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Jeffrey's Trackside Diner, November 2016 -- Belen, NM Locked

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, November 19, 2016 7:44 AM

Good morning, Diners !

The surgery went very well. The wound should heal in a weak or so. I now have a new implanted defibrilator / pacemaker, and it should last at least five years. Thanks, everybody, for your concerns. 

Bear ... Thanks for the humerous "CB&Q locomotive"... Remarkable it was low tech and high tech with both steam power and solar power. ...

I like it when the Diners kid each other. Ed should be good at that because of his goats. 

Ken ... Thanks for the cold one. There are a lot of men on the front of that big locomotive. 

Steven ... Have a great vacation and a wonderful Thanksgiving.  

Tin Can .... Condolences for loss of your dog. I know how it feels to lose pets. 

CN Charlie .... You said your will have your first surgery in a month. Sorry to hear about that. It is remarkable, you made it this far in life before needing surgery, and you can be thankful for that. Doctors and nurses do a good job of keeping you comfortable. All they do is put an IV in you and when it is time for you to sleep you go to sleep. Later you wake up, and you are ready to recover. You'll be okay. 





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Posted by BroadwayLion on Saturday, November 19, 2016 9:48 AM

LION'S Blueberry Muffins....

Betcha can't eat just one.



The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Saturday, November 19, 2016 10:01 AM

Heartland Division CB&Q
CN Charlie .... You said your will have your first surgery in a month. Sorry to hear about that. It is remarkable, you made it this far in life before needing surgery, and you can be thankful for that. Doctors and nurses do a good job of keeping you comfortable. All they do is put an IV in you and when it is time for you to sleep you go to sleep. Later you wake up, and you are ready to recover. You'll be okay.

I agree.  About 20 years ago I needed rotator cuff surgery after a fall on an expert slope on an icy morning.  The last thing I remember before I went under was a pretty nurse smiling and saying, "Pick a sunny beach..."  Yeah, I had to do physical therapy for a while and it hurt for some time, but the most negative thing I can remember was the macaroni and cheese they served for dinner.  The pain and discomfort is one thing.  It's part of the healing process.  But, how can they mess up macaroni and cheese so bad that even a hungry man won't eat it?

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by CentralGulf on Saturday, November 19, 2016 11:23 AM


 But, how can they mess up macaroni and cheese so bad that even a hungry man won't eat it?


Easy, graduate from any military cooking school. Laugh
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Posted by Uncle_Bob on Saturday, November 19, 2016 3:09 PM

Hey all!

My first cataract surgery went well.  I'd forgotten how well I used to see.  It's like a whole new world.  Three weeks till the other eye gets done.  My surgeon resisted my request to get it done this coming Thursday.  Must be a Detroit fan.  

Happy early Thanksgiving!

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Posted by CentralGulf on Saturday, November 19, 2016 3:30 PM

PBS has a new two part series on cats. It is currently available on streaming. I watched it over the last couple of days.

The most amazing part was a sequence showing a gentleman who has been befriended by a pride of lions in Africa. These aren't tame cats or zoo animals. They reside in a national park and hunt for a living, along with several other prides.

The cats actually stroll along with this guy, rubbing him just like they do to each other. He in turn pets and scratches them like giant house cats. My favorite part was him giving a couple of males belly rubs, which they obviously loved. One of them was so into it that he dropped his toy subway car. Laugh

OK, I made that part up, but I swear the cat did look a bit like Bert Lahr. Whistling






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Posted by der5997 on Saturday, November 19, 2016 8:23 PM

Hello Diners; Well, here it is Saturday the 19th Nov and I’m way back on Page 4 trying to catch up.
Train Front: I finally found the box of ballasting gear I knew I had, but couldn’t lay my hands on. Great relief, not least as it showed me I wasn’t imagining having seen it a few weeks ago. So next project will be to ballast the track through the tunnel to the staging yard. Once that’s done I can paint the inside of the tunnel and make some thin rock castings for the approach cut walls. In the mean time I’ve now replaced the stiff "house" wire which fed power from the wall receptacle to the layout with a more flexible “appliance” 3 pin cord. A switch (doubles as a junction box) and extra power plug receptacle (can’t have too many is my thought). The appliance cord lays on the floor and I can gaffer tape it in place for safety. Couldn’t do that so well with the house wire. Simply because I like to keep a photo record here’s a pic.  I would for the sake of completeness post the other pic, but I’m having trouble uploading to Photobucket today. PB insists I Log In each time (it hasn’t before) and when I try I get caught in an endless Log In loop. If I do break through that, and try to upload, Firefox blocks the page from automatically redirecting to the new page! Bang Head So, any further photos etc. will be from already archived material.

der5997: Great ideas for the throttle and uncoupler holders!

Your re-use of the (very nicely sceniced) hill was quite well done. I'm curious to know what types of trees you used, both decidious and coniferous? They look good. Dave

Thanks Dave – the trees are (to use a term current 55 years ago in Cadet training in the UK ) “Bushy Topped” = Cedum / or for the small ones Tansy.  There may also be some Bridal Wreath Spirea individual florets.

