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Elliot´s Trackside Diner - May 2014 Edition

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Friday, May 16, 2014 6:11 PM


Hi Diners, how ya' all doing ?

Chloe, it is getting close to the supper hour, but I think I can still handle a bacon & tomato on toasted rye and an RBF. to chase.  Thanks much.

Today to report on MRRing, the only thing that is new right now is that I ordered a Bachmann Consoladation from F.D.T. in W.P. Scheme My main focus is of the 70s&80s but I do have a couple of other steamers, a 0-8-0 and aa GS-4 , so that occasionally when I want to drag around a selection of Billboard Reefers that I have and like, I can do it aporpriately.  Good price for it on their flyer and I had admired them since they first came out in about 2002. So the time had come.

I sure have benn admiring the photos here lately, there sure is some fine work being done and fast too. Makes me feel ashamed, I've been off work for almost six months and I have hardly made a dent, but it is only lately that I have felt strong enough to ddo a few things and here the other day I guess I over did it as my lower back has been screaming at me. Just not used to it. 

Ulrich, you are quite a craftsman, I am enjoying watching the Keg Harbour come to life.

Brent, very nice layout room.  Will be a joy to be in.

Garry, I have to agree with others that your ability to tie the backgrounds in to the layout is amazing. I love the look and feel of your whhole layout.

Jeff, glad your health seems to be stablizing. Continue to improve Ol' buddy.

Haven't seen Terry from Wisconcin or Paul from Nevada for quite a spell, hope they are fine..

My health has improved, but not my swallowing.  I still can't get anything down and I'm really starting to hate it.   BBQ season is upon us and the smells outside are really getting to me. I can do all the exercises but they just haven't helped me anyway.  Guess it's just a waiting game.  I have to take solace that I am lucky to be alive I guess.

Sure hope all you folks enduring the rain get some sun to dry you out.

Galaxy, hope you enjoy the new stove.  My Wife has always wanted to have a gas stove, but I would need at least 60 feet of gas line to make a connection.

Prayers and Blessings to all standing in need at this time. My thoughts are with you.

Johnboy out...........................for now    Smile, Wink & Grin


from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by galaxy on Friday, May 16, 2014 6:43 PM

last mountain & eastern hogger


Galaxy, hope you enjoy the new stove.  My Wife has always wanted to have a gas stove, but I would need at least 60 feet of gas line to make a connection.

Prayers and Blessings to all standing in need at this time. My thoughts are with you.

Johnboy out...........................for now    Smile, Wink & Grin



Johnboy! GREAT to see you again!

Sounds like you are feeling some better???

On the stove: here is the deal: NYSEG {NY State Electric and GAS} came through the trailer park and said they'd pay the costs to convert to Nat gas and if they got enough converts, they'd do it.

Well, this was in 1997, 3 years before I came along, BUT MOH said "OK", and MADE them run the gas line the 45 or so feet to the kitchen for a future gas stove. NYSEG balked as they were only offering to convert hot water and heating systems, but MOH pushed it!

MOH has since been dying for that electic stove to die!

As I said in an earlier post as I said to the salesman when MOH walked away to "let me make the decision"...if I don't convert to gas NOW, I will never hear the end of it! It cost nearly twice as much as the electric model i was gonna buy, so it was a major choice to go gas!

Now MOH likes to bake, and claims doesn't like the electric so doesn't do it often. AND that gas heats "more evenly"! HA HA HA. I have PROOF it doesn't! The stove is perfectly level mind you, and I just baked off rolls. The ones in the left rear of the oven came out a nice "perfect" golden brown. The ones front right came out barely browned at all! {on same 1/2 sheet pan, middle of oven} SO even? I don't think so, and technically, you really should NOT have to rotate them, but that would have helped.

well, i baked a meatloaf, roasted a slab of beef, baked said rolls and cooked pots on top for smashed pots, adn cooked off carrots. I had meatloaf and pots, carrots and roll for dinner. The slab of beef for another dinner tomorrow or SUnday. I had to test run it, and I DO like it, but could have enjoyed the electric all as well. I DO like that the oven light comes on automatically when the door is open.

