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Elliot´s Trackside Diner - May 2014 Edition

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, May 11, 2014 9:54 PM

Been a busy day for me computer-wise. I cleaned up the Imagewriter II printer in the late morning/early afternoon. My fingers and elbows are still complaining about that. A much easier task was installing a 1 meg memory card in a Microcom (Compaq) Apple II+ compatible this afternoon.

For something having to do with trains I ran the Lima Hustler on a clear stretch of track to see how it acts. It has a good top speed. It responds well at lower speeds and crawls quite nicely. It's only problem is it stalls on turnouts because of the short wheelbase despite the fact that it has four wheel pickup and four wheel drive.

Looking like a wet day tomorrow. The weather guesser is squawking about a 50/50 chance of rain and thunderstorms.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by galaxy on Monday, May 12, 2014 3:24 AM

morning coffee in the diner..


Today is Monday,

May 12th,2014!

Healing thoughts, prayers and energies

for: Johnboy, Jeffrey, Barry

Flip, Ulrich, anyone I missed,


There once was a man named Brice
Who had a nasty head full lice
He said, "If I eat 'em,
Then I'll have beat 'em!
And besides they taste very nice."


There once was a Mr. Blowers
Who brought his dear wife some flowers
She said, 'Let me see!'
and got stung by a bee
And he's been in the doghouse for hours!


Quotable Quote:

I never lose sight of the fact that just being is fun. -Katharine Hepburn, actress (1907-2003)



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Monday, May 12, 2014 7:32 AM

Good morning!  I had a long weekend, starting Thursday night.  My daughter was on vacation in the Dominican Republic.  Guess who got to pick her up.  The connecting flight was delayed several hours in Newark, so we got home about a quarter to 2 AM.  I wasn't getting up at 6 for work, so I took Friday off and did a bit of yard stuff.  Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day, so I got in a bicycle ride.  With ski season over, I need to keep that up for exercise that's also fun.

The Boston Bruins are on a roll, and could finish off Montreal tonight.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 12, 2014 8:30 AM

Good Afternoon Folks!

It´s been a miserable day, in terms of our weather. Lots of Umbrella and Storm. It´s so dark outside, we had to switch the lights on.

Chloe, strong coffee and a slice of that berry pie, please.

Did only little on the MRRing front today. My hand is full of blisters, so I got to be careful. Just started to fill the gap between the levels on the right side of the layout and coloring that foundation for the light house. A few shots for those who care:

I´ll have to buy a few things before I can continue. I need more glue, plaster  and a  few lengths of stripwood.

Have a great one!

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Posted by galaxy on Monday, May 12, 2014 8:35 AM

well, the subcontractor {who can connect teh gas to the new stove} is supposed to have 48 "business" hours to call to set up an installment date. That gives him {or her} until 5pm tomorrow to do so.

I am waiting with baited breath, naturally! I hope they call sooner than later.

SO much for  Lowe's "next day delivery"...even on the replacement electric stove, it would not be delivered until tomorrow at the earliest. SO, "next day" may be if you order and need only delivery drop off of it bought Monday through Thursday, and  in certain areas of the city. We are in the next county, though right at the border. So, we don't 'qualify" for next day. And we need the gas hook-up too.

well, I will contend myslef with normal chores.

Oh, My father came over to replace a light switch, while here, he installed a new GFCI in the kitchen, and a new ceiling fixture in the hall. Everything: the double light switches, the GFCI went well. The double light switches needed the artificial imitation wood trim piece cut out so the new rocker switchswitch cover could go in place. Not a big deal, though.

the hall light, another story. I resisted the urge to say it when that project got started, but I was going to say "well, everything is going well, now somehting has to go wrong"....I should not have even thought it!

