00 PM

Quentin, I am sorry to hear about Jean's fall. The damage is bad enough, but from what you wrote, it could have been worse. I do NOT like walking on ice, or snow that may or may not be covering ice. May Jean have a speedy and uneventful recovery.


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Posted by Modelcar on Saturday, February 5, 2011 9:06 PM

Thanks people.....Appreciate the words.  We really don't go out and run just to run in this stuff.  For sure.  The darn ice covered snow we got some days ago, and today with 3.5" plus and it was very wet....Not easy to get to ER.   Just a few miles to Ball Memorial Hosp.

Had to think which veh. to take.....Decided on the's not that good in this stuff, but I am very familiar with how it acts and how to get the most out of it.  The car is AWD, but I've never driven it in this kind of stuf.....Didn't think I should learn this morning.

So...we'll do the routine....Orthopedic Center Monday....Family Dr. next.  He {Dr. in ER}, left arm is wrapped and then a material when wet put in place...{it hardens in position}, and is in a sling.  Wrapped from above the elbow to the fingers.

This area has had an overiding amount of such accidents from this terrible combination of snow / ice on top....


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Posted by tree68 on Saturday, February 5, 2011 8:07 PM

Ouch.  I've seen too many such injuries, and getting older doesn't make it any easier to heal.

Trip down to the railroad shop was pretty good this AM - nice dry roads, etc.

Work session was productive - cleared several of the "to do" items.

Trip back was a royal pain - rain for the first 20 miles, then heavy snow for the other 75.  Thank goodness for the snowbanks at the sides of the roads - sometimes that was my only guidance as even the tracks of the previous motorist had been covered up.

After I got home, NWS put out a winter storm warning.  As long as it clears up in time for that benefit spaghetti dinner that's scheduled for tomorrow afternoon...

Time for bed.

Resident Microferroequinologist (at least at my house) 
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Posted by locomutt on Saturday, February 5, 2011 8:03 PM

Quentin, Very Sorry to hear about that, hope Jean recovers well. And hope you are doing O.K. after your tumble; You guys take care and try to avoid any more things like that in this crazy weather!

Being Crazy,keeps you from going "INSANE" !! "The light at the end of the tunnel,has been turned off due to budget cuts" NOT AFRAID A Vet., and PROUD OF IT!!

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, February 5, 2011 8:03 PM

Oh wow Quentin....Very sorry to hear that.  First you fell and now your wife!

You guys take it easy.  And please be careful in that snow and ice if you absolutely have to go outside.

Regards and good wishes to both of you.

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Posted by Modelcar on Saturday, February 5, 2011 7:24 PM

....We were forecast to see 1 to 3 today, but we certainly hit the high mark....right away this morning.  More than 3.

Jean fell {still have that nasty ice on snow,etc....}, she was outside making sure the pup came back in, and fell...!  Yep, broken wrist bones....Not broken apart, but broken..

Long story shorten:  Trip to ER this morning in this "nice" weather condition and after some hours, and a bite to eat, finally make it back home, but with all the snow, and the snow plow had just gone by on our street, hence across the driveway, this time I couldn't make it up to get in the garage.

Several tries later, and so on.....Got truck off the street, and part way up the driveway and managed to get Jean in the house.

A short time later, to young fellows with a snow blower and shovel, came by and I put them to work....and moved the truck, so they could get that part cleared too.....Then, it was a matter of driving up the slight incline and into the garage.

She took a pretty nasty fall with other parts bruised, etc....So one day at a time here now.

More snow we really don't need, but we may get some more later tomorrow evening.....and possibly some on Monday.

No Church...and many other gatherings, etc....canelled in this area.  Of course we certainly would not have tried to do Church....must get our ducks in a row here and to one day at a time.


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Posted by cherokee woman on Saturday, February 5, 2011 4:56 PM

Here's our Saturday Night Pizza Fest menu for tonight:

1.  Anchovie

2.  Canadian bacon

3.  Cheese

4.  Chicago style

5.  Goetta

6.  Hawaiian

7.  Pepperoni/mushroom

8.  Italian Sausage

9.  Supreme

There's also some peach cobbler and chocolate cake for dessert.