What I DON't like is it sticks out further from the cabinets than the old one,and the knobs for the burners are in the front at waist level, so I sideswipe them as I walk by, and when I grab the oven handle I jam the burner knobs with the oven mitt/hand!

well, have a great night!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by fec153 on Friday, May 16, 2014 6:52 PM

Johnboy- We are both survivors. We prove Cancer can be beat. Just hang tight and do what the Doc's say. Not sure how old you are but I'm six weeks short of my 78th birthday. He has His plans for me.

Tomorrow is Armed Forces Day. It is also my/our 33rd wedding anniversary. In sickness or in health. Health is a heck of a lot better.

Thanks to all for your continued prayers for us in need.  

Prayers and Blessings from Deb and me.

Phil     aka-Flip


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Posted by tcwright973 on Friday, May 16, 2014 8:29 PM

Flip - Glad you mentioned tomorrow being Armed Forces Day. I missed it on my calandar. I'll be sure to put the flag up in the morning.


Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, May 16, 2014 8:50 PM

One time I had a cardboard box sitting on top of my gas stove and bumped the burner control without my realsing it and the box caught on fire.

My mother did the same sort of thing when we lived in Virginia way back in the 60's. Except in this case it was a pan of good old lard. She had the burner (gas stove) on low so to heat the lard slowly. She had to go outside for something and she bumped the stove as she went to the back door. That bump turned the burner up quite a bit. Not to high but enough it overheated the lard and set off a grease fire. Luckily she was coming back in right then and she grabbed the nearest extinguishing agent she had for grease fires. A box of baking soda. To this day I can still smell that scorched lard.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by cudaken on Friday, May 16, 2014 9:29 PM

 Evening Dinners, Und Guten Abend Herr Ulrich.

 Flo, Bier gefällt Beer

 Ulrich, I can understand why you don't want to go to DCC. Sometimes I wished I had not! But now that it is working fine I will not go back. Far as having to rewire your turnouts, I have read that before but I never did mine and they work fine. I have about 15 Peaco turnouts that power is controled by the way they are throwen and have not been a problem. With you running just one engine at a time, that I understand.

 What drew me to DCC was sound, but yet most on my fleet is still none sound. Now sound for a Steam Engine, that is now a must! Big Smile If you ever decide you want the E Z, let me know. By the way, wit some luck the rail spikes should be heading your way Monday or Tuesday.


 Galaxy, I pretty much guessed that was what she was talking about. My self, I think it is just another spin job so they can sale there wares as something new and improved! If you happen to know where I can find out more about this Mattress let me know pleases.

 I am off Monday and Tuesday and there is no rain in the forecast! Yes

 Wir sehen uns Freitag, Ken]





I hate Rust

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, May 16, 2014 9:35 PM

Good evening. 71° and mostly clear here. Looks like weekend will be a little cloudy and no rain.

I was without phone service for a little while today. My Magicjack crashed and was down for the count. I had to uninstall it, restart the computer and reinstall the Magicjack. It works OK now.

The van ran good today. It was just a couple of short trips. The first was this morning when I went to my fathers place to meet the Home Health nurse. The second was this afternoon when I went to get my mail.

Had some trouble with the front USB ports on the HP again. If the other USB ports start acting I'll have the main board that I salvaged from my old computer and put it into this one and install the drivers for it. If Windows 8 decides it doesn't like the 32 bit drivers it can be replaced with another version of Windows.

Gotta see about getting a big box to the post office tomorrow morning. It's supposedly open for a couple of hours on Saturday. If not I'll take it next week at my earliest convenience.

Did a little programming on the //e this evening. Nothing major, just bending a program to my will.

Time to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by howmus on Friday, May 16, 2014 10:05 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie I could sure a cup of decaf right now...  Thank you Ma'am!'

