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Elliot's Trackside Diner July 2010 Locked

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, July 4, 2010 5:31 PM


Coffee refill, please.

***Jeffrey, already glued those witches & track down in place at the start. Would be a major mess to try to pull them. They came from the HO NS EZ World's Greatest Hobby Track Pack. I suppose that makes it easier then, should my wife switch to DCC. As long as there isn't anything underneath the switches (as they come from the factory) I need to change, then I should leave them as is, right? Do they actually have decoders in them?

Cowboy Rob

Yes, they actually do have decoders in them. You program them an address just as you would a loco. There's also a programming step that has to be done at the turnout also. There's a recessed button in the ties that when you press it and hold it down the turnout will respond by clicking several times. I don't know the rest of the programming step as I don't use that type of turnout. You may be able to find it in whatever documentation came with the turnouts. The only way to switch them without DCC is by hand but they're not really recommended for use with DC operation.

EDIT: I just looked at the info online about the track pack you mentioned and it doesn't say anything about DCC turnouts. It says there are four green switch wires included. If this is the case those are the wires that connect the turnouts with the turnout controllers which are in turn powered by the AC terminals on the power pack.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, July 4, 2010 10:27 PM

Evening. I'll have a piece of Birthday cake please and some of that red white and blue ice cream. Thank you.

Well it's over. First party was relaxed and enjoyable. Wasted my time taking the beer, DR Pepper was there. It goes better with apple salad. Tons of food and of course I ate too much. Funny watching Missy nonchalantly laying near a plate on the ground that just happened to have half a hot dog on it. First she'd lay near it look around lay her head closer, then scoot a bit closer, look aroundWhistling. Scoot closer, look....WhistlingLaugh Never did get to it though. One step ahead I am. Funny to watch. Anyway went home took our naps then went to SIL's bash. Luckily that was brief. Got there about 8 then right as the band quit the rain came in buckets, they started the fireworks early and we watched them from inside. Sorta. Couldn't really see them, but I'm not that big of fan of fireworks anyway so it didn't matter. Then we left and got home about 9:30 put on dry jammies and now, ready for bed.

Rob- Yes it is sad there isn't as much patriotism as there was. I know our country was built by a bunch of immigrants with a dream, but things have changed within the last several years. Many who came here, though they kept their heritage, were also proud to be United Statesians. They learned the language, learned our ways and came over to work and live their lives in the land of opportunity with the freedom we enjoy flying Old Glory high and proud. Now, many just come over and we feel we must change to cater to them so as to not offend their ways. And we tip the flag to them.

I think it's neat that everyone has their own opinion or vision of the diner. It's interesting to hear or see the different versions. Like we've said, no one is wrong cause, well let's face it, there really isn't a prototype to prove otherwise. I like it better this way.

I find it rather nice that so many have such fond feelings of this little thread buried deep within the vast universe known as the internet, one of countless forums and the fine, fine people who have chosen to "pretend" to stop in and have a bite to eat and a chat with others, both on and off topic, that they want to include a model of it on their layouts. Kinda says something about each and everyone of the diners to me. Mighty fine folk to give such a fine impression. Happy Independence Day to you all. You ARE the kind of people our Fore Fathers envisioned as the citizens of theses United States, whether you live here or not. Different, tolerant of the differences and all getting along.

Prayers for those in need.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, July 5, 2010 12:00 AM

 Good Morning Everyone,

well, I did catch some sleep last night, but I still feel exhausted. It has cooled down a little, today´s high will "only" be at 90 F. Compared to the lower 70´s F we usually have at this time, these temps are a killer for us. A/C is widely unknown in our region Sigh

Chloe, I´ll have a coffee and a breakfast bagel, please.