“Pine” (but actually spruce is what I had in mind) =Wild Spirea, (seen here untreated)  and  Astilbe and/or Golden Rod individual florets (but these latter are very flimsy and even in N Scale, not convincing unless one bulks up the stems – and it looks like I don’t have that kind of time!)

“Bushes” = Woodland Scenics Foliage Clumps
All of course with various ground foam “leaves” held in place with $ Store hair spray.
Ja Bear:
I see der5997 is having a Jamaican Goat Curry, never tried one but certainly enjoyed the Fijian Indian Goat curries, can be very hot and spicy but moderated with coconut milk and mango chutney on the side and washed down with a Fiji Bitter (or two, anyone for 3 or 4), YUM!!!
First met the Jamacian variety in Edmonton, Alberta at their Heritage Days in Hawrelak Park in the 90’s. Good stuff – but you’d think it very tame on the hotness scale!  Fiji Bitter – we’re enjoying a local brew “Propeller” Surprisingly like an English bitter.
Glad you were OK in the quake. I see that the NZ emigration site was busy following recent events in the US of A. Maybe it was Californians wanting to feel at home?
I too had a laugh about Eds“keep alive” comment to Garry, but then thought, why not go the “Ray Way” and go solar!!! But on further reflection, while it may be a good idea,I think, even though it would have room for solar panels, and charger unit, a solar topee would possibly look out of place in Kentucky!!
 but seriously folks - wouldn’t a solar pacemaker rather limit one’s nocturnal ambitions?
Also, I second Steve’s motion
Love that quote, JaBear. Picture is pretty funny, too.
DER, I like your throttle pockets. I picked up some clear plastic baskets that, I guess, were intended for use in the shower or something. They had suction cups on them, easily removed. Anyway, they made great throttle holders for Digitrax throttles. I'll have to get a photo posted.
  There you go! I added the “Wear eye protection” note as these ones were very brittle and small bits flew off from the cutter. No real goats were harmed in the posting of this reply!  Also, as I’m now days later in writing this than when I started, what  difference in the scenery on your layout! ( top of page 5 photos) BTW in the “before” shot there is what looks like a gas storage tank – what I would have called a “gasometer”  IIRC from my childhood in the UK. What era are you modeling?
On the general topic of Cider, it wasn’t until emigrating to Canada that we came across “soft” cider. I had learned of its existence however while still in the UK. One summer job at college had involved working with a chap from the U.S. Our place of employment was in the west of England, which is famous for its cider. The local pub served it from the keg, and it lay in the glass suspiciously innocent looking, no bubbles even. We lads ordered ½ pints at lunch, knowing the power of the stuff. Our overseas guest would have none of that restraint and ordered a pint; “it’s only cider!”. While we had lunch he quaffed away, and ordered a second pint. We were sitting on bar stools, and when it was time to leave we all dismounted, and our “it’s only cider” friend immediately hit the floor. He would not be told it was deceptive, and I guess learned his lesson the  “hard” way.
Jimmy_ B: Happy (Belated) Birthday!  We saw the tail end of a train on the rack to the Northern Fibre Pulp Mill in Abercrombie the other day. Worth a mention only because if one were running an activity sampling analysis on the spur, one could conclude that it is abandoned!  We cross it to and from New Glasgow / Trenton / Stellarton  several times a week. In 3 years, this is maybe the second train movement we’ved witnessed. Not your “ideal location for railfanning” perhaps!
 Daughter Surgery went great! He (Dr) thought there was a small chance like 5% that he could do the surgery none invasive he was able to get it done! She only has 7 small holes and not the 7"inch incision we thought was going to happen! He all so thinks she should be able to eat some solid food for Thanks Giving! She was not going to come over for Thanks Giving because she would not be able to eat solid food. It would be the first time in her life she would not have been with Sue and I.
That’s the very best news! Angel BTW, thanks for saying “Sue and I” – it seems that around here, and in the media, “Sue and myself” is becoming common usage. To me it’s just plain wrong! BTWv2  Thanks for your kind words re the layout.Embarrassed Your pics show a very good, and RUNNING empire! Bow
Your Sale-that-is-not-a-sale story reminded me of a phone call I made to a newsletter customer service the other day. The subscription had auto renewed and I didn’t like the price at which it did so. I called to cancel. The service guy said “Wait, before you do may I offer you a better price?” I asked what that would be and he gave a figure 44% of (not off) the renewal. Sucked Rail Spikes, as you so eloquently say!
Ulrich: Thanks for dropping by. Sorry about your news. I’ve sent you a PM.
This is not an errant piece of flex track, this is New Zealand after the earthquake. 
  but it does look like they soldered all their rail joints but one! Clown
Flying robbers ? Hmm how would one model that in HO scale ?
…one could try mounting on short pieces of fibre optic (Oh sorry fiber optic for you y’all) I did that once for a Frisbee scene, and I’ve seen kites modeled that way. Mind you one would have to stick to diminutive felons, such as are under discussion here!
Thanks for the reminder of your SIL, I’d forgotten. Also, that’s the better kind of lump, if one must have one at all!