The hall fixture did NOT come wiht the necessary switchbox screws needed,...fortunately in my mini-bin catchall of screws we luckily found two! They worked, it took awhile to get that part done anyway, with 3 of us working on it...Then when the final assembly took place the center screw rod to connect the nut that holds {imitaiton alabaster}the shade in place was TO SHORT, by about an inch!!! MOH had to go get a new longer one! then we had to adjust it to fit a couple of times...and it was a bit to long, so a washer inserted in before the nut went on worked fine to tighten the shade to the fixture. that whole thing took about 2 hours to complete...

he he, there is a second lamp that is to go in the front door area, but we delayed that one as it will require cutting the ceiling trim piece that covers the crack in the pannels.

My father got a favored-but-rarely-gets-as-he-lives-alone-and-doesn't-cook liver, onions and bacon meal in return for the installation of the electrical items, He actually only came to replace the one switch,but i talked him into being on a roll...It WAS confusing the GFCi in the kitchen, though as it is the first in the line of feeders for the kitchen outlets. The Q was WHICH wires were the "in load" wires and which were the"load out" wires??? He knows electrical theory and I dont. He figured it out perfectly.

He gave up on the 3 way switches to the hall light, though, there is a switch at one end, and then a switch for hte hall light at the other end of the long hall paired with a switch to the outside light for the back door. the one paired doesn't work to turn on/off the hall light though, never has. My father said he'll study his book to see if he can figure that one out. Never has worked since at least 1995 when MOH bought the trailer. I don't give a lto of hope my father can figure it out, as MOh had 2 different electricians try, and without running new wires, would not touch it? The one that works the light has been wired for direct turn on/of and taped up for some reason without a ground connection?.

Oh well,

i will go get my day started...


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by TMarsh on Monday, May 12, 2014 8:39 AM
Coffee and some banana PIE please. Thanks.
A 50 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms, mainly after 10am. Partly sunny, with a high near 87. AC went on yesterday after a 2 minute micro burst when I was outside and couldn’t leave for the sole purpose I suppose of soaking the instruction booklet for the new grillGrumpy. It was Mothers Day and the house got sticky. She’s happy and I’ll turn it off when the temps cool later.
Typed at Jim today, he’s doin good, just busy.
Galaxy- I prefer gas as well, but our house had an electric stove and all the gas was on the other end of the house. I told Brenda I’m not running a line the whole length of the house. I wish I did. I also lived in a trailer for a couple years that had the closet right across from the front door and you are right. It’s tough to bring anything in even though the door would open fully, an appliance would have to be brought through flat and not tilted on the dolly (handtruck). Definitely a two person job.
Ray- Your connection fee is like my longdistance fee I have er, had. I get $6 free long distance. What the leave out is I get charged $6 to HAVE long distance every month even if I don’t use it. “ But oh Mr Marshall, you can use up to that amount with no charge! So it’s free!” No, no it’s not. It’s no additional charge. Not free. I have not that to grumble about after the 16th.
Welp, Mother’s Day was….ok. The grill issue was to say the least aggravatingBang Head. I wish I new a few choice words in Chinese after all. Maybe German so Ulrich would know my true feelingsLaugh. Anyway, the thing broke in another place requiring me to make another trip into town. By the time I got there I said forget it, I’m tired of fixing this grill. I’m getting a new one. And that’s when I found out what people do around here for Mothers Day Ray…instead of riding trains like they should, they go to Walmart and Sam’s!!! SurpriseOMG!!! I gave up after not being helped at either one, (long story)so I came home the first time with no grill. Figured we’d use the grill pan.  “Hi how are ya!” (That's what I call her not knowing her name. She calls me "special customer". Close relationship as you can see)from “my” Chinese buffet stopped me and chatted for awhile. Didn't actually stop me. I was standing amongst the grills looking for someone..., anyone who worked for Sam's to show up so I could buy one. Met her husband and found she is starting a restaurant of her own. Her husband will not quit his job, it is for her (must have some job). This is a really nice lady and I thought she had some ownership in the Buffet hence my sense of obligation so to speak, or rather loyalty would be better term, and the fact they do hire the best waitressesWink, but no, she’s just the hostess. Is ok, but now I’ll have aNOTHER restaurant I’ll need to frequent. I’m gonna need another jobLaugh. AAAAANYwhoooo, Came home and Brenda said let’s go back she’d help or get someone to help. So we did and… Moses parting the Red Sea….we were’t there 5 minutes before we were standing in line with the new grill. Musta figured it was Mothers Day so they only waited on MothersWhistling.
Today, I must do the bookw*rk for the Church then continue to disassemble the monster grill into smaller pieces and haul to the shed until I get it to the metal recycler. I’ll see if any one wants the stainless from it first. This new one is not real stainless.


Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, May 12, 2014 8:46 AM

Good morning. It's 76° with 91% humidity. The high will be 85°, cloudy with a fair chance of rain.

Just waiting on the Home Health nurse to call. Other than that I have no plans. The manual for the serial card that controls my printer will be here today.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, May 12, 2014 9:09 AM

Howdy ...

Todd ... Thanks for sharing the Mother's Day grill adventure. Big Smile

Galaxy ... I've never been fond of liver and onions, but glad your father likes it.

Ulrich ... Layout looks good. ... I grew up with dogs, and Shelley and I have enjoyed having both dogs and cats over the years. Cats seem more suitable now that we are retired.

Flip ... Good to see you in the Diner. We keep our cats inside because there are too many hazards outside like tall trees to climb on. Our neighbor next door had a cat run up a tree, and a tree service guy was paid to use his bucket truck to retreive the cat.


PA Tom ... I enjoy hearing about your railfanning and seeing your photos of it.

We will be busy this week with out of town guests.

Speaking of Mothers and Mothers Day, I called my Mom yesterday. She is doing remarakably well, is happy where she lives, and still plays the piano at 94 years old. 

Happy Model Railroading!  




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Posted by cudaken on Monday, May 12, 2014 9:12 AM

 Good Morning Dinners and Ulrich

 Flo, Diet Dew pleases.

 Well I am off for the two days and weather forcast say's it is going to LightningLightning for both days.

 Not a lot of running today, main thing is taking Sparkie to get his heart guard and getting him weighted. Want to keep him around 16 pounds.

 Jeffery, I was still getting updates till I think it was April for XP? I think that was the cut off.

 Ulrich, layout is looking real good! How big is it and have you gone DCC? Far as the picture of me in my Road Runner, that was last summer. Guess all the white hair in my beard makes me look thinner! Sigh Getting old is not for the faint of heart.

 See you all later today.





I hate Rust

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Posted by howmus on Monday, May 12, 2014 9:14 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have a bowl of Pumpkin Seed Flax granola and my iusual dark roast coffee to start the day.

I need to get to mowing the lawn again this morning...  I would put it off until this afternoon, but they are predicting some "Scattered Stuff" involving flashes and noise by then.  It is setting records for quick growth this year...  I also need to continue weeding the herb garden and pick asperagus too.

 Todd, the line fee I mentioned (you probably already know this) is something everyone pays.  It covers the costs of installing and maintaining the electric lines.  I don't mind the charge at all, but being a fixed charge can make a person scratch their head when they are not buying any actual electrons form the grid.... Laugh

 Jeffrey, Been a while since I have seen, let alone used, an Image Writer....  Cool hobby you have there!

I'll catch you all later today, I hope!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, May 12, 2014 10:05 AM

Jeffery, I was still getting updates till I think it was April for XP? I think that was the cut off.

If you're no longer getting updates you can go ahead and turn automatic updates off. That'll help protect you in the event of some hacker sending something on that particular path. And yes, it can happen.


Jeffrey, Been a while since I have seen, let alone used, an Image Writer.... Cool hobby you have there!

For me it's a relaxing hobby. It could be a very expensive one as well if I was buying up prime equipment. Instead I do the same thing I do with my trains. I buy junk equipment and rebuild it. Sometimes I come across a deal where somebody just wants to get rid of good stuff cheap. Picked up a perfectly good IIe that was fully loaded that way. $45 total. Got the printer for $25. I would have been a fool to pass that up.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Cederstrand on Monday, May 12, 2014 10:59 AM

A strong coffee in a SUNNY SOUTHERN mug, please.