It is sad to hear, that the US are heading down the same way as Europe. For me, the US have always been the "Land of the Free", but it seems, as if the lack of respect, tolerance, and responsibility of some just leads to the same jungle of laws and regulations, as we have over here. Each new law curtails the personal freedom, without having the necessary effect. It only causes new laws to follow... Dead We just grin and bear it. Germany does not have much of a history of rebellion. The German revolution of 1848 lasted only for a short term, until they called the king back. It took WW I to get rid of our monarchy, and without the help of the Allied Forces in WW II, we Germans would not have been able to oust Hitler and his cronies. Now we have a lady chancellor with a proven communist background, in the guise of a conservative and democratic person, turning this country into what Stalin and his East-German counterparts failed to achieve - a truly socialistic country, with socialistic people living a socialistic life, looking all the same, driving the same car, having the same "clean and correct" opinions.   I better stop ranting...

There are times, when I have the feeling, that there is no place in the world for Petra and me, where we could have a frugal, but peaceful life - that is about all we want. If we fail to find that place, it´ll become time to make way for other people.

 You all have a good day!

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, July 5, 2010 12:36 AM

Hello ...

Who me, messy? ... Here's my worktable. My model railroad "museum" on the upoper right shelves includes the hulk of a live steamer my grandfather made in the 1920's. It also has sme my Dad made in the 1940's, and it has some of my oldest models. 

Ulrich. I'm hopeful we (USA) ride out the low points, and soon things will be uphill again. We'll have to wait for a better crop of leaders, however. Can't say more here because politics is a topic to avoid in the forum. Good to see Germany is in the semi-finals in the World Cup. I'm not a fan of that sport either, but hopefully Germany wins. It will be good for Germany. No matter what country you live in, it pays to have faith in the Lord.  You will be rewarded if you truly believe and you turn everything over to God. Normally the first reward is hope. Big, complicated problems don't get solved instantly, but the Lord will provide the roadmap. You will feel the hope when you've had your big prayer turning it over to Him.   (My thoughts)

My upper level benchwork is now done, and soon I'll be laying track.

I did a lot of "honey dos" today also.

Time to conk out for the night.

Good night, Moon. 






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Posted by Robby P. on Monday, July 5, 2010 6:05 AM

 Good morning.  Its going to be about 90 degrees today, pretty steamy!!

 I got to add some more trees yesterday, and pour some road.  I also weathered up the hotel some.   I'm off Tues- Thur. so hopefully I can get some more work done. 

 Garry....Very nice.  I wish I could do something like that.

 Hope everybody has a good day.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by GMTRacing on Monday, July 5, 2010 6:43 AM

Good Morning All,

    A regular and a hard roll, buttered, please Zoe. Not much to report as I got nothing done in the basement yesterday but did end up doing a substantial amount of "to do" stuff in the shop. Spent most of the afternoon on the Focus which is still not back together.  Catch Y'all later,  J.R.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Monday, July 5, 2010 7:12 AM

Good Morning

A cup of coffee and a toasted breakfast bagel Zoe, please and thank you----

Welp--it is now a sticky day here---24C but the humidex is feeling like 30C right now---supposed to be feeling like 37C later on---TO is supposed to be feeling  like 41C today

Have our a/c on at a comfortable 75F in here---we dont like walking around looking like we're going on a grouse hunt on the scottish moors

Going to spend a fair bit of today looking for lumber to "grow out" our garage---this oughta be funMischief

Have a good day people!!Smile

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Posted by howmus on Monday, July 5, 2010 9:27 AM

 Mornin' everyone!

Zoe I'll have a blueberry muffin and a cup of dark roast coffee.  I'll go sit near the air conditioner with Barry and chat for a while.

Gonna be a hot one here in the Finger Lakes today!  Currently 83°F with the high predicted to be 90°F later this afternoon.  Bright and sunny out so far, but we may get an isolated thunderstorm this afternoon.

The picnic was great yesterday at my son's house.  BBQ ribs, Beer Bratwurst, Potato Salad, Macaroni Salad, Baked Beans, Chips, Beer and Soft Drinks, and Apple Pie with home made Ice Cream for desert.  There was so much food left over we decided to repeat the event today.....  I like left overs of stuff like THAT!

