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Jeffrey's Trackside Diner, November 2016 -- Belen, NM Locked

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Posted by der5997 on Saturday, November 26, 2016 8:18 PM

 Ray: That bricklayer piece (thanks BTW!) had it’s origin I believe in an address by Gerard Hoffnung to the Oxford Student’s Union in 1958
Enjoy!  Sorry about your sump pump failure. Last one of those for us was some years ago at our daughter’s place. Not fun. Oh! And I see that birthday greeting are in order (thanks Ulrich and others)
Ricky W:  
House - Dryer cord shorted out.... Caught it, before it caused a fire... Not sure if that is a good thing or not though....  House - Dryer cord shorted out.... Caught it, before it caused a fire... Not sure if that is a good thing or not though....  
Reminds me of a story… Tobermory Ontario, very early 70s, winter, the local parsonage. This was an old building giving frequent trouble to both the occupants and the parish maintenance committee. Pipes froze. Dead of night, dead of winter. Pastor and maintenance committee chair are up in the attic thawing pipes with a blow torch (old style, pump action – this is way before handy propane models!) Joists onto which the pipes are attached catch fire. Immediate response is to quench the flames. That done, each looks to t’other with an unspoken “Darn, we should just have let her burn!”
der5997 The track plan doesn't have a spare spur for the cabooses. It does have a tail track for the NW2 switcher and two tank cars for the propane facility. 
That switcher track sounds like it could be made to triple as a caboose holder – how frequently is the propane facility serviced?My 2 Cents
i also started learning to solder tonight. I got as far as tinning the tip of my soldering iron.  
  Kudos, if it worked for you. Sounds odd, I know, but I have real difficulty getting an even covering of solder on a new iron’s tip. Any hints to share?
LION: Thanks for the “inside look” at your brothers’ dining arrangements – most satisfactory refectory!
Ulrich: Thanks for the opera, and that lass singing the other day. The narrow gauge loco you received is very similar in looks to the one I’m hoping to cobble together from a Marklin Z chassis and Peco N3n body shell. If I can swing the Marklin starter set then the goods wagons from it will convert via 3D printed shells into the open passenger car(s) etc. need for the tourist line. That’s the dream anyway. Hope you find a way for your dreams too.Angel
Waiting for a Nor’ Easter to hit tonight and through tomorrow. A freezing rain component and hurricane like winds are not a cheering thought. Probably stay close to home tomorrow.  Christmas decorations are up outside – lights on timers so shouldn’t have to brave the elements on that score.
Ballasting progressing well (for me) – but riddle me this: A turnout motor works just fine prior to ballasting. During the drying process the rails are kept free from being stuck with stray adhesive. Now, the turnout motor will not fire, but there is the faintest electrical buzz sound when the control is pressed. The turnout actuating rod is in place. I’m stumped and hoping I won’t have to cut away the underside of the layout at that point to drop the motor out for surgery or replacement – but it seems that is my future!(smilies, as well as my photobucket account not working, so Grrrr!)
Time for bed – prayers for those in need. Angel

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Posted by cudaken on Saturday, November 26, 2016 8:55 PM

 Evening Diners

 Flo, Ed and I will have a Beer and give Ray anything he wants! Happy B-Day

 Work Front On Black Friday weekend meaning this Saturday only 4 customers! Bang Head This company is screwd. It was a moral victory with all of the 4 cutomers buying but only amounted to $1700.00.

 Ed I am sure the boards will not enter change on my E-8. One you sent is at less 1" shorter. I do know the decoder chip can be removed. QSI or another company made a tool for doing it. I just wonder if you had ever done this before. Guess I will ask in the DCC section.

 Far as painting of the cars. I knew the wearthing was done by you and looks good. Some of the Reffers look, well custome painted and very well done. One that come to mind are Lions Milk, Henery and one of the swift cars.


Many companies offer "collectables insurance"

 Rick I know there is stated Value Car insurance, I have bought it before. Trains on the other hand? Guess I will talk with my agent about a stated vaule on the layout. I did not hang on to records as I bought, last thing I wnated my wife to know was what I spent on trains. Smile, Wink & Grin

 Anyone know of a site where you can get prices for HO Train Stuff? Bigger stuff like my PCM and BLI sould not be a real problem.

 Later, Ken





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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Saturday, November 26, 2016 9:54 PM


Just stopped by tonight to wish RAY, a

bear on his birthday

very Happy Birthday..

