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Elliot's Trackside Diner July 2010 Locked

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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, July 10, 2010 9:14 AM

Morning Some of that coffee Ray drinks please. WAIT! Make sure there’s enough for him too, I don’t want to swallow it all and him come in and not get his morning coffee.

Ulrich- Thank you, Happy 10th to you too. I’m with you hoss. If patience is a virtue, then I’m short a few good qualities. But, I’m getting better and I will make me up some plaster “flats” to try coloring on. If you could go back in time, and you knew life would happen exactly the way it has to this point and you could change nothing except stay in the U.S. would you have….. If it meant never meeting Petra. I believe I know what you will say. I myself have gone through a few things (and stll am), nothing to the point you and many others are, but some of the things could have been changed and to my imagining eye, things would have been much better. Of course some of those things would not have included me being with or meeting Brenda, and I am happy I chose the routes that I did. We never really know how the “better” routes would have actually turned out, maybe better, maybe the same, maybe worse. But I do know any of the paths I’ve chosen, if they are the ones that included her, good or bad, I’m glad I took them. I think you will feel the same.

Garry!!!!!!- Oooo!!!! GARRY, GARRY, GARRY, GAAAAARRY! That’s it!! That’s the look I want!!!! (maybe just a taaad lighter, but that’d make me happy right there. At least the way it looks in the picture.) I must know what you mixed. Please if you can. I know sometimes that stuff is kinda tough to duplicate from one store to another of if you even retained the mixes. But at any rate every one can see what I’m shooting for.

Got the garden done and side dressed everything (except the beans) with a bit of urea.

You're lucky, in my neighborhood the neighbors would come unglued. I'm forced to take the time to go inside and use the bathroom. City folk, Harumph.

Zandoz- Sign - Welcome to the diner. Well I see I don’t have to offer Ulrich’s services as I see he already has. Ok, had this long thing on an idea, but I see your post dropped that possibility. Next thought I had was exactly what I read Jeff suggested. The old ping pong ta….ble. Oh, I see that’s out too. Hm. Kinda got me stumped here. You say it must be free standing and not attached to a wall?

Robby- That’s me too. A wing it guy. If I came up with the correct mixture of anything, I will have stumbled across it and don’t know what I did. Even if I am writing it down, I will have gone through so many attempts the ONE time I didn’t write it down and wasn’t paying real attention THAT’S when I’ll get it right. I will try your recipe for asphalt. We'll see how it works in the hands of me.

“just mixed black and white” “ all I did was mix some colors until I got a concrete color” Oooooh, they make it sound soooo easy.

Jeff- Yup, same set I have. Funny, my set has no light rust but two dark rusts. One dark rust is lighter than the other. You don’t suppose some one in packaging actually realized the canister was mismarked and packaged the thing according to what it should be as opposed to what it said do you? I too was taken aback with the size of the containers. Considering the amount of powder actually used, shouldn’t have to buy any more for quite some time.

Welp short day today as I have to work tonight. They also asked if I could swap again next week. I said ok. What a push over I am. Brenda is hosting a baby shower today at one, so maybe some train time while the hens cackle. Since when did they start having a baby shower for EVERY child you have? Seems to be the thing now. I thought it was just for the first one. Of course I always thought you shouldn’t breastfeed at the dinner table in a public restaurant either. Judging from what I saw the other night, that must have changed too. Guess Juniors gotta eat too, but shouldn’t she at least have used a towel? He did seem to be a proud Father though and I could see one reason why. Clearly. 

Have a Great Day!!!



Central Illinoyz

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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, July 10, 2010 9:17 AM

.... we're full of it hereWhistling

Laugh ROFLMAO Laugh


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, July 10, 2010 9:24 AM

I also used the woodlands scenic pavement paint and then used the old nasty brush cleaning water for a wash. Also it's different every time so it makes nice variations on concrete also though as Todd, I never did find a base shade I thought looked right. Maybe Jeff has another mix from the hardware store he can share?