Well, Walt and I did make it to the Train Show.  Neither of us were pleased with it at all.  The train layouts were so-so, nothing spectacular.  I bought one thing:  an L&N t-shirt, and Walt bought a couple of switch keys.  By the time we decided to give it up, and come home, it was starting to snow.  So far, nothing has stuck, and it seems to have quit snowing, at least for now. 

Everyone enjoy your evening, and take care.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by JoeKoh on Saturday, February 5, 2011 4:10 PM

still snowing here in nw ohio.mookie we'll like seeing those coal trains if they can get through.Q509 was stuck in the defiance yard waiting for a recrew.will take a pepperoni and mushroom pizza for tonight please.

stay safe


Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by Mookie on Saturday, February 5, 2011 2:00 PM

We were out this am.  Coal running like mad to the east.  Grain to the south.  All is well in BNSF land

It was raining.  33 and rain isn't what I really want.  About 60 and rain would be better.  Dan - why are you so far south?  Trying to migrate a little late aren't you?

Oklahoma and Texas - what a mess.  When I spent a year there in '65 the average snow was 3 inches a year.  Not sure what happened inbetween.  Maybe some kind of change?  Mischief  I still think Nebraska will become the vacation spot of the US.  Winters not too bad; summers getting better heat-wise.  Spring exciting and fall - well some of the best color/football/noise of the whole year. 

Tom - you are just not having the time of your life, are you.  Hope you start feeling better with the advent of spring.  At least I think spring is coming. 

She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by AgentKid on Saturday, February 5, 2011 10:32 AM

Well, the Chinook has ended. This morning it is 33° with a NNW wind of 16 gusting to 24 mph with snow for the rest of the day. Windchill is 21°. A typical Calgary winter, two days of Chinook, followed by five days of winter

Dan, I had thought maybe you were in Texas to see the Super Bowl, but I see you are heading home. From what we read in the news here it would have been better to play it in a location that is used to having snow. Sounds like they are going to have more trouble getting people to the game. After they are inside at least then everything should be OK.

There are more avalanches and highway closures in the Rogers Pass west of us, but so far no talk of rail line blockages.

Going to rest up today after all the errands I ran yesterday.



So shovel the coal, let this rattler roll.

"A Train is a Place Going Somewhere"  CP Rail Public Timetable

"O. S. Irricana"

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Posted by CNW 6000 on Saturday, February 5, 2011 8:28 AM

Good morning from Austin, TX.  Limited internet connectivity has precluded me from doing much on here but I will say this: I can't wait to get back home.  It's been a long 4 days and, yes, I miss snow!  I'll grab a light breakfast and get ready to head to the airport. 


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Posted by rvos1979 on Saturday, February 5, 2011 8:21 AM

Mookie:  I have been on ice, and it's not fun, I stay off of it when I can, even packed snow can be just as slippery, as I found out last winter on a trip to Maine.  The trick is to go very slow, and not make any sudden moves.  Of course, most four-wheelers don't understand this......

At home now, relaxing.  Not much planned for today, other than putting car storage carrier number four together, and filling it up.

Well, breakfast is ready, see everyone later.....

Randy Vos

"Ever have one of those days where you couldn't hit the ground with your hat??" - Waylon Jennings

"May the Lord take a liking to you and blow you up, real good" - SCTV

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Posted by JoeKoh on Saturday, February 5, 2011 7:07 AM

good morning

guessers say 1-3 inches of new snow today.Things look interesting for the super bowl fans in dallas.Those fans from the teams in the super bowl are used to the cold snowy weather.Going to take matt to his swimming lessons then see what CSX has coming by.Will be back for pizza.

stay safe


Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by cherokee woman on Saturday, February 5, 2011 6:37 AM

Good Saturday morning everyone.  Current temp here in Louisville is around 33 degrees, and woke up to light rain falling.  The guessers now say the snow will be light, and won't be in here until mid morning/early afternoon.  Predicted snow total:  less than an inch.  Think I'll see what we do get later. 

Walt and I are anxiously awaiting going to the Train Show.  Sarah got called in to work this morning, so she won't be able to go with us. 

Coffee, juices and other morning beverages are fresh and ready to go.  Saturday brunch is on the serving station, ranging from fresh fruits to biscuits & gravy, fried ham, bacon, sausage, pancakes, waffles and all the rest.

Tom, sorry to hear that you've been back in the hospital!  But, glad to hear you are back home!!  Take care of yourself, okay?

