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Elliot's Trackside Diner November 2011 Locked

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, November 23, 2011 6:42 AM

Good morning. It's 52° and cloudy. The high will be 68° and it will be partly cloudy.

The morning storm yesterday dropped two and three quarter inches of rain on us in just a couple of hours. The winds were significant. I wouldn't have liked to be out on the roads at the time. Lightning and thunder weren't too bad. I've seen much worse but it hit in the wrong places yesterday and took out the power and cable during the first few minutes of the storms crossing of this area. The power was back on after only a couple of minutes but the cable was out until very late in the day. well, enough about that. David was right in what he said about me not doing as well as I let on. I just look at it in the sense that if the docs can't do anything about it there's little reason to make a hash of it.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, November 23, 2011 6:22 AM

Good Morning

After a bitter cold night of freezing rain/rain it actually now sits at the mighty 36F...going all the way up to 43F today..under clearing skies.

This morning I have to run off to get the ICD checked out and to get more prescriptions...again...sighSigh

We have relatives that have come up from Rolla MO to 'enjoy' our weather here for the holiday weekend...I'm working on the weekend but they are we are going to enjoy Aunty's cooking here...Dinner

Flo, I'll just have a coffee for now please and thankye...I'll be at the RC .....

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by thortenney on Wednesday, November 23, 2011 5:39 AM

TGIF/W!! Morning gang! Heading out for one last tour of the west desert for the week. Hope the weather holds out until my old mack is back at the barn for the holiday weekend. should be a lot of traffic out there today. all the people heading to grandmas house. I better hit the road. I hope you all have a great day!


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Good Morning...
Posted by wetidlerjr on Wednesday, November 23, 2011 3:39 AM


Good Morning ! from Tipton IN.





Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 23, 2011 12:07 AM

Good Morning Gang!

Just stopping by for a mug of coffee, before I have to hit the road to got to w*rk. No money out of that job, yet, but at least I get compensated for the gas I use to go there. Could not afford it, otherwise.

I am pretty much alarmed by Train Master´s news about Jeff´s disposition. I always had a hunch in the recent past, that things are not developing to the better for him. He is my hero in his fight to cope with the pitfalls of every day life, given his health condition.

Jeff - you are in Petra´s and my prayers!

Have a good day, folks!

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 11:14 PM

Good Morning!!!

Today is Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011!!!

the history of today's name is:

- Skandinavian = Wódnesdæg, the Skandinavian name for this day comes from Wodan (Odin).
- Icelandic = Midvikudagur ("Middle of the Week", the original name for this day was 'Wódnesdæg" = Wodan's Day)
- Swedish = Onsdag
- Danish = Onsdag
- Norwegian = Onsdag (maybe "
Odin's Day")
- Dutch = Woensdag (has his origin propably in "Wodan's Day")
- German = Mittwoch ("Middle of the week", the original germanic name of wednesday was "Wodansdag". Wodan =
- English = Wednesday (Wednesday was named Wodan to honor him. Wodan =

Have a great day!!!

Prayers for those in need!!!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 11:10 PM

Heartland Division CB&Q

Howdy ..

The Diner is supposed to be rolling across the South from Southern California to Florida. Are we in Louisiana yet? ..... Maybe Jeff can serve his "Da Bomb" hot sauce on the turkey? Mischief

Yeah, sorry about that..with the holidays coming I've been a bad host on this trip lately....we should be along about Alabama now, Georgia over the weekend and Florida next week..then the Diner moves...ALREADY!!!

I will have to root around and see what I can find for us to farage through for fun side trips in ALabam...but I have a turkey to prep and cook!!!

We missed Jeffrey's! I offered us to stop, but he didn't exactly roll out the red carpet with an invte either! maybe the thought of us all invading his little trailer set his teeth on edge! SO inviting one'self is NOT proper we wil leave him alone.

Well...have a good night.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by CNCharlie on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 10:31 PM

Good Evening!

Galaxy, a turkey cooking tip from my wife is to cook it upside down. Yes that is correct and then you don't  baste it at all. The white meat is very moist as the juices run into it instead of just the pan. It just doesn't look as nice. She got the tip from Gourmet magazine and it does work.

Jeff, hope you are feeling better.

I was tired tonight so just watched TV.  Maybe I'll get back to track work on the N scale tomorrow.

Well time for bed,

CN Charlie

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 9:42 PM

Howdy ..

The Diner is supposed to be rolling across the South from Southern California to Florida. Are we in Louisiana yet? ..... Maybe Jeff can serve his "Da Bomb" hot sauce on the turkey? Mischief

Ken ... I hope all goes well in KC.

