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Elliott's Trackside Diner - April 2012 Locked

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Saturday, April 7, 2012 6:54 AM

Good Morning

Getting sunshine and a high near 58F today...

Friend is still change in that department...going up there later today to see least his sense of humour still spite of this...WinkWhistling

Been a kind of weird week here..what with him in the hospital and his wife staying here...we had a few friends over to run some choo choos to get the mind off'n him..and, guess what...5 ran...5 issues show up...

Ken:  Do what Galaxy will save your job!!

Thanks for all the prayers is definitely appreciated here...Bow

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, April 7, 2012 7:21 AM

Good morning. It's 56° and partly cloudy. The high will be 82° and it'll be mostly sunny.

I'm having some difficulty thinking clearly this morning but other than that I'm feeling OK. I intend to do more work on the SD27J today. Hopefully there'll be no interruptions (In this family? Yeah! Right! Like getting a rainy day on the surface of the sun!) and I'll be able to make and install the lines for the air tanks. Last night I had to brush some gray weathering powder onto the tanks just to get a descent photo of them. Otherwise they blended right into the long hood. One thing for sure, with tanks that size there should be plenty of air for stopping.

No news on my mothers condition other than 'no improvement'.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Morning Coffee at Elliot's 4/7/12
Posted by galaxy on Saturday, April 7, 2012 7:32 AM

Good morning Again

Well, what do you know...the vaccuum dirt sucker sucks better with a good new belt! Mucho dirt brought out of the carpets!

Laundry going now.

Dishes..only a few left over form last night {I hate doing dishes after eating and my back is usually worn out by then so I leave til morning}.

Well, you can see, others back my words!!! PLEASE for your sanity, and job's sake, DO AS I SUGGEST!!! Go BAck and read it if you missed it on the previous page!!!

Well..on to better things!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

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Posted by Curt Webb on Saturday, April 7, 2012 8:22 AM

Morning All,

Not much planned today other than going to the club later. I go back to w**k tomorrow but it is my short day so I will be home for Easter dinner (hopefully).

I watched a horror movie last night that was filmed right around here. I thought that was kind of weird.

Jeff- I am always impressed with what you are able to come up with in your modeling. Keep up the good work.

Everyone take care and prayers for those in need.

Curt Webb

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Posted by cudaken on Saturday, April 7, 2012 8:55 AM

 Morning Folks!

 Flo, Coffee Please.

 Yea, I know it is time to do something about work. I really do feel like it is starting to effect my health. I am keeping notes on some of the stuff. Mainly the missing cash problems. I think that may stop now that I told Dave I was about to go to HR about it.

 I have made some mistakes. But, the more I feel pressured the more mistakes I make.

 I have never felt welcomed at work, in fact I am sure if Neil had not wanted me hired I would have never gotten the job there. I am older than the other people Dave hires, I am the only one with a beard in St Louis I have meet and my hair is a little longer as well. But, even if I get into another shop, I am still screwed. Dave is still the head of St Louis, so I will never get a shop. Sigh

 Well, going to try to forget about work for now and enjoy this brisk day.

 Thanks for the support folks.



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Posted by gabeusmc on Saturday, April 7, 2012 9:48 AM

Diet Coke Please

Jim-Yes It is the company house kit(1 pack). I am trying to copy Tom Johnson's Bruce Lake Grocery, just on a smaller scale (  look down to the second post, halfway through). I have finnished the Grain elevator warehouse and am now working on the store.

Now I need to run out and get some strip wood for the new store front and some model glue.

"Mess with the best, die like the rest" -U.S. Marine Corp

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, April 7, 2012 9:52 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have a nice bowl of Natures Path Organic Pumpkin Flax Granola with skim milk and lots of Seneca Lake Blend Dark Roast Coffee this fine morning.

Ah, Zoe?  Somebody left their 426 Hemi over here in the corner!?!  Must have lost the car, huh?  Nice and shiny though.  Probably hasn't been run in a while.

Feeling better this morning.  Think the cold is finally being conquered.  Blood sugar last night was 186 before bed!!!  Never had a reading that high before.  This morning it was back down to right where I like it 107.......  Feel better too.  Can breath again, and head has cleared.