Everyone enjoy your day, keep safe and see you all this evening for our pizza fest.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by grampaw pettibone on Saturday, February 5, 2011 12:46 AM

Well, I am back after another stay in the hospital with the kidney stone. Turns out Obama sez I gotta pay for this stay cause I didn't wait for 30 days since the last stay. Don't ask my opine of his majesty....

We missed the big storm, but got some rain and wind, and tonight, it is 39 and raining like mad right now. The girls refuse to go out in it, which makes life interesting, to say the least.

Take care




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A contentious woman is like a constant dripping! (Solomon)

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Posted by Mookie on Friday, February 4, 2011 10:10 PM

They seem to run their freight later in the pm so they stay out of the way of the passenger (commuter) trains. 

I have seen several ambulances but over a period of a long time watching.  Have yet to see a fire truck, tho.  Their main drag is the one that crosses the tracks.  Actually saw one a day or so ago that got there just as the train was almost thru the xing.  Only had to wait a few seconds. 

Hobby had dinner in the nest cam about 4-5 pm their time.  Not sure what it was but it seemed to be tasty.  Ugh!

She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by tree68 on Friday, February 4, 2011 8:04 PM

Word of the day in Mierlo-Hout seems to be "freight."  I've had the cam on in the background for the past couple of hours or so (it's 3 AM there right now) and have seen two or three passenger trains - and a good half dozen freights.

And what appeared to be an ambulance, running lights and siren across the crossing.

I've heard sirens a couple of times before, but never an emergency vehicle itself.

Resident Microferroequinologist (at least at my house) 
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Posted by tree68 on Friday, February 4, 2011 6:19 PM

Fire department has a new toy, which I mounted in our Rescue truck today - a thermal imaging camera.  Sees heat, not light, so you can "see" in the dark, through smoke, etc. 

While I was working on that we got dispatched for an auto accident.  Turns out it was almost a bad one - drive had apparently blacked out.  His wife was able to grab the wheel and avoid a nasty head-on collision.  Instead they ended up in the snow at the side of the road, about 40 feet off the edge of the road.

Off to the railroad tomorrow.  Not sure what I'll be doing for sure, but it'll be work regardless.

Sunday it's a benefit for the family that lost their house to a fire at the beginning of the year.

Resident Microferroequinologist (at least at my house) 
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There's one thing about humility - the moment you think you've got it, you've lost it...

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Posted by AgentKid on Friday, February 4, 2011 2:04 PM

Well, for the second day in a row we have exceeded our forecasted daytime high. It is now 48° with a strong Chinook wind blowing from the west.

I have been having to do all of my computer work on this computer except receive my e-mail, which I have to do on my laptop. One thing led to another yesterday, and this morning I was faced with 81 messages, and none of them spam.

I've still got a lot to do before supper so I will have to run.




So shovel the coal, let this rattler roll.

"A Train is a Place Going Somewhere"  CP Rail Public Timetable

"O. S. Irricana"

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Posted by cherokee woman on Friday, February 4, 2011 11:45 AM

Mookie, glad you able to get out in the sunshine today!  Right now, we have nice sunshine showing out the window.  Don't remember which night the weather guessers said, but we are to have at least one night with the temp dropping down to 5 degrees.  About the time we leave for the Train Show tomorrow, the rain/snow mix should be tapering off to plain ole snow.  Predicting 1 to 3 inches of snow for our area.

Our Friday Fish Fry is now under way: 

FISH:  Cod, Perch, Salmon, Talapia, Haddock, Halibut, Flounder

SIDE DISHES:  Baked beans, cole slaw, fries, cornbread, hush puppies, corn on the cob, breaded fried mushrooms

DESSERTS:  Pies:  apple, blueberry, pecan; Cobblers:  Peach and cherry

Everyone keep warm, have a good afternoon, and take care.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by JoeKoh on Friday, February 4, 2011 9:54 AM


matt was on time and on the bus.have been out enjoying the sunshine.Mamma and I are going to find somewhere for lunch.We saw csx and the maw busy switching in the yards.Csx has alot of cars to pick up from the maw.Maybe if I say pretty please we can have lunch near FC.Hope everyone keeps warm.

stay safe


Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, February 4, 2011 8:51 AM

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