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Jeffreys Track Side Diner - MARCH, 2019: Upstate New York Locked

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Posted by hon30critter on Monday, March 18, 2019 10:26 PM

Today I'm training at the Y!

I take it that you don't mean that you are lifting weights!Smile, Wink & Grin Way to go Steven!!!Thumbs UpWowYeahBow


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by Bis on Monday, March 18, 2019 10:49 PM

Congratulations on the job Steven 


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Posted by RideOnRoad on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 12:58 AM

. . .Richard Not quite buying what you are selling! If you could keep every materially, famiy and mentally you have now, you would not want to be 18 again? . . .

Nope. I do think I am better qualified to determine my state of mind. 


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Posted by GMTRacing on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 6:09 AM

Good Morning All,

   A regular in a to go cup please Zoe. up to 21F this morning though the sun wasn't up yet so we should be back in the 40's later. 

Garry - Glad your MIL is doing better. Not to be a naysayer, but it all sounds familiar as I went through this with my MIL, aunt and Mom. Hopefully the improvement lasts for a while but.... 

   Got a couple of hours in last night on the service yard. All the zones are isloated from each other now and the drops are in and soldered to the track. With any luck tonight I will get the buss in for the service yard. Getting more ideas together on how a minor service area will look and will tackle that after the wiring is all ok.

     Back to the shop and back at it. We leave for Sebring and Road Atlanta both next week so it's a little busy just now. 

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 10:30 AM

Mornin' folks,

Sittin' here at the computer getting caught up on a bunch of printing for the Lakeshores Division NMRA Meet this coming Saturday at RIT.  Just ran out of Cyan Ink so that will be a trip to Staples for a cartridge or two.  have a couple of all the others in stock.  Usually buy my ink in bulk to get a good price on it.  I print several thousands of pages every year....

. . .Richard Not quite buying what you are selling! If you could keep every materially, famiy and mentally you have now, you would not want to be 18 again? . . .

Nope. I do think I am better qualified to determine my state of mind. 

I can tell you I have a lot better idea of what I want in life at 72 than what I thought I wanted when I was 18.....  Life is a lot more complex than what I thought it was back then.  I know I am capable of understanding it all much better now and finding time to enjoy it more this time around...  I think I might a much better man for some sweet lady now.... Smile, Wink & Grin

My kitty Manét has a vet appt. tomorrow.  I fear that she will tell me it is time to say goodbye to the little sweety.........  He is now acting more stressed and just not himself.  So we shall see.  She may say give him a few more weeks, she may not.  The lump has almost doubled in size since a month ago and.........

OK, time for a train ride on the FGLK!  This was a trip from Geneva to Syracuse to the Train Show there back in 2008.  We got on the train at their main yard in Geneva:

One of our locos for the trip:

The passenger cars for us:

Some old Lard-butt fills (to overflowing) a seat:

I weighed in at about 260/270 lbs. back then (instead of the 190 I weigh now). 12

Have a great day out there!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Water Level Route on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 11:13 AM

.. RideOnRoad cudaken . . .Richard Not quite buying what you are selling! If you could keep every materially, famiy and mentally you have now, you would not want to be 18 again? . . . Nope. I do think I am better qualified to determine my state of mind.  I can tell you I have a lot better idea of what I want in life at 72 than what I thought I wanted when I was 18.....  Life is a lot more complex than what I thought it was back then.  I know I am capable of understanding it all much better now and finding time to enjoy it more this time around...  I think I might a much better man for some sweet lady now....

Hmm.  Might be putting words in Ken's mouth, but I think you guys are mistaking what he is saying.  I take Ken's words not as going back and doing it all over again, but to be where you are now, just with an 18 year old's body.  Admittedly, I could be wrong too.  Just never heard of someone saying they prefer their aging body and all the pains and medical issues that come with it over their 18 year old self.  Confused  Then again, maybe I just haven't talked with you guys about it! Laugh


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Posted by RideOnRoad on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 11:23 AM

Water Level Route
. . .I take Ken's words not as going back and doing it all over again, but to be where you are now, just with an 18 year old's body. . .

To me, that is an unrealistic hypothesis, not worth considering. If I am 18, does that mean that I no longer have my grandkids? Does it mean that I am now younger than my 34 YO son? Very Benjamin Button. Either you get to start over at 18 or you get to be your current age. I am content to be 59 (as of today) with a well-maintained body, one typical of someone in their 40's.


