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Elliot's Trackside Diner - Sept. 2014

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Posted by JeremyB on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 8:43 AM

Morning guys,

Just about to head out to work soon. Nice day for a walk at the moment ut we are expecting wind and rain later on this evening.

Talk to you guys tonight sometime

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 8:29 AM

Good morning. It's 76° with 95% humidity. The high will be 92° and cloudy.

Nothing going on this morning. Just waiting on the Home Health nurse to call.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Packer on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 7:50 AM

Morning guys

I *was* planning to weather some cars, but it looks like it's gonna rain.

I have finished a few more kits in the past few day. Most of them being McKean or Front Range 40' boxcars. I wish I hadn't gotten rid of all my non-roller bearing trucks now, these cars would use them...

My little switching layout hasn't really progressed any. I need another 60 degree atlas crossing, rail joiners, and track nails.

I'll be in later


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by galaxy on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 5:48 AM


September 10th, 2014!


I hacve the cardiologist about the first Appt. in the A of M. DOn't count on getting right in, though, that often doesn't mean they are "ready for you".

Then I have some phone calls to make. There is still a  missing form for the accident I need, I am going to have her FAX it o my agent, nad will pick it up at his office as It is NOT comming through the mail! I did get TWO mailings with the mileage reimbursement forms, though, oddly enough! No one told me I was eligible for mileage reimbursement for the Dr/hospital/PT visits! I CALLED my agent a while ago and asked what other forms besides the DMV form I got and filled out and sent in, he said he was sure I'd getg it or they'd get a report. BOSH on that! and I thought I was in "good hands".  Now I am getting letters questioning the medical issues claims against it.

They'd better NOT raise my premium next time in January either for this stupid accident! I really WOn't be in "good hands" then, OR they'd best NOT drop me either!


I ma on a good rack financially for once, and will be geting some stuff paid off/down drastically this month and next month, so I am happy aobut that, unless some unknown bill comes. I will getg a slew of "due bills" for the six month pre-existing condition exclusions backing up at some medical suppliers. The O2 machine guy was here yesterday to check my machine, and I forgot to notify them of the change, as I never get a bill, it automatically happens. I will have probably a $30/m bill for 6 months, so a sudden $180.00 not counted on. Fortunately Iwill still have a bit of a financial buffer with minor savings. There is a hang up getting new CPAP mask/supplies. They afre waiting for results for the insurance to see If I need to pay anyhting. Apparnelty they won't send a new one until the insurance is cleared? I have delayed getting a new mask setup as it costs about $400, and 20% is $80. SO hte mask I have is really worn out, I am about to tape it together my  hillbilly roots way...with duct or duck tape! If they wait too much longer {the 30th of this month} I will be of "pre-existing conditions probation" On Oct 1. Maybe I should just wait at this point for a new setup! Breathing in tape fumes will be good for my lungs.

well, I declared last night I was thinking of gethering into "groups or "packages" the train stuff we accumulated and selling ti on EBAY. MOH, who is into trains {N scale} too, said NO I WILL NOT SELL MY TRAIN STUFF!!!!. I was DEclared war on if I did so. I can still sell MY HOs and MY N scale stuff, BUT MOH'S  is HANDS OFF!

We are never going to to have any sapce for two good sized layouts so i am thinking of divesting myself. I guess I could do Like Ulrich and do a module or somehting, but no good club around here i'd like to be a part of, so a stand alone module without continuous running, would bore me!

Dunno, I have been having this dilemma for over a year now. That Is one reason I stopped posting, as I wonder if I still belong here? i mean if I am not "training" what good am I? {I know some of you probalby wonder that anyway}.

well, off to get ready for the Dr.



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 10:03 PM

Howdy ... Good to see everybody! We're home from our trip. 

Keith .. Nice to see you returned.

Jeff ... The covered hopper would be a good start for a realistic wreck scene. 

Thanks everybody of the birthday wishes last week

We did a lot of stuff on the trip in OH and MI. ... My birthday. My sister birthday. Our DIL's birthday. Our anniversary. One of our daughters got married. We saw all six grandkids. (They live in Cincinnnati area, Detroit area, and Grand Rapids. ) 

Our one daughter and her new husband now live near Selfridge Air Base near Mt. Clemens. The Blue Angels were there for an air show. We could see them from daughter's house. On Saturday we went on a boat in Lake St. Clair and watched the air show. The Blue Angels are very impressive. 

