QUOTE: Originally posted by Don Gibson SAN ANTONIO ROSA Metal wheelsets roll better because ... The sideframe material actually contributes over 50% of the 'rolling' effectiveness, with engineering plastic's such as Delrin leaving the other's behind. I'ts just EASIER to give credit to magical 'Metal wheels. WHO besides EB (and Lindberg) gives you pure Delrin? I keep one car with EB trucks as a 'standard' to judge other's by. I find KATO trucks and INTERMOUNTAIN cars to be a close enough second. What % is the Intermountain's WHEELS vs the ACETAL sideframes, I cannot say, but the combination sure ROLLS.
QUOTE: Originally posted by jacon12 In the above answers, what is meant by "side frame" and 'axle points' (plastic or otherwise? Thanks, Jacon
QUOTE: Originally posted by wctransfer One thing that peeved me a bit, was when i got a WC boxcar on Ebay, and the truck package wasnt opened, yet was missing a wheel. So i said woopie, i got other ones. Athearn ones that is(plastic BTW) and they didnt fit. It was a Walthers truck. Alec
QUOTE: Originally posted by scubaterry I have on many occasions put a new out of the box car on the track with no modification and have it derail often. Just replacing the plastic wheels with metal often times will stop the derailments. Terry
QUOTE: Originally posted by RoyalOaker I have been switching my cars over to metal wheels. It's funny, With plastic wheels, when I left a car on a spur it would stay there. Now, with the metal wheels, the cars just role down hill, and I didn't even know that I had a hill for them to role down. [:I] I had to re-level my table to prevent this.[:)] I love the click, click sound also. I am not sure about the cleaning part yet, because I have only been using them for a few weeks.
QUOTE: Originally posted by locomotive3 Mondo. We both agree that IM's & Reboxx's are made by the same manufacturer in China and appear almost identical in the packaging , langauge & price except the ball bearing sets. The Reboxx info sheet state"The wheels and axle are brass and blackened to provide a prototypical appearence so I suspect that's the plating that wore off on the IM's.