Not much to report here today other tthan "honey dew" stuff.

Cheers, everybody




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Posted by BroadwayLion on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 9:14 PM

Ken... We keep you in our prayers. Work is important. Especially if you need to spend money.

I was working on my layout this afternoon. This switch was installed when Dyckman Street was the end of the line. It was left in place after 242nd Street was built, just in case the railroad got jammed up, a train could still be short-turned here. No more. The switches have been spiked, and the crossing has been "officially" removed from the railroad. Only they just left the switches there. Superintendent said "you never know". Anyway this is what it looks like now.


The insulated joints have been bonded (except of course on the diversion) and this will make electrical control of this end of the layout much simpler.

The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 9:09 PM

Train Master

Jeff will not be with us today unless the cable gets fixed.  To those who are of a praying disposition and even if you are not, he is not doing well in spite of what he says. He has trouble standing and he cannot keep his balance well. I cannot speak for others but I like his work and I want to see it continue.


Thank you David for being a good friend to Jeff, and Thank you for the update. We will indeed keep him on our prayer list.  We know he does very well with what he has to work with and never is very caustic about his situation, which makes him one Heck of a man. I am proud to call him a friend even though it is only electronically, if we lived closer we would indeed help him out.  Let us know if there is anything we can do for him.

Let him know we are thinking about him, and to keep the Running Bear smiling.

Johnboy out...............................and off to ZZZzzzland.

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by cudaken on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 9:04 PM

 Evening Fellow Dinners!

 Flo, Beer please.

 Curt Well that sounds like some good news compared to being told there was nothing the Doctors could do. My you and your family are in my payers Angel

 Work Front Well I got the call today telling me I was going to KC for a week. Hum, think they forgot I am not 35 years old anymore. Whistling  There original plan was for me to go into the shop here in St Louis at 8:00 AM, work till 7:00 PM then drive 4.5 hours to KC then be at work at the next day? Well, I have done it before but I had a more of a sit on my caboose job then and I was only 45. After a 10 hour day now, I have a hard time staying awake driving home. 

 Did get permission to go in late Friday. Well that is something I guess. Going to have a lot to do Friday, first thing is find out what I made! Won't know till Friday Morning, sure hope Steve is wrong about me being paid hourly!

 Next I will take out AAA Plus on the new boat. (Town Car) While it made the 55 mile drive home OK, I had Simon behind me all the way. Don't think he will follow me to KC Friday. Wish I could afford the rental, but my credit stinks and I don't think I would be reimbursed. I don't know if they are going to cover my gas money at this point? But, if Steve can get me up to speed, it will be well worth it!

 Well, I will see you all later.


I hate Rust

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 8:46 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie just a decaf for me please.

Just arrived home from a reunion committee meeting in Canandaigua..  Night a fit night out for man nor beast.....  Pouring rain and pea soup fog... Nice combination.  Took me a half hour to drive the 16 miles from Canandaigua to Geneva...  Almost nobody out on the road tonight either.  Only place there was 3 cars in a row coming at me, a small possum or a big rat decided to play chicken with me.  I had no place to go other than hit the car in the other lan head on, or get the animal...  it got hit by both of the right side wheels.  Doubt it felt much!

Glad I have the wood finally moved.  Last year it about half of it sat in the driveway most of the winter.  I'd bring over a wheelbarrow or 2 when the weather permitted, but I like it under the roof where I can get to it easily. 

The nice warm stove in the back is calling me, so I think I will go take a nap in the booth next to it.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by james saunders on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 8:19 PM

Good afternoon all.


I've been pretty busy the last few days and haven't had time to stop by. 

In between watching the test cricket (man I love cricket!) and work, I've been assembling a few trees from a woodland scenics kit. These are primarily my background tree's. I plan to add better looking ones in the foregrounds of the hills and around other parts of the layout in the future. I'm also thinking about building my own. but when you can get 3 packs of JTT trees for about $7 from why bother?


I will catch up later on.



James, Brisbane Australia

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 7:21 PM

Good Evening..

Weatherwise not so good..more blech...33F..winds from the northeast at 40mph and raining to beat the they are giving us warnings of freezing rain...yuck.

Oh the vampire visit done..tomorrow will be ICD clinic check up....

I'll have a coffee and a fresh cinnamon bun please and thankye...I'll be over at the RC for a bit 

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Cederstrand on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 5:18 PM

Turkey dinner please.

Long exhausting day of running important errands. Good to get back to the ol' farm.

Looks like a stormy night ahead.