Ken, do keep a written log of every little thing pulled on you at work.  Date it and file it away.  Better to have it and not use it, than to need it and not have anything.  Actually keeping both as printed and as a file on the computer would be the best idea....  The file on the computer will have a date of creation on the file which would be one way of verifying the date it happened.  When I retired I found my old hand written notes of what a certain idiot Principal at school had done in terms of trying to coerce me over the years.  It was over one inch thick with several dated write ups on each page.....  Many times what he was insisting on was illegal.  All I really ever had to do was say, "Put in writing" and the subject got dropped.  Near the end (before he was forced to retire...) I would not even sit down across from him without a union rep with me for a witness.  He tried to do the same kind of bull.....  against another principal who later became the new superintendent.  THAT took care of his career.........  The notes became some very funny reading after I retired and could then laugh about it!

Jeffrey, hope your mother starts getting better quickly! 

Barry, keep us posted on how the friend is doing!  Hopefully they will be able to bring the MRSA under control.

Have lots of stuff to do today, so i best get moving....


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by Cederstrand on Saturday, April 7, 2012 10:33 AM

Italian roast coffee in a UNION PACIFIC mug, please.

Have a good day all.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, April 7, 2012 10:53 AM

Well, looking at the SD27J this morning I decided I didn't like the air tank setup and ripped them off. I made a much simpler setup that looks more functional and won't be mistaken for a Mythbusters experiment.

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Saturday, April 7, 2012 12:14 PM

Good Morning-almost-Afternoon, Janie - I'll have a BLT, order of cheesy fries and a RBF please. Thank you!

Ken, that is kinda wacky about your boss sitting in the lot (and kinda stupid of him to call an ask you, tipping you off that he was out there!). AngelAngel for a transfer soon to a better store. (And [ditto] what Galaxy suggested) Got me curious - did you ever figure out what the white stuff on the tires was?

Jeff, sorry you didn't get some better news on your Mom. AngelAngel On your SD27J, depending on if you need to remove the cab seperately from the body shell, you could use Squadron putty or something to cover some of that gap, and paint over it to match the other white around it. Semi-camouflage it... Wink Liked your other (bigger-is-better) version of the air tanks, but as you said, the newer one won't get you on Mythbusters.

Barry, keep us in touch on your friend's progress; it helps (him) that he has a good attitude despite what he's enduring. AngelAngel

Johnboy, y'know, of course, that if you hadn't changed the tires (to the summer ones), the weather would've been like Seamonster's and CN Charlie's, right? Smile, Wink & Grin Hopefully, you won't have very many days of that slush/stuff. And as you said, you had a good movie and dinner anyway. Yeah

Ulrich, hope you and your friend have fun with the planning (yours or his!). AngelAngel for your arm to heal. Maybe I missed it - did you ever get a doctor to tell you what was going on with your arm?

Curt, on your local horror movie - it was fictional, right? Whistling Sounds like you are continuing to make good progress on your layout. I look forward to seeing your gondola loads (where'd you get them from, or did you make them?).

Gabe, I may have seen that guy's stuff before - either on the Atlas forums, or elsewhere. Loved how he did those buildings, and I had saved a bunch of his pics for future reference. Now, I need to go find them.... Best wishes on your version of the project, and post pics in here after you get it done. Yeah

Ray, you're right about it being easier after things are done and past, to laugh about what happened in some situations. Hey, any layout progress photos this weekend? (please?)

I'll be at the RC, enjoying lunch. Then I want to discuss 'Main St. America' buildings with Gabe. Prayers will continue for healing and comfort and rest for those in need this weekend.



Jim in Cape G.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, April 7, 2012 4:15 PM

I'm toying with the idea of making one of my SDP40F's into a torpedo tube SDP40F. In other words roof mounted air tanks. I don't think anybody's done that before. And why the heck am I doing it? Why not! I cut several pieces of bamboo skewer to use for the torpedo tubes. Two are 2 and 5/16ths inches and two are 3/4's of an inch. The photos below show a test fitting. I don't know if I'll be using the short pieces.

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Posted by cudaken on Saturday, April 7, 2012 4:42 PM

 Evening all.

 Flo, thank you dear for the Beer

 Did not do much today, little running and stopped by K-10 Model Trains and chatted for awhile. Still cannot find anything that says "Buy Me Ken". Kind of sad, or is it I just have to much all ready? Whistling

 One more day of freedom, then back to Caboose Land.



 Red Neck 383 HP

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, April 7, 2012 6:34 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie, I'll have the sirloin tips on toast and baked winter squash please.  Oh and a cup of decaf to wash it down.  Please and Thank You Ma'am.

