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Jeffrey's Trackside Diner, November 2016 -- Belen, NM Locked

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Thursday, November 24, 2016 11:37 AM

Do you Diners name your turkeys?  We call ours " Flip, the Bird". 




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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, November 24, 2016 11:42 AM

For reasons of political correctness, turkeys in whatever form of serving have been banned from the menue in this country!

One may call us various bad names, but we are no cannibals!

Garry  - I could never eat anything which either carries a name or looks at me!

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Posted by angelob6660 on Thursday, November 24, 2016 11:49 AM

Afternoon Diners,

Happy Thanksgiving.



I'm been debating on whether to get two cabooses or one. Since my layout design is a branch line concept with one to two trains. One passenger one freight. But I thought if I didn't want to run the layout as a branch line but a normal town with active locomotives running at least three. Making two cabooses really possible.

– I’d go for the second one if funds allow. There’s always a spur to double as a caboose track isn’t there? I have to purchase at least one for this layout – but that / those will have to wait. I noticed as I walked over from the layout just now that my probable caboose track spur (very short, is misaligned. Since I had just finished soaking the newly laid ballast on that section I think it’s a case of “too late now”! See Ken’s remarks re his layout as he pretty much nails it! Smile, Wink & Grin

The track plan doesn't have a spare spur for the cabooses. It does have a tail track for the NW2 switcher and two tank cars for the propane facility. 

It not really about money, it's more about the full enjoyment of the layout. I thought of having a small branch line in the 1950-1960s. Most of my old cars are 50s and 60s that can converted with Micro-Trains couplers. Without really spending a lot of money. I was hoping my modern layout was going to be my first layout.

Garry- We do not call or name your turkey.

Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, November 24, 2016 11:54 AM

Afternoon folks and a happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating today (and to the rest of you as well...)!

Chloe, I could use a refil for my Seneca Lake Blend Organic Dark Roast Coffee at the moment.  Stuffing has been made and is heating in the crock pot (that will; blend all the flavores together well.  Winter Squash I cooked up yesterday is in the oven being baked to perfection.

 Garry I've Flipped the Bird to a lot of Turkeys in these parts.... Whistling

Today it is 38°F outside, the sn*w is melting, and the drizzle is falling out of the sky.  The solar panels actually came on long enough yesterday to make.....   Are you sitting down?........  0.01kWh of electric.  Whoa!  That does mean they would have heated up enough to help melt the sn*w on them.  Haven't been outside yet today to check and see if any of them have cleared. 

 Ricky, I take it you live somewhere near Lake Erie  around the lake from Buffalo.  That is a good place to get lots of Lake Effect!  My son gets some at times just living on the east of Seneca Lake, although most goes to the South of where he is.  Seneca forms quite a bit actually due to the depth and total amount of water it contains..... 

Need to check and see if there is any water on the floor down cellar....  Probably will want to drain the pond behind the back stairs before I head over to the family feast mid afternoon.


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by FRRYKid on Thursday, November 24, 2016 12:12 PM


So what are you thankfull for?

My nieces who are well-loved (people throw out things that are spoiled) and my Mom & Dad (if it weren't for the ranch, I wouldn't have a place to have my layout). There are probably more but I can't think of them right at the moment.


The only bad thing about being retired is you guys who work get paid for today, I don’t.

For some of us that do work, we don't get paid for Thanksgiving unless we work it or use time off for it. (I have to work later and deal with the shoppers for the early Black Friday specials this evening. Work is supposed to feed us but we shall see. There is a history that us afternoon/evening people get forgotten about when it comes to food.)

"The only stupid question is the unasked question."
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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Thursday, November 24, 2016 1:17 PM


Hi Gang,

Just stopping by to wish all, no matter where you live, a very Happy Thanksgiving Day.  We all can find some things to be very thankful for even in these troubled times.

children ready for some turkey

Today, you should be able to set your diets aside and just enjoy.

Johnboy out........................How do you get a turkey down a tube ??