Hope everyone is doing well. Rob

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Posted by Curt Webb on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 5:11 PM

Flo- Food and Drink for the diners on me tonightBeerPizzaSnailDrinksDinnerCoffee

Curt Webb

The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad

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Posted by Curt Webb on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 5:09 PM

Evening All,

Not much to happening here because w**k is w**k. I'm hoping that I can "oil" the rail ties tomorrow. If so the project will then be done and on to bench work for the addition.

MOH had her appointment. The specialist recommended the surgery. She has to meet with the Neurosurgeon that will do the procedure and it is going to be scheduled for January. After the surgery she has a 2 week recovery at home  to allow the one good ear to adjust to controlling balance by itself. With this procedure she will not have anymore hearing loss than what has occurred already.

Jeff- I hope  you feel better real soon and please take care of yourself.

Have a good night.

Curt Webb

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Posted by Train Master on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 3:22 PM

Jeff will not be with us today unless the cable gets fixed. The whole area is out. I could not get out on my satellite hookup until the clouds cleared enough. The problem with the cable is that a line of bad thunderstorms came through early in the morning and tore up things pretty bad. The power and cable were knocked out a little past 8 . The power came back a little while later. The cable has been out all day and by my tv is still out. Jeff's internet is by cable so if something does not change he will not be back on. To those who are of a praying disposition and even if you are not, he is not doing well in spite of what he says. He has trouble standing and he cannot keep his balance well. I cannot speak for others but I like his work and I want to see it continue.

David Parks
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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 2:44 PM

Afternoon folks!

Place is pretty much empty I see at the moment.  Chloe, a cup of hot chocolate sounds good right now.

The wood has been all moved and stacked....  Moved just under 2 face cords today.  Amazingly I haven't had any muscle soreness from the task this year.  Last year I'd do a few wheelbarrow loads then have to wait a couple days before I could do any more.  And certainly not haul as much wood as I have done today.  Hope THAT means I am in a bit better shape and that the CherryPharm is working for me.

Went shopping also this afternoon to get a few loaves of bread as I will bring the "extra" stuffing for the feast.  Tomorrow I will start the winter squash and get it ready to put in the oven Thursday morning first thing. Number 1 son will be coming over to a fold up table for the "extra" seating for everybody eating at their house Thursday.  Last count is 10 adults and 5 kids....  He will get to help me put away all the train stuff I had out in my dining room like the Timesaver and the Merit Award project I used to show different types of RR Cars for the Scouts.  Then he can have the table the Timesaver is on.

Galaxy, sounds like there might be some extra stuffing at your place depending on how many relatives get told to stuff it.... Whistling

If I hurry I can get the back of the truck unloaded (more firewood) before it starts to rain here.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 10:58 AM

Well, crisis may be averted.

Called the First Call FOr Help phone number form the United Way and asked about teh delivery of Turkey dinners to Senior shutins on Thursday. the dinners are put on by the city High school kids and are free restaurant style in house at the school to anyone who shows up and for delivery by phone order in advance. Usually we hear lots about it on the news but not this year...maybe they are short of supplies.

Anyway, Between 11:30 and 2 PM they will get delivered to their door 2 complete traditional TG dinners that they can eat anythime they like. They can like it or stuff it. I don't care. It gets me off the hook I THINK. I say THAT because when I called My FIL to tell him he grumbled at me he had to attend to MIL and to call him back "when he was free to talk". Grumble Grumble. SO I don't know if he will like it or not. I will tell him to stuff it if not. Best we can do on short notice.

We will show up abut 2 or 2:30 so they will ahve eaten, waited for us and eat then, or whatever! I don't care. I can cook our small turkey  in peace and we eat here with a simple plate to take to my father later for dinner time.

Good e'nuf, as my FIL usually says to everything..>UNLESS hes not happy about it.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 10:08 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, what have you got good that will help a cold.....  OK, I'll have a big glass of Ed's OJ, a couple whole weat french toast with lots and lots of NYS Maple Syrup (Dark Amber please), a side order of bacon, and a pot of dark roast coffee in a R&GV RR mug.  Please and thank you!

I knew I should have brought up a humidifier a week ago.  The house has been dry as a bone.  I now have a rare for me cold (snuff, snuff...).    Lit the wood stove back up as soon as I got up today...  'Tis all of 24°F outside the door here in the Finger Lakes at the moment and will reach 40°F, maybe.  I also have a pot of water boiling on the stove.  Feels better in here already and I can now breath again....

Just got off the phone with my son.  I will be giving him the family recipe for the bread stuffing I make so he can stuff the bird for Thursday.  I am also bringing a crock pot full of it as well as the Winter Squash (I make it the same way Galaxy does, but add just a bit of nutmeg to it...).  Secret is to use the best ingredients, aka: real butter, fresh spices!  Ryan would be proud of me I think!