I was looking for a bear with rubber boots but I couldn't find one.

Sorry to hear of the water problem Ray, they are always nasty.

So glad you are liking the VOLT.

I'm off this week end, I got some outside decorating done today as it was beautiful weather.  I had an eye appointment earlier this morning and then I stoppped by my LHS. No big purchase, But I did buy a couple of pakages of "Level Crossings" by Osborne.

Will get to Church in the morning and then watch the Grey Cup in the afternoon tomorrow. Always something keeping you out of the train room.

I have miss placed a couple of Christmas presents I had bought a month or so ago. I have been searching for days for them. I thought that they were together, but today I found the one for my future DIL. The one for my oldest Son is still missing.  Boy does that ever annoy me............Hope it is not a sign of things in store for me in the next few years.

After a good walk with my Buddy "Cody"  my dog, I am ready to get some ZZZzzzsss.

so I will sign off for now.

Keep smiling Ya all.    Smile, Wink & Grin            It looks good on ya.

Happy Rails,

Johnboy out.............

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by "JaBear" on Saturday, November 26, 2016 10:44 PM

Happy B-Day Ray!!!!


Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them.
Cheers, the Bear.Smile

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by hon30critter on Saturday, November 26, 2016 10:52 PM

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

- Angello, maybe its time you learned to cook what you like to eatSmile, Wink & Grin. Cooking is fun and very rewarding (at least when you get it right).

- Ulrich! [deleted by admin]

(Steven - I don't believe that there are any restrictions in the forum rules about posting recommendations for committing murder just as long as they are worded politely!)

[You believe incorrectly.]

- Ken: Piano and guitar wire are really hard to cut and bend. You would have a much easier time using .0125" or .015" phosphor bronze from Tichy. It bends nicely but is firm enough to retain its shape even when being handled. It also takes solder very nicely whereas the others won't:

- Ray: I hate floating floor mats!!!Smile, Wink & GrinLaughLaughCrying You have my sympathies!

- der5997: I dip my new soldering tips into non-acid flux when they are hot, and then wipe them off and apply the solder. The solder should cover them evenly. Don't dip the tips into the flux on a regular basis or the flux will eat the tips like Thanksgiving turkey. Get a copper scouring pad (no detergent) and wipe the tip regularly (every second use or more) on the pad. That will prevent the crud from building up.

Do you realize that it is less than a month before Christmas! Where does the time go?!?

Best wishes all!!


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, November 27, 2016 8:36 AM

Good Afternoon!

It´s the first Sunday of Advent and there is a smell of fresh coffee and apple pie in the house. As soon as it´s dark, we will light the first candle of the Advent wreath, which I think is a tradition only to be found in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

The Advent season is the time to prepare the family for the upcoming arrival of our saviour, to decorate the house, to start making all those goodies we will enjoy during the season. Time to think of friends and relatives no longer with us and the time to be thankful for what we have.

It´s also the time to enjoy the wonderful music made over centuries for the season.

One of my favourite is Bach´s "Christmas Oratory", BWV 248 part 1 "Jauchzet, frohlocket". Enjoy with me a recording made in the Church Of Our Lady in Dresden!

Some background on this remarkable church, which was completely destroyed during the Allied bombing of February 13th/14th, 1945 and rebuilt between 1994 and 2005 is available in the following video.



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Posted by BigDaddy on Sunday, November 27, 2016 9:14 AM

Piano wire is sold in the LHS with the brass tubing

It is sold by diameter, I should have looked, I guess the wires are about 3' long.

Candles in the diner scare me, someone else needs are prayers is the first thing that goes through my mind.  My mother nearly lost her house to one of those electric Christmas candles in the window that shorted out.  My step father heard the crackle and thought someone was breaking in.  He was able to put the fire out without too much damage, all things considered.

The alcohol unstuck my supposedly undecorated GP9.  The fans fell off but that's no problem at all.  I've not had great luck preventing paint bleed under my masking.  I've tried painting over it with the color under the mask and I've tired gloss coat and burninshing the edge of the tape, but I still get runs especially in the molded lines like the edges of door panels.



COB Potomac & Northern

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Posted by CNCharlie on Sunday, November 27, 2016 9:40 AM

Good Morning,

Henry, have you tried Tamiya masking tape? It is only 6mm wide and is made for model painting. I find it is far better in preventing bleed than the stuff sold for home use. 