For a concrete color I use a shade of flat latex called 'Flagstone'. The mix is 101-20, 105-15, 109-0.25. It's Olympic interior flat latex.


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Posted by howmus on Saturday, July 10, 2010 9:41 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, one of those blueberry muffins and a cup of dark roast coffee in a FGLK mug.  What?  You're making a fresh pot and it will be a couple minutes before it is ready???  Todd drank the last one...  Well he is developing some good tastes....  Not problem!

Todd!!!  ROFLMAO!  It was the granular stuff that comes in a bag...  Not liquid fertilizer..... (Even back in m farm days we used a tree not the garden.....Whistling)

Gotta get the lawn mowed today, run a couple of errands, and spend time w*rking on train stuff.  Won't be able to get any Model Railroad stuff done tomorrow as I will be w*rking as a Docent at the R&GV Museum.

Currently a pleasant 73°F here in the Finger Lakes with a predicted high of 81°F later in the afternoon.  We got 1.34 inches of rain yesterday which came at just the right time.  Garden was getting very stressed for water. 

I see my coffee is ready, so I'll just sit here at the Rivet Counter and enjoy!



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, July 10, 2010 10:38 AM

 Good morning. It's 77 and mostly cloudy. There's a 50% chance of rain later today and the high will be 91.

I've been busy today packing away some rolling stock that I've been doing weathering work on. I have no plans of using any of it at this time as I already have plenty on the layout. Someday I'll have to sort through it all and decide what to keep, what to pass on to others and what to pitch. I have tons of rolling stock but not tons of space for it. This will help free up space on the layout and give me more room in which to work. Next I'll have to sort out my structures, those that aren't a permanent part of the layout already that is. There are two switch towers, a fire station, a gas station, a small freight station, a gate tower and a small abandoned passenger platform that are set into the scenery base and will stay where they are. The rest of it can be moved or removed as the case may be. I don't know yet which of these I'll keep and which will be going. When the time comes I'll put up a list of what will be up for grabs. As for recent happenings, I went to the local surgery center yesterday to have an endoscopy and colonoscopy done. Glad I was able to sleep through it. Afterward I felt like my insides had been scrambled around. The doc said he found evidence of acid reflux, gall stones and the remains of an ulcer. He also located and removed one polyp. I'll be going back for a follow-up on the 22nd. He said to take a couple of days to rest. That won't be a problem.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Zandoz on Saturday, July 10, 2010 10:49 AM

Good morning folks.   Thanks again for all the welcomes...and for all the suggestions.  I really do appreciate them, even if it seems I don't...they are all fuel for thought.

The mid 80s and sunny here today.  The 6yo pseudo grand daughter (long story) is here for the weekend.  It's not even noon here, and I'm alredy tired just watching her.   It should be illegal to have that much energy...LOL.

The reason I am kinda locked into the larger radii curves for the passenger cars is a lot about what I've heard on the grapevine when I first started in N, and partially from observation of a a few prior attempts at making a HCD based layout.  When I first decided to get into N, I asked the age old "What is the minimum radius?" question, in several forums (probably here included). The general drift of the answers I got was that under 12"r I'd be on shaky ground for my Super Chiefs (85 footers, I think).  My personal observation was that when I got below the 13.75"r, I was unhappy with the look.  I may well end up doing something with the smaller radii curves..and/or single track rather than double...but before I go there, I want to be sure I can't make the larger radii and double track work.

Ulrich:  Yes, the Manning Oaks is a nice little plan.  Another one I like is the Amherst plan.  It's even smaller, giving a bit of wiggle room to bump up the radii a bit.  Plus it has bridges!  I do love bridges...LOL

TMarsh: The ping-pong table frame is not entirely out of the running...I'd just like to avoid splitting the table if I can.  Actually, what I'm hoping to accomplish is not that far from a ping-pong table set up...I just want some way to rotate the whole table to vertical as one piece, rather than folding it...and I need to have the deployed table be smaller.  A ping-pong table is 9'x5', and my hoped for 5.5'x3' size is seriously pushing the limitations I have to work with.  I really have to stick with free standing...and not only free standing, but easily moveable when deployed or stowed.  Because of my health issues, I only have access to 2 rooms in the house...the kitchen and my small/cramped bedroom.  In my bedroom, I only have 2 fixed places to sit...the bed, and a chair that I can not move without assistance.  Because I am here alone for almost all of my railroad working time, I need to be able to rotate the table to get to all sides, rather than me moving around the table.

