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Who is a member of the NMRA ???

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Who is a member of the NMRA ???
Posted by jlcjrbal on Thursday, December 23, 2004 10:55 PM
It seems that all the best infor comes from these guys. I would love to hear from some members as I am thinking of joining.. LMK Joseph
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Posted by gregmc on Friday, December 24, 2004 12:21 AM
Well I just recently joined. Just received my card the other day. Lin Young of the Grafton and Greenbrier talked me into joining and we are trying to get Division 9 of the Mid Central Region back on its feet. Division 9 encompasses a little of small portion of southern Ohio, eastern Kentucky and a large portion of WV. My understanding is that this division has been dormant for many years and its not because of a lack on model railroaders in this region. I imagine there are around 75-100 model railroaders just in the Charleston-Huntington area. Now that I am a member, I am not sure what I will do. I have checked out the golden spike and master modeler info and think I might try for them.

Greg McCartney
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, December 24, 2004 2:04 AM
I have been a NMRA member for a long time, although I must admit I'm not as active as I should be. I need to try and earn some certificates. I'm also a member of the SER or southeast region. This group is not as active in West Tennessee as I would like. There are alot of benefits to membership. Information is available and you can get discounts at some retailers and train shows. Memphis is the closest big city and they usually only have one or two shows a year. As a NMRA member you also can receive the publication Scale Rails which is a magazine with "how to" articles and schedules of events and meetings. All in all a pretty good deal.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, December 24, 2004 3:38 AM
Not me, Decades ago the magazine was pretty good. haven't got a clue what the NMRA is doing today. Most of my activities are in finescale On3, and Lionel Postwar, kinda specialised.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, December 24, 2004 4:27 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by gregmc

Well I just recently joined. Just received my card the other day. Lin Young of the Grafton and Greenbrier talked me into joining and we are trying to get Division 9 of the Mid Central Region back on its feet. Division 9 encompasses a little of small portion of southern Ohio, eastern Kentucky and a large portion of WV. My understanding is that this division has been dormant for many years and its not because of a lack on model railroaders in this region. I imagine there are around 75-100 model railroaders just in the Charleston-Huntington area. Now that I am a member, I am not sure what I will do. I have checked out the golden spike and master modeler info and think I might try for them.

Greg McCartney
Well you will have your hands full. Myself .Jim Hielmelman,and a couple of others tried to get div.9 going a couple years ago.I live in Clarksburg WV.When i was awarded my golden spike it took 1 year and two months to actually recieve this in the mail.If I had not been persistent in calling the national ,chattanooga it would still be in a file on someones desk in div 6.The NMRA is a great serves the model railroading community with the purest of values and intentions.Even afer the implamentation of there Long Range Plan,to revamp and better serve,it is as best in this area of the country looked upon as useless at the local divisional level.I wish you luck in the southern end of the state trying to get 9 on its feet,we are surround by two great div.2 the Keystone div,here in the north,and Lyn Young and 6 across the river in Gallioplis OH.I have let my membership expire,I had great hopes for 9 and the achievment program but after all the trouble i had to go through just to get my Golden Spike,it derailed my interest.To many years operating wth outdated policies,that did not serve the members I fear has done irreverserable damage.Good Luck on your achievement program goals .Terry
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Posted by ClinchValleySD40 on Friday, December 24, 2004 5:21 AM
A member for over 30 years. Also a member of the NCR division. The regional and national conventions are great and the new magazine is pretty good. Try it and see if it's for you.
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Posted by pastorbob on Friday, December 24, 2004 6:07 AM
I have been since 1960's, also am an MMR. I have found the NMRA generally a great place for info, envolvement with local meets, national meets, and meeting good people.

Bob Miller
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, December 24, 2004 7:37 AM
I've been a member, off and on, since 1954. I can remember when their were six different couplers and no ones trains would couple to any other. The NMRA has done wonders for the hobby and is still setting standards. Most people don't even realize what the origanization has done an is doing. In the field of DCC you can run an NCE decoder on a Digitrax supported system because of NMRA. When DCC first came out, if you used a GE system you had to use GE decoders as they were the only ones that would work.

I think that all modelers should belong and supoport the hobby in this way


Just my [2c]

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Posted by CNJ831 on Friday, December 24, 2004 7:49 AM
I was a member for nearly twenty years before quiting over their finacial fiasco a few years ago. You will likely find that if you have a strong local Division and an active Regional and you like to participate in meetings and activities, you'll have a very good time. If either or both of these are weak, don't expect to get much out of your membership. As to the National, other than the annual convention and train show (which is likely to be within reasonable driving distance perhaps once a decade, if you're lucky!) I'd found that arm of the organization nearly worthless on a personal level.