                                           I'll find a way....Laugh

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by CentralGulf on Thursday, November 24, 2016 2:30 PM


The only bad thing about being retired is you guys who work get paid for today, I don’t.


When my ex used to complain about how long it took her to get to the office, I would counter with, "I don't know why you're complaining. Since I retired, I'm at work as soon as I get up."
Which might have something to do with the reason we are ex's. Hmm
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Posted by cudaken on Thursday, November 24, 2016 7:22 PM

 Evening Diners

 Flo, Ed will have Wild Turkey on the rocks and I will have a Beer.

 Survived another Thanks Giving. One of the cleaners one we have had, no dishes in the sink! Yes I was in the kitchen most of the time with Sue. I started washing dishes as we went, dryed them and put them up as I went. Used our Turkey Roaster and it works so much better then the oven. Small bird this year, only 12 pounds. It was done in 1 hour and 49 minutes. Sue an I ate around 2:00 PM, I kind of wanted to get it over with. Sharyon and Shawn came over to pick up there food around 4:00 PM. Was happy to see Sharyon out of her house this soon after the surgery!


House - Dryer cord shorted out.... Caught it, before it caused a fire... Not sure if that is a good thing or not though.... Huh? It would have taken care of the whole needing to do some repairs thing, but...

 Rick I sure know what you mean by that! Sometimes a I think a house fire would be the best thing that could happen to me!

 1 Full replacement on the house it self. Good buy sagging floors, cracking plaster and so forth.

 2 $70,000 on content. 

 3 All of Sue's junk is gone! YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes Big Smile She has so much cluter nick nacks it drives me nuts! Second bedroom is so full of boxes of crap I can not get into the room!

 Train Insurances Is there such a thing? If so where did you get yours? I have guess I have around $10,000.00 in trains over the 10 years I have been in the hobby. This year I have spent $1200.00. Some years maybe $300.00. (unlikely that little) 2 nd year when I was making a fair income and found the the good stuff say $3200.00. So $10,000.00 sounds like a fair if not a tad low number.

 Ed Only rolling stock you sent that is not in a drag are the coal cars. Got the bulkhead flat car fixed and it was pretty easy. Would you call the wood load Pulp Wood? When I got started I wanted long trains so all I bought was 50' and longer rolling stock.  Did get some 40' cars by eathier getting the cheap Bachmann or Life Like junk up to snuff. The 40' foot cars you sent are very welcomed!

 Later, Ken




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Posted by BroadwayLion on Thursday, November 24, 2016 7:28 PM

Happy Thanksgiving



The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by Jimmy_Braum on Thursday, November 24, 2016 8:48 PM

I hope everyone here had a happy thanksgiving.  Thank goodness the holiday is over  working in a grocery store as q cashier for thanksgiving is brutal.  Been a stretch of several trying days of work  

  Today had me catch a real heritage unit on the wheeling and Lake Erie, a GP unit still in Rio Grande. i also started learning to solder tonight. I got as far as tinming the tip of my soldering iron.   Open house for my club starts Saturday, so at least I have open house going for me this week. Oh, and I won second place in another bring and brag. 

(My Model Railroad, My Rules) 

These are the opinions of an under 35 , from the east end of, and modeling, the same section of the Wheeling and Lake Erie railway.  As well as a freelanced road (Austinville and Dynamite City railroad).  

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Posted by JAMES MOON on Thursday, November 24, 2016 10:01 PM

Happy Thanksgiving to all.  We are visiting my daughter in Arlington, VA.  Nice weather for late November.  Two walks with the dog with only a flannel shirt.  Not bad for this time of year.  Daughter cooked a mean turkey with all the fixings.  She even wore her chef's jacket and hat while cooking.  She actually studied food and nutrition as an undergraduate and had formal training in cooking so the food is good when she cooks.

ROR, just finished David Mccullough's Wright Brothers bio.  Very interesting.  Just bought another James Lee Burke mystery and Across Atlantic Ice, the story about North America's possible first settlers.