A foggy morning here. We were promised a sunny day today and a high of 4C but now they say cloudy and 2. Oh well, at least there isn't any white stuff. I have to put the screen around some small shrubs so the rabbits don't eat them. We lost several new shrubs to rabbits a couple of years ago.

Have a great day,

CN Charlie

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Posted by der5997 on Sunday, November 27, 2016 10:55 AM

Good Morning Diners!

I was looking for a bear with rubber boots but I couldn't find one.
My Photobucket won’t let me upload (still throwing me into an endless Log In loop, still no intelligent response from Photobucket Bang Head) so here’s a couple of links. I’d go with the Paddington one because of the RR connotation, despite the commercial provenance! LOL
- der5997: I dip my new soldering tips into non-acid flux when they are hot, and then wipe them off and apply the solder. The solder should cover them evenly. Don't dip the tips into the flux on a regular basis or the flux will eat the tips like Thanksgiving turkey. Get a copper scouring pad (no detergent) and wipe the tip regularly (every second use or more) on the pad. That will prevent the crud from building up.
Thanks – I didn’t know about the dipping and wiping. I use a stainless steel scouring pad for the same de-crudding purpose. I usually use rosin core solder – and have indeed noticed the eating away, not knowing it’s cause. Hmmm…
Ulrich: Thanks for the wonderful Bach! We didn’t get to church today because of the weather – so this was timely.
As soon as it´s dark, we will light the first candle Advent wreath, which I think is a tradition only to be found in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Our Advent wreath is ready to go for much the same timing – we light the candles Sunday by Sunday through Advent before, or as part of, Grace at our evening meal. Our church also has an Advent wreath as part of the services.
CN Charlie:
Henry, have you tried Tamiya masking tape? It is only 6mm wide and is made for model painting. I find it is far better in preventing bleed than the stuff sold for home use. 
  Thanks, I’ll hunt some down, as I share Henry’s complaint!
Thanksgiving follow-up. Here’s another thing for which I am thankful. That troublesome turnout I mentioned yesterday. Well, it’s controlled by 3 separate buttons (3 sides of the peninsula on which it sits) I’d been trying only the one closest to the turnout, and had assumed the others would behave in a similar fashion since I assumed the trouble was with the switch motor. As you know, Assume makes an A ss out of you and me! I tried a different button before going to bed last night and BINGO! Everything is AOK. So indeed I am thankful!
Looks like it’s lunchtime, so Salmon melt on cheese croissants all round!...and why not since I'm Top-of-Page!

"There are always alternatives, Captain" - Spock.

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Posted by moelarrycurly4 on Sunday, November 27, 2016 1:25 PM

der5997: photobucket is doing that to me as well, I figured a way around it. click on librarry instead of upload. then when it pops up there is an upload in the top row of pictures, that works for uploading a picture. 

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Posted by BigDaddy on Sunday, November 27, 2016 1:48 PM

Tamiya tape ordered from Amazon.  I have only seen the thin stuff at the LHS.

Photobucket was slower than stink for me today.  Flickr is faster even with a required work around.

Create an account. Upload your photo to whatever library you designate, click on it so it's the only pic you see.

Use the share arrow in the right lower corner.

Choose embed. There is a really humonguous link highlighted.

Copy and paste that url somewhere where it's convenient to see, find the part that ends with .jpg

Start at that .jpg and work your way left to the first https you encounter

Copy everything between and including the https and the jpg.  Use the photo icon in the forum and copy that link.


COB Potomac & Northern

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, November 27, 2016 2:56 PM

Time to say Good Night with a song that perfectly describes how I feel lately.

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Posted by BigDaddy on Sunday, November 27, 2016 7:31 PM

And then there was one, stumbled onto this on Youtube.  Long but interesting.


COB Potomac & Northern

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Posted by jlehnert on Sunday, November 27, 2016 7:48 PM

Evening folks! 

Chloe, I'll take a Coke and a small bowl of ice cream. Yes, the temperature is right at the freezing point, but it's NEVER too cold for ice cream. If it will make you feel better, you can pour a little hot fudge and whipped cream on the top. Big Smile

Pretty good Thanksgiving here. One of my roommates clients invited both of us over for the holiday. Been ages since I last had a home cooked holiday meal with all the trimmings.  Only problem is that I had been on duty 83 hours in the previous 5 days. Minute that turkey hit my stomach, the sleepies arrived with a vengeance. Could barely keep my eyes open. Minute the Redskins / Cowboys game came on, I excused myself and headed home. Fell asleep on top of the bed with my clothes on. My narcotics keys and trauma shears ended up underneath me, so I had some interesting impressions on my stomach when I finally woke up. 