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Posted by fmilhaupt on Friday, December 24, 2004 8:58 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by CNJ831

You will likely find that if you have a strong local Division and an active Regional and you like to participate in meetings and activities, you'll have a very good time.


That's been my experience- if the Division or the Region is active, then it's more likely taht there will be value to membership. For that reason, a couple of us have been looking into what it would take to reactivate the Division in the Ann Arbor, Michigan area. It's been dormant for nearly a decade. Our Region has been quite active, and is well into the planning to host the 2007 National Convention in Detroit.

We have two key challenges, as we see it:

1) Figure out what there is that a reactivated Division could offer that the two clubs in the area don't. Otherwise, we may as well just close down the Division and arrange to have the area merged into one of the more active Divisions. The Divisions to the east and to the northwest of us are particularly active, but neither is particularly nearby.

2) Overcome some negative perceptions remaining from an earlier incarnation of this Division. Despite the fact that this hindered the previous attempt to revive the Division, enough things have changed in the area over the past decade that we think this will be actually be easier to do than #1, above, and we already have a plan in mind to address it.

-Fritz Milhaupt
Webmaster Rails on Wheels, Inc.
Washtenaw County, Michigan's HO modular model railroad club

-Fritz Milhaupt, Publications Editor, Pere Marquette Historical Society, Inc.

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Posted by rogerhensley on Friday, December 24, 2004 9:30 AM
I have been a member since 1980 when I joined to support the standards work of the NMRA. I had no idea that they were Regions and Divisions. I soon received a division newsletter in the mail and found that the local people were active and offered a lot in the way of support and activities 4 or 5 times a year.

After a spell of being rather inactive due to a loss of income and poor health, I became very active and have been for about 10 years now at both the division and national levels. I do find that the division can offer much in the way of personal friendships and support for modeling efforts. We can be serious, but we also have a lot of fun.

Different areas of the county (world) have different needs and divisions generally reflect their area. Yes, I believe that a good division is worth the effort. If interested in ours, you might check out the Central Indiana Division web site at:

Even tho I have no intention of going for MMR, I do hold the Volunteer and Author certificates and the Golden Spike award and am considering going for Scenery. The idea is to expand my abilities by reaching out and meeting specific requirements. It is not a contest as some people claim, it is building your personal skills.

Bottom line? The NMRA may not be for everyone, but I have found it to generally be a great organization over all.

Roger Hensley
= ECI Railroad - =
= Railroads of Madison County -

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Posted by cefinkjr on Friday, December 24, 2004 9:47 AM
Joined in '89 so I could attend the national convention in Pittsburgh (my original home town) in 1990. Have remained a member ever since to support standards work. I too remember when there were several different couplers and probably more different sized/shaped flanges. Those were indeed the bad old days.

The X2F coupler was the best contribution the NMRA has ever made to the hobby. It is so ugly and so unreliable that it has united serious modelers against it. Happily most have chosen the Kadee and Kadee-compatible couplers so the end result was good.

But does anyone else remember an HO coupler that was sold in the forties that looked and operated like the prototype? By 'operated like the prototype', I mean that the knuckle hinged where it should rather than back at the 'wrist' where the Kadee is hinged. These knuckles were spring loaded and a slight upward pressure on a simulated air hose allowed the knuckle to open. Coupling was automatic on pushing two cars together -- if, as on the prototype, one of the knuckles was open. A long departed uncle of mine used these couplers but I never learned who manufactured them. Does anyone know?


Allen, TX

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Posted by CNJ831 on Friday, December 24, 2004 10:50 AM
Fritz - By all means take a stab at reactivating your local Division before giving any thought to a merger with another (which can be a long and involved official process). With the assistance of just a couple of other gentlemen I was able to reactivate my local NMRA Division that had been defunct for some twenty years!

But in doing so, be ready to serve in several official capacities to keep it going at first - I had to. Once up and running smoothly, things become a lot of fun. I served as newsletter editor, on the board, clinic giver, PR at train shows, etc. After half a dozen years or so we actually successfully hosted the Regional convention. Overall, a lot of nice friendships were created. Even though I've left the parent organization (over their finacial practices), I still continue to offer support to the Division from behind the scenes.

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Posted by CNJ831 on Friday, December 24, 2004 10:52 AM
Fritz - By all means take a stab at reactivating your local Division before giving any thought to a merger with another (which can be a long and involved official process). With the assistance of just a couple of other gentlemen I was able to reactivate my local NMRA Division that had been defunct for some twenty years!

