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Model Railroader
General Discussion (Model Railroader)
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Member since
February 2001
From: Poconos, PA
3,948 posts
Posted by
on Monday, September 1, 2003 11:23 AM
I've been a member of several model railroad clubs since my early teens. One thing that vexes many clubs is the problem of young members, such as how young do you let them join. There's always the debate of are we nurturing a budding young model railroader, or are we a glorified baby sitting service? The club I am presently in has solved this by having no lower age limit, but anyone under 14 wishing to join must be sponsored by a full adult member. In almost all cases this has been a relative, and the youth can only be at the club when the sponsoring member is is there, establishing a responsible adult for that youth. As said in messages above, the experience is frustrating, informative and rewarding all at once, and I'm glad I didn't miss it.
Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to. Chief of Sanitation; Clowntown
Member since
December 2002
From: US
725 posts
Posted by
on Monday, September 1, 2003 12:58 AM
gwjordan1950, send me an email at puckdropper@fastmail.fm... I'm curious about model railroad stuff in Ft. Wayne.
I'm a moderator of thehoscalemodelrailroadclub (The HO Scale Model Railroad Club) on Yahoo! Groups. The only policy we have is an anti-spam policy. It's primary (and stated) purpose was to protect the members and assist any legitimate businesses that wi***o visi the club. There's a picture of my F units (my babbies) in the photo gallery. More work to be done on those!
Member since
December 2002
From: US
725 posts
Posted by
on Monday, September 1, 2003 12:58 AM
gwjordan1950, send me an email at puckdropper@fastmail.fm... I'm curious about model railroad stuff in Ft. Wayne.
I'm a moderator of thehoscalemodelrailroadclub (The HO Scale Model Railroad Club) on Yahoo! Groups. The only policy we have is an anti-spam policy. It's primary (and stated) purpose was to protect the members and assist any legitimate businesses that wi***o visi the club. There's a picture of my F units (my babbies) in the photo gallery. More work to be done on those!
Member since
August 2003
From: Las Vegas
8 posts
Posted by
on Sunday, August 31, 2003 7:25 PM
If time permits and interest/needs are a reasonable match, I do recommend them. I currently have neither.
Member since
August 2003
From: Las Vegas
8 posts
Posted by
on Sunday, August 31, 2003 7:25 PM
If time permits and interest/needs are a reasonable match, I do recommend them. I currently have neither.
Member since
July 2003
From: Whitby, ON
2,594 posts
Posted by
on Saturday, August 30, 2003 11:13 PM
I used to be part of a club. It was great, no ego's or politics. Everyone was just there to run trains & build the layout.
The reason I'm not with them anymore is I moved from the area. It's a 3 hour drive now & they met during the week.
The clubs around me seem to be too uptight & have too many rules.
Not for me thanks
Brought to you by the letters C.P.R. as well as D&H!
K1a - all the way
Member since
July 2003
From: Whitby, ON
2,594 posts
Posted by
on Saturday, August 30, 2003 11:13 PM
I used to be part of a club. It was great, no ego's or politics. Everyone was just there to run trains & build the layout.
The reason I'm not with them anymore is I moved from the area. It's a 3 hour drive now & they met during the week.
The clubs around me seem to be too uptight & have too many rules.
Not for me thanks
Brought to you by the letters C.P.R. as well as D&H!
K1a - all the way
Member since
May 2003
From: CA
170 posts
Posted by
on Saturday, August 30, 2003 10:18 PM
I have to agree with Trainwreck2, I'm very much a Lone Wolf Modeler. What with family and workplace obligations its difficult to make the commitment to attend meetings, go to trainshows, pay dues, exhibit layouts etc. I'm sure that being in a club has many advantages but being able to do things at my own speed and my own way wins out.
Hillsburgh On
Member since
May 2003
From: CA
170 posts
Posted by
on Saturday, August 30, 2003 10:18 PM
I have to agree with Trainwreck2, I'm very much a Lone Wolf Modeler. What with family and workplace obligations its difficult to make the commitment to attend meetings, go to trainshows, pay dues, exhibit layouts etc. I'm sure that being in a club has many advantages but being able to do things at my own speed and my own way wins out.