Check from #2 son arrived today, so Monday I will have a counter check cut for the new ears I will pay for and get on Tuesday....  Actually looking forward to it.  Hope I'm not disappointed!  He ever wrote the check for more than he promised....  He said it was just a small repayment considering all the sacrifices we did for both he and his brother growing up....  Good kid!  every once in a while, I sit back and smile and think we must have done something right while raising those guys! Big Smile

Gee Ken, nice little putt, putt you got there.  I prefer these:

EMD 567B, little old girl, only 1200HP.

Jim, yep!  Did some model railroading this last week.  Decided to create a new scene in the yard by the Lisk buildings....

May actually leave it there for a while and see how many visitors notice it......Whistling

Hope you are all having a great evening!



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by james saunders on Saturday, April 7, 2012 6:56 PM

Special train ran today hauling a precious valuable oversize load. Train number ESTAR12 was seen rumbling over the recently installed bridges over the river valley.



Happy Easter, Diners!


James, Brisbane Australia

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Posted by Cederstrand on Saturday, April 7, 2012 7:24 PM

I'll have an extra large portion of the House Stew, please. Dinner


Some nice (and fun) pics being posted I see.Big SmileThumbs Up

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Saturday, April 7, 2012 7:29 PM



 Red Neck 383 HP

Whistling        Hey Ken,

You had better hook up the RAD before you take that little beast to far.

Dontcha think ????????????????

And before you close the hood either put a hood scoop on it or at least

remove the beer can.... Lol.

Johnboy out.

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

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Posted by Curt Webb on Saturday, April 7, 2012 7:53 PM

Evening All,

Just stayed at the club a couple of hours then came home. I put away the equipment that I took and have been watching TV since. I will be going to bed soon as I get up early tomorrow.

I just booked a 1.5 hour train excursion on Sun 22 Apr with my Dad while we are at the FL Train Museum. Should be fun time.

Everyone take care.


Curt Webb

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, April 7, 2012 9:07 PM

Mother's condition: Not good. Her blood pressure dropped to very low. They're doing what they can to get it back up. She's conscious for short periods. That's all I know at this time.

SDP40F torpedo tubes: Worked on roof mounted air tanks (torpedo tubes) for one of my SDP40F's today. Got them painted and mounted in place. It looks better than I thought it would.

Good night.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Saturday, April 7, 2012 9:49 PM

Good Evening

Got back from hospital to see friend. He appears to have stabilized a tad. Still hooked up/wired up with all manner of monitors and IV this that and t'other but he is doing a bit better. Fever still running 102-103 though...

After we went there we went to treat ourselves with something that I am going to probs pay  cream. far, my numbers have stayed below...

Tomorrow will be a quiet day...unless a certain phonecall shows upWhistling

AngelAngel to all in need...

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Easter at the Diner!
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 8, 2012 4:20 AM


Blessings to all and prayers for those in need!

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Easter at the Diner 4/8/12!
Posted by galaxy on Sunday, April 8, 2012 4:31 AM



Today is Sunday, April 8th, 2012!!!

He Is Risen!!! {For those who believe}!!!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

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Good Morning...
Posted by wetidlerjr on Sunday, April 8, 2012 4:47 AM


Good Morning! from Tipton IN.








Bill Tidler Jr.

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Posted by NP2626 on Sunday, April 8, 2012 5:57 AM

Happy Easter/Passover to all!

NP 2626 "Northern Pacific, really terrific"

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Posted by LSWrr on Sunday, April 8, 2012 6:42 AM

Good Morning,


I’ve been busy at home and at work for the past 7 days.  7 days without visiting the diner makes one weak…

Jeff I hope your Mom is doing better.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, April 8, 2012 6:59 AM


Good Morning

Getting a mix of sun and cloud today with a fair bit of wind from the northwest at up to 40mph...being high on a ridge here will not help much in the wind department...

Had a good night of sleep last night...going to spend the day doing Easter things...we have some people coming by this afternoon from our church to hold a BBQ in our backyard...

As of this morning friend is doing a wee bit better...fever down to 101 now....

Have a great Easter Sunday!!


Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, April 8, 2012 7:21 AM

Good morning on this Easter Sunday. It's 55° and partly cloudy. The high will be 82°.

No plans for today. May mow my parents yard later.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, April 8, 2012 8:44 AM

Good Morning!!! And Happy EASTER!!!!

Coffee and the Easter Sunday buffet please.  I hate to admit it but I won’t be going to Easter Sunday service. Long story but it involves the in-laws and also Brenda has to take care of her Mother this morning as well.

Trying to catch up so pardon if I missed anything as I am scanning the posts, but I do want to say first,

Jeff- My prayers go out for your Mother.