Nada on the train front, so I'll take my food and head back out on the road. 

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Posted by cudaken on Sunday, November 27, 2016 8:06 PM

 Evening Diners

 Flo, Ed will have a Crown Royal on the rocks and I will have a Beer please.

 Really not a lot to talk about, which I guess is a good thing.

 Work was boring. Only 1 customer in 5 hours. But, I was not in the slow boat alone. Main store in St Charles all so only had one customer the last time I spoke to some there.

 New to us Washing machine and dryer. So far we are happy with them. While they may not be ture Amana's so far they are working well. Guess I live in the stone age! I was stunned and tickeled when I saw the Dryer had a light that came on when you open the door! Surprise I know there are machines out there where you can turn them on and off with a smart phone. Never thought there would be light in the dryer.

 Train Front Took the Might B&O F7A apart and got it lubed up in the hard to reach areas. When putting it back togather I found I had trapped a wire under the decoder cradel. Just at that time wife had some Honey Do's that could not waite. So I will finshes the job in a few days.

 Think I will get a old Life Like MEC 40' freight car on the rails. One of the first things I bought from K-10 Model Trains. Ken (owner) looked at me like I was nut's!I was, but new to the hobby and only names I knew where Life Like and Bachmann.

 Later, Ken





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Posted by tcwright973 on Sunday, November 27, 2016 8:46 PM

Ray - A little late I know, but Happy Birthday to you. Welcome to the "70's"

Broadway Lion - I enjoyed your photos of the dining hall, or if I remember right you called it the refectory once. Anyway, it looked warm & inviting to me. Food looked pretty good too.

We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner at my nephews. There were 12 of us altogether, so the meal was accompanied with a lot of good conversation.

Some pretty good railfanning this weekend. 13 trains on Saturday, & 12 today. The only foreign power was a CSX, but we did catch Norfolk Southern's "Norfolk & Western" heritage unit on Saturday.

We heard something just unbelievable on the scanner today. CSX runs on the other side of the Ohio River where we were. We can hear their trains often, but can't see them. Anyway, a train crew came on the scanner & reported to the Baltimore dispatcher that they had done an emergency stop & were not moving. The reason, a man with a camera was standing in the middle of the tracks taking pictures of the oncoming train. He described the individual as well as his pick up & it sounded like the dispatcher was reporting it to the local police. Needless to say, the train crew were highly ticked off to put it nicely. I see a lot of dumb people who think they need to stand on the ballast to take photos, why, I don't know. I can understand why train crews don't like railfans for the most part. The sad part of it is that it ruins it for all responsible railfans as well.

Got all my Christmas shopping done last week. I had hoped to get every thing wrapped this weekend, but that wasn't to be. I'll try to get started on that tomorrow. Everybody have a good week & stay safe.



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Posted by ATSFGuy on Sunday, November 27, 2016 11:28 PM

Evening Diners!!

How's everybody doing?

Had Tues-Fri off, worked Sat, Today off, back tomorrow and Tues, Wed-Fri off.

Been really busy with school (stuyding for finals) and work.

I wanted to come here, but since I've been up to my eyeballs the last two weeks I've been on here, I just respond to a certain thread or two and I'm off.

I plan to be here more often once the semester ends (Dec 18)

Spring Semester starts January 17th.

I've been posting in various threads on this website to help get my posts up.

I'm now past 300!!  what do I win? Big Smile

Orange County Module Railroaders is having a Christmas show here in Mission Viejo (Nov 26-Dec 4) I plan on bringing my trains to run on the layout on Thurs, might go on Wed after school if all goes well, (not sure yet though) might just be Thurs, I'll see how it goes.

Photo for today;

  " width="160" height="120" />

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Posted by ATSFGuy on Sunday, November 27, 2016 11:33 PM

Here's another one;

  " width="160" height="90" />

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Posted by ATSFGuy on Sunday, November 27, 2016 11:46 PM

What do you guys think?  Outside of trains, I enjoy collecting diecast cars of all kinds.  I only purchase what looks interesting, (good paint, metal body, moving parts, rubber tires, etc).