Happy Model Railroading 




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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 9:28 PM

Good evening. It's 82° with 82% humidity. Temp and humidity the same? Gee, how many times does that happen? Cloudy tonight with the low at 72°. No chance of rain.

Tomorrow morning I'll get my usual visit from a Home Health nurse then sometime in the afternoon I should get a call from the hospital telling me when I have to be there Thursday. Hopefully tomorrow I can get some laundry done as well. Looks like tomorrow's gonna be a busy day. I did get one thing accomplished today. Around this this time next week I should have two more locos. An Athearn GP7 and an Bachmann GP30. I bought the GP30 new several years ago. It's DCC if the decoder hasn't been removed.

Well that's all for today. See y'all tomorrow.

Ever wonder what sunlight shining through a Lexan window can do?

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by cudaken on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 5:43 PM

 Evening Dinners

 Flo, case of Beer pleases! Big Smile

 Another wasted day. Sue was gone and I laid in bed (Not Couch) with Sparkie The Rocket Dog for 3 hours watching TV. Did a little running and tried a new to me Meat Market. While I was not impressed with the store (kind of a dump) the meat from my local Shop and Save has not been impressive of late. So I wanted to see if the Pork Steaks taste diffrent because of the new grill or there meat is not as good as it had been.

 See you later, Ken

I hate Rust

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Posted by JeremyB on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 5:37 PM

Evening guys.

Had my forklift re-certification today. I got 20/21 on the written test and made one mistake on the physical part. The good thing was we were supposed to be there until 1pm but wrapped things up around 11:15.

Got home today and just have pretty much done nothing,lol. I was planning on putting the bike away but might keep it out a bit longer. I also setup my small area in the basement to play strat o matic baseball and football. I also might get strat hockey in a few weeks.

Not much else going on here tonight.

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Posted by CNCharlie on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 3:52 PM

Good Afternoon,

Johnboy, please keep that white stuff to yourself. I know you and Dennis like to share with neighbours but there is a limit.

We are enjoying an afternoon of 50F, cloudy with a strong NW wind. Tomorrow isn't supposed to be much better but it is forecast to be near normal by Monday which is the high '60s. 

I'm a bit tired today as my wife went to Emerg last night as she was having a reaction to a wasp sting. In July she got an infection from one and had to go on anti-biotics so she was a little concerned this time. With a new med it seems to be somewhat better today. She carries an epi pen but that is to use only if she has trouble breathing such as might occur with a sting on the neck. 

I did run the N scale layout for a little while today and have to say it was good to see the little train going around. With the cool temp, we had the furnace on so my N scale trainroom( furnace/workshop/store room) was pleasantly warm.

I have to take the car in tomorrow to get a seatbelt buckle replaced as it doesn't release very well. At least it is on warranty. 

Well, not much else is new so I'll sign off for now.

CN Charlie

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 2:58 PM

Did someone say Sn*w? In September? We usually have a "contest" here to see if the first "sn*w falls" happens at, around,before during Halloween, the 31st of October. Next "contest" is will it snow before, at, around, during Thanksgiving {the 27th of Nov here}. Then, of coruse all betfs are OFF as we know it will be coming sometime.

I wouldn't mind a mild winter myself. We got sn*w five times last winter. That's almost unheard of here!

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 2:38 PM

Did someone say Sn*w? In September?

We usually have a "contest" here to see if the first "sn*w falls" happens at, around,before during Halloween, the 31st of October. Next "contest" is will it snow before, at, around, during Thanksgiving {the 27th of Nov here}. Then, of coruse all betfs are OFF as we know it will be coming sometime.

They say tha old "Polar Vortex" is about to repeat itself this winter too. I'd like a mild winter again, please. 20s-40s would be nice, so as to not run the water all the tgime in <10s to be surte they don't freeze.