The local news is full of stuff on the storms that came our way over the last several days...  Even in Pittsford, NY the Erie Canal oveflowed and has mandated the evacuation of several homes.  Monroe County picked up over 2" of rain in the last 24 hours causing some problems there.  We are still under a flooding warning around most of the area.  I should mow the lawn again tomorrow but I know that on the West side of my lot there will be standing water.  The basement still has water flowing in at a pretty good rate.  I will go down and start the siphon one more time before I heasd to bed shortly.

I spent most of the day finishing odds and ends for the MLK Scholarship Dinner next Wednesday.  Still have some changes to make in the program before printing.  I printed the tickets for the meals tonight as well as all but one of the Scholarship Certificates.  Got the laundry done and made a run to the grocery store for some supplies....

It will be the end of next week before I can even think of doing any hobby stuff again... 

Have a good night everyone!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 17, 2014 1:03 AM

Morning´ Everyone!

Woke up in the wee hours of the day with my heart trying to win the Capetown Races. It´s running stable now, but I feel exhausted.

Petra´s back is still giving her problems, so the household chores are on me again. Got to do the shopping for the weekend, dusting, vacuuming and laundry, but no cooking. She feels up to doing this - good, as I don´t like the food I cook. I am a professional eater, and not a professional cook!

I won´t be able to do much on the layout today. I have run out of supplies and have only pennies left in my budget for this month. I could finish the "water" as I still have plenty of that smelly paint, but I am not sure whether I want to do this. We will see...

Johnboy - good to see you again. Good to hear that you are improving. I do hope that you´ll soon be able to swallow properly to enjoy the upcoming BBQ season! Petra´s and my prayers for that!


Got to get going - CUL & have a good one!

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Saturday, May 17, 2014 1:11 AM

Johnboy- We are both survivors. We prove Cancer can be beat. Just hang tight and do what the Doc's say. Not sure how old you are but I'm six weeks short of my 78th birthday. He has His plans for me.

Whistling   Well FLIP,

You have me beaten by a few years. I'll be 74 in November.

Johnboy out.............and off to bed.

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, May 17, 2014 5:06 AM

last mountain & eastern hogger


Johnboy- We are both survivors. We prove Cancer can be beat. Just hang tight and do what the Doc's say. Not sure how old you are but I'm six weeks short of my 78th birthday. He has His plans for me.


Whistling   Well FLIP,

You have me beaten by a few years. I'll be 74 in November.

Johnboy out.............and off to bed.


My father has survived prostate cancer for the last 20 years. He chose a "cryosurgery option"-that is they super-quick-froze the prostate tissues. The idea is it damages the tissues of the prostate so that the cancer has "nothing to feed on".

He ocassionally has errant PSA results, but has lived the last 20 years without much trouble. I think there was some disappointment of one front{I think you can figure that out}, but at age age 60, he had to adjust his "expectations "downward anyway.

Since his father managed to liove to age 92, but eventually died from prostate cancer complications, and my father has it, and I currently have benign issues, as my father says of me, it is only a matter of time before I get, and not really a Q of IF I get it.

I DO have a urologist who looks after me, so we hopefully will catch any changes form benign to ?? sooner than later.

I am a skin cancer "survivor" {basal cell carncinomas }and have the major scars on my forehead to prove it.

I also have had 2 bening tumors removed form my back. We were all counting on the removal of those tumors would help my back, but not so.

Johnboy: naturally I wish the best at beating it!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, May 17, 2014 5:18 AM

morning coffee in the diner...


Today is Saturday,

May 17th, 2014!

Healing thoughts, prayers

and energies for:

Johnboy; Flip; Jeffery; Barry

{where has he been lately?};

Ulrich; and any others

I may have missed; and

For World Peace!

"happy" {?}

Armed Forces Day {USA}!

Thanks to all

who did serve,

Are serving,

Or will serve!


