Evening Dinners
Flo, Beer Please
Sorry I have been MIA a few days, just nothing fun to talk about.
Work Front It has had me in the dump the last two days. Found out that Cary is being let go because we are losing money, yet the Idot Dave is keeping his job? On a per sales stand point, I would have picked Cary as well. He is not that great and has the lowest sales so that I understand. Dave is still good at sales, but is just totaly lost on every thing eles!
Paul the GM and all the other staff wanted to let Dave go! But Nancy (owner wife) thinks Dave is great! But, she is a ding-bat in her own right.
I have two main worries.
1 I have busted my hump getting the store straight and clean. Cary was covering my store 2 days a week. Last thing I want is to have Dave in there when I am not! Then there is the Power Struggle, I don't think anyone has told Dave he is not still the Manager yet?
2 If we are doing that badly how much longer will I have a job? Marv (owner) is starting to fix the store front up, and he is cheap! Where the store is and it sizes fixed up some it could bring in $1.5 too $2 million dollars.
Well I am out of here tonight and will drop by Monday.