We set traps and caught 14 mice. The sticky kind of traps, set out of the way of the kitty, and I bought the "mouse bait packs" just cause for the sticky traps. THOSE STICK well! I also had two of the "close the door behind and trap them in" for the counter as they were safe for the cat to be around, and safe to be on the counter, and don't think those dad blamed creatures WEREN'T BRAVE enough to cross the counter top in broad daylight! Snap! those two fill up fast! COuldn't  buy any more, but after we caught the 14th, I saw only one more who must have high tailed it to "better grazing/living grounds" than stay here with the traps as we have not seen hide nor hair {or is it fuzz?} of he/she since, and that one WAS A bold one! daylight scampering all over! Also probably knows where all the traps are set. MAY still be around, we just haven't found its "new" hiding place, but it certainly isn't seeking food stuffs, cat food or such in the kitchen anymore. I hope it warned mousies out there NOT to come here! ANd I ain't talking Mickey!

Can't wait til the 23 to find out what we can do about the calcific tendonitis. It seems on high humidity/heat days acts up worse than cooler drier days??? Right now my right shoulder is back to giving me grief though. the "novacaine like" cream/ointment the Dr. gave me only goes so deep into relieving the pain. I DO hope the calcium deposits have NOT "shredded" the tendons. I hope its the simple proceedure can do in a month or two and be over at least for now, and not the schedule for MRI wait for another Drs appt then go in for removal and full rotator cuff surgery type deal!

well, I shall go on to other things.




-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 2:38 PM

Seems to be another slow day here in the diner. I have a doctor´s appointment early in the morning tomorrow, so I´ll be calling it a day in a few moments. Had a nice exchange of emails with one of the Fremo guys. I am really looking forward to meeting them!

Have a good night!

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 11:35 AM

Maornin'.... Opps!  Afternoon folks!

Ah, Zoe, can I still get breakfast?  Oh good...  I'll have a couple of the sour cream donuts over there...  What?  Stale?  That's OK I am going to dunk them in the dark roast coffee you will bring me...Smile, Wink & Grin

No sn*w here in the Finger Lakes.  A nice mostly sunny day outside with the current temperature at 70°F and a high a couple hours from now of 75°F.  I will be going over to school to vote in the Primary Election this afternoon and head over to the Mennonite place to buy some corn and eggs. 

Trying to get the program spiked down for the Division Fall Meet today.  Still need a clinic and a couple layouts for the tour during the afternoon.

 Ulrich, you know, a Fremo Group would be just the ticket for you Sir!  There is an HO Freemo club here in Geneva.  Offshoot of the RIT Train Club.  RIT Club doesn't do Freemo any more, but the group that was gung ho on it brought it Geneva.

Catch you all later this afternoon!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 10:47 AM

[quote user="chochowillie"]

Nothing much going on around here today except sit and watch the SN*W fall. Ya, really.

Cheers Dennis

Morning Dennis,  (Choo Choo ),Headphones  Those arn't head phones, they are ear muffs..
You keep all that white stuff out there.  None of us Prairie Boys from Medicine Hat to CN Charlie , Blind Bruce, and Seamonster in Winnipeg, DON'T WANT ANY.
Johnboy out......................and not even looking west.    Blindfold

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 10:33 AM

Mr. B. - that´s why I  am going there. OK, they have a membership fee of about $ 60 per year, which will be a tough drain on my budget (say 50 % of my annual max. spending on "trains"), but it could be an alternative to just continue dreaming of a layout which will nver materialize. I will take my good ol´ camera with me for some nice shots to be posted here.

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 9:20 AM

Ulrich, I was thinking just yesterday that Fremo would be a good direction for you, and when I saw your name as the most recent poster I was going to suggest it.  It would give you the opportunity to build and scenic a module that would fit in your home but be out of the way, while also providing a "big layout" operating experience once in a while.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 8:41 AM

Good Afternoon!

Took a nap and just woke up! Amazing, I seem to be better off sleeping during the day than at night. I´d be much happier to get my sleep at night, though.

Before rushing into anything new I won´t be able to handle, I am going to collect as much information as possible. End of this month, there is a private convention of the HOn3 group of the Fremo organization (that´s Freemo in the US). Guess who managed to get an invitation to this meeting? I´ll be able to see the modules, how they are built and hopefully get answers to the millions of questions I have. The place the convention will be held is about 80 miles awway from my place, not far from where my son lives. Yes

The hot and humid weather seems to be over. It´s quite windy, wth aspells of ra*n - the usual weather for this time of the year.