Garry: [quote] Frog Parking Only  Others will be Toad. [quote] Arghhh! And since the subject of unpowered frogs has been raised…here’s a powered one.  Glad all went well.Angel  Do you realize that the battery in NCE’s Powerhouse Pro DCC unit is on a 5 year replacement schedule? Whistling

Then CNN reports that a cruiser and two destroyers sunk in WW 2 have vanished, thought to be salvaged by Thai and Vietnamese salvagers masquerading as fisherman using somewhat primative equipment.  A real desecration of war graves.
Dutch, and maybe more that were British Royal Navy, so I learned from the BBC
tin can: Sorry about your news. It’s hard to watch a loved pet decline – you’ve done the best you can. Better, I suppose, now than while you were away. Our thoughts are with you.
We all have a lot to be thankful for.
Very true!    for those for whom that is a future event!
CN Charlie:
I finally picked up my RS3 over the past weekend and installed the TCS decoder. It runs just great.
My fav decoder manufacturer – and not just for their really hassle free no-questions-asked replacement policy! My LL Proto N GP 38-2 needs a new decoder – it wasn’t a TCS – and I’m lining up a TCS L1D4 to replace it. No Sound for this layout – I share the space with my wife and there is a limit to her very generous toleration of mmr. (I may get around to crossing bells and so on, but a sound equipped Genesis on the last layout bothered us both.)
(by Steve) OK, guys, shortly I will be taking off for a long holiday vacation. But I'll be back after Thanksgiving week, when Vinny will fill me in on any shenanigans, so don't try anything.  Have a happy holiday!
  Just remember folks that Cousin Vinnie has “connections” 
LION: Those muffins make me wish I had a K4 screen!
My first cataract surgery went well.  I'd forgotten how well I used to see.  It's like a whole new world.
  That’s great news – and encouraging too as I have an eye appointment early next month and need to talk about that possibility…
PBS has a new two part series on cats. It is currently available on streaming. I watched it over the last couple of days.
We watched that too (recorded on the PVR) Very interesting and entertaining. We particularly were taken by that small Himalayan cat – hadn’t known about that.  Even our Penny got all twitchy when she saw some of the cats on the screen. She usually takes little interest in TV – but the occasional butterfly or such will pull her chain. I was thinking of "our" LION too!
I can hardly believe I’ve got up to speed. Just in time to say Goodnight! Prayers for all in need.

"There are always alternatives, Captain" - Spock.

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, November 19, 2016 8:38 PM

Evenin' Folks!

Janie, I could use a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows right now, please....   Thank you Ma'am!

Been a chilly and wet most of the day here in the Finger Lakes.  This morning was actgiually quite nice but after lunch we started getting a cold damp drizzle.  I decided to treat myself to breakfast at the Water Street Cafe downtown.  My favorite hangout for breakfast or lunch.  Unfortunately it appears to everyone elses favorite hangout as well.  Place was completely packed with some people waitingh to get seated, so I headed back home for my cereal and coffee, then went down to church to meet with the chair of property committee about adding sound to the narthex of the church.  The financial gentleman will order the speakers on Monday and we go from there.  They want it done if possible in two weeks.  I think we can do that if everyone involved gets their part done on time.

Got to show off the new car as well....  Have a lot to learn on it, but little by little I am fighuring out all the things I want to use in the car.  Mostly just figuring out where they are (different from the PiP).  I set up the main screen to show the items I want displayed today in my travels around.

Spent most of the day figuring out (remembering) how to use Traction (recording program) again.  I haven't used it but for a couple small projects since I downloaded this version.  In fact this was the first time I have used this update as I had to register the program before I could use it.....  What I have is likely 5 or 6 versions back now.  I am trying to covert an old Cassette tape I made for the church of our Handbell Choir back 25 or so years ago.  That was before I started producing CD's professionally even.  I am digitizing the tape to make a CD of it that an old friend wants to have me burn for the old members of the Bell Choir back then.  Got all of 1/4 of the project cpmpleted in about 4 hours today....  Now that I know how to use the program I should get the rest done easily tomorrow afternoon.

No time for trains today...

Quote for the day:

"I envy parinoids; they actually feel people are paying attention to them." - Susan Sontag


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by cudaken on Saturday, November 19, 2016 9:00 PM

 Evening Diners

 Flo, I will have a Beer and Ed wants a Royal Rock with a Crown on it? Confused Must be a Ohio thing. Smile, Wink & Grin

 Semi Retirment Work Front Yep sloooooow again. Only had 2 customers all day! Well that is 2 more than Friday so it is getting better? Whistling Sure a good thing I put all the sales tags out! Bang Head


My favorite part was him giving a couple of males belly rubs, which they obviously loved. One of them was so into it that he dropped his toy subway car. Laugh

 I think this caused my first grin today! Big Smile That was funny.

 I have only been but under one time for my hand surgery. Pretty much like you folks say. In my case I was told to count from 100 backwards. 100, 99 and then I woke up done.

 I guess I will be getting put under again shortly. Seems I need to have a camara stuck up my caboose to look to see if I have something I don't want to have. Sounds fun does'nt.