Hillsburgh On
Member since
April 2003
305,205 posts
Posted by
on Saturday, August 30, 2003 5:24 PM
I've been a member of the Model Railroad Club of Toronto (O scale) since March 1999. It was one of the best things that I've done! At that time, my military commitments were over and I now had my evenings free. I was undecided if I would finish building my long dreamed of Hi Rail layout, go back to modelling in HO scale or move into O scale. A few visits to the club convinced me that 2 rail O scale was for me.
Although I've had a life-long interest in trains and have had layouts in various stages of construction, I've never been what could be considered an experienced modeller. At the club I've had the benefit others members experience, the opportunity to observe, practice and learn building techniques, especially doing hand-laid track and companionship. Our club has the very minimum of "politics". Members want to build trains and to operate them in a realistic manner, not argue.
In short, I can't say enough positive things about being a club member and have no hesitation in recommending club membership to other modellers, especially those who want to learn and improve the modelling abilities.
Larry Barwick
Member since
April 2003
305,205 posts
Posted by
on Saturday, August 30, 2003 5:24 PM
I've been a member of the Model Railroad Club of Toronto (O scale) since March 1999. It was one of the best things that I've done! At that time, my military commitments were over and I now had my evenings free. I was undecided if I would finish building my long dreamed of Hi Rail layout, go back to modelling in HO scale or move into O scale. A few visits to the club convinced me that 2 rail O scale was for me.
Although I've had a life-long interest in trains and have had layouts in various stages of construction, I've never been what could be considered an experienced modeller. At the club I've had the benefit others members experience, the opportunity to observe, practice and learn building techniques, especially doing hand-laid track and companionship. Our club has the very minimum of "politics". Members want to build trains and to operate them in a realistic manner, not argue.
In short, I can't say enough positive things about being a club member and have no hesitation in recommending club membership to other modellers, especially those who want to learn and improve the modelling abilities.
Larry Barwick
Member since
April 2003
305,205 posts
Posted by
on Saturday, August 30, 2003 8:09 AM
the reasons I like this hobby so much is I can go in my train room and do my thing, ,play with the trains , build something, whatever. Dont have to have 3 other people, or a quarum, or a foursome. I can do what I want when I want, no meetings to worry about attending.
So, no clubs no, NMRA for me.
Member since
April 2003
305,205 posts
Posted by
on Saturday, August 30, 2003 8:09 AM
the reasons I like this hobby so much is I can go in my train room and do my thing, ,play with the trains , build something, whatever. Dont have to have 3 other people, or a quarum, or a foursome. I can do what I want when I want, no meetings to worry about attending.
So, no clubs no, NMRA for me.
Member since
August 2003
From: vancouver island
11 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 11:36 PM
i'm happy with the club i belong to...the vancouver island garden railway club..good people..very loose travel to different houses, good ideas,good help if needed..keep the rails shiney!!!
Member since
August 2003
From: vancouver island
11 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 11:36 PM
i'm happy with the club i belong to...the vancouver island garden railway club..good people..very loose travel to different houses, good ideas,good help if needed..keep the rails shiney!!!
Member since
December 2002
From: NW Ohio
37 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 11:01 PM
I was a member and past pres. several times from 1986 to 1999 when it disbanded. This was an O-Scale club. While I was in this club I got to be good friends with the ho scale club in Ft.Wayne. I have sinced then joined the club and now am the V-P of it. It's the best time that I've had for a long time. We got to other clubs and have op. sesions. We also have swap meets twice a year as a fund raiser for our club. Our dues are $10.00 a Mo. Here is the info. on the up coming swap if anyone would like to attend. It will be on Oct. 18th,from 10:00 till 3:00pm.Ind. time. It will be held at the Fair building in Grabil, In. Grabil is, just NE of Ft.wayne on St. Rt. 1 to Leo, then turnon Grabil road into Grabil. The Fair building is just South of the bank. Their will be a small cover charge to get in. Please feel free to attend as their will be operating layouts there to observe as well as the vendors with their waresto sell. Gale Jordan, V-P. Maumee Valley R.R. Club.