I am at the point where I have to remove the plywood where the quarry will be on the layout so I can make a cut out into it.  I also will do a bit of house cleaning as it is getting pretty messy here.  Not much else going on today.

Catch you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by TMarsh on Monday, July 5, 2010 10:04 AM

Morning. Coffee and some toast please. No I'm feeling OK, it's just that I saw Garry's workbench and I'm just a bit weak in the stomach. No, not that, what a wonderful space. I'm jealous. Kinda. I clean mine off, then it becomes a flat spot again and the cycle starts all over.

Getting a very late start this morn. Time has flown by. Can't believe it's almost 10.

Ulrich- Hey, I didn't mean to say there is NO patriotism in this country, far from it. There is still quite a bit. They're working on it, but it may be some time before they win, IF they do. Which I doubt. Sooner or later we'll get enough people tired of the way things are and then things will change. It's happened before it will happen again. Comes in cycles, sorta like global warming. Funny people claim to want less government control and lower taxes, but want the government to do everything for them. They said they wouldn't take over through force, but from inside. They won't make it here though. Someone will take offense and they'll be stopped. HA! They didn't think about THAT now did they!

I better get a move on or Ray and I will be starting at the same time. Me working and him eating! Boy that sounds good. Just don't think I could make it there by lunch to crash the BBQDinner.

Have a Great Day!!!



Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, July 5, 2010 10:08 AM

 Good morning. It's 78 and sunny but there's a 50% chance of thunderstorms later. The high should be around 93.

Got some news from my neighbor up the road yesterday about the parts I need for the van. He says everyone he checked with states the steering column from the 79 van he has will work on an 81 model with no modification, so he's going to pull the column and steering box from the 79 and let me know when I can pick them up. On the layout front, I was playing around with the settings on the Nikon L20 I have and finally worked out how to get good close-up shots with it. It has to be done with a tripod from almost 3 feet away with full digital zoom but it can be done. I also got a section of road measuring about 110 scale feet (HO of course) pulled up. I had forgotten how hard plaster of paris is, but with the aid of a flat tip screwdriver the job got done. One bad thing though. When I went to clean up the mess I found that the motor in my hand held vac had given up the ghost. I'll have to go to Lowe's and get a new one. Thank God for store credit cards. I had a fine time last night. I went out in the yard, set up my camp chair and had a seat and watched the fireworks displays going off all around the area. The most spectacular ones were over in the direction of the spillway park. It's off limits after dark but the cops tend to look the other way around the 4th of July and New Years. It was a fine way to spend a couple of hours just enjoying what was going on and sipping on some salted lemonade.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, July 5, 2010 12:59 PM

 At last some rain! It is a little cooler now - Zoe, I´ll have a late afternoon, early evening RBF - just to prevent the diner to disappear on page 2 .

 A good one for all!

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Posted by Cederstrand on Monday, July 5, 2010 2:26 PM

Extra strong coffee in a SUNNY SOUTHERN mug, please. 

***Garry, should you one day be able to visit us here in Georgia, you will want to steady yourself before entering our train room. My word you are neat. Seeing that pic makes we want to spend a day cleaning up around the layouts. (I won't thoughLaugh)

Have a great day y'all.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Monday, July 5, 2010 2:42 PM

 Good afternoon..........

Good grief!!! GARRY! Surely, you're trying to pull some kind of trick on us... THAT isn't a w**k table! Where's the half-completed stuff? Where's the empty coffee cup (with something resembling landscaping material forming in it Dead)? Where's the blood stains from encounters with Xacto blades??? No Sir! THAT isn't a w**k table! THAT is..... actually quite remarkable! Smile,Wink, & Grin

Welp, with the wife getting today off (Monday holiday law/rule/something), and a serious case of the don't-wanna's...instead of doing stuff for THAT Editor, I instead tried again with the camera et. tripod. Here's a w**k-in-progress, following along with the on-going thread railing about Athearn blue box kits/and Ready To Run stuff. Personally, I prefer to call "RTR" stuff "Ready To FINISH". Here's a "RTR" Athearn grain hopper. Rivet Counters take note, YES, it "SHOULD" be a Thrall built car, and NOT a Pullman Standard;'s pretty danged close, and THAT is close-enough for me!