Ulrich, thanks for the excellent rendition of the brick layers story.


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Posted by herrinchoker on Thursday, November 24, 2016 11:23 PM

Thank you all for the prayers, #4 Stepson came home today, IV antibiotics brought his temp. down from 104 to normal, he is still in discomfort, but being home is worth at least ten points.

Overcast here today, and cool. Took a walk behind the house into the marsh, jumped a nice drake mallard and was able to drop it on the second shot.  I took Shelby the female Chessie with me for her first hunt. I have been working with her with frozen duck bodies here in the house, no real field training like I once did. The marsh was quite an experience for her, and I was pleased she found the duck, she did bring it back, but it became evident she REALLY did not want to give it to me. I had to give the OUT command rather forcefully before she decided that it might be in her best interests to do so. We went through the " I want it, I want it, I REALLY, REALLY want it" mode before she settled down. She was a rescue dog, spent most of her time in a dog crate, in a garage because her owner at the time thought she was 'Food Aggressive". This person had three children between the ages of 2-5. I never had a dog that you could trust around a five year old, holding a PB&J sandwitch, that the dog would not end up with. I learned long ago not to walk from the kitchen to the living room holding an edible below my waist. Food aggression is growling, snapping, lungeing, or biteing, not gently latching onto one end of a food item, and shareing. The first time I fed her I put on a welders glove and placed my hand in her food dish. She never offered to snap or bite, she just sat down and looked at me as if to say," I don't know what you are doing--just hurry up, I'm hungry". This spring she started showing that she "Had it in the blood" a strong desire to retrieve, would deliver to hand, and quickly learned to follow hand signals. That was the result of a really lousy wet day I did not want to put my oilskins on to unwrap her from a bush at the end of the run. (I use 150 feet of an old anchor road off the North end of my deck for their main run.)  I used exaggerated body movement, and the command "over" to steer her out of the tangle. FF six months, and I can now just use standard arm movement to direct her. After today I believe that I will start a regular program with the whistle-sit,stay,come,-and train her for blind retrieves. Hooper, my male Chessie, has had so much work done on his hind legs, (hinges, screws, pins,) I hesitate to start working him this time of the year in the cold water. (Plus he has to learn that swimming is OK, and he Really is a water dog. He feels he is a Wading retriever, --he works on Wading shore birds.)

So--Thanksgiving dinner was Mallard, fried in Cajun seasonings,-- sandwitches, with pickled green beans in hot sauce. I am going to wait before I check my sugar level, actually ate two sandwitches---carb heaven.

Lion, great pictures. I believe I could identify apple, pumpkin/squash? pies, and perhaps a pecan pie. And the others were??

Herrinchoker is Canadian/DownEast slang for commercial fisherman. A choker of people is what I would arrest and place in the hoosegow.

I am thankful to have been able to do the things that I have done, the people I have known, the dogs that I lived with, the women who were crazy enough to live with me, and all the blessings the Almighty has granted me lo these many years.

Glad for all that had a good day.

Prayers for those in need--


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Posted by BigDaddy on Friday, November 25, 2016 8:58 AM

On second thought, no one needs to see a pic of another turkey today.  My son's dinner was good except for some burned marshmellows on top the sweet pototoes.  I did not go back for seconds but had too much the 1st time around and had some wicked heartburn last night.

Train Insurance  Ken talk to your agent.  People get riders (add-on policies for specific things) for all sorts of collectables.  In some cases there are specific insurance companies for antique cars or firearms.  I doubt there is one specifically for trains but if anyone would know it would be Howard Zane.

Have to make a dump run with the old microwave.  My son helped me lift the new one into position.

[Political link removed by admin]



COB Potomac & Northern

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Posted by CGW121 on Friday, November 25, 2016 9:22 AM

It is almost 9:30am here and I am almost done with dishes from last nights feast. Thank God for dishwashers.