 Ed I read your PM and I will be home Monday! Big Smile All so hope I have my washer and dyer as well. Remember the Midlefeild Centeral F7's you sent some time back? The ones you painted. Are they Stweart's with Kato motors? If so, are they DCC ready? One of my beloved PK1000 Monon shell just dropped on the A Chassis you sent. PK1000 F unit shells with fit Stwearts chassis. Are they one of the Stwearts that where spitting fire and BBQ'ing decoders? Dinner

 Gary Great to see you posting and Beer on me for the whole month, what is left of it.

 Later, Ken




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Posted by jlehnert on Saturday, November 19, 2016 9:11 PM

Evening folks.  

Chloe, I'll take a large milkshake and one of the blueberry muffins Broadway Lion left.  WHAT? ALL GONE!?!  A plague of locusts ate them all? Go figure. 

Tin Can - Sorry for your loss 

Herrinchoker - Excellent commentary 

MisterBeasley - I'm with you. I've had more surgeries than I can count, but most of them were in and out on the same day. Only the last one involved a significant stay.  Most of the food was better than I expected, but the exceptions.... OMG!  How can you make blueberry pancakes so bad that a man who hadn't eaten in 10 days took 2 bites and threw the rest away?  I brushed my teeth, and went down to the nurses station to beg for something else to get the taste out of my mouth!

Der5997 - If Gary is on the same replacement schedule as the nce powercab, does that mean that whenever he runs into a piece of bad track, we'll have to give him a push to get him started again? 

Glad for the weekend.  Long week at w**k, with over 20 hours of overtime. Of course, as luck would have it, I'd previously committed to a 24 hour volunteer duty shift at the local station. Yes, I'm pretty sure I own a house somewhere, not that I ever see it. 

Have to keep an eye open for the next few weeks. The local HO club has a display at the armory around this time of year.  I've always wanted to take a look, and then forget about it in the rush of the season. Maybe I'll get things straight this year. 

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Posted by gmpullman on Sunday, November 20, 2016 3:58 AM

Hello, Diners!

It's 4 AM here, good time for a nice green chili, chimichanga, don't you think, Chloe? Jalapeno poppers on the side?

Since Ken is having trouble deciphering my preferred drink, I had better go with a nice, cold draft, thank you.

Ken, Crown Royal... Not Royal Crown with a bag 'o rocks.

This is proof that our friends to the north, REALLY want to be our friends! Thank you to all who fly the Maple Leaf!

PM Railfan
Ed - Been meaning to talk to you about Wilson.


Wilson's anniversary is coming up! I was opening the main door to the plant one cold morning on my way into w**k at 3 AM! It was 22 November 2008—a terrible snow storm had blown in and I thought I heard a faint cry coming from under a shrub near the door. The friend I was walking with didn't hear it, "Get inside" he said. No, wait, I'm sure I heard something. Then I peeked under the shrub and when he saw me he came out and I picked him up.

I called Mrs. Pullman and told her I might just be bringing home a little prize, she knew right away I was talking about another c-a-t! She said, this will be number seven, you know. So his name was Seven for a day or two.

Well, he worked a 12 hour shift with me and rode home that afternoon in my w**k duffle bag... embroidered "Wilson"

He's quite the companion, along with the rest of the "crew" here. Eight goats, five other cats, a hundred chickens and 2 dozen ducks! Quite the collection.

Those two would be Thelma and Louise I take it. Cute kids!

Dave, those two, and another sister were born on Easter day. We named them Easter Lily, Easter Lunch and Easter Dinner... well, at least they had a clue as to their destiny. Lily is still with us, though.

Remember the Midlefeild Centeral F7's you sent some time back? The ones you painted. Are they Stweart's with Kato motors?

Wow! Ken, you're going WAY back... those are OLD Athearns, maybe even with the metal truck side frames. They make great book-ends! I'll be sending you a nice pair of Stewart Fs, (Bessemer, too!) with good decoders already in them (I forget what brand) but they run smooth as goose grease!

I sent you another PM, kicking myself for forgetting to put the LEDs in your package Bang Head. Glad you'll be home Monday. Hope everything arrives intact! Almost ALL my empty boxes got toasted in a house fire back in 2012!

DER, Great to hear from you again! Always glad to hear the stories you have to tell in the Diner. That cord looks like a good idea! They make a special rubber sleeve to keep cords flat on the floor. I had a bunch of them around here somewhere. Wish you lived closer, and postage across the northern border wasn't a King's Ransom!

Well, what a difference 24 hours makes! Friday's weather was sunny and 75°F and tonight we have three inches of snow—so far—and forty mile-an-hour gusts and a low of 30!

I hope you are all doing well and have an enjoyable weekend. My thoughts and prayers to anyone in need...

Regards, Ed

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Posted by BigDaddy on Sunday, November 20, 2016 8:26 AM

Uncle Bob  I knew you would do well.  The funniest thing I heard from a patient going to sleep was a guy in his 50's who shouted "IT FEELS LIKE SATURDAY NIGHT!"