Lots of MIA´s again. I hope this will change, as summer is now over!

Have a happy day!

Edit: Nice looking building, Keith!

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Posted by Blazzin on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 8:34 AM

  Well Dennis.. nice to see an Angelino here.  And I don't have much to say either... other than  Good Morning to all of you~

  I don't have much to say either... well not anything planned.  Seems I have to re-learn all this again.  Shouldn't take too long.. so here's what I am NOT Saying.. just posting.


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Posted by NeO6874 on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 8:09 AM

no fun having to fix it -- but at least it'll be safe for her again.


Hopefully today I can finish off getting the wallpaper glue out of the 1/2 bath, and make some headway there. 



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Posted by MisterBeasley on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 7:56 AM

Bah.  I took my daughter's car in for that inspection.  It needs struts and tires.  I looked at it myself.  One strut is completely broken loose at the top.  So, I'm taking the morning off while the car gets fixed.  I wouldn't want her driving the car the way it was, anyway.

Beautiful day.  Maybe I'll make myself a nice breakfast.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 6:51 AM

Good morning. It's 73° with 100% humidity. Damp by any other name. The high will be 92° with a small chance of thunderstorms.

Have a doctors appointment this morning then the rest of the day is mine. No plans.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by cudaken on Monday, September 8, 2014 10:49 PM

 Eveing Dinners!

 Flo, BeerPleases.

 Work Front I was in St Charles today and it was dead. Dead Got a little good news, seemed while I only worked there 2 weeks this month I made draw (Hourly VS Commission) and made a extra $335.00 and that is not counting the Spiff money I have coming. Next check is going to be pretty good even with the hours I missed due to feeling bad.

 Workout I felt pretty good today compaired t how I have felt for the last two weeks. So I did lift tonight when I got home. I am going back to the old way I have done it before. I dropped Reps to 10 and added weight in all exercises and still did 4 sets each.

 Train Front Still enjoying the heck out of them. Sounds like it is time to lube a few more.

 See you all Tuesday, I am off and the wife will be gone! Yes


I hate Rust

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, September 8, 2014 9:33 PM

Good evening. It's quite warm here. 81 with 62% humidity. At least there's no rain tonight. There's a 20% chance tomorrow.

Tomorrow is another day in the world of doctor appointments. Primary doctor this time. Seems like it never ends. I have no idea what he has in mind now.

Time to call to a night. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by JeremyB on Monday, September 8, 2014 6:17 PM

Great pics Tom

Things got warm enough this afternoon to put the air on for a bit. Might just relax and watch the baseball game and football game tonight.

Talk to you guys tomorrow morning if I have time to stop in before I leave

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Posted by tcwright973 on Monday, September 8, 2014 5:28 PM

Good evening all...

Its been sort of a busy day here. Started out this morning by going out for breakfast, which was followed by grocery shopping. The only errand we ran today was to stop at the car wash on the way home. The wife really surprised me when she said she didn't have to go anywhere else. Highly unusual to say the least. So I got started on the laundry. Had a problem with the dryer though. One load went thru its entire cycle, but apparently the igniter failed to light it up, so everythiong was wet. It has happened once or twice before, but like 6 months between episodes like that. If it happens again, I'll get our repair guy to take a look at it. I also had to call the cable company as a couple of channels are having their signals degraded. We did a little trouble shotting which entailed going down to the cellar and disconnecting everything from the splitter, then hooking it all back up. But that didn't do any good, so a technician will be here Wednesday afternoon. The guy on the phone mentioned that my modem needs replaced, so he is sending me one. I have to admit that I have received 2 letters telling me I needed to upgrade, but I just kept putting it off.

All that talk above above little white things in the air reminded me I also need to get some things done on the sn*w blower. It needs a new scraper bar, new augar blade & a tune up. I'm kind of mad at myself, because I wanted to take the darn thing out early this summer, & just forgot. Told the wife it's her fault as I'm sure I told her to remind me about that. But that didn't float, so its back to being my mistake.

We did get in more railfanning on Sunday. Started out by going across the river for CSX. Caught 1 coke train, 1 mixed freight & 1 auto rack. The mixed freight consist was 2 BNSF's.