Have a terrific day, all.

Cheers! Cowboy Rob

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 12, 2014 11:16 AM

Me again.

Thanks for all the kudos. Actually, I am quite happy with the results so far - not perfect, but quite OK for the means and methods I have.

Ken - no, I´ll stay with DC. All the switches are power routing, so I don´t have to go though to much trouble wiring the layout. I won´t be running two locos at the same time. I might install Kato´s upcoming Soundbox system, so I will have sound as well. Plus some background sounds, like these:


I wish I new a few choice words in Chinese after all. Maybe German so Ulrich would know my true feelings

Todd - those German words you´d like to know are too close to your English 4-letter words to get posted here, they only have quite a few more letters in them Smile, Wink & Grin

I managed to solder the first feeder wires to the rail, without getting burned! I feel proud!

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Posted by galaxy on Monday, May 12, 2014 11:53 AM

Ok, quandry:

Lowe's said yesterday on hte answering machine that the the contract installer will "call within the next 48 business hours".  Now, I was thinking OK, that is monday and tuesday by 5pm I should hear from them. that 48 BUSINESS hours,,as in 6 days of business @ 8 business hours a day, OR is that really "during business hours of the next 48 hours".....

Hmm. I am HOPING it is "during business hours in the next 48 hours...."!!!! at any rate they have waisted the first half of a business day already not calling me!

MOh wants desperately to move the stove and scrub under/behind it so "they don't see a mess"....I m sure they have seen messes before as not everybody moves applinaces! I am one of them! Since I can't really move it by myself, MOH will have to help and naturally has limited tiem to do it. SO MOh declared "dinner should already be cooked so the stove is cool to move and clean"...SO, I have sauteed' the rest of teh liver, and the Hot italian sausages and the red peppers. Still to do is  the onions, both for the sausages/peppers/onions AND the liver/onions/bacon. then I can either do the bacon today or not. 

tonight after dinner {the sausages/onions/peppers} will be under/behind stove cleaning...

I also have paid two bills, finished of fthe dishes, got one load in the dryer.

I alos mailed the rebate for the stove {which will be a LOwe's gift card...I HATE when they give you a gift card forcing you to spend it in their business instead of the way/where I want!}. I already told MOH yesterday that the rebate will go for the new room area rug for the LR MOh has been nagging me about for about 6 years now. Half of it is we can't affford it, and the other half {luckily} has been MOH hasn't yeat found one to like, or not in a size we can have as we have 2 "stoopid" furnace vents in the middle of the floor at 7'7" from each other. {I do understand why they are there, they would be lost behind furniture and the LR would not heat up as fast, and the feeder vent is one long piping down the middle to feed all rooms..but really did they have to locate 2 of the vents right square in teh middle of the doorway to the bathroom and train rooms???}.

They don't seem to make 5'x7' even rugs anymore! the one in Lowes MOH liked was 7'10"...2 inches too long, naturally!!! It OCULd work, I guess as there is an inch of border on the furnace vents that the rug could cover without much harm I think.

Well, I have babbled enough...mjust now go do the onions...

still wiating for "THE call"!

I also hope the gas will save us some money on the cooking costs..I DO use the oven to cook/roast/bake food a lot for an hour to 3 hours often,  so the cost of the gas compared to the electric rate MAY help offset the cost of gas stove!



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Monday, May 12, 2014 3:57 PM

nobody? in 3 hours? nobody? I must smell again....

Well, one business day almost down...still in the quandry, but will call Lowe's tomorrow for clarification on that "within 48 business hours" business. IF it CAN take up to 6 whole business days AND then most likely up to a week to schedule, I am sure, I will COMPLAIN LOUDLY to LOWES about that! The Salesman should have told us that when we were ready to buy.

Lowes DOES have a sign that says "free delivery in one day and free haul away". I understand we are "out of 1 day zone" but really? when it is in stock at the store I may have to wait up to 6 days to even get to schedule the thing to be delivered and hooked up? I DO have a LIFE!