Der One of the articles I read said they were working at 60 meters with surface supplied air.  At 35 m I get stupid with nitrogen narcosis.  I don't think I would know which way is up at 60.  Odessey Marine is a commercial treasure hunting company in the US.  You might enjoy clicking on the indivdural shipwrecks on the left side of the page.  

SWMBO was cooking soup with her SIL so I got out of the house and went to  a new to me train store.  It was fairly large, sporadically stocked and very few customers.  The owner immediately offered to help anyone who came through the door, but everyone was just looking so he continued a very loud conversation on his cell phone with a relative about the estate of another relative and the intra-family war over the estate.  Why to LHS's have Floquil racks with 8 or 10 bottle of obscure colors?  I did not buy anything. 

It was a nice day for a drive until I hit stopped traffic just before the Baltimore Beltway exit.  I took a detour through the city where I discovered Squeege kids have returned and panhandlers clustered around the stadiums (Camden Yards and the Ravens stadium are next door to one another.

In honor of Galaxy the word for the day  Internecine

  1. 1 :  marked by slaughter :  deadly; especially :  mutually destructive

  2. 2 :  of, relating to, or involving conflict within a group <bitter internecine feuds>

Sunny, cold 48, and gusty today 32 mph.




COB Potomac & Northern

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Posted by ricktrains4824 on Sunday, November 20, 2016 8:29 AM

Good morning all.

Zoe, a nice big breakfast platter, with scrambled eggs, homefries, bacon, French toast, flapjack short stack, and an OJ, please. Thanks!

Steven - Enjoy your vacation! Don't worry, Vinnie will keep us in line. He's nice and friendly, so long as we don't push him.... Whistling

Garry - Glad the surgery went well!

Ed - Wilson sounds kinda like Dakoda - A cute black&white fluff ball we gave a w**kmate of my Dad's. He was a stray that started hanging around, so we put some food out for the cute little guy, and one day, my Dad ran to his w**k to meet up with the one who now owns Dakoda, for a project that needed completed. Well, the w**kmate mentioned they were looking for a cute black&white kitty for the kids, and my Dad said he was welcome to take in the stray that was-yet-to-be named. As they were talking about it, they heard a faint meow, coming from my Dad's truck. (A Dodge Dakoda....) Well, they investigated, and when they opened the hood of my Dad's truck, they found, sitting on the air cleaner, safe as could be, said black&white fluff ball, he had evedently climbed in there to escape the wind and cold, earlier that morning, and safely rode there all the way to my Dad's w**k. So, he promptly was named Dakoda.... And as of last report, still a lovable ball of fluff, just bigger.

Weather - Like Ed, we got colder (a lot!) and whiter. Have around 4 inches of fluffy stuff, and a Lake Effect Snow Warning now, expecting anywhere from 6-12 more inches, with storm total of 10-18 by Monday afternoon. However... All is currently quiet, save for that same fierce wind. (Still staying in today though, weather concerns have cancelled all my normal routine for today.) If it wasn't for that wind, it wouldn't be that bad out there....

W**k - DATG sale is now finalized, Pre-TGD sale is (almost) completely set. (That is Day After ThanksGiving, and ThanksGiving Day, for those not in retail.) Schedule appears to be fun... But it should work out ok. (40+ hours scheduled, but due to a scheduling conflict, I will be 35+) Like Cudaken, most of our sale is really not that spectacular, and some items sale price is higher for the Pre-TGD sale and the DATG sale than it was last week! Only a select few have a "smokin' deal" price. We are pushing more towards financing deals than cash deals though. (But the "hot buys" are excluded.... So that "smokin' deal" price is exactly what you see, nothing else offered, nor will nothing else be permitted to be used/added.) 

I am off today, so am planning on catching the NASCAR championship race. 

Speaking of NASCAR - #Se7en today? Just might be a record-tying day.... (And now you NASCAR fans know who and what I am rooting for....)

Trains - Nothing new accomplished recently, but hoping to finish a few projects while stuck indoors toady. Might get some pics to share if it gets completed.....

Hope all are well, and all enjoy the day!

Ricky W.

HO scale Proto-freelancer.

My Railroad rules:

1: It's my railroad, my rules.

2: It's for having fun and enjoyment.

3: Any objections, consult above rules.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, November 20, 2016 9:10 AM

Good morning .. 

I can't thank everybody enough for the kind words regarding my surgery. This was my 7th heart surgery and this time it was minor surgery to replace the device. ... The doctor said researchers are trying to figure out how to recharge batteries with radio waves through the skin or something like that. He did not mention solar power, however. Maybe, doctors will implant cell phone chargers so I can simply plug myself in. LOL ! .... All of the humorous comments are appreciated. The Diner has always been a place where friends can razz each other, and I encourage people to do that. 

Have a nice Sunday. 




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Posted by howmus on Sunday, November 20, 2016 10:01 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have the #2 special this morning, over easy on the eggs, Bacon, home fires, and a double order of the sourdough toast, please.  What?  Of course, I'll need a pot of Marrakesh Express Dark Roast Organic Coffee to keep me awake wilst I work here at the computer.....