Have a good, SAFE rest of the day...

ChrisEight Ball


The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by teen steam fan on Monday, July 5, 2010 3:39 PM
Hey guys, brats and sauerkraut for me. Seems like a quiet day on the web. No new posts on the forums where I am also a regular, Nothing worthwhile on YouTube, quiet day. glad to hear you guys had a safe and fun Fourth. Nice hopper Chris. For me it's hard to tell the difference between manufacturers of US equipment. Pullman Standard, Thrall, all looks the same to me, but still, great looking car.

If you can read this... thank a teacher. If you are reading this in english... thank a veteran

When in doubt. grab a hammer. 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, July 5, 2010 4:14 PM

 I went to Lowe's today and got a new hand held size vac for use on the front area and extension of the layout. It's a Shop-Vac 'Hang-up' vacuum. When it's not in use I can just hang it on the wall by the door where it's more or less out of the way. At 2.5 gallons it's a lot smaller and lighter than my other Shop-Vac (4.5 gallons) that resides under the far northwest corner of the layout. It's used primarily for vacuuming the main part of the layout that I can't reach from the front. It's place of residence is between the front wall (far under the layout) and a large plastic storage bin where it's out of the way. It's used for cleaning those areas on the layout that are reachable via the access holes. That would be the back of the layout and as far as I can reach to the front. It's also used for cleaning the air conditioner filter. However dragging it out from under there to get the front area and extension was a major pain in the butt, hence the small hand-held unit (Dirt Devil) that I had until this morning when the motor decided to go up in smoke. That's OK, this new 'Hang-up' vac has a lot more power and is more convenient as it's right there on the wall instead of in the closet taking up valuable space that can be better utilized storing model railroad supplies. Best of all, it only cost $20.


Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Monday, July 5, 2010 4:57 PM

Decaying Diner Stock Image

Hi Gang,

I kind of missed out on your DINER discussion the other day, but I have a couple of things I might add to it.

The real diners that I have been in have all been full sized regular heavywieght cars and two of them as I remember, one in Kissimmee, Florida and the other in Spokane, Wash. are still sitting on RAILS.

Now these rails don't go anywhere, they end at each end of the car, but the rails are still under the car and the trucks are sitting on them.

Seeing that we are in the Diner, I feel the need for a RBF and I'll buy for all our other guests as well.

Garry that work station of yours puts me to shame.  Quite often my wife looks over my shoulder when I'm in here but I will never let her see the picture of your work station or I am sure she would leave me.  That is just too darn neat.  You are showing the rest of us up and that just isn't kosher...........BUT, if you are so inclined you are welcome to come and tidy mine up some what...  When can I expect you?????

or are you going to Ray's first.   Smile,Wink, & GrinLaugh

Well I had better get back to work here.  Check in later.

Johnboy out.............for now 

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by galaxy on Monday, July 5, 2010 5:48 PM

Heartland Division CB&Q

Hello ...

Who me, messy? ... Here's my worktable. My model railroad "museum" on the upoper right shelves includes the hulk of a live steamer my grandfather made in the 1920's. It also has sme my Dad made in the 1940's, and it has some of my oldest models. 