Galaxy....  I think I would be very blunt with my family if they acted THAT way!  I was raised in a house where, if it was put on your plate, you ate it!  OR ELSE!!!  And believe me you knew what Dad meant by "or else".  Mom would say something about poor little starving children over in China...  One of the worst beatings I ever got was the day I suggested to Mom that she pack up all the $%*! she had put on my plate and mail it over to China.... There wasn't a whole lot of things I didn't eat.  Two things that make me gag just to think about are Tomatoes and Beets...  Guess what my Mom and Dad loved?  Stewed Tomatoes and Harvard Beets.....  Mom used to make a beef soup that consisted of a small beef soup bone boiled for a while in a little water.  After she removed the 3 little bits of beef that were on the bone, she would add a #10 can of tomatoes.  To THAT she would cut up a dozen or so fresh tomatoes and add them, then she would peel and finely dice a very small onion (she would have used more but my spoiled sister didn't like onions) and a couple stalks of celery.  About 3 medium sized potatoes and season with salt to taste....  No pepper as she didn't like pepper....  This would be served up a few times a year as if it was supposed to be a wonderful Sunday night treat....  Gag!  I think her horrid stewed tomatoes had less tomato in it.... 

This be be only the 3rd. year in the last, at least 40 years, I haven't made the turkey for Thanksgiving...  Know what, I don't miss it. Wink  My spoiled sister will complain all day because my turkey was always so much better than anyone else's turkey.  Yes, I do make an excellent turkey dinner, if i do say so myself, but so does my son's wife and MIL!

I think I best get moving on the items THAT should be done today.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by cudaken on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 9:42 AM

 Morning All!

 Flo, coffee please.

 Feeling better today, might have felt tired yesterday due to not having any coffee?

 Far as the pending Road Trip what making it hard is my next day off is Thanks Giving. Other wise it would just be a little hard. Main thing is the car I just picked up has the darn bad door hinge pins! No way my wife can close the door, heck I cannot from the inside. 

 Steve may have given me some bad news. Reason I say may have, is Steve said I am hourly. Area Supervisor told me I am Salary. With me working the two 40 hour weeks, and I am hourly this check is going to be $500.00 short. Sigh Just what I need, a short check and buying tags. Sure hope Steve is wrong, but I trust what Steve says more than my Supervisor. Pretty said statement if you ask me.

 Well, see you all later.


I hate Rust

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 9:13 AM

Howdy everybody .

We've had company over the weekend, thye are gone, and we have more coming tomorrow for T-day. Betwee that the "Executive Director of Household Tidyness" is serving "Honey Dew". Whistling Accordingly, I am reporting no layout progress. this time.

Good to see everybody here.  .

Curt .... The layout looks great.

Ken .... Can you sing "Everything is up to date in Kansas City"? Whistling

Sue ..... The photo you posted of the "critter" looks good. Also, I have a Roundhouse critter to serve my coke oven. Nice little engine as long as rails and wheels are clean.

Rob .... Sounds like a continuing adventure with the critters. Maybe some day you can post photos of your goats, etc.

JimCG ... I like your trees.

I see the advertisement here about Atlas now has the Branchline freight car kits. So far. I only assembled one of them before Atlas bought Branchline. I also put together a Branchline passenger car kit. It's fun.






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Posted by Cederstrand on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 8:44 AM

Extra strong coffee in a STORMY SOUTHERN mug, please.

***Bama, I have a 300MAG which would convince just about anything to go elswhere, but I have no spotlight. That is something long overdo to replace. Eventually all the goats will be living with the Great Pyrenees and coyotes will not be an issue at that point. For now, I still need the goats to eat down the remaining weeds in the pastures and the Pyrenees would get stomped by horses out there. So, for now I keep counting heads and as long as the coyotes don't take any goats, all is well.

***Curt, WOW, you work quick! Well done!

***Ken, I'll send you a few questions later, if the storms allow me to get back online.

Looks like some bad thunderboomers moving in this afternoon with Severe Storms tonight. My figers are crossed....really don't need any more damage to the ol' farm when I am still working on repairs from that tornado.

Have a good day all. Rob

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 8:13 AM

Don't you just HATE the holidays???

This year I was planing just a small turkey dinner for the two of us. MOH has to w*rk 8-12 noon on thursday Thanks Giving day. I bought just a  small turkey. Cooking for mOH is bad enough add in the Inlaws and that's a whole night mare. Turkey, giblet stuffiing, giblet gravy, green bean casserole, butternut squash and punkin pie for dessert. Just the two of us. ANd take a dinner to my Father who is alone since my mother died.