 [color=red]Garry]/color], glad the surgery went smoothly and hope you have some good batteries to last several years!

We are under a "Lake Effect Snow Warning" here in Geneva at the moment.  Snow has already bugun with some flurries and is supposed to trun real nasty later this afternoon....  Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are under "Gale Warnings"!  The wind is a constant 22mph here at the moment.  Good news is there aren't many leaves left on that maple tree next door, so if the sun ever comes out again, the panels should make a bit more power....Whistling  I should go grocery shopping this afternoon.  Will be a chance to see how the Volt handles in high wind.....???...

Will be spending miost of the day finishing the CD I am working on.  One quarter done and only 9 more pieces to digitize.

Catch you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by CNCharlie on Sunday, November 20, 2016 12:05 PM

Good Morning,

A dull, cool day here but at least there isn't any of that white stuff on the ground.

Garry and Mr.B, thanks for the words of encouragement. The procedure I will have is the removal of the prostate as they found cancer in it. The operation is about 4 hours long followed by about 4 days in hospital. 

CG, we have recorded that show on cats but will wait to watch it when Robbie(the westie) isn't around as he hates cats in flesh or on TV. I have actually petted a cheetah when we were on a safari in Kenya. It was very tame. It sure did purr loudly and seemed to really like me as it gave me a big lick on my face. Maybe it was just a taste test. 

Ray, congrats on your new car. I looked it up on GM's website. It is a very nice car. We don't see many here as there aren't any incentives in this province for hybrid or electric vehicles. You can get up to 12 grand in rebates elsewhere. 

Not much on the agenda today except a grocery run. 

CN Charlie

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Posted by CGW121 on Sunday, November 20, 2016 1:01 PM

Wife and I went to two club open houses in North West Illinois yesterday. One was in a little town called Chadwick the club had an open  house. Layout had 3 levels scenery mostly completed. They had a nice curved trestle and there was a gauntlet on it. As one guy said "We have had head ons on it. Not me but others have." Loved the layout very well done.

Savanna Illinois hosts a club at the local history museum very well done layout of the area in the 50s.  It is on the Mississippi, and the CB&Q and the Milwaukee road ran thru there. There was a bazaar on one of the lower levels so wife spent time and money there. After that we went to a local biker bar called Poopies, which has some great looking choppers and even better food.

Wife really liked an older mans steam engine that had sound. She told me I should get some of those. Well if you twist my arm I suppose I will have to.


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Posted by MisterBeasley on Sunday, November 20, 2016 1:10 PM

I went to the Greenberg train show today.  I didn't think the vendor representation was very good.  A few vendors that I'd gotten used to seeing were missing.  I bought some scenery supplies - trees, rock molds and plaster cloth.

This show is more O and S than anything else, and it seems there were more toy vendors (Hot Wheels, Thomas, Star Wars) than I've seen before.  I think I've seen all the operating layouts many times before, too.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by howmus on Sunday, November 20, 2016 3:17 PM

Afternoon folks!

Chloe a cup of hot chocolate would really hit the spot right now!

 Charlie, thanks!  If it turns out to be as good a car as the PiP was, I'll be very happy.  May get a chance to start right in driving on snow here!  They are now forcasting 3 to 5 inches of snow in the next 36 hours for the Finger Lakes Area.  We are getting lake effect flurries at the moment and the heavy snow should start in an hour or so, I guess.  Also will be getting 40mph gust of wind.....  The good news is that the maple tree next door has had most of it's leaves ripped off in the last 24 hours!  The lake effect is on full force with clod air moving over a very warm set of Great Lakes (Erie and Ontario), lots of mosture being picked up.  I bet you can see the steam coming up from Seneca Lake right now.  That should be dumping some small lake effect over where my son lives.  He has to work today.  Hope he gets home safely........

Have more of the recording done.  One more and it is half way done......  I hope to get a test CD burned for the friend who wants to give them out as Christmas Presents to check out.  If it is OK then I will put together the artwork and documentation for it....

Break is over, so back to w*rk.


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by cudaken on Sunday, November 20, 2016 8:11 PM

 Evening Diners

 Flo Ed will have a Royal Crown on the rocks and I will have Beer

 Work Front While I could not say 5 customers in 5 hours is hopping busy. But way better than 2 in 8 hours! Best customer of the day was the first! Weekends only blew the sale by telling them "If you don't buy the matching box springs it will void the warranty" At one point when I started with Mattress Gaint I thought that was ture. I now know that is because they want to sell you the box spring, nothing to do with the warranty!  They bought a good spiff bed and I made a extra $120.00 to boot! Yes I use to do 6 to 8 $100.00 + a month spiff sales. I am now down to maybe 4 and that is hurting.


Your pics show a very good, and RUNNING empire! Bow

 Der have you been in Ed's Royal Crown? Laugh My layout looks like a 13 year old had $10,000.00 and bulit it! I mainly just photos of the last section I bulit I call K-10 Mining. I like the painting I did, like the trees but there are short comings. If you look at the bottom of the rock faces, they are smooth, forgot to work that part. Rest of the layout Ick! Well, it works well so for now I am happy.