Ulrich. I'm hopeful we (USA) ride out the low points, and soon things will be uphill again. We'll have to wait for a better crop of leaders, however. Can't say more here because politics is a topic to avoid in the forum. Good to see Germany is in the semi-finals in the World Cup. I'm not a fan of that sport either, but hopefully Germany wins. It will be good for Germany. No matter what country you live in, it pays to have faith in the Lord.  You will be rewarded if you truly believe and you turn everything over to God. Normally the first reward is hope. Big, complicated problems don't get solved instantly, but the Lord will provide the roadmap. You will feel the hope when you've had your big prayer turning it over to Him.   (My thoughts)

My upper level benchwork is now done, and soon I'll be laying track.

I did a lot of "honey dos" today also.

Time to conk out for the night.

Good night, Moon. 



A clean desk/workarea is the sign of a sick mind.

I can only dream of having a space like that.....

-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, July 5, 2010 6:24 PM

last mountain & eastern hogger

or are you going to Ray's first.   Smile,Wink, & GrinLaugh

Johnboy out.............for now 

If you insist, I'll head to Ray's with one of these ........


Smile,Wink, & Grin





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Posted by CNCharlie on Monday, July 5, 2010 7:25 PM

Greetings from sunny, stormy, Winnipeg!

Garry, Now you have made all of us feel really inadequate posting such a work bench here. In fact I'm wondering if it is a work bench. It looks more like a display in a store.

First day of holidays for me and I spent it cleaning evestroughs(again), cleaning pond pump and washing the car. No train time for the past few days as I just can't seem to get in the mood. I think it is weather related but I'm sure the condition will pass. Perhaps a visit to the LHS would be good therapy right about now, yes that's it, a visit to the LHS.

I've been thinking about those GP18's that Trainworld is clearing out and how much I like the NP black and gold colour scheme. I wonder how tough a sound install would be? Maybe that Digitrax decoder I bought would fit. I bet it would and apparently the diesel sound file on it is a lot better than the steam. Hopefully Trainworld will be all out of them by tomorrow and I will then save myself some money. But then again if I don't buy it that sound decoder would just be wasted. Right?  I'll let myself be guided by you, my fellow Diner pals.

Glad everyone SOB had a good 4th.  Todd, I wouldn't worry about how patriotic your fellow countrymen are as from a Canuck perspective Americans are very patriotic indeed. We tend to be a lot more reserved about patriotic displays but when pushed we will wave the flag, at least a small one.

I have found the discussion about the level of government interesting. I think you would find that Canada is far more like Europe than the U.S. Heck, our constitution has peace, order and good government as  the peramble, not liberty, freedom or such like. I personally don't trust corporations to always do 'the right thing' as they are only motivated by profit and so it then falls to governments to set up the rules so hopefully not too many get hurt.  Greed is very powerful motive and it needs the sharp edges knocked off. Don't get me wrong, I do believe in private enterprise but I don't think we need any more sub-prime situations either.

We just had the Queen visiting our fair city. I didn't go out to see her but quite a few did. Maybe if she had been travelling by train, especially if was being hauled by CP's 2816. They could have used Via's coaches that are ex-CP 1954 vintage streamliner. She could have just wave from the dome car as she passes through towns and cities and that way she wouldn't even get wet what with all the rain we've been having.  Last time she was in our fair city they took her on a river cruise on what is really just a glorified pontoon boat with an outboard motor. Naturally the motor quit in the middle of the river so she was drifting around for a while until a tow could be arrange. I bet she wasn't amused.

Well time to do something, what I'm not sure but I'll be my wife will have a few ideas if I ask her. On second thought ignorance is bliss.

CN Charlie

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Posted by Cederstrand on Monday, July 5, 2010 8:36 PM

Steamed Veggie Plate, please. 

If I forgot to mention it, picked up 3 more cars for the wife's (HO) circus train the other day:  Angell & Darlings High Wire Act, Cody and Jeremy’s Famous Traveling Circus Show, Karly & Mitch Famous Three Ring Circus. Can't have to many circus cars, even if these are simple box cars.

Uploaded some progress pics (very poor quality) here, if anyone is interested:

Going to sit in a corner booth, relax and eat these veggies. Cowboy Rob

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Posted by howmus on Monday, July 5, 2010 9:07 PM

 Evening folks!