I am also NOT happy with Time Warner. We have a new "package" coming up to take over on the 16th, when the old two year contract expires on the 15th. That is the $100 package I made reference to a few days ago. I get a new bill today for service dates "5/16-6/15" {they bill in advance always which I think is unfair to others who must provide goods/services first, then bill}. It is for well over $200!!! SO I called "customer NOservice" as Money expert Clark Howard calls them...and am told they "can't tell me what the actual bill should be until after the 16th, because their computers only have the un-contract price locked into it, and it will only back-bill the correct amount AFTER the 16th".

REALLY? I have to wait to the 16th to find out what I SHOULD BE paying??? They knew 3 weeks ago it was going to the new "contract" price of $100/month...and I got a confirmation letter too already! Their computers can't tell??? GIve me a break! SO I told her that that will put it at risk of not getting there in the mail in time for the due date without late charges added{which I swear they push short anyway}. SHe said "oh, you'll be OK". Now I know some of you advocate computer payments, or walk in payments, but I like mail, it keeps several people in jobs, so that is a moot point. I kindly told her "I've been told that before and it turned out to NOt be true. You have been NO help to me have a good day" and hung up.

I have started to tell people who are in customer service that "you have been of NO help to me" when that is the case, which is beginnig to be the case everytime. They NEED to get that message at customer NOservice everywhere! Asking for a supervisor may not they may substitue another customer service rep for a "supervisor" who can't help you either! Companies wnat your money and don't care anymore.

Then I get a call back about the customer service call I just had from TIme WArner. I gave poor ratings of course. I could have left a verbal comment but declined, because it would have come out wrong, but maybe i should have anyway. The only GOOD rating i gave was for her knowlege of my problem...she did see the new contract issued and understood exactly what I was calling bout, but couldn't do anything more. GRR.

Now on to the Car insurance. The new car will cost $30/month more for each month of the 6 month cycle of billing, or $180 for the next 6 months cycle. Then because I pay in advance there will be a discount off that rate.. FOr two months left on the current bill they want double that! It should be prorated at even less than the $30/m because that is actually what the NEW raised rates bill will be {in advance AGAIN}. Also, it took them 6 weeks to get the bill for the addition of the new car to get to me! I went in on Friday to the office to pay it, and the new "stoopid" person {you had to be there} gave me the wrong figure to pay anyway. That will leave me paying a $4 "billing fee" to pay to pay the full amount balance off! I DON'T DO budget payments with extra fees attached, I pay ALL in advance and get a DISCOUNT for it. That is how I do things. GRR SO I have the standard "old guy" looking into it, and will call me tomorrow,and he will, as he doesn't see the numbers adding up,and if there is any balance due, he will waive the extra billing fee for me. THAT is good customer service!!! GRR.

WEll, MOH will be home in aobut an hour.

Dinner Dinner will be hot italian sausage {I know not good for you but oh so tasty once in a while} with suateed onions and red peppers over toasted eye-talian bread and potato salad on the side. Heat n  Eat since I did all the work already!



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, May 12, 2014 4:15 PM

We've had big ugly and loud thunderstorms and heavy showers going through here for the last couple of hours. A few lightning strikes have been close, one maybe a direct hit as a couple of locos were knocked off the track on the display rack. Thankfully they didn't fall off. Some DVD's were knocked out of the DVD rack as well. Gotta another big thunderstorm coming so I gotta get off of here.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by cudaken on Monday, May 12, 2014 5:04 PM

 Evening Dinners, Good Evening Ulrich!

 Flo, Beer pleases.

 Got a lot of none fun stuff today, well one fun thing. Paid the Gas, Water and Electric Bill. Got cash so Sue can go to the foot Dr again to have here toe nails cut, she has a in growen nail. Took Sparkie THe Rocket Dog to the Vet for his heart guard. Well, did not need to taken for the heart guard, wanted to get him weighed. In 2 months he has went from 16.2 pounds, to 19.2? Bang Head That is a 18% increses! So no more snacks for him, I want to keep him around 17 pounds max. Does not look any heaver, I still wonder if the scale is right.