 Ed, what am I going to do with the 40 HO scale Crowns and Rocks I made for you? Whistling I was kidding about not knowing what Royal Crown was. I have never tried it and as a whole I stay away from the hard stuff.

 Guess I was about 28 at the time I went on a canoe trip. Other guys got there way before me, I got out of work at 6:30 PM and it was a 2 hour drive. When I got there I played catch up by drinking Old Granddads. I was lite pretty fast and to late to picth my tent. Ok, I was to hammered to pitch a tent. So I sleep in my 1974 Eldo. I woke up at one point, rolled down the window and blew chunks. Next day when I woke up and got out of the Caddy, where I blew the chunks on the door, the paint had lifted! Confused So No More Hard Stuff for me!

 I have no real idea why you have taken a shinning to me Ed, but I am gratefull! Bow Looking forward to getting the package Monday! Bow More Bessemer even! My heart be still! By the way, my wife thinks we are both nuts! You because you have so much, and I for wanting more! She all so never under stood why I have a good running Mopar that had 335 HP and I wanted 425 HP, then 475 HP and so forth. When I hit 693 HP, hum another 100 HP would be nice. Never made that jump, got into trains.

 Midlefeild Centeral F7 If they are Old Athearn engines I will eat them. I have delt wih a lot of them, from rubber band drive, Rocket Motors with steel flywheels and there RTR (ready to repair) engines. Chassis it self looks like a Proto 1000 F unit, much like a Stewart which shells can be inner changed some what. Motor looks like none of the Athearn or Stewart motors I have ownend. Motor is dark gray and flywheels are brass with a tapper at the end. U joints are white. I will take a photo and post it.

 Well time to eat some BBQ Dinner

 Later Ken








I hate Rust

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Posted by tcwright973 on Sunday, November 20, 2016 9:15 PM

Ray - Good luck with the new car. I know very little about these type of vehicles, but what little I have read seems to indicate that advances in their technology is moving along right smartly.

Garry - Very glad to hear that your surgery was successful, and that no gremlins showed up to rain on the parade.

Yesterday was another good one railfanning. 16 trains in 4 hours. One each of UP & BNSF for foreign power. Caught a coke train, first one in quite a while.

We went to a train show this morning. It's a small show, but I like it for some reason. Seldom find anything, but enjoy looking all the same. Mostly old, beat up TYCO type stuff. Usually way over priced as well.

After the show we stopped for lunch, & then railfanned for about an hour. Somewhat surprised to catch 6 trains, including the "Erie" heritage unit again.

Our weather has changed here, & not for the better. Temperatures have dropped, & although we had brisk winds & flurries all day, we lucked out & had no accumulation other than a little in grassy areas. Other areas of western Pennsylvania aren't as lucky & are seeing some significant accumulations.

Stay safe & have a great week.


Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted by "JaBear" on Monday, November 21, 2016 3:56 AM

Gidday Chloe, d’yah think that Ed would mind if I had a wee dram from his bottle??? Only one mind, I’d hate to start acting the goat!!!
Pleased to hear your Good News Uncle Bob and likewise Garry!!!
NZR Ec Class.
“Don't believe anything you read on the net. Except this. Well, including this, I suppose.” ― Douglas Adams
Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them.
Cheers, the Bear.Smile

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by howmus on Monday, November 21, 2016 8:38 AM


Today has been cancelled due to weather conditions!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Monday, November 21, 2016 10:06 AM

Today has been cancelled due to weather conditions!

We had a light snow cover this morning.  It's mostly gone already.  It will not be warm today, and I may need to think about getting back to the gym as it's going to be too cold to bike for a while.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by angelob6660 on Monday, November 21, 2016 10:09 AM

Morning diners,

Sorry about not communication on the weekend. The Star Wars Battlefront was giving away 4x the points on their 1st anniversary.

We finally met our new neighbors across the street, unfortunately not in a good way. He ran into our brick wall with his motorcycle ("he says he was taken pictures while riding it") caused a huge hole. The wall foundation needs to be replaced but luckily the wall is broken/spilt into two sections. 

I'm been debating on whether to get two cabooses or one. Since my layout design is a branch line concept with one to two trains. One passenger one freight. But I thought if I didn't want to run the layout as a branch line but a normal town with active locomotives running at least three. Making two cabooses really possible.

Should I just forget it and see what happens. 

Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by howmus on Monday, November 21, 2016 11:06 AM

We had a light snow cover this morning. It's mostly gone already. It will not be warm today, and I may need to think about getting back to the gym as it's going to be too cold to bike for a while.

Ha!  Wait 'till Argos moves off the coast and swings around from the North on the backside........  We have been getting Argos which in itself is a bit nasty, but as it swings Southward winds across the warm great lakes it has gained moisture and is nailing us good.  Where I live usually only gets and inch or so of lake effect when over near Buffallo they may be getting a few feet of the white stuff.  I have been out working in my fairly short driveway for well over an hour and have it about 1.3rd. clear.  There is over 2 feet on the porch.  Had to do a path by hand for that to hike through the stuff out to the shed, hand shovel the ramp enough to get the door open and get out the 100' cord I use with the little Toro Electric blower.  The Volt is almost completely buried in the back of the droveway.  Driveway is averaging about 12 to 14 inches all across it.  Out near the street where the city both plowed and major salted before that, it is very heavy icy slush.  The little Toro electric isn't made to handle that at a foot deep......  I'm inside trying to get warmed up.  Wet gloves are infront of the heat vent as is my Carhart winter coat.  Wind is still roaring across the place at about 22mph with gusts into the 30's.