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Posted by JPowell on Friday, November 25, 2016 10:02 AM

Good morning... er almost afternoon diners!

Flo - Just a cup of coffee, please? Thanks!

Hope everyone had a great holiday. Mine was ok. Nothing to really brag about like past years. I worked at the Pahrmacy from 9-1, then went to my parents at 2 for dinner with them. You'd think they were feeding an army with the amount of food they prepared for just the 3 of us. My brother and his family went to one of his wife's relatives house for the holiday and my sister and her family stayed home in Philly this year and hosted my brother inlaw's parents. Needless to say, I did get to come home with plenty of leftovers, which I will partake in at somepoint over this coming weekend. 

Today I work 1-530, and tomorrow is a 10-3 shift. I have Sunday and next Friday off for my 2 days off next week. I'm so looking forward to having the day off on Sunday just to sit back and relax a bit.

V8 - Any chance of you getting to know the lady-friend that you had dinner with yesterday on a more personal level? Seems you 2 have a few things in common....

Ricky - I'd have taken your 18" of snow over the 30" of snow we got here in Syracuse from Argos. I'm not sure how much Ray got, but I'm sure if it was more than 20" I'd say he'd agree with me.

Well gang, I am off for now. Need to hit the shower before going to work. I hope everyone has a great day!

Take care!

//signed// John Powell President / CEO CNY Transportation Corp (fictional)

Hunter - When we met in January of 2000, you were just a 6 week old pup who walked his way into this heart of mine as the only runt in the litter who would come over to me. And today, I sit here and tell you I am sorry we had to put you down. It was the best thing for you and also the right thing to do. May you now rest in peace and comfort. Love, Dad. 8 June 2010

I love you and miss you Mom. Say hi to everyone up there for me. Rest in peace and comfort. Love, John. 29 March 2017

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, November 25, 2016 10:44 AM

Good Evening!

What a dull day today! Didn´t see the sky nor the sun all day long. It´s been foggy in the best tradition of the London fog of days gone by, before they started to have central heating on the island.

I did not get anything accomplished today. Cold and wet weather is not my cup of tea, I have breathing problems which do impose a limit to what I can do. My doc recommends to move to a warmer, arid climate but failed to tell me the where and how to pay for that.

I guess you folks are stuffed from yesterday´s turkey feast (no pun intended), so I´ll be paying for a round of digestifs  to help you get over that feeling of being filled to the brim!

Have a good one!

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Posted by angelob6660 on Friday, November 25, 2016 11:05 AM

Hey Everyone,


It is almost 9:30am here and I am almost done with dishes from last nights feast. Thank God for dishwashers.

At least you have a dishwasher, I wash dishes by hand.

Thanksgiving at home was terrible. Only turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and yams. This is what happens when dad doesn't really feel like cooking. But he complains a lot, no one told you to cook breakfast almost every single day. I'm getting a old about toast. Bread crumbs in the butter and visa versa about jam and butter.


Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, November 25, 2016 3:00 PM

Time to head for the hay!

Here is one of my favorite recordings:

Musica per la amici della opera Italiana ....

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Posted by Cederstrand on Friday, November 25, 2016 5:37 PM

I'll have the House Special, please and thank you. Figure it is leftover turkey dinner, yes?

No doubt some new faces here in the Diner since my last visit. I have been away too long. This time of year, my mind always shifts to model railroading.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Cheers! Rob

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Friday, November 25, 2016 7:27 PM

Rob.  Good to see you.  I lost your email address.   I was wondering if you were okay. 




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Posted by ricktrains4824 on Friday, November 25, 2016 10:27 PM

Good evening all.

Chloe, just a slice of the pumpkin pie please. Thanks.

Cudaken - Many companies offer "collectables insurance", but I do not have it. NMRA members get a discounted one through an offer from them, but I have not checked into prices... I might need to though, as adding up my layout and trains, it is higher than I thought!