Member since
December 2002
From: NW Ohio
37 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 11:01 PM
I was a member and past pres. several times from 1986 to 1999 when it disbanded. This was an O-Scale club. While I was in this club I got to be good friends with the ho scale club in Ft.Wayne. I have sinced then joined the club and now am the V-P of it. It's the best time that I've had for a long time. We got to other clubs and have op. sesions. We also have swap meets twice a year as a fund raiser for our club. Our dues are $10.00 a Mo. Here is the info. on the up coming swap if anyone would like to attend. It will be on Oct. 18th,from 10:00 till 3:00pm.Ind. time. It will be held at the Fair building in Grabil, In. Grabil is, just NE of Ft.wayne on St. Rt. 1 to Leo, then turnon Grabil road into Grabil. The Fair building is just South of the bank. Their will be a small cover charge to get in. Please feel free to attend as their will be operating layouts there to observe as well as the vendors with their waresto sell. Gale Jordan, V-P. Maumee Valley R.R. Club.
Member since
April 2003
305,205 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 11:00 PM
been a member of one club for about 5 years and then joined three others to be active in more scales . One club, the Baltimore Area American Flyer club, is the most fun. We have no elected officers. One dedicated charter member handles all the club activity arrangements and sends out a monthly news letter. We have a traveling modular layout which takes two hours to set up, no matter how large, and about a half an hour to tear down so the work level is not excessive. Have 20 plus active members who are at most meets and meetings and probably another 30 who come now and again as time alows. We just like being together and running trains for the public whether at a train show or nursing home or childrens hospital or wherever. Club has no dues if you don't count the self addressed stamped envelopes you provide tor the news letter mailing. S guage is great. Also I run large scale trains at the Sykesville and Patapsco RR INC. G guage is becoming my favorite as my eyes get older. That layout is set up in an old signal tower in the town of Sykesville MD and run the first sunday of every month and open to the public from 1 to 4 in the afternoon. Stop by if you want to find out what being a club member is all about. We run all scales but Z so far. What you will need is a tolerant significant other like I have to be truely involved with running trains regularly, but you can always set your own level of involvement and still enjoy belonging. Great bunch of people with one purpose. Just to enjoy model trains and being able to show off for the public every time you run them.
Member since
April 2003
305,205 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 11:00 PM
been a member of one club for about 5 years and then joined three others to be active in more scales . One club, the Baltimore Area American Flyer club, is the most fun. We have no elected officers. One dedicated charter member handles all the club activity arrangements and sends out a monthly news letter. We have a traveling modular layout which takes two hours to set up, no matter how large, and about a half an hour to tear down so the work level is not excessive. Have 20 plus active members who are at most meets and meetings and probably another 30 who come now and again as time alows. We just like being together and running trains for the public whether at a train show or nursing home or childrens hospital or wherever. Club has no dues if you don't count the self addressed stamped envelopes you provide tor the news letter mailing. S guage is great. Also I run large scale trains at the Sykesville and Patapsco RR INC. G guage is becoming my favorite as my eyes get older. That layout is set up in an old signal tower in the town of Sykesville MD and run the first sunday of every month and open to the public from 1 to 4 in the afternoon. Stop by if you want to find out what being a club member is all about. We run all scales but Z so far. What you will need is a tolerant significant other like I have to be truely involved with running trains regularly, but you can always set your own level of involvement and still enjoy belonging. Great bunch of people with one purpose. Just to enjoy model trains and being able to show off for the public every time you run them.
Member since
April 2001
From: Southern Indiana
17 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 2:37 PM
I have been a member of the Kentuckiana Society of N-Scalers (KSONS) for over 20 years now . We are an NTRAK modular club. We all have egos, we all like N-Scale trains, we don't take ourselves too serious, and we all agree "THAT THIS IS FUN, THE MINUTE IT STOPS BEING FUN, WE WILL BREAK UP THE CLUB!!!"