Time Warner Cable News lists 42 schools closed today.  That's just in the Western Finger Lakes and Rochester area....

Looking at the map, there is a lake effect snow band that is starting at Lake Huron (near Barrie, Canada) and picks up strength coming over Lake Ontario.  That is the band that is dumping snow here and it keeps on going all the way to close to Hartford Conn.   Major lake effect I would say!

Have a "nice" day....AngryBang Head  LOL


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, November 21, 2016 11:25 AM

Good Evening!

Janie, I need something to comfort my shattered nerves - how about a nice mug of hot chocolate with a generous swig from that bottle Vinnie keeps under the counter? Thank you, dear!

It´s been another calm day. Petra and I went out to do the weekly grocery run and we are now stocked up with a week´s supply. We had organized a sort of convoy with neighbors, so we felt a little safer passing the spot. I also think that there is a little more police presence in our neighborhood now.

We already had a good dose of that fluffy white stuff a couple of weeks ago, which was quite early in the season. I can´t remember having snow at the beginning of November, so that was a new one to me.

A pretty sight, which stayed only a few days. We are back to the usual wet & windy weather which makes November a dull and depressing month.

Garry - could to hear that the change of your alternator - oops, pacemaker went well!

CNCharlie - keeping our fingers crossed for the upcoming surgery!

Someone said he is up for a colonoscopy. While the procedure itself is not a big thing, the prep work is not really nice. It´ll be forgotten soon!

Have a good one, y´all, y´ hear!

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Posted by hon30critter on Monday, November 21, 2016 1:30 PM

Hi Ulrich:

We had our first dose of the white stuff today. Very windy too. We had been spoiled so far in November with sunny warm(er) weather so the snow and the cold is a shock to the system.

As always there were those who can't equate the presence of snow on the road with the need to slow down so there were cars in the ditch everywhere. Thanks to several accidents on Highway 400, which is one of the main feeder routes into Toronto, the side roads were packed solid. It took me two hours to get Dianne to work. Its usually 40 minutes.Angry


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by yougottawanta on Monday, November 21, 2016 1:54 PM

Hey all !! Guess what ?!! I took some time off this morning and went down to meet with the permit lady. Turned out to be a good decision. Went over a few things, kept saying "Its a barn!" over and over. She worked with me I gave here the engineering ( can you imagine that engineering for a barn ! ) sheer walls, hold downs, grade beams, rebar etc....Looks like I will be approved by next Monday !! Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah !!

I did get one concession from her. She wanted me to pour "haunches for a stoop ( have you EVER put a stoop on a barn ? ) I said look, it is an 8" step down to grade. That is $110 a foot for a total of $800 with slab ! Its a barn ! Then she asked what if the backfill settles ? I said I will fill it back up ....

Ulrich - How is your railroad doing ?

Howmus - I though you northerns didnt close school for snow ?

V8 - Raining ? At least it isnt snowing !

Mr. B - You and Howmus both have snow ? Same storm ?

JaBear - Thanks for the clarification. Why do you still use Her majesty...You are not ruled by a Monarch are you ?

Ken - Now that the elections are FINALLY over I think people will be out and everyone should see an uptick in sales - hopefully -

Mike - You have a good wife ! The only thing better is if she bought you a locomative !

Garry - Glad the operation went well. Heck if you would have come up my way I would have doen it for free...I have saws, drills, dremel tools etc...Oh and I have some rechargeable batteries Smile, Wink & Grin

Ricky W - If I had not gone into construction I wanted to be into racing !!!Love watching Nascar.

Henry - internecive - Sound like a descrition of what happens in a divorce ! I will never forget Billy Crystals line about spending lots of money fighting his ex wife over a $200 chair...forget the movies name.

GM - So what is the cats name now ? Still 7 or is it Wilson ?

jlehnert - LOL - "Pretty sure I own a house..."

Der - So good to see you again. I think that would probably work too.

CG - Was one of those Lions our very own Lion ? Laugh

Uncle Bob - Good luck on the cataract surgery - here is a Angel that all goes well

CNCharlie - I laughed out loud when I read " "just a taste" comment Laugh Glad your back and hope the cancer stays away.

Todays History qoutes:

Madam, don't bring up your sons to detest the United States government. Recollect that we form one country now. Abandon all these local animosities, and make your sons Americans.

In this enlightened age, there are few I believe, but what will acknowledge, that slavery as an institution, is a moral & political evil in any Country

Robert E Lee





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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, November 21, 2016 2:22 PM

Time to call it a day and try to get some sleep.

Dave, no wonder you are later than us here with getting the first snow. Bradford is a full 7° south of us!

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