I've been on top of Hotwheels and Matchbox through blogsites/Collector Forums and I have to say the cars being released today are a far cry from when I was a kid. I can't believe the Generic Crap I've been seeing in the basic lineup,It seems Mattel is shifing thier focus away from Collectors and towards Children. I find my self cracking up at the complaints various collectors write regarding licenced models vs generics.

I'll try to get some photos of the club layout up soon (have to transfer them from my phone to my computer through my email and then download them in a file on File Explorer).   

Stay Tuned!!

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, November 28, 2016 12:07 AM

I'm now past 300!! what do I win?

A gift voucher for the next 300 posts!

I just checked my post counts and I am nearing the 9,000 mark since I joined in 2009. Incredible!

Good Morning!

What I night! I hardly caught any sleep. First, it was too noisy in the house to fall asleep. It must have been around 1am when I finally was able to fade away, only to get up shortly after 5am. I guess I will go for a mid-day nap today.

ATSFGuy - nice looking cars!

Well, I am off for the moment. I may drop by again later in the day!

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Posted by gmpullman on Monday, November 28, 2016 1:53 AM

Mornin' Diners...

Monday after the Holiday for some of you'ns Ick! Gee, somehow being retired seems to have taken a bit of the stress out of Mondays! Sorry to gloat but I've waited a long tome to be able to say that!

Chloe, how about a goat meat gyro, plenty of onions and cucumber sauce, please, and Ken generously bought me a CRRC (Crown Royal Royal Crown) Thanks!

Ed I am sure the boards will not enter change on my E-8. One you sent is at less 1" shorter.

It is a Proto/Life-Like E unit? I mean, those things have been produced in several runs and even if the plugs arent exact you should be able to match up the rail wire pair, motor wire pair, headlight wire pair and speaker wire pair? 1" shorter sure beats 1" longer when you're trying to fit something in. 

I do know the decoder chip can be removed. QSI or another company made a tool for doing it. I just wonder if you had ever done this before.

Yeah, I changed out about a half dozen when QSI was making the chip upgrades, at $30 a pop, back about ten years ago. The chips are very specific to each board. I used a very small screwdriver to carefully, slowly, work out the chip. I don't recommend doing that! The problem you're having with the E7 acting all whacko might be on the board and the chip alone might not correct that.

If you want, send me your engine and the decoder I sent you and I'll get her all fixed up.

Excuse me for being a little too straightforward here but don't your decoder installs end up looking like this?

I know, it hurts, but as a friend I just had to say it! Smile, Wink & GrinSmile, Wink & GrinLaugh

Some of those cars I sent you were custom painted by Bev-Bel and IIRC, Greenway.

Now that the Holiday is over I'll get another package to you with those LEDs in there! Stick out tongue

Henry, thanks for posting that video link! I saw the 1401 when she was running on the Wheeling around the Pittsburgh area. We owe a lot to those "old school" railroad executives that kept some of those steam programs alive!

Here's one from the National Film Board of Canada that I enjoy very much...

There are several great railroad-related films at their site. (For some reason I can not get the video image to display like I can with YouTube vids?) Hey! I got it— I outsmarted the little bytes and bits!

End of the Line, Terence Macartney-Filgate, National Film Board of Canada

Be sure to click the full-screen icon and turn the sound up to a reasonable level—or more! The soundtrack alone is worth your attention. The opening scene is of CNR FPA4 No. 6776! My  nephew keeps her sisters running on the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Ry. 6771; 6777 and 6780!

What do you guys think?  Outside of trains, I enjoy collecting diecast cars of all kinds.

Hey, ATSF Guy? Have you ever seen the photo work of this fellow I came across on Flickr? Pretty sure all of these are 1:43?

He has done a few railroad-related scenes using Aristo-Craft and USA Trains G scale stuff! WoW! Real eye candy!

Fantastic stuff! Every photo has that... atmosphere!

Well, I see my sizzling goat is ready Dinner don't mind me, I'll just sit off in the corner while those onions try to settle down Dead

Vinnie will be in shortly and may want to escort me out the back door!

Hearty thanks to all and thoughts and prayers to anyone feeling burdened.

Best To All,



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Posted by hon30critter on Monday, November 28, 2016 3:06 AM

Hi Henry:

I've not had great luck preventing paint bleed under my masking. 

In addition to the Tamiya masking tape you may want to try this:

I used to have the same problem until I figured out that I needed to put down multiple very thin coats of paint, and let each one flash off before applying the next coat. "Flash off' simply means to allow the solvent to evaporate so the paint is no longer able to flow. It usually doesn't take very long, but the longer you can let the paint 'set' before the next coat, the better. Thin coats are essential! You should be able to see through the first two or three coats.