Around the Pole Star in his tail swings
The 12 constellations in grand rings.
This looking at bears
(If anyone cares)
Is why we say "getting our bearings".
—Written by Israel "Izzy" Cohen 


There was a young fellow who thought,

Very little, but thought it a lot.

Then at long last he knew

What he wanted to do,

But before he could start, he forgot. 



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, May 17, 2014 8:56 AM

Good morning. It's 65° with 89% humidity. The high will be 82° with a few clouds.

I may make it into town this morning to try and get a large package to the post office. Supposedly they're open for a few hours on Saturday. Failing that I'll have to take it sometime during the week.

No other plans for today so I'll just take it as it comes.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, May 17, 2014 9:25 AM

Guten Morgan

Good Mornign

I have already been to Wally Wor.d and then to the grocery store {again}. I spent some money like we had it.

I had to go to Wally Wolrd to try to get those HD Night Vision Wrap around glasses. I got a pair to try as my night vision is just bad, I cannot distinguish the various shades of gray and such, and so I thought I'd try them. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM TO YOU ALL!!! I got a pair for MOH and MOH showed my FIL, who naturally wanted a pair! ANd then I thought I should get my Father a off I went to where I got the other 2 pr....Wally WOrld, but naturally they were OUt of them. Then I remembered thinking I saw them at the grocery store so I went there. Naturally that is not the only thing I bought! They had some good beef markdowns so i picked up. and then they had the flavored H20's 6 pks for 10 for $10 so I bought more of those! Spent $125 there.

I also could not get out of wally world for less than $136, either, and I didn't even get what I went there for! The most expensive thing was an electric knife was $29-- because our knives are so dull you can't cut hot butter with them. those cheapo ceraminc ones don't work well, so I bit the bullet and bought the electric one. The next most expensives were2 moisture-wicking T shirts,,,, they work well so I picked up a couple more for me..they were about $10, then summer cutoff socks $7.50 pk of 3 x there blew about $70 right there! That was half the money I spent. Oh well, we need stuff and I had bought nothing but food and TP all winter long. Nothing really was  Want, it was pretty much all needs.

well, you all have a great afternnon...we may be going to a nearby "Chocolate adn Wine Festival"..weird combo, I know...

depend on how the OH feels when home form the grocery store job.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:24 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have a sgort stack of buttermilk Pancakes with real NYS Maple Syrup, a couple sausage links, and lots of Dark Roast Coffee in my R&GV RR mug...

I am about ready to venture out and try to mow some lawn.  It is getting high and I know there are places still under water.  Just came up from the basement which has water over most of the floor in the workshop.  Got the siphon back up and running.  Will need to check it several times today.

Still have way too many ??? on items for the MLK Scholarship Dinner.  Will be doing some printing this afternoon and tonight I am sure.

Catch you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:31 AM
Good Morning!!! And a big THANK YOU VERY MUCH to those that served in the Armed Forces.
Coffee and a sausage and egg with cheese sandwich please. Thanks
Sunny with a high of 60.
Been an expensive week for me too G. First the new grill then a very expensive (for me) trip to the grocery store ( sometimes you just gotta get stuff you don't need all the time) and of course the cable/internet/phone upgrade. Actually that will only cost me an additional  $3 a month turns out plus the $68 a month savings from the cancelling of the regular phone and they waved the $20 service charge. Doesn’t surprise me as they have yet to actually charge me. They say they are, but then they say something like we won’t charge you for that. No complaints. What cost me Grumpywas the $90 for phones! Needed 4 so I got a package of one base and 3 satellites on sale, but still. Not my idea because I probably won’t answer any of them anyway. The ones we had were dead except for two old crackly wired phones. Again, didn’t matter to me as I generally don’t answer the things anyway. Something else cost me too…Confused..can’t remember. ANYway….need really nothing from town today except for the wife and my’s traditional dine out meal. Probably try the sitdown restaurant since we got sidetracked last week and didn’t get there.
Best get outside and do some cleanup and the trimming needs to get done from the bonsai mow that I did a couple days ago between rains. And I need to get the grass up off the grass so it don’t kill out spots.
Real good to see Johnboy and Flip in…..real goodYes.  


Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 17, 2014 12:34 PM

Evening Gang!

I finally did get around doing some w*rk on my layout. First, I embossed a stone texture into the dock and bridge abutments - right into the foam. W*rked out nicely, so I can spare me the chore of engraving the modelling clay. Then I painted the "sea floor" and when that was dry, gave it a coat of that smelly, gloss paint. I will leave the windows open overnight, so that should take care of the smell. No piccies yet, everything has to dry up nicely first.

Slowly, the layout is taking shape. Next week, I will start on that backdrop ... Whistling


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Posted by Seamonster on Saturday, May 17, 2014 3:36 PM



I had to go to Wally Wolrd to try to get those HD Night Vision Wrap around glasses. I got a pair to try as my night vision is just bad, I cannot distinguish the various shades of gray and such, and so I thought I'd try them. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM TO YOU ALL!!! I got a pair for MOH and MOH showed my FIL, who naturally wanted a pair! ANd then I thought I should get my Father a off I went to where I got the other 2 pr....Wally WOrld, but naturally they were OUt of them. Then I remembered thinking I saw them at the grocery store so I went there. 

Are those glasses the ones with the amber lenses?  I have a pair of those for night driving and they work great.  They are supposed to reduce the glare from oncoming headlights and improve contrast and they do just that very well.  They don't reduce the amount of light coming through the lenses but they do turn white lights yellowish.  Great glasses.


..... Bob

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, May 17, 2014 4:05 PM





I had to go to Wally Wolrd to try to get those HD Night Vision Wrap around glasses. I got a pair to try as my night vision is just bad, I cannot distinguish the various shades of gray and such, and so I thought I'd try them. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM TO YOU ALL!!! I got a pair for MOH and MOH showed my FIL, who naturally wanted a pair! ANd then I thought I should get my Father a off I went to where I got the other 2 pr....Wally WOrld, but naturally they were OUt of them. Then I remembered thinking I saw them at the grocery store so I went there. 



Are those glasses the ones with the amber lenses?  I have a pair of those for night driving and they work great.  They are supposed to reduce the glare from oncoming headlights and improve contrast and they do just that very well.  They don't reduce the amount of light coming through the lenses but they do turn white lights yellowish.  Great glasses.



Them's the ones! Put them on on a cloudy dull  rainy day, or at dusk, and it is literally like someone "turned the lights on". It is AMAZING how they "magnify the light" {NOT magnify the image, mind you}.

They can be worn OVER glasses.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, May 17, 2014 4:23 PM

Howdy .

JohnBoy .... Good to see you. Thanks for the compliment regarding my layout. 

Flip .... Glad you are here. You're actually getting younger; right?

Bob Seamonster. .... Good to see you again. Hope you can visit the Diner more often.

Karl ... Are you looking in? .... I paid attention to your recent advice about replacement decoders from NCE. I just sent them 5 damaged decoders along with the small charge for replacing them. 

Happy Model Railroading. 




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Posted by cudaken on Saturday, May 17, 2014 6:24 PM

 Abendessen und Guten Abend, Herr Ulrich!

 Flo, Bier gefällt. Beer

 Today was pretty much a waste at work, slow and I did not sale one thing. Dave was all so having a bad day, when I left he had not sold a thing either. I should have got off at 6:00 PM but blew the Fire Trap at 4:30. Luckilt I had some good sales this week.

 Stopped at the Shop and Save on the way home to buy some food. Spent around $43.00 and got suffecent food say for 5 to 6 days.