Ken-Yup, take notes. Take lots of notes. Love that picture of the 383. Looks like I been w**kin on it. Got my brand all over it!!!Laugh

Welp haven’t been in for the last few days due to the fact my cornputer blowed up. Not really, the power supply seems to have quit…again. Second one too. I could have got another and saved a few bucks. Quite a few actually, but the thing was about seven years old and running a bit groggy though plenty fast for me. So I decided to just break down and get a new one. I don’t need no screamer of a computer, just something to run Quicken and Adobe Photoshop plus the typewriter part. Not much else. It only had 1 gig of ram and as some of you know, that's pretty much the minimum for Photoshop so though it worked fine, it did have some issues from time to time. Not enough to buy a new computer over unless there was some other reason, but like I said, bout time for another anyway before it went south and I took it as an sign. As for the internet, well no games played here so…Huh?. Anyway got a Dell Inspiron  all in one thing where the computer and monitor are one piece. Keyboard and mouse are wireless and I have to admit I like not having the wires, but picked up 4 more AA batteries of which I had all but eradicated those from the house and down to AAA and 9v not counting D's for flashlights. Speaking of wires, the rats nest is gone tooCool. The Ethernet wire to the modem, the printer usb, and the power cord. That’s it. Got it up and running yesterday but didn't get a chance to stop in because we had the Village Easter Egg Hunt and beins how I seem to be the Voice of Williamsville, I of course had to MC the thing and then naturally get involved in tear down. Did I mention set up? Well that goes without saying.

Today will be quiet because like I said Brenda will be watching her Mother so that leaves me and the dog. The Prime Rib will not get made today after all and I saw that coming, that’s why I never thawed it. (came from Kansas City Steaks already frozen) so bout Wednesday if the weekend looks the part I may put it in the fridgerator to thaw.

As for today, I will take the power supply out of Brenda’s old tower and use it to power up the old computer of mine to take the needed stuff off it and put it on this one, w**k on the counter top ( Have to access an inaccessible corner to fasten it down due to a slight bow)and maybe mow. Yes as does us all I should mow agaoin. But…..Hmm, it’s Easter so I may wait til Monday  

Ya’ll have a good day!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, April 8, 2012 10:13 AM

Strong coffee in a  SUNNY SOUTHERN  mug, please.


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Posted by tcwright973 on Sunday, April 8, 2012 10:45 AM

Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter. The wife and I will be going to my nephews for dinner. I'm looking forward to spending some time with him and his family. His wife is a great cook, so I'm sure I'll be having seconds.

I guess I spoke too soon when I said not long ago, that the ordeal with the wife's accident was finally over. She is having some problems the last few days with walking. She can't go too far without having some pain and swelling. We were going to a mall a couple of times a week, and would do two circuits with no problem. Now it's difficult to just get from the parking lot to the interior of the mall. Looks like we will have to make an appointment with the surgeon. However, the wife is reluctant to that right now. But I'm concerned that if something is wrong, she may be causing more damage the longer she puts it off. I think she is scared of what he might say.

The new car is just great. It is amazing how much computers are involved with them now. They control the engine, drive train, etc. My old car had a navigation system with voice recognition, as does the new one. But now the voice recognition also controls the heater, air conditioner, defrosters and the radio. That's a lot of commands to remember. I think by the time I get them all down, it will be time to trade in or the state will be revoking my drivers license due to old age. This model gets a little better gas mileage than the old model as well. Looking forward to taking one of our little overnight jaunts in it.

Blessings and prayers to all in need on this very special day.   tom


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Posted by howmus on Sunday, April 8, 2012 11:08 AM

Happy Easter!  And a happy Passover to some other friends!

Galaxy, "He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!"

Have a busy day today, none of which includes much in the way of trains....  Although I did find out that the Nursery at my church has a huge Thomas the Train set!  It was all set up when we all went over to pick up the Granddaughters...  Place was SRO this morning.  My son and family were late getting there.  i had been protecting a seat for them where I was.  they got there and two different people hasd to point out where I was before they saw me.

Early afternoon we will be going out to the high class (expensive) restaurant for our traditional family Easter Bunny thing lunch to please my sister...  Then this evening we will have Easter Dinner with My family at my son's house.  I will be bringing baked Winter Squash.  I still will have two huge squash left.... 

I have about an hour and a half before I have to leave for Canandaigua so I may start work on the handout for my clinic next Saturday.

May all of be blessed this day!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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