MOH was going to take MIL flowers on Wed after w*rk and "see" them for TG. So as to be free after work TG for our "quiet dinner at home". We were planning to eat about 1 pm TG day.

BUT the FIL called now and MIL fears it "may be her last TG and wants turkey dinner and you two to come on thursday"...remember MOH is NOT happy about w*rking that day anyway.

Now, MOH doesn't like my homemade stuffing or any stuffing that isn't ready made Stove Top stuffing. SO Stove Top it is. Has to be Chicken stove top, NOT turkey stove top, doesn't like turkey stove top.MOH DOES like my giblet gravy and likes the giblet juice/bits I add to the stove top chicken stuffing instead of just  plain water.

 I was planing green bean casserole, well MOH informed doesn't like green bean casserole now. {"well at least I told you now before you cooked it"!!}

FiIL doesn't like turkey! He really really wants ham! BUt will proceed to eat 3 portions of it and ask for more! {if he doesn't have to cook it he will eat it out of house and home and not leave any crumbs for others.}  I'll be darned if I'm gonna cook a ham dinner just for him.

MOH only really likes Dark meat on the turkey...doesn't like ***. So a leg and thigh it is..I like dark too so a thigh is spoken for..and my father wants a all that jazz is spoken for. I love *** for sandwiches though and for hot openfaced leftover turkey sandwiches.

MIL eats about a half dollar size of turkey, doesn't like my butternut squash {with brown sugar and butter in it- delicious!}, agrees on the stuffing has to be stove top,. but doesn't care for the giblets in it, is OK to the gravy. won't care if it's green beens or corn.

Pumpkin pie is another matter. half like pumpkin but MIL likes apple, and FIL Cherry. I'll be darned if I'm gonna cook 3 pies for 4 people!!! Preferably homemade..nuts to that! it's store bought bakery pumpkin is all you get..that's what I bought and that's what you'll get. I also bought ginger cookies to make- I'm cheating on those too.

I can't stand in the kitchen for hours and hours and cook like I used to with my bad back!!!

THIS year I'm gonna try the "oven bag" for turkeys so I don't have to constantly baste it so as nto to tax my back by bending over all the tiem to do it. Don't know if it will come out juicy or not...HOPE SO.

and THEN we HAve to TRANSPORT ALL to INlaws house!!! as they are basically shut-ins now. ANd deal with the "well I don't like this why did you bring this" butternut squash}... or :"we should have had ham instead".....and the "is there any more?""


UUUURGGHHH!!!! I could scream!!!

My father, on the other hand , said "beggars can't be choosers" and will take whatever I bring. TAHT is how I like it to go!!!

Next year, as with this year...Its gonna be "I will cook what I cook It Is YOUR choice whether or not you eat it"!!!!!! ANd I DON'T want to hear any complaints!!!

If I'd a known we were gonna have to feed them too, I woulda bought a bigger turkey....



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Curt Webb on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 7:54 AM

Morning All,

Flo I would like a Decaf please.

At w**k today. High today and tomorrow is 83 F, I believe our average for this time of year is 77 F. Tomorrow evening I have to make a couple of boxes of Gingerbread to bring into work on Thanksgiving.

MOH has her specialist/surgeon meeting this afternoon. She didn't want me to use vacation time to go with her today.

Everyone take care.

Curt Webb

The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 7:16 AM

Good Afternoon,

what a day! One of the sort you´d better stayed in bed instead of getting up. It´s cold and foggy day. I had to take Petra to her aunt´s place. The lady needs someone to take care of her during the day, as her husband decided to drive back to their former place to pick up a few things they had left there. I then drove to my office, which just happens to be in the opposite direction. Instead of my usual 22 mile drive, it was 80 miles this morning and will be another 80 miles in the evening, as i have to pick Petra up again Sigh

W*rk is not going the way I´d like it to - corporate financing was messed up again by one of the shareholders. He is a nice guy, but he should keep his cotton-picking fingers out of that job and leave it to me to sort that out. He is now in his office, sulking a little about what he had done. Thank goodness he is not mad at me, but only at himself.

CUL & have a good one.

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  • From: Olympia, WA
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Posted by gear-jammer on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 7:15 AM

Good morning, Chloe.   Did you see Bill eat that bagel without waiting for the rest of us?

Curt,  You are moving along.  I know that was plaster cloth the other day.  Good luck on the exercise.

JR,  Glad you are getting some layout time between trips.

Off to the pool, and work.


Anything is possible if you do not know what you are talking about.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 7:08 AM

Jeff:   You did some work on a container that I  saw awhile is one that might work as a kind  of yard office of a sort...

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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