The problem with letting the paint set on the model is that it can also set in the airbrush. To prevent that, I suggest spraying some paint on a scrap surface two or three times a minute while you are waiting for the model to set. If the brush does get stuck up, I have a bottle of laquer thinner ready to spray through the brush. That doesn't seem to be needed very often.


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, November 28, 2016 8:30 AM

Good morning, everybody ... 

Dave and Ed were up in the middle of the night evidently. 

Ed ... I looked at the Flicker images for which you posted a link. Classic autos with calssic trains. Gotta love them. .... You said your nehew worked with Cuyahoga Scenic Railway locomotives. Interesting. Apparently trians run in your family. Smile, Wink & Grin

Dave ... Good suggestions from you regarding masking and painting. 

Ulrich ... SHale we plan a big celebration when you reach 9000 posts ? 

ATSF ... Intersting you collect car model too. I have accumulated many 1/87 vehicles on my layout, but it is mainly to make the layout look more realistic instead of just having a car collection. 

Tom ... The blue N&W loco is impressive. That may be teh easiest heritage sheme for NS to paint. 


Past, Present, and Future walked into a bar. .... It was tense. 







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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, November 28, 2016 9:09 AM

Steven ... Welcome back... Hope the vacation was a good one. 




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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, November 28, 2016 9:20 AM

Heartland Division CB&Q
Ulrich ... SHale we plan a big celebration when you reach 9000 posts ?

Let´s have that when my post count hits the 10,000 mark. That will leave you with maybe a year to arrange for the celebration Smile, Wink & Grin

Btw, Jeff had over 20,000 posts when he was called in.

Not my day today. I was not able to recover the lost sleep, so I am feeling beat. For sure I will make an early start into dreamland today!

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Posted by Steven Otte on Monday, November 28, 2016 9:24 AM

Heartland Division CB&Q

Steven ... Welcome back... Hope the vacation was a good one. 

Thanks much... guess you've noticed I was just cleaning up the thread from the past week.
Remember, guys, if you feel like you have to post "No political content intended" on your post, it's political content. Sigh And yes, we do have a rule against advocating bloody vehicular homicide. It's part of the "be civil" rule. We didn't think we had to spell it out. Angry

Steven Otte, Model Railroader senior associate editor

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Monday, November 28, 2016 9:43 AM

Steven Otte
We didn't think we had to spell it out. Angry

Good thing LIONS cannot spell.


About 4" at the moment maybe 6"... Drifts about a bit, clear in some places and 18" in others.

Thought I had an appointment today, but that is next week. I must have slipped a cog somewhere. Newspapers did not make it in from Bismarck. The distribution route is complicated covering the towns way to the north of us before they bring them down to our tier. Besides, the eastern (and central)parts of the state get far more snow than we do.

Oh well, I good day to stay in and do the work that I am supposed to do. Cleaning my office would be a good start as soon as I get the graveyard project finished.


The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, November 28, 2016 10:25 AM

Steven Otte


Heartland Division CB&Q

Steven ... Welcome back... Hope the vacation was a good one. 



Thanks much... guess you've noticed I was just cleaning up the thread from the past week.
Remember, guys, if you feel like you have to post "No political content intended" on your post, it's political content. Sigh And yes, we do have a rule against advocating bloody vehicular homicide. It's part of the "be civil" rule. We didn't think we had to spell it out. Angry


Steven ..... Actually, I did not notice any of that. I just remembered you said you were coming back from vacation after a week . .... We're starving without all the yummy good food you have been bringing to the diner.... WhistlingDinner




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Posted by FRRYKid on Monday, November 28, 2016 12:11 PM


When I went from a old fashioned box TV to a 49” TV a half a year ago I had to expand my TV table. So now I have taken a interest on what people have their TV’s sitting on.

I my case, I have an entertainment center that I got quite awhile ago on sale from a box store. I have the modem and wireless router siting on one end. The Blu-Ray player is on the other. I even managed to find room to have a couple of mini Lego trains siting in front. (Yes I am an adult that loves Legos.)

"The only stupid question is the unasked question."
Brain waves can power an electric train. RealFact #832 from Snapple.
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Posted by CentralGulf on Monday, November 28, 2016 12:50 PM

Entertainment center also. Solid wood, US made, so not cheap.




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