 Went to a new park (still growing grass) and took Sparkie for a nice walk. Sparkie saw found some deer tracks and enjoyed smelling and tracking them. I did look out for Deer Poop.

 I am doing the first BBQ in say 5 months. Looking foward to something not Mircowaved (spell check) for a change! Dinner Sure is time for a new grill! This one is the second Char Brol grill, this is the second one. Both lasted around 15 years, and this one is done for. I think I have replaced 3 to 4 burners, grill top, riged the top hidges with dry wall screws, made new basket hanges and the list goes on.

 Ulrich can you post me a track plan and the sizes of the layout? Sure looks bigger than the N scale setup.

 See you all later, Ken]




I hate Rust

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, May 12, 2014 8:28 PM

OK, I'm back. We had quite the series of storms here. I shut down here almost immediately after my 4:16pm post. Power went out about thirty minutes later. I was in back watching 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture' at the time. The outage caught VGER in mid sentence or shall I say mid-threat (give me what I want or I'll kill everything on the Earth) so it was no bad thing. I put on my headlight and went around and turned on the emergency lights. They're in the bedroom, bathroom, train/computer room. Then I sat back, picked up a book (After Worlds Collide) and picked up where I left off during the last power outage. I'd read for ten minutes, let my eyes rest for about five minutes then read for ten minutes, rest the eyes for five minutes and just kept repeating the cycle. I stopped and marked my page (about eleven pages farther on from where I started) when the power came back on a little after 7:30. I had stopped at a few points to get something to eat and drink and make a visit to the throne room. I know now that the window in the west wall of the bedroom (under where the tree landed) leaks. I've got to fix that. Also have to get that roof fixed! Those damaged steel sheets are still up there and the over-roof frame hasn't been repaired. No way can I do it. I go up a ladder and I'll probably split the side of my foot open then my nurse and my family will probably kill me. I can't trust my nephew to do it. He'll be in a hurry to go to some party or go and see if he can get his truck and ATV's stuck in some mud hole and he'll botch the job in spades. All it is just sistering a good 2x4 to the busted one and replacing the two steel sheets. Those of course need to be cut to length, pre-drilled, put in place and screwed down. Nothing hard about it. It just takes time. Shoot, my father and I did the whole roof in half a day back in '06 and that included tarring the overlap of the sheets. Thirteen sheets in all.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by tcwright973 on Monday, May 12, 2014 9:06 PM

Garry - Thanks. The wife & I have been having a great time. What keeps it interesting is that we almost always see something new or different each time we go out. I'm really lucky to live minutes away from NS & CSX main lines, and that the wife enjoys it as much as I do.  We also enjoy going on little one day jaunts to small towns we have never been to before to see if there are any good spots to watch trains. And we are always running into other railfans, or people who just are curious what we are doing. Last summer, a semi truck driver sat with us for about an hour and was really interested in what the very freight cars hauled.

Ray - I have been meaning to ask you about the museum you volunteer at. Do they have any difficulty in getting people to participate on weekends or for work sessions? I wish there was a nice railroad museum close to where I live. I think it would be interesting to be active in something like that. The other question is personal, & if you don't want to address it, I understand, but I have been concerned as to how your sister was doing. I hope all is well.

After our usual busy Monday morning activities, my schedule didn't let up after we got home. Started a load of wash, and because they were calling for thunderstorms this afternoon and the next couple of days I figured I better get the grass cut. About 30 minutes after putting the lawnmower away, it started to rain pretty hard. All told, got 5 loads of laundry done too. But I'm sore this evening. Going up and down those cellar steps is a killer these days.

Tommorow's plans are to clean the foyer, living room, dining room and scrub the kitchen floor. But you never know, might go & watch trains instead.


Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted by howmus on Monday, May 12, 2014 9:15 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie, just a cup of decaf for me....  No, no can't have any of that beautiful looking pie you have over there....  Have a blood test in the morning!  I will be in for a big breakfast on the way home from that!