But in doing so, be ready to serve in several official capacities to keep it going at first - I had to. Once up and running smoothly, things become a lot of fun. I served as newsletter editor, on the board, clinic giver, PR at train shows, etc. After half a dozen years or so we actually successfully hosted the Regional convention. Overall, a lot of nice friendships were created. Even though I've left the parent organization (over their finacial practices), I still continue to offer support to the Division from behind the scenes.

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Posted by MudHen_462 on Friday, December 24, 2004 11:50 AM
I have only been back into MRR'ing since my retirement a couple of years ago... but last summer I joined NMRA, and am attending meetings at the Turkey Creek Division in Overland Park, KS. Good folks, a WEALTH of information and classes, etc., so I think it is a good deal thus far. I would certainly recommend giving it a try !

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, December 24, 2004 12:06 PM
I've belonged to the NMRA for over 20 years now, and for several years when I was a teenage model railroader. These days I don't personally get much out of the NMRA, but still keep on more or less out of momemtum. Where I live in Canada is quite a long way from the NER division main area, and their conventions are usually to far away for my interests.

I was the NER Achievement Program Coodinator for five years, and I am quite astounded at the times some posters have indicated that it took them to get their Golden Spike Awards! Since most NMRA/NER members were always a long way from where I lived, I usually assessed their award from photos I had them send me. I'd have their awards out in a short time. Other major awards would take somewhat longer, as their requirements were much more time consuming.

I personally have five awards in the Achievement Program, with most of the requirements for the final two to get me Master Model Railroader status, but I haven't had the interest for a while to put in the effort required. Maybe some day....

Bob Boudreau
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Posted by jlcjrbal on Friday, December 24, 2004 2:27 PM
Well I can not tell you how much I appreciate all the info.. I will look and see if there is a local group in Baltimore and see if I can talk with any members to see if the group is active....

By the way everyone... Merry Christmas!!!!!.... it is almost time for our evening festivities ie..Jager, wine and some friends and of course putting toys together.. I find over the years it is better to have a few in you and laugh with friends while I put those damn things together .. Enjoy Joseph
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Posted by jrbarney on Friday, December 24, 2004 2:47 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by cefinkjr

But does anyone else remember an HO coupler that was sold in the forties that looked and operated like the prototype? By 'operated like the prototype', I mean that the knuckle hinged where it should rather than back at the 'wrist' where the Kadee is hinged. These knuckles were spring loaded and a slight upward pressure on a simulated air hose allowed the knuckle to open. Coupling was automatic on pushing two cars together -- if, as on the prototype, one of the knuckles was open. A long departed uncle of mine used these couplers but I never learned who manufactured them. Does anyone know?


Are you thinking of the Devore coupler? I built and still have their dynamometer car, but unfortunately the Devore couplers at either end broke, due either to poor packing on one of my many moves or due to Zamac "disease." Car has Central Valley trucks but I probably added those since the kit only cost $ 5.95. Devore kits came in an orange and blue box, but I don't remember how they packaged pairs of couplers. Will have to fit Kadees someday so visitors can watch the dynamometer scale operate through the open baggage door.
NMRA Life 0543
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Posted by boomer5344 on Friday, December 24, 2004 7:33 PM
On and off for 30 years. Hardly anything going on with them in my neck of the woods. I have been able to attend some of the divison meets from time to time. Trying to start a
N scale round-robin/modular club here.
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Posted by rexhea on Friday, December 24, 2004 7:58 PM
Joined this past August and a member of SouthEastern Region. Qualified for Golden Spike award.

Rex "Blue Creek & Warrior Railways"
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, December 24, 2004 8:07 PM
I was a member for many years. But, when the yearly dues started going up & up & I had to decide between my MRR mag & a few others, I decided to drop out. A friend
sends me a new calendar every year & brings the magazines down when he spends the winter here. So, when I win the lottery I'll probably renew as a life member.
When I worked in WV in 1988 they had a pretty good turnout for the NMRA & I enjoyed
all the layouts that they always had open on the weekends.
The SE division is pretty strong here in Fla.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, December 24, 2004 11:42 PM
I joined in the fall of 2002, thought the Achievement Program (AP) seemed like a fun thing to try. Entered a few models for judging; 1 received an award, the other failed. Apparently merit awards are VERY TOUGH to get, I was told I should be prepared to submit the same model multiple times before actually earning an award on it.