Flo I'll have a slice of Apple Pie with vanilla Ice Cream to go along with the decaf tonight.

Got back home from a repeat of yesterday's picnic at my son's house.  It was just as good today as it was yesterday.  I took along my camera today and I should have some good shots of my Granddaughters and my son' back lawn.  May post a few later.

On the MRR front, the plywood has been removed from the top of Bare Mountain so I can create the quarry itself.  It will be mostly foam board with some other materials.  Don't have a clear plan quite yet.....

Heartland Division CB&Q

If you insist, I'll head to Ray's with one of these ........


Smile,Wink, & Grin


Don't you dare touch anything on my workbench! Grumpy  I know right where everything i need is!  (Now lets see where did I put THAT file...?????  Oh what's this, the angle measuring thingy I was looking for a month ago?  Hmmm....)



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by TMarsh on Monday, July 5, 2010 10:21 PM

Good evening. Nice day today. I'll admit my plans changed and I decided to just sorta relax today. I did get into the trainroom, and started to clean up the workbench. Started working out pretty good then it kinda stopped. I decided to paint the boulevard curbing. I just can't get my vision of concrete onto the project. Oh well. I added a few tire scrubs and called it ok. glued it down and filled with dirt. while the glue was still soppy I clolored it with some green foam from my treasure bucket of the stuff and will go down here shortly and see how it's progressing.

Chris- Would you knock it off with the improving of the pictures!!!! Smile,Wink, & Grin I'm gonna post one here before long and you pick NOW to go and do THAT!

Rob- I like the trailer park scene. What's going on at the yellow trailer? Small town here, I gotta know or I'll make it up.Laugh

Prayers for those in need.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Monday, July 5, 2010 10:46 PM

Chris- Would you knock it off with the improving of the pictures!!!! Smile,Wink, & Grin I'm gonna post one here before long and you pick NOW to go and do THAT!


Ya know TODD, I once heard THAT in everybody's life...there is a "Gilligan," one who always sinks your liferaft. Perhaps, I am your Gilligan???? Laugh

Actually, I discovered THAT there was movement of the camera when taking the shots. The D-90 doesn't have a cable release capability like the old FM-2 did...eliminating camera shake. I'm sure one of the plug-ins built into the side of the dang thing is for some high-tech, high-dollar electronic shutter release... until then, I just have to be vewy vewy qwiet...I mean, very careful how I trip the shutter. Confession time: the shot of the trucks was a crop and enlarge job via PhotoShop... I'm sure JEFF coulda zoomed in on the springs themselves.

I just can't get my vision of concrete onto the project.

I hear ya Brother...and I truly do feel your pain... THAT has to be one of the hardest things to match on the planet. I'm mostly satisfied with the concrete w**k on the ex-RI roundhouse...although I think I went more than a little heavy on the black washes...went from "aged," well past "grimy" to....I don't know..."heavily industrialized???????"

Have a good night everybody...

ChrisEight Ball

***EDIT *** Hey ROB, nice job on the trailer park! For a minute, I thought it was Bali-High Trailer...I mean, Mobile Home...I mean, "modular housing complex" in Hiawatha, Iowa...a crappy suburb of Cedar Rapids. The CN (ex-IC/ICG/CCP) runs right through the place. And, Hiawatha's finest (and the Linn County Sheriff's Office) are out there quite frequently...Whistling

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 6:51 AM

I just can't get my vision of concrete onto the project.
I hear ya Brother...and I truly do feel your pain... THAT has to be one of the hardest things to match on the planet. I'm mostly satisfied with the concrete w**k on the ex-RI roundhouse...although I think I went more than a little heavy on the black washes...went from "aged," well past "grimy" to....I don't know..."heavily industrialized???????"