I got about 2/3rds. of the lawn done today.  Ran out of battery about the same time I ran out of energy myself...  I did some weeding in the asperagus/herb garden.  Cut a nice batch of the asperagus which I took over to my next door neighbor.  I have a huge amount in the house and I don't want to risk my uric acid going haywire right before my blood work....  Went down to the local collage to pick up a DVD data disc of photos from the MLK Service last January.  There are close to 750 fuill res photos on the disc...  I need to find about 30 to use in a slide show at the Scholarship Dinner!  Ask and thou shalt recieve!

 Jeffrey, If I was anywhere near where you live, I would come over and help you for a day.  I think I could still do what you are needing to get done on the trailer.  I feel your frustration with the nephew!  Every family has at least one of those.  Too bad you don't have some better ones right where you are.

I have a back ache from the weeding today, and I need to get up a bit early tomorrow.  I shall call it a day and go get comfortable in bed.  Prayers for all in need!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, May 12, 2014 11:17 PM

It's 72° here and very wet and windy. We have gusts up to 28mph. Looks like there's still a fair chance of more showers and thunderstorms after midnight. Great! Just what we need. More rain. It was coming down in buckets for a couple of hours and I heard what sounded like hail hitting the roof a few times.

Well, it's time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 1:16 AM

Good Morning!

Another dull and gray day. I could sure use some sunshine! At least it has stopped raining.

Ulrich can you post me a track plan and the sizes of the layout? Sure looks bigger than the N scale setup.

Here you go, Ken!

The layout has about the same length as my "old" N scale layout, but it is 19" deep instead of those 6" the N scale modules have. In addition, there is this "leg" down the middle, which is detachable and can be rolled away, if need be. The staging, which I have not yet started to build, is just a simple board and put in place only when I operate the layout.

It took lengthy negotiations with my government until I was alloted the necessary real estate, but finally Petra bought in to the idea. The room has lost the function of a guest room, but, as we hardly have guests staying over night, that´s not a big loss.

Incidentally, this is the biggest layout I ever built!

No real plans for the day - I think I´ll continue to fill the gaps between the levels and maybe start covering the foam with plaster. I have yet to figure out how to make the abutments for the bridge on the right side.

Make it a great day!

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 3:44 AM

morning coffee in the diner...


Today is Tuesday,

MAy 13th, 2014!

Healing thoughts, energies

and prayers for all

those in need, and for


A golden-eyed tree-frog from Mali
Fell in love with a swamp-bat from Bali,
said the frog to the bat,
"I like your new hat,
It looks like a painting by Dali." 

-frances Wessel

I once fell in love with a blond
But found that she wasn't so fond
Of my pet turtle named Odle,
whom I'd taught how to Yodel
So she dumped him outside in the pond 






EDIT: I got Tippy TOp again! Daisy! Breakfast for the guys is on me! Offer them coffee and toast, OR a "full English Breakfast"! Add a nice 20% tip for yourself!

-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 7:17 AM

Good morning, all.  Yesterday was in the high 80s in Massachusetts, but today we'll be lucky to hit 60.  I put seed and starter fertilizer down last Thursday, so I'm trying to keep it all slightly damp.  Not easy when I'm at work 5 days a week.

Yesterday was my turn to go to the doctor.  Just a physical, but the blood work showed my blood sugar is too high, so now I'll be on a pill for that, too.  I'm not a sweets-and-desserts guy, and I only put sugar in my coffee on weekends, but the Doc said it's genetic, not dietary, and it wouldn't make any difference if I ate nothing but bran cereal - I'd still be like this.  Actually, that's kind of a relief, because I really don't want to be on any kind of highly-restrictive diet that makes me suffer to look at all the yummy things I can't have.  Blood pressure and cholesterol are fine, so those pills are working and one more won't hurt.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by Jimmy_Braum on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 7:18 AM

Morning all, I'll just have an egg.  I've got to get my asthma meds today and boy is that expensive.  I'm also probably going to spend the rest of the day before work (I wish I was working the 10-5 shift instead of the 3-9, but Iam not complaining about the work-I like it) working on perfecting Layla on Guitar-I've already got Clapton's sound and effects figured out, now I just need to get the intro lick perfected and work on the timing/  Not sure if I am going to do any railfanning/model railroading today.