Then we had lunch, & went to Norfolk Souther. Hit a little snag there. The main line is 3 tracks. Right after we got there, a westbound coal train on track 2 got a stop signal. We then caught an eastbound mixed freight on track 1, which is right in front of us. Unfortunately, 3 more westbounds went by on track 3, but the coal train blocked the view & shot down any photos. The real downer for me is that 1 of them had 9 locomotives. I love those big moves & hated missing getting any photos. Oh well, there's always next time.

Hoping everyone has a good week & stays safe.




Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted by JeremyB on Monday, September 8, 2014 4:37 PM

Evening guys

A nice day here today but you can smell fall in the air. We are just having some chicken and wedges tonight for supper from the hot deli in the supermarket.

I have to be up early tomorrow as I have to go to a forklift training session ( mine is outdated ) a few towns over, it will take about 45 minutes to get there depneding on traffic. The course is only from 8-1 so that is ok.

Calling for a bit of rain in the morning but a nice end to the day tomorrow.

Dennis snorry to hear sn*w is forecast in your parts of Alberta

Jeff- good luck on the upcomig surgery

Mr B- Are you excited for a new hockey season soon?

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Posted by NeO6874 on Monday, September 8, 2014 2:46 PM


Nothing much going on around here today except sit and watch the SN*W fall. Ya, really.




Well, time to pull out the rotaries ... 


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Posted by chochowillie on Monday, September 8, 2014 2:02 PM

Nothing much going on around here today except sit and watch the SN*W fall. Ya, really.



CDN Dennis 

Modeling the HO scale something or other RR in the shadow of the Canadian Rockies Alberta, Canada

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, September 8, 2014 1:59 PM

Good afternoon. It's 87° with 64% humidity. The high will be 92° with an light chance of rain.

Went to see the doc this morning. He says he needs to take a bit of bone out of my foot to get it to close up like they want it to. Surgery is scheduled for Thursday. So this morning I was going from one place to another getting that set up.

The problem with my neck isn't a big one. Just somehow pulled a muscle.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by howmus on Monday, September 8, 2014 12:29 PM

Mornin'......  Ah (looks at watch).....  Ahem!  Afternoon folks!

Chloe just a Dr. Pepper please.

Just got back from picking up my old chain saw at the shop in Penn Yan, NY.  Got there just as the guy was crossing the street to go get lunch.  I rolled down the window and said, "Lunch time?"  He nodded his head, laughed, and pointed to his shop and followed me over.  Turns out there was nothing at all wrong with the saw that some fresh gas wouldn't solve.....  He did sharpen the chain and charged me $4 to do all that.  I would have gotten to the shop 10 minutes earlier except they were "Tar and Feathering" (stone chipping) the road in Bellona, a little dip in the road on Pre-emption Rd.  Actually a big dip in the road.  If you want some interesting historical readig, look up Pre-emption Road.  Some info:

"Robert Morris at the time of this sale and upon the insistence of captain Williamson caused a new survey of the Preemption Line to be made in 1792, a suspicion having arisen that all was not right.

It was found upon completing this survey (1792) that the original 1786 line had deviated from its true course, starting from the 82nd mile stone on the Pennsylvania border and running northward to the shore of Lake Ontario by some 2 miles to the West of where it should have reached the Lake. Whether it was due to direct fraud, faulty instruments or just too much hard liquor, we will probably never be quite certain.

With the original 1786 line of "False Line" running West of Geneva and the "True" or 1792 line to the east of Geneva it left a long narrow strip of land called "The Gore" of some 85,896 acres in between the surveys. This created quite a problem, as much of the land contained therein had already been sold by New York to individuals, thereby causing some confusion in conflicting land titles. The State of New York, however settled with Williamson by giving him other lands at the ratio of 3 or 6 acres for each acre in dispute.

After completing this deal, Robert Morris next contracted to buy from Massachusetts the balance of her original 6,000,000 acres still in hand, amounting to some 3,400,000 acres—in five tracts. The first of these tracts Morris in turn sold out in small parcels and the remaining four to several Americans who held them in trust for certain Holland Capitalists. This sale became known as "The Holland Purchase." "

All kinds of stuff to get done around here today.  Later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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