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Posted by maxman on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 2:21 PM

Water Level Route
but to be where you are now, just with an 18 year old's body.

Right now I'd be content to be where I am right now except with a 60 year old body.

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Posted by BATMAN on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 3:51 PM

Good afternoon it is 20c and another beautiful sunny day on the edge of the Pacific basin.

It has been going on two months of really dry weather and there have already been some forest fires to contend with. A solid month of rain would bring things back to normal and prevent a lot of devastation. Still, haven't cut the lawn, normally I would have had two or three cuts in by now.

Got a whole lot of yard work done yesterday, plus washed the car, got my two John Deere lawn tractors serviced, had to put a new battery in one of them. Today I have to go pick up a lazy boy loveseat and chair combo so I may pop the top off the truck. I can go get a yard of sand after I have done that.

I wish I could have my body at 18 again, as long as I didn't have to give up my wife and kids. Right now I am incredibly fit. I burn off a 1000 calories in 45 minutes on the bike four times a week and other than my killer Arthritis I am really healthy. 

If I didn't have the wife and kids, I would give up everything material I have for the trade. Though I am really comfortable as far as my living standard goes and I am really fit, my 62-year-old body just can't take the pounding it could 40 years ago. I went through life with ease and found it easy to make all the money I needed for what I wanted to do and then some. I had a plan from when I was in High School and it more or less unfolded along the way I had planned. Sure I had to change course on occasion, but being prepared for these changes is all part of the planning.

When I graduated from High School I felt like I had been released from prison and started my real education putting what I learned into practice along the way. You don't need to go to university to learn, you only need to go to university if you want to go work for somebody else. 

I remember when I was 19 and was doing maintenance at a fourplex I owned, through the window I could hear these two young girls talking and one of them said, "I can hardly wait until I am 16 and then I can get my own welfare cheque". I will never forget hearing that as I thought it was so sad that that was their only goal in life. 

The world is a wondrous place, graduating High School, getting a job at Bob's hardware store, getting married and maybe having kids and living paycheque to paycheque was not for me. Exercising and education are free, why people don't take advantage of those two very beneficial options and make their lives so much better I'll never understand. So ya give me 18 again, I won't be sitting in front of the TV.

I have been watching this You-Tube series about these two guys that fly around the world in a Cessna. I am envious and would be planning to do the same thing if I was 18 again. It is a little slow at first until they actually leave on the trip. Sure puts the travel bug back in you. 

All the best to all.


"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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Posted by mbinsewi on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 3:52 PM

60 would be fine with me, a whole lot different than current 70, and think about the financial chaos that would ensue as far as the medical and insurance industries are concerned, if a whole bunch of us suddenly had bodies that were even 20 years younger.  Talk about a panick!

Our doctors and insurance companies are counting on us getting old,  literaly counting, ca-ching, ca-ching.


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Posted by BigDaddy on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 6:03 PM

think about the financial chaos that would ensue as far as the medical and insurance industries are concerned

That topic was multiple episodes of the science fiction show Torchwood - Miracle Day, a spin off of Dr. Who.  Nobody dies.  It opens with a murderer surviving a lethal injection, being released and becoming a folk hero.  Not entirely logical, but all of the sudden there is a massive problem with terminal cases in the ICU lingering on, yet other people with what would be fatal accidents, completely recover.  The world suddenly becomes massively overpopulated.

60 was a major turning point for me.  At 50 I could pretend I would live to 100.  At 60, you aren't going to live to 120.  You are on the downhill slope.  My father died at 62 and my heart valve almost killed me at 63.

"Youth is wasted on the young" and "If I knew then, what I know now" are common homilies.  I'm not sure why we are arguing about that.  It's never going to happen any more than a Kardashian is going to knock on your door.


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Posted by SeeYou190 on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 7:30 PM

If a Cardassian knocked on my door I would die of terror.






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Posted by gmpullman on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 8:21 PM

If a Cardassian knocked on my door I would die of terror.

Maybe if Kim Kardashian knocked...

Kevin, you have won the MR Forum QuadFecta!

All the recent posts in all four forum categories are your posts Yes Must be some kind of prize for that? PizzaBeer

I must live under a rock, I don't know what a Cardassian is. I'm going to Google it.