(My Model Railroad, My Rules) 

These are the opinions of an under 35 , from the east end of, and modeling, the same section of the Wheeling and Lake Erie railway.  As well as a freelanced road (Austinville and Dynamite City railroad).  

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 7:49 AM

Me again.

Zoe, coffee, please - and something to munch on. A sweet muffin? That´ll be great!

I am struggling to fill the gap at the far right of my layout. I made a mistake while cutting the board - didn´t think of the bridge that will cross there. Thank goodness Styrofoam is such a good material to work with, so I managed to get one side of the shoreline straightened out.

There only 8 inches left to fill, but I am calling it quits for the day, as I feel a headche getting the grips on me. Must be the foam glue I am using. It really stinks - despite the room being properly ventilated.

Off for a snooze!

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Posted by cudaken on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 8:56 AM

 Good Morning Dinners and Ulrich!

 Flo, Diet Dew and English Muffin please.

 Weather finally caught to us, it a cool nasty rainny day. Means no yard work and both front and rear yards are getting close to needing to be cut.

 Ulrich, while I am more of a loop guy that is a good looking track plan. Yes Glad Petra let you have the needed spaces.

 See you all later, Ken]



I hate Rust

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 9:06 AM

Glad Petra let you have the needed spaces.

Well, seeing it on a plan is very much different from reality. I got a little bit more than just a few frowns from her when I put up the benchwork. Peace has come back, though.

Instead of taking that snooze, I finished the right part. I didn´t want to start again, sniffing this crazy glue. We have the windows wide open and hopefully, this smell will soon be forgotten. All I nhave to do now is to wait for about an hour, then do a little sanding and a lot of clean-up work. Tomorrow will be plaster day!

Edit: I forgot to mention that I got two 3-point track gauges in today´s mail. They will help me to lay the track on the piers and the bridge and also check the gauge on the entire layout Yes

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 9:24 AM

Ulrich: The layout is looking good. I like that that track plan although like Ken I'm a roundy-rounder type.


Good morning. It's 68° with 94% humidity. The high will be 82° and very cloudy with a high chance of sowers and thunderstorms.

Looks like more rain today. At least there's no reports of wind like we had yesterday. I'd intended to come back online last night after my sign-off but the cable internet service was down. It was still down when I got up this morning. It didn't come back on until about 8am.

No plans today except of course to stay dry.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 10:22 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, just a refill on the coffee please.

I got up a bit earlier than normal to have my blood draw this morning.  Gave Blackie his med about a half hour early and headed over to the lab.  Got there and there was only one other person in the waiting room....  Don't think that has ever happened before.  So I didn't have to wait very long to see the vampire.  She seemed very nice but couldn't find any working viens in either arm....  Done used up 6 needles before she decided to use a vein on the back of my hand.  She asked if I had ever had blood drawn from there before?  I said, "no but I have had an IV installed there a few times".  She said it was the same...  She did finally manage to get the job done and I left with several bandages on my arms and hand...  Stopped in at the Pharmacy there to get a refill of Blackies medicine, then headed out to Water St. Cafe to be very bad for breakfast!  I figured I deserved to eat some stuff that is not normally on my diet after that!!!  Yep, had the #2 Special, over easy eggs, bacon, homefries and a double order of sourdough toast washed down by several cups of coffee!

Cloudy day outside and I will soon be out finishing the lawn I didn't get done yesterday.  Currently 74°F with a high of 81 this afternoon with a few thunderboomers as well.

 Ulrich, your layout is looking very good sir!  Remember it isn't how big a layout is, it is how much fun you have that is important...

I best get to w*rk.  Catch you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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