JPowell - I had heard Syracuse had gotten more than my area, but hadn't heard it was that much more! Ouch! 

Howmus - Not far off, but I'm in PA, about 25 miles south of the lake, in that perfect "get dumped on" location for lake effect, know as "the snowbelt". (Just outside of WNY "ski country".)

W**k - Sales today were decent, made some extra $$ off of sales, but missed out on the big bonus, as someone was looking at a riding garden tractor mower, and snow blade for it, but didn't (wouldn't) pull the trigger without permission from the account master. (AKA his wife.) So I missed a huge bonus, as that missed sale kept me just under what I needed to hit for the big $$ bonus... Maybe he will be back tomorrow.... Store missed our goal by just a very small amount, of 2500... My personal goal I came within 2000.... So that garden tractor would have pushed both over the top. But, our little store beat out 5 others in the district, coming in a solid 3rd place for the day!

Weather - Cool, wet this weekend, with horrible opening deer season day (Monday) forecast for the hunters... Great for others.... Mild, and breezy! Possible wet flakes tonight, but changing to just rain tomorrow and Sunday. 

Hope all are well, and have a great night!

Ricky W.

HO scale Proto-freelancer.

My Railroad rules:

1: It's my railroad, my rules.

2: It's for having fun and enjoyment.

3: Any objections, consult above rules.

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Posted by cudaken on Friday, November 25, 2016 10:35 PM

 Evening Diners

 Flo, Ed will have a Crown Royal on the rocks, give Rob anything he wants and I will have a Beer please.

 Black Friday I had a whole 6 customers! No Good thing I spent 9 hours total putting out B/S prices tags that no one can understand! Mattress Firm across the street seemed to have a end less flow of customers. But then again they spend $ on ads where we don't! Bang Head

 Rob I was wondering what happened to you! Stick around, you and Ed would hit it off, he all so has goats!

 Train Front Question. I picked up a B&O GP 7 Athearn body for $1.00. I hope to mate it to the Proto 1000 chassis that Tin Can sent me. Problem with the shell is there are not grap irons / hand rails. I have read where you can use pianio wire, but where the heck do you buy that? All so what key? Confused What about guitar strings?

 Ed Think the needle nose oiler may just do the trick. The one I have is came on a Labelle and is twices the sizes of the one you sent. Really enjoying the new rolling stock! Did you do the painting? If so Bow

 Ulrich It is really great to see you coming to the dinner again!

 Now if Galaxy would come back and Rob would stick around most of the old gang would be back.

 Wonder what I will have for dinner? Whistling

 Later, Ken




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Posted by gmpullman on Saturday, November 26, 2016 5:49 AM

Just a quick Hello before I turn in...

Chloe, How about a nice Brandy Alexander as a night-cap, please.

Our Thanksgiving was very rewarding and enjoyable with visits to three family homes. I hope the rest of you had a safe and enjoyable Holiday as well.

Thanks for that very informative link to the Rueverte site, Ulrich. Oh, my train budget could be wrecked in moments if I had the weakness to indulge in some of their fine offerings.

Really enjoying the new rolling stock! Did you do the painting?

If you mean the weathering, Ken, yep... that's my doing. Some of those cars are probably fifteen or twenty years old, so there may be some fairly crude ones in there! Glad you like them and the needle oiler, too.

I'm not sure what help you need swapping the E7 decoder. IF they are really different, the plug arrangement may not work. I was hoping it would be a direct change-out.

Cold and rainy here, great weather for eating, sleeping and model railroadingYes

Best Wishes to you All,



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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, November 26, 2016 8:39 AM

Good morning, everybody.'

Ed ... That post card is remarkable !

I'll have coffee and a donut to go, please. 




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Posted by howmus on Saturday, November 26, 2016 10:22 AM

Mornin' folks!

Janie, I'll have couple eggs scarmbled and two slices of Whole Weat Toast to go along with a pot of Marakeesh Express Organic Dark Roast Coffee to keep my RGV RR Mug filled for a while.