Cheers, Ed

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Posted by SeeYou190 on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 8:43 PM

Cardassians are from Star Trek. Originally in Next Generation, but they were a major part of the full-series storyline in Deep Space Nine.


They were a fascinating race that were the ultimate evil bad guys, but they really thought they were the good guys. There were some very well written episodes of DS9 explaining the Cardassian point of view.





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Posted by cudaken on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 10:00 PM

 Eveing Diners

 Flo give the gang and a Beer brewed with the water of the Fountain Of Youth and JR a glass of red wine and leave a stein outside for Ulrich.

 Water Level Route and Brent understand what I was saying. I don't want to be a 18 year old again, just have the body I did when I was 18. Well when I was 25 was my apex of health. 6'3" 220 pounds 34" waist and 19" arms. Woman use to turn around and look at my butt and not laugh. Laugh

 Trains are running well and I have Liver, Onions and Mushrooms waiting for dinner so later folks.


I hate Rust

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Posted by NWP SWP on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 11:50 PM

Hey guys!

Thanks for the congrats!

Today was day two of training, I'm loving working at the Y it's really a nice job!

So I finally worked on that big gon and I've got the underframe right, trying to get imgur to load it up.

Now I've gotta relocate the bolsters, modify the trucks, and install coupler pockets.

I'm going to have to put like a 28" wheelset in the center of the triaxle Buckeye trucks with 36" wheels in the outer positions to prevent the trucks from teetering in curves and derailing, which it does right now with all 36" wheels.

Imgur is taking a while, so I'll post a pic when I can.

On th subject of rich and famous women, did you know that Lady Gagas first car when she got her license around 30 years old was a red 1993 Ford SVO F150 Lightning, this was after she was famous too! So now I can take just a little bit more pride in my ride especially with the ladies, I'll just tell them Lady Gaga drives oneStick out tongue I know this not because of the owner but because of my intrest in OBS Lightnings brought up an article about it recently.


If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough!

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Posted by hon30critter on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 1:25 AM

You don't need to go to university to learn,

Uh, Brent, I seriously disagree with that statement! I went to university to learn! However, I never let my classes interfere with my education!!Smile, Wink & GrinLaughLaughLaughLaugh

Sorry, I'm still a party animal except now I have to have a nap in the afternoon to get ready for the party!LaughLaughLaughLaugh

Seriously, we are having several long time friends here at the end of the month and we have already scheduled an afternoon nap in the middle of the festivities so that we don't fade out too early in the evening. LaughLaughLaugh


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by hon30critter on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 1:30 AM

If a Cardassian knocked on my door I would die of terror.

I'd offer them some moisturizing lotion. Works for me!

Smile, Wink & GrinDave

I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by "JaBear" on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 1:44 AM
Gidday Chloe, a large glass of something cold, please.
Thank you to those who offered their kind thoughts for Christchurch after my last post.

There's a way to post food pictures, and Mr. Steve O has it down.  Now HIS food photos look tasty!”  -Mike.                                                                                             

A semi professional photographer friend has told me that some of the things to make food photos tasty, make the food unfit for human consumption, she wouldn’t elaborate.

Kevins Jambalaya intrigued me so went on line for a recipe, and while I had to substitute the sausage and okra, with chorizo and eggplant. It cleared the sinus and bought a bead of sweat to the forehead.  Not sure how it would stack up against the genuine article but her-in-doors and I enjoyed it, and I’ll cook it again!
Gidday Harrison, I consider have a rather catholic taste in music though it can depend a lot in what mood I’m in, as to what I’ll listen to.
So, here’s Eliza Mary Doyle’s rendition of “Railroad Bill”, hopefully “blues grassy” enough for you…
…and in keeping on the railroad theme, though Not blue grass, from 1977, another Canadian band, Klaatu, “Sub Rosa Subway”. Enjoy!!
TF. I’m not sure what the aeroplane is in the trees, except that it is not a Sopwith Camel. I’m inclined to think that it is a variant, and there were quite afew, of the Royal Aircraft Factory BE 2, though the tail feathers don’t match, in any of the photos I’ve quickly looked at. Early in World War One, the Brits used the Union Jack as the insignia, usually on the bottom wings or the fuselage, so is it in French service? 
Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them.
Cheers, the BearSmile

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by SeeYou190 on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 5:58 AM

Kevin, you have won the MR Forum QuadFecta! All the recent posts in all four forum categories are your posts  Must be some kind of prize for that? 


