Can you post some images of the engine? Really any 4-8-4 should take the curves you have. There are some basic checks to perform. Are the wheels in gauge? Are they true? Is the lead axel elevated compared to the other drivers? Does the lead truck force the engine up? Others can add what I've missed.
It looks to me like the traction wheels are out of gauge and/or misaligned,with wheel flanges running too tight against the rails.
In general, items from Westside Models were built to run, and not to be shelf queens. Did it operate over curves etc. before you installed the decoder? I'm not familiar with that particular model, so I can't address the issues directly. I think it should be examined by somebody who has practical experience with brass steam engines. I'm tempted to say you accidentally introduced some kind of bind when you reassembled the engine, and I suspect the cure will be surprisingly simple.
And your bottom line price is???
That may be what I have. But if that's the case why would they power it, weigh it down with lead and run lights and such. It was fully wired and looks like it has seen some running and use? The stock motor was definitely used. And the axles are nice and sprung too? But again I'm clueless on steam. I'm strictly a diesel guy.You might be right though. I might just need to wait for Broadway to re-release their Daylight.
Lame. :(
I don't know the details of your brass model specifically (e.g. year built) but some brass were only meant for display cases and NOT for layout running - particularly curves. Your Westside Model version may be one of those.
If you have your heart set on running a 4-8-4 Northern, the Athearn version my be your best solution. Most "modern" (plastic/brass hybrid) steamers are designed for operating on 22R" curves; they just don't look as good doing it as on larger radii. I have a 4-6-4, 4-8-2, and 4-8-4 in my roster and they all do 22R" just fine.
Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.
Ok. I'm beginning to understand why model railroading is more of a retired man's hobby. Maybe I'm working too much, too much stress and just don't have the quality time to enjoy the hobby right now but for the past few months or so it's been a nightmare and not an enjoyable thing anymore.
For years the SP 4449 has been my ultimate model. Colors, looks, sound....always amazed me. And being close to Portland to see her in person a few years ago just about did me in! Amazing!
That being said here's my dilema and I'm hoping you guys can breath some life back into this and help me lose the frustration.
Simple layout. I've crammed the biggest layout I can fit in a two car garage. 14x22 or something close. The curves are not a bad radius at 36" down to a 26" I think....could be more like 28" though.
My issue is this. I have a brass Westside Model's 4449 Daylight. I've rebuilt it from the running gear to the gearbox and all the bushings and oiled and it runs smooth like butter. Then I spend weeks working out the DCC conversion. Blew my first decoder and think I have the kinks worked out and now just running around the model with a volt meter looking for any possibilities of a short. This is where the nightmare continues.
I logically thought, let me put it on the track on a curve to make sure that none of the running gear hits and shorts, or binds or anything.
I cannot get it to go around any curve. Not the small one, medium or outside 36" radius! It binds, throws the front wheels of the "8" part of the 4-8-4 off the track. Slow, fast, pulling, will not go around any of the radius period.
Do I just need to sell it and get the PA1-PB1 set up?(Which sucks compared to the 4449 in my book)
I'm completely frustrated and feel like I've spend an the past few months for nothing because even though it runs I can't get it to turn?
I'm strictly a diesel guy so maybe I'm missing something? Maybe steam isn't supposed to run on that type of corner? The Ahearn 4-8-4 Northern says 22" minimum. I'm running no where near that tight even on my tightest inside radius.
Hoping you guys can give me some input here as to what I'm missing. :(