QUOTE: Originally posted by santafefan i think clubs serve a purpose, however i do not belong to one. there are several clubs in my area (massachusetts) but i have opted to stick with a small round robin group of several people. we all have a certain amount of experience in different areas of the hobby. this arrangement is fine for all of us for several reasons. we meet oce every week at a differant house to operate that layout. if it is your turn to host a operating session, you supply some basic refresments and direct the operation. we generally meet more often in winter. but if there is a shortage of operators we will help the host do some maintainence on his layout., that way the session is not wasted. this system has worked for us for several years. we occasionally open our layouts to the public via local hobby shop advertiseing. this helps foster the hobby to newcomers by giving them a look at fully funtional layouts. none of us like the structure of club operation nor do we have to deal with commitees that decide what the next project is . we all work on our own layouts individually but if there is a problem on a particular layout we pool our resources to solve the problem
QUOTE: Originally posted by groosa I am looking for a club within a reasonable distance from Lady Lake, Florida. We will be re-locating there in October/November. I am interested in HO scale. Jerry
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
Brought to you by the letters C.P.R. as well as D&H!
K1a - all the way
Have fun with your trains