I just figured out what you meant. I was the most recent contributor to all four catagories. LOL, it was an accident, I was not trying for a prize, but I will accept one!


I rarely post in DCC or History, so this will not happen very often.




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Posted by GMTRacing on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 6:17 AM

Good Morning All,

   21F and a full moon besides this morning. I'll have a regular and a couple of blueberry jelly donuts please Zoe. 

   Good to see the Bear back in the diner.

  New Zealand 350 by J.R. Mitchell, on Flickr" alt="Hobbiton" />

   Here to ya Bear.  Isn't there an airplane museum down towards Wellington with recycled sets from movies? Seem to remember that though we blasted right by it since we were late for the ferry to South Island at the time

   Got the rest of the buss wired up and rechecked the rest of the drops and wiring whilst I was under the layout. Not so bad now - I can actually sit on a low stool and not hit my head on most of it. I'll clean the track and start proving the circuits tonight but it all looks ok to me. Once all that is done, I can ballast the yard. Yippee.

Steven - Nothing wrong with F-150's. Actually I married my wife because she had one. Well not really, but I was impressed it was a 302 with a manual trans. She told me she owned a truck and i figured it would be a lump with automatic and frilly stuff - nope. What really sold me was the first time I went to her house and there were almost a dozen VW Beetles lined up behind the barn. All hers! You just don't find women like that very often. Oh, and we met at machine shop class. She was taking a training course and I was there for night school.

   Well speaking of machine shops, time to get after it in the shop.  CUL, J.R.

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Posted by Water Level Route on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 11:15 AM
Brunhilda, where did everybody go? Are we eating out on the observation deck?


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Posted by Lonehawk on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 12:56 PM

Water Level Route
Brunhilda, where did everybody go? Are we eating out on the observation deck?

Nah - it's Tuesday, so everyone's waiting for the 2-for-1 happy hour deals.


But you know, you do bring up a good idea.


Brunhilda... I'll take my coffee out on that deck and enjoy this lovely early spring weather....

- Adam

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Posted by SeeYou190 on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 1:51 PM

Nah - it's Tuesday,


It's Wednesday here in Georgia.




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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 2:07 PM

Nah - it's Tuesday,

It's Wednesday here in Georgia.




Ah, Buffalo tends to be a bit behind sometimes....  Sun sets there later in the day than the rest of New York State..  Whistling

Central New Yorkers are outside enjoying the sunny day here.  Of course it is 51°F as well!  Down in Key West it is 76°F with a few clouds.  I think I would rather be out enjoying the weather (and other things) in Key West actually.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by mbinsewi on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 2:24 PM

So that's why Lonehawk missed yesterdays happy hour! Laugh

Kinda like me, a day late and a dollar short! Laugh


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Posted by Track fiddler on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 2:32 PM

Afternoon noon Diner's.

Sounds like everyone else is having a good day today.  It's almost 50 degrees here in Minnesota and I got 2 BM's this morning and I also have BO.  What a great day.... feeling good.

Oh come on now!  What did you guys think I meantLaugh   

I went down to the Hobby store this morning.  I found these three cars I've been looking for on eBay for cheaper than I've ever seen them.  They are all brand new and come with an extra set of low profile Wheels.  Now I'm going to organize my truck.

Have a great day everyone    TF

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Posted by Lonehawk on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 2:45 PM


So that's why Lonehawk missed yesterdays happy hour! Laugh

Kinda like me, a day late and a dollar short! Laugh




Haha!  It is Wednesday at that, isn't it?  Oh well. Confused 

And I did NOT miss yesterday's happy hour.  I was actually out having my own in celebration the new job I just found out I got. Big Smile 

Come to think of it, that pretty well explains why I have my days crossed up....  Hmm

- Adam

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Posted by BigDaddy on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 2:45 PM

Track fiddler
I got 2 BM's this morning and I also have BO

TMI Big SmileDevilBig Smile


COB Potomac & Northern

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Posted by Track fiddler on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 3:11 PM

Laugh you dogged me Henry.  You segregated my joke.  What's everybody going to think when they don't read the former oneZip it!Laugh

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