Maybe clubs are not for everyone, but you will never know untill you belong to a club.
Honest Dear.....These Little Trains Don't Cost Near As Much As Those Big HO Trains!! Mark
Member since
April 2001
From: Southern Indiana
17 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 2:37 PM
I have been a member of the Kentuckiana Society of N-Scalers (KSONS) for over 20 years now . We are an NTRAK modular club. We all have egos, we all like N-Scale trains, we don't take ourselves too serious, and we all agree "THAT THIS IS FUN, THE MINUTE IT STOPS BEING FUN, WE WILL BREAK UP THE CLUB!!!"
Maybe clubs are not for everyone, but you will never know untill you belong to a club.
Honest Dear.....These Little Trains Don't Cost Near As Much As Those Big HO Trains!! Mark
Member since
April 2003
305,205 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 11:23 AM
I am member of Kalmar Modell Railroad Club. The layout we build is H0. We are meeting twice a week for building, driving or just talking trains. We are celebraiting 25 years the 4th of October, so if you are in Sweden that date you are most welcome to visit us.
Member since
April 2003
305,205 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 11:23 AM
I am member of Kalmar Modell Railroad Club. The layout we build is H0. We are meeting twice a week for building, driving or just talking trains. We are celebraiting 25 years the 4th of October, so if you are in Sweden that date you are most welcome to visit us.
Member since
March 2001
From: US
88 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 10:25 AM
The club experience greatly expands what I can do in Model Railroading and gives me the energy to continue my enthusiasm for the hobby. Besides, there is the mixing with guys from many different backgrounds and the total absorption in doing something much different that our usual day to day occupations.
The only problem we've had is the need to move our layout every so often as conditions and finances change. Needless to say, we have become more expert at rebuilding than at operating as a result.
Member since
March 2001
From: US
88 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 10:25 AM
The club experience greatly expands what I can do in Model Railroading and gives me the energy to continue my enthusiasm for the hobby. Besides, there is the mixing with guys from many different backgrounds and the total absorption in doing something much different that our usual day to day occupations.
The only problem we've had is the need to move our layout every so often as conditions and finances change. Needless to say, we have become more expert at rebuilding than at operating as a result.
Member since
April 2003
305,205 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 7:34 AM
Made inquiries about joining my local club several times over five years, but they were not covering my area of interest, ie SP California, Oregon. Maybe I'm too far away (Australia) to
find many local SP enthusiasts
Member since
April 2003
305,205 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 7:34 AM
Made inquiries about joining my local club several times over five years, but they were not covering my area of interest, ie SP California, Oregon. Maybe I'm too far away (Australia) to
find many local SP enthusiasts
Member since
January 2001
From: US
1,774 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 6:47 AM
I have been a member of the Clarion MRR club for 20 years and was there pretty much from the begining. We have survived 2 moves and devastating fire in which we lost over $50,000. But we are down the road 12 years from that now and doing very well.
The membership, which stands at 35, gets along very well and we are rebuilding 4 of our 5 layouts. We have G, O, S HO and N scale plus a hobby shop.
Bob H Clarion, PA
Member since
January 2001
From: US
1,774 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 6:47 AM
I have been a member of the Clarion MRR club for 20 years and was there pretty much from the begining. We have survived 2 moves and devastating fire in which we lost over $50,000. But we are down the road 12 years from that now and doing very well.
The membership, which stands at 35, gets along very well and we are rebuilding 4 of our 5 layouts. We have G, O, S HO and N scale plus a hobby shop.
Bob H Clarion, PA
Member since
August 2003
From: France
240 posts
Posted by
on Friday, August 29, 2003 4:38 AM
I don't belong to any club, as I'm living in France and as I'm modelling North American prototype, that is very rare in my home country (almost all clubs are modelling french/european railroads).
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