(grumble, grumble, grumble....)  Last night just before I was about to go to bed I decided maybe I better check the basement as the melt water from the snowstorm had been seeping in behind the outside stairs as always down there.  Got down there to find the rubber mats at the bottom of the staircase floating....  Had about two inches of water in the trainroom on the East side of the house!  Grrrrrrrr!  I found the sump not working again.  Took an old ski pole handy and poked the float on the sump pump a few times and it kicked on and ran.  I just sent an email to a local handyman who has done some plumbling for me before and told him I want the pump replaced.  Hope he gest back to me soon.  In the meantime I am celebrating my 70th. birthday by walking down and up the cellar steps a lot to make sure the sump is still doing its job!  eh...  I need the excercise anyway.

Did have a great Thanksgiving celebration.  Went over to son's house last night for leftovers which were every bit as good as they were on Thursday.  Gave my son a ride in the new Volt.  Decided after backing out into the road by his house to stomp on it and see what it will do.  Burned major rubber with both front tires...  Yep, just a little bit more power than the PiP had!!!  He and his better half told me they decided they wanted to buy the PiP from me but didn't let me know soon enough.  By the time they decided I already had the Volt.  Too bad, the PiP would have been a perfect commuter car for my son.  He is driving a 10 year old Ford Escort that is starting to need some repairs....  I would have been very glad to do a two for one swap at the dealers.  Did that once before after my wife died.  The trade in from the Ford would be used for the Volt deal and he would get the PiP for the difference.  Probably would have been around $4,000/$5,000 he would have to come up with.

The solar panels kicked on and produced a couple kWh of power yesterday.  Still very possible I will have the best year yet from them.

Have a good one!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by angelob6660 on Saturday, November 26, 2016 10:29 AM

Morning diners,

The only present I need to get is my aunt. She wants a pair of gloves for work. So I purchased a pair of unisex silk liners. Later on will be the gloves to go with them.

I received the Fox Valley Models GP60 Cotton Belt. They looked really good except the tons of holes to install the grab irons, lift rings, and sunshades. Otherwise it's a great n scale model. When a permanent layout is built I'll put in the extra details. I haven't tested it yet but I'll do in a day or two before the end of next week.

Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, November 26, 2016 11:21 AM

Many happy returns, Ray!

Foggy and cold, just like yesterday. I had to do some last minute shopping before the stores close for the weekend, so I dared to go all by myself without a destroyer escorting me. If I had seen one of those beep (expletive, deleted) muggers lurking at the intersection I would have gone straight through without stopping at the traffic light! Still gives me an uneasy feeling!

Petra and I started to decorate our apartment for the upcoming Christmas season, hoping that will make us feel a little better. She also made a nice apple cake, with rum raisins and a marzipan crust - lovely! Had a slice of it when it was still warm - yummy!

Other than that, it has been a quiet but dull day. Any attempts to find a layout idea for that little British loco failed, but I am sure one day I will have the right inspiration!


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Posted by MisterBeasley on Saturday, November 26, 2016 1:43 PM

Back from another walk.  It's gotten too chilly to bike comfortably, particularly in this cloudy, damp weather.  A walk is not as good as a bike ride, but it still beats plodding along on a treadmill.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, November 26, 2016 4:01 PM

Ray.  Happy birthday.

Happy B-Day 




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Posted by CNCharlie on Saturday, November 26, 2016 4:57 PM

Good Afternoon,

Happy Birthday Ray!!  

Rob, great to see you in the Diner. I too was wondering how you were doing. Please drop by soon and give us an update. There

are a few of us 'old timers' still around. Did I just call myself an old timer? I suppose 9 years here would qualify me for that title. 

I managed to get some final yard work done as it was about 40F here and sunny which is October weather for us. 

I did find some of my favourite Christmas foods, Walkers Fruit Tarts, aka, Mincemeat tarts. They really are delicious but hard to find here. 

Well time for supper,

CN Charlie

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