QUOTE: Originally posted by gregmc Well I just recently joined. Just received my card the other day. Lin Young of the Grafton and Greenbrier talked me into joining and we are trying to get Division 9 of the Mid Central Region back on its feet. Division 9 encompasses a little of small portion of southern Ohio, eastern Kentucky and a large portion of WV. My understanding is that this division has been dormant for many years and its not because of a lack on model railroaders in this region. I imagine there are around 75-100 model railroaders just in the Charleston-Huntington area. Now that I am a member, I am not sure what I will do. I have checked out the golden spike and master modeler info and think I might try for them. Greg McCartney
QUOTE: Originally posted by CNJ831 {snip}You will likely find that if you have a strong local Division and an active Regional and you like to participate in meetings and activities, you'll have a very good time. {snip}
-Fritz Milhaupt, Publications Editor, Pere Marquette Historical Society, Inc.http://www.pmhistsoc.org
Roger Hensley= ECI Railroad - http://madisonrails.railfan.net/eci/eci_new.html == Railroads of Madison County - http://madisonrails.railfan.net/ =
ChuckAllen, TX
QUOTE: Originally posted by cefinkjr But does anyone else remember an HO coupler that was sold in the forties that looked and operated like the prototype? By 'operated like the prototype', I mean that the knuckle hinged where it should rather than back at the 'wrist' where the Kadee is hinged. These knuckles were spring loaded and a slight upward pressure on a simulated air hose allowed the knuckle to open. Coupling was automatic on pushing two cars together -- if, as on the prototype, one of the knuckles was open. A long departed uncle of mine used these couplers but I never learned who manufactured them. Does anyone know? Chuck
QUOTE: Originally posted by FundyNorthern I've belonged to the NMRA for over 20 years now, and for several years when I was a teenage model railroader. These days I don't personally get much out of the NMRA, but still keep on more or less out of momemtum. Where I live in Canada is quite a long way from the NER division main area, and their conventions are usually to far away for my interests. I was the NER Achievement Program Coodinator for five years, and I am quite astounded at the times some posters have indicated that it took them to get their Golden Spike Awards! Since most NMRA/NER members were always a long way from where I lived, I usually assessed their award from photos I had them send me. I'd have their awards out in a short time. Other major awards would take somewhat longer, as their requirements were much more time consuming. I personally have five awards in the Achievement Program, with most of the requirements for the final two to get me Master Model Railroader status, but I haven't had the interest for a while to put in the effort required. Maybe some day.... Bob Boudreau
QUOTE: Originally posted by jlcjrbal Well I can not tell you how much I appreciate all the info.. I will look and see if there is a local group in Baltimore and see if I can talk with any members to see if the group is active....