I put that quest on hold when I realized, 1 year later, I had accomplished nothing on my layout because I was focussing too much on building merit-quality models. So I resolved to put first things first: Build a new layout that I can operate, THEN maybe build some of those award-winning models.

I did eventually earn a Model Railroad Author certificate though...

Another thing that dampens my interest: I live near Baltimore, but the closest active Division is the Potomac Division down in Virginia - too far to drive. Maybe if the Mount Clare Division comes back to life I'll get more involved.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 25, 2004 3:56 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by FundyNorthern

I've belonged to the NMRA for over 20 years now, and for several years when I was a teenage model railroader. These days I don't personally get much out of the NMRA, but still keep on more or less out of momemtum. Where I live in Canada is quite a long way from the NER division main area, and their conventions are usually to far away for my interests.

I was the NER Achievement Program Coodinator for five years, and I am quite astounded at the times some posters have indicated that it took them to get their Golden Spike Awards! Since most NMRA/NER members were always a long way from where I lived, I usually assessed their award from photos I had them send me. I'd have their awards out in a short time. Other major awards would take somewhat longer, as their requirements were much more time consuming.

I personally have five awards in the Achievement Program, with most of the requirements for the final two to get me Master Model Railroader status, but I haven't had the interest for a while to put in the effort required. Maybe some day....

Bob Boudreau
I wish you or someone like you had been involved in this div ,I would probably still be a dues paying member along with the twenty or so other guys I had convinced into going to the meetings.The golden spike and actually haveing that to hang on the wall was not that important in itself,being able to show people that were not members,that this great big national org.had taken time to award me just a common person with medium skill in model railroading.Would have gone along way to help with getting the div going again.In the year or so that I was involved with Jim Heilelmen who was the new Div 9 super we had two meetings.People would ask me all the time when is the next meeting after a year of telling them i had no idea they didn't ask and were no longer interested in joining. The in- ability on the regional and local div level,to provide usefull support for its members is one of the reasons for the so called LRP.This and my is no way meant to deterr anyone from joining the NMRA,just a warning that if the people who hold the key positions in the div.Are not willing to do there jobs in a timely and courtious way,then you will have what we have here in my area Nothing. Of the twenty or so layouts and 60 or so modelers that i have talked with not one in the NMRA. Terry Powell.
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Posted by leonardbrand on Saturday, December 25, 2004 6:31 AM
I have been a member and a life member for years, a while back I was looking for a book that was long out of print, ( Frank Ellison on Model Railroading ) and not being able to locate one anywhere , I got around to calling them, they had one, and being a member, they sold it to me, five bucks plus shipping had I not been a member I probably would still be looking, so I say it pays to belong.
PS When I go to that great model railroad in the hereafter my family will see that they get it back. yes I believe in the hereafter, being 67 years old, ever where I go i have to stop and think now what am I hereafter.!
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Posted by IRONROOSTER on Saturday, December 25, 2004 8:06 AM
I have been a member for over thirty years. While I haven't participated in very many activities for one reason or another, I do support the standards work, enjoy the magazine, and like the Heritage and Living Legends cars. The few division meets I have been to have been very enjoyable and I hope to go to some more.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 25, 2004 8:57 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by jlcjrbal

Well I can not tell you how much I appreciate all the info.. I will look and see if there is a local group in Baltimore and see if I can talk with any members to see if the group is active....

There is no active NMRA division for Baltimore[sigh]. The former Mount Clare Division has been inactive for several years. The Potomac Division took over all of the support functions (AP, etc.) after Mt Clare folded.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 25, 2004 10:03 AM
I was a member about 25 years ago and at that time the NMRA was about 20 years behind the times.
From what I've seen on their web page they still have not seen the light.
I'll spend my money on my hobby and not waste it on the NMRA!
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Posted by Rene Luethi on Saturday, December 25, 2004 3:40 PM
As a member for over 20 Years I appreciate what they are doing. I think without this standards and regulations the model railroading never would become a world wide hobby.
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Posted by Ibflattop on Sunday, December 26, 2004 5:37 AM
I have been a member since 1994 and I also belong to Division3 of the NCR. Thru the NMRA I have met alot of great friends. Kevin
Home of the NS Lake Division.....(but NKP and Wabash rule!!!!!!!! ) :-) NMRA # 103172 Ham callsign KC9QZW
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Posted by JerryZeman on Sunday, December 26, 2004 11:33 AM
I rejoined in November for a two year period, having let my membership lapse way back in the late 1970s.

I rejoined to support the past development of DCC standards, which in my opinion are a wonderful contribution to the hobby. If time allows, I may also check out what is going on in my division.

Jerry Zeman

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