 Flo, soap box pleases. SoapBox With Sue being disabled and my lack of good income the we get $241.00 in food stamps a month. In Illinois it is called a SNAP card. With Sue being the disabled person, the card is in her name. Today is the 17th and she has spent $231.00 and only have 2 days worth of food left! Bang Head

 She buys silly junk food crap! Chips, Corn Dog's, Ice Cream, Mircowavable Chesse Bugers, Cool Wip, Pies and so forth! Bang Head I cannot think of a single item that she bought that has to be cooked! But what can I do, the SNAP card is in her name! Whistling I sure cannot take it away from her, there would be heck to pay if I tried. About the only thing I can do is not give her gas money so she can not go to the store! Again there would be heck. 

 I know, I need to have a talk with her, but I swear it will just cause a fight and griff. Sigh


 See you all Sunday, Ken]

I hate Rust

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, May 17, 2014 7:35 PM


 Stopped at the Shop and Save on the way home to buy some food. Spent around $43.00 and got suffecent food say for 5 to 6 days.

 Flo, soap box pleases. SoapBox With Sue being disabled and my lack of good income the we get $241.00 in food stamps a month. In Illinois it is called a SNAP card. With Sue being the disabled person, the card is in her name. Today is the 17th and she has spent $231.00 and only have 2 days worth of food left! Bang Head

 She buys silly junk food crap! Chips, Corn Dog's, Ice Cream, Mircowavable Chesse Bugers, Cool Wip, Pies and so forth! Bang Head I cannot think of a single item that she bought that has to be cooked! But what can I do, the SNAP card is in her name! Whistling I sure cannot take it away from her, there would be heck to pay if I tried. About the only thing I can do is not give her gas money so she can not go to the store! Again there would be heck. 

 I know, I need to have a talk with her, but I swear it will just cause a fight and griff. Sigh

Ken: FIRst, SNAP is  a FEDERAL program all over the USA. With you having an income of ANY type, good bad, low high, be GLAD you GET $241 in SNAP benefits!!!! We got no where near that when MOH was UNEMPLOYED and we only had my disability!

What we DID get, I still spent by the 15th, and I did NOT buy the items you mentioned! I stuck to only meats, potatoes and fruit/ veggies! I could still spend the food stamps in about one trip! I SITLL had to charge card the balance of food needs the rest of the month...something we are still paying off still on a 0% balance transfer card that we have until Dec. to pay off. We had about $15k in bills charged on my charge cards that I could not cover with my SSD to get us through until MOH was working again, as the company MOH worked for and got fired from, hires a company specifically to contest unenjoyment claims. MOH lost the appeal. SO all Unenjoyment checks {not much anyway} stopped!


A} be Glad you get what you get, I think Jeffrey can tell you all about it too! He may be single, but then that should mean he should get 1/2 what you two get, but it Ain't so! i DON't Know how he does it without using church pantries for help.

B} It doens't matter what she buys you are liable to run out of food stamps as think about get $241month: that is only $55/week {based on a 4.33 week month,what they go by since 5 months have 5 weeks in them} or only $7.95/DAY to feed two of you 3 meals a day! that works out to just $2.65 PER MEAL for TWO of you or $1.33 per meal for you alone...can You tell me, please, please, JUST WHERE can you eat a whole meal for just $1.33???? That ISN'T on a "dollar menu"??? And even WITH the $1 menu,, a $1.33 does NOT give you more than one item! Even if you "pool your $1.33-ses", at $2.65 you can't get 2 burgers and a single small fry! and pay tax too!!

C} Beef is now running at $4.29 and UP per pound for HAMBURGER. Even a whole roaster chicken can run $6-7 bucks! Deli meats are now running at $10/lb! Seafood is average of about $5-6/lb except for tilapia {YUCK!} and should you want shrimp?? forgetabodit!

D} veggies/fruit have gone up an average of 13% accoridng to the news, and I feel it in the produce section! The drouhgts out in California are NOT helping to keep cpsts down. Neither is the fact that foreign countries we rely on for fresh produce are also experiencing droughts adn floodings, adn jackin up prices on us, then there is the cost to get it to our markets. FOr us in NY that means a long 5 day trip by train {"the old fruit growers express"}. It may be cheaper than that where you are.


it a matter of being aware. $55/week for two of you for food is NOT ENOUGH!