Oh, don't I know this one--had to rip out a road that I thought was going to look like this

Do you think I can do this? Noooooooooooo-------Whistling There is a road not too far from here that is just covered in potholes and crumbling edges that show strips of black rubberized stuff used to cover the cracks in the road----I'm thinking of doing that----Mischief Actually, to put not to fine a point to it, how about a parking lot that looks like this?

Notice all the grasses and weeds growing here------

Chloe, I'll just have a breakfast bagel with a large bucket of coffee please-----I'll be at the RC for now-- 


Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 6:58 AM

I'm sure JEFF coulda zoomed in on the springs themselves.

You mean like this?


Sorry, couldn't resist, that was just too much of an engraved invitation. That was done with the old 3 megapixel Olympus. The Nikon can't get that close even on full zoom.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Robby P. on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 7:20 AM

 Good HOT morning.  Its going to 94 degrees today. 

 I'm off for the next three days, and maybe I can get some MRR done.  The wife's birthday is Thursday, and the MIL comes in as well.  We will probably go body shop hunting Wednesday.   We have a shop in mind, and  a guy I work with uncle works the frame machine.  Also we bought a car from that company, and the wife's aunt has had body work done at that location. 

 Well I hope everybody has a good morning,  and stay cool !!!!


 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 7:31 AM

Morning. Back to the usual days.

I have until 10 for me time. Basement here I come.

Chris and Barry- It’s not necessarily the weathering that I can’t get, (yet) it’s the actual coloration of the concrete. Pollyscale concrete and aged concrete aren’t right. What I want is almost just a pale grey with a whitening effect. .....(blink, blink).... I think I answered my own question. Actually it’s not that easy. I’ve tried that and the thing looks like, well, pale grey paintSad. I’ve tried mixing aged concrete and concrete like I saw someone did somewhereThumbs Down, and I’ve used the same colors I’ve read others have usedBanged Head. I’m beginning to believe that in the modeling world, concrete will me my Appomattox. Sigh

Have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

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I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by GMTRacing on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 8:32 AM

Good morning All,

    Already 89F with a reletive humidity of 58%. High will be around 95. Fairly miserable weather for w..k. I'll have a regular to go please - trying to get tires changed before it gets too beastly hot. CUL, J.R.

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Posted by Packers#1 on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 9:19 AM

Heartland Division CB&Q

Ulrich. I'm hopeful we (USA) ride out the low points, and soon things will be uphill again. We'll have to wait for a better crop of leaders, however. Can't say more here because politics is a topic to avoid in the forum. Good to see Germany is in the semi-finals in the World Cup. I'm not a fan of that sport either, but hopefully Germany wins. It will be good for Germany. No matter what country you live in, it pays to have faith in the Lord.  You will be rewarded if you truly believe and you turn everything over to God. Normally the first reward is hope. Big, complicated problems don't get solved instantly, but the Lord will provide the roadmap. You will feel the hope when you've had your big prayer turning it over to Him.   (My thoughts)


Ditto, nuff said

well, plan today is to go buy an energy drink and get crankin on the layout. glue down almost all the roads, then get the hills in.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 9:31 AM

 Good morning. It's 75 and cloudy. There's a 50% chance of thunderstorms later. The high is expected to be 88.

Tried out the new Shop-Vac hang-up vacuum yesterday and I'm very satisfied with it. It has a very powerful suction that doesn't require the nozzle to be almost down on the surface. Within 3 inches works nicely. In fact, any closer than that and it has the potential to do significant damage as it could possibly pull up scenery that isn't as tightly secured as I would like. That brings up something else. While the suction is like a tornado the exhaust is like a category 5+ hurricane! I have to be careful about where the rear of the unit is facing as the exhaust blast can easily blow over a free standing scene many feet away. I may get another hose to use to direct the exhaust to a more desirable location. An extension hose wouldn't be a bad idea either. I could leave the unit on the wall that way and have both hands free to deal with the hose. It has numerous possibilities.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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