Because we DON'T eat the el cheapo crappy microwavable meals {or the expensive ones either}, and we have have "balanced home cooked meals", Our food bill is more likely to be $100-$125 a week on sale items, with special markdowns on beef and meats, fresh fruits/veggies, and do not include the cost of  bottled waters in there either....I cannot drink the crappy chlorine-flouride-laden city-fied water that comes out of the tap here without vomiting!

I hate to say it, but you need to cut SUE some slack! OR take over the whole shopping by yourself. stuff may be cheaper where you live as you are halfway across the country closer to the W coast than we are. SEe how far it goes! Not far!


My 2 Cents

Dinner here was CHurch sponsored BBQ chicken meal...It was $8.50 per. Expensive, but it supports the church and is in line with the for-profit Chicken BBQ open fire pit place down the road. SO since it supports the church we go for it, even i it costs us $17 for the meals {usually we get 2 sittings out of it anyway} Our twice a year {once in spring, once in fall} charitable contribution to churches.

Then there is the contributions to Disabled AM. VEts, and Paralized Am vets, and to the local mobile food pantry {we have used them before and may have to again}. We donate extra food canned/boxed goods to the Postman's drive for local CHOW pantry too. That is our philanthropical deeds. We feel forutante to do so now, not alwys much, but it sure helps them out! We consider it "paying it forward".

Have a great night, see you in the morning!!!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, May 17, 2014 8:07 PM

My father and step mother made it back today so I went down and visited with them for a little while. Came back home and found a freind had just gotten here. He brought Snow White, his Apple IIc computer with him so I could repair it. Took about ten minutes to find the problem and about an hour to fix it. It has sixteen RAM chips in it and the fifth one in line was the problem. My problem is that they're all soldered in so getting that chip out took a little while. It has sixteen legs on it and I had to melt the solder off one leg at a time. I don't have a solder wick or anything like that but I have an attachment for my little Shop-Vac that has a 1/4" opening. It sucked the solder up like nobody's business. Getting the new chip in was dead simple by comparison. I used a little battery powered soldering iron for that. It's absolute junk on most everything else but it's the cat's meow for making tiny pinpoint solder joints and doesn't get hot enough to damage the chip. Anyhow the computer works now. There's a photo of it below and a photo of the test screen. I also did a RAM check but all it says is 'OK' and 'OK'. You can see from the photo why he calls it Snow White. Only thing wrong with the case is where his son engraved it years ago.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
Space Mouse for president!
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's
Running Bear Enterprises
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beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, May 17, 2014 8:55 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie just a cup of decaf for me right now...  Thanks!

Been a busy day of getting a lot of odds and ends done.  Got the reserved table signs made for the Scholarship Dinner alomng with the last of the Certificates for the recipients.  Mowed about 2/3rd. of the lawn.  Decided not to finish it today as the front yard is a swamp where the water from the basement ends up.  Definate mud hole and I decided not to make it worse by walking through it.  I'll redo that whole side on Monday if I get time.  I found a second computer to use to play the video which will be the "Entertainment" at the dinner.  A very nicely done song showing artwork and photos of the kids at the Boys and Girls Club in town.  A former student of mine and professional musician who lives in town did the creation of the video.  he told me he should be able to put it into a format I can use on my old Laptop.  We shall see. 

Tomorrow I work Train Crew again out at the Museum.  May not get in here before I have to leave. 

Have a great night!  Prayers for all on sick call in any way, shape, and manner.


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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  • From: Orig: Tyler Texas. Lived in seven countries, now live in Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, May 17, 2014 9:22 PM

Well everything of note that I did today has been listed already so all that's left is to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
Space Mouse for president!
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's
Running Bear Enterprises
History Channel Club life member.
beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 18, 2014 3:55 AM

Morning Everyone!

Our apartment stinks! There is this pungent stench of solvent-based paint all over! Fortunately, the weather is quite nice, so we can keep the windows wide open. I am glad that this won´t happen anymore, I am done with that. Unfortunately, this is also the room where the computer is, so I will be able to spend only little time at the PC today.

The paint has not yet fully dried, so there will be no more MRRing today. I am in no rush, so I´ll take a break. Time to think a few things over!

Zoe, it´s Sunday, so I´ll have my big, fat, greasy and unhealthy breakfast of crisp-fried bacon, eggs, buttered toast & jams, a glass of OJ and plenty of strong coffee, thank you!

Make it a great day!

  • Member since
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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, May 18, 2014 4:55 AM


Evenin' folks!

Janie just a cup of decaf for me right now...  Thanks!

Been a busy day of getting a lot of odds and ends done.  Got the reserved table signs made for the Scholarship Dinner alomng with the last of the Certificates for the recipients.  Mowed about 2/3rd. of the lawn.  Decided not to finish it today as the front yard is a swamp where the water from the basement ends up.  Definate mud hole and I decided not to make it worse by walking through it.  I'll redo that whole side on Monday if I get time.  I found a second computer to use to play the video which will be the "Entertainment" at the dinner.  A very nicely done song showing artwork and photos of the kids at the Boys and Girls Club in town.  A former student of mine and professional musician who lives in town did the creation of the video.  he told me he should be able to put it into a format I can use on my old Laptop.  We shall see. 

Tomorrow I work Train Crew again out at the Museum.  May not get in here before I have to leave. 

Have a great night!  Prayers for all on sick call in any way, shape, and manner.




Evenin' folks!

Janie just a cup of decaf for me right now...  Thanks!

 Got the reserved table signs made for the Scholarship Dinner alomng with the last of the Certificates for the recipients.  

Ray: I think I may hav asked you htis before, but I can do all kinds of Calligraphic work, do you do it too, or do you just computer print thier name, or print it in there??

I once Calligraphed the Entire Declaration of Independence into the shape of the {current} U.S.A....on a large 30"x40" matt board. Very Pleased with how it turned out! EVERy last word and all 56 named signatures. Took 32 hours to do!

Send Me a PM...please...



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, May 18, 2014 4:59 AM


Sat. 87 Sun. 79 Mon. 75
I have a old propane BBQ with a lid that holds in the heat and volcanic rocks that get hot. I've been to two parties lately with new BBQ's, no rocks and no lid. They don't get near as hot and take much longer to cook. And they have to use a lot more propane.


Yeah< I noticed that too.They used to sell cheap bags of volcanic rocks, so when my new grill came without them, I thought I'll just go buy another bag! NOPE! Not ANY MORE!

it also means grease getting down in there and DRIPS out any holes! OR catches fire inside the grill!

At least with the rocks, it woudl "safely" burn off the drips and grease!

GRR...probably ranout of cheap volcanic rock in China OR theynow keep the rocks to themslves!



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, May 18, 2014 5:10 AM

morning the diner...


Today is the

18th of May, 2014!

Healing thoughts, prayers and energies for:

Johnboy, Flip, Jeffrey,

Barry, Ulrich, for 

anybody I missed,

and for World Peace

These are clean; This one is cute:

There once was a musical hobo
Who strung four strings on his oboe.
Said he, "With these strings,
This thing really sings!
I both blow and bow on my oboe."
—Written by Dave Reckoning

This one is NOT what it at first appears:

There once was a maid from Madras
Who possessed a magnificent Ass.
Neither round or pink,
As some might think, and boy it did stink!

It was gray, had long ears,a tail and ate grass.
—Written by R. Avakian




Geeked Geeked


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 18, 2014 7:47 AM

Yoohoo! Anyone around?

3 1/2 hrs. without a face to be seen in here!

Just a few shots of the left part of my layout:

The HO car frame you see in the picture is what I use to test the quality of my track. It really rolls freely - a little shove is all it needs to roll over the entire layout, without derailing. The track seems to be OK, but let´s wait and see waht my locos do...

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