I'll probably be in and out all day.  Have a good one, all. interesting concept with no successful applications, that should always be accompanied by a "Do not try this at home" warning.

Hundreds of years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...But the world may be different because I did something so bafflingly crazy that my ruins become a tourist attraction.

"Oooh...ahhhh...that's how this all starts...but then there's running...and screaming..."

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, July 10, 2010 11:29 AM

 Zandoz: Try a folding table. The table stays as one piece but the front legs swivel in and out. When the legs are in the outer position the table is horizontal. When the legs are folded in the table top is vertical.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, July 10, 2010 12:38 PM

  Just trying out an experiment with the new weathering powder. I weathered a few cars then sprayed them down with Clear Flat. I'll have a look at them when they're dry and see how the powder fared.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, July 10, 2010 12:44 PM

Big Smile


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Zandoz on Saturday, July 10, 2010 12:57 PM


 Zandoz: Try a folding table. The table stays as one piece but the front legs swivel in and out. When the legs are in the outer position the table is horizontal. When the legs are folded in the table top is vertical.

This sounds like what I'm looking for, but I don't recall seeing a table of this design.  When I think folding table, I think like the banquet tables that have to be picked up, the legs folded under, then carried to move.  Would you happen to have a picture or a web site I could go to to check out that kind of folding table? interesting concept with no successful applications, that should always be accompanied by a "Do not try this at home" warning.

Hundreds of years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...But the world may be different because I did something so bafflingly crazy that my ruins become a tourist attraction.

"Oooh...ahhhh...that's how this all starts...but then there's running...and screaming..."

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, July 10, 2010 1:25 PM



 Zandoz: Try a folding table. The table stays as one piece but the front legs swivel in and out. When the legs are in the outer position the table is horizontal. When the legs are folded in the table top is vertical.

This sounds like what I'm looking for, but I don't recall seeing a table of this design.  When I think folding table, I think like the banquet tables that have to be picked up, the legs folded under, then carried to move.  Would you happen to have a picture or a web site I could go to to check out that kind of folding table?

something on the order of this design.


Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, July 10, 2010 2:02 PM

 Here's how the three cars I was experimenting on turned out.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, July 10, 2010 2:26 PM

Jeff .. the weathering looks fabulous! ... Perhaps you can also simluate rain steaks with verticle brush strokes while applying.

Todd ... You said: " That’s it!! That’s the look I want!!!! (maybe just a taaad lighter, but that’d make me happy right there. At least the way it looks in the picture.) I must know what you mixed. Please if you can. I know sometimes that stuff is kinda tough to duplicate from one store to another of if you even retained the mixes. But at any rate every one can see what I’m shooting for. " ....... Thanks. The road color is lighter until I weather the roads. The color was called "stucco" from a local paint brand in Cincinnati. I try to make black oil steaking in the center of the roads and brown tire marks where the wheels touch the roads. ... If you look again at the picture, there are a couple things to tell about. The forced perspective is achieved by making the raod more narrow as it gets closer to the background. The sides of the bridge are closer together on the far end of the bridge than in the close end.  ...Next look at the double tank at the oil depot on the left. The double tank was made from a scrapped Atearn 62' tank car.

Zandoz ... I get up to Northern KY area from time to time. I'm in Western KY on the lakes.





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Posted by JeremyB on Saturday, July 10, 2010 2:28 PM

 hi guys haven't posted here in a while


Jeff those cars look great, do you plan on sealing them with anything? I always enjoy seeing pics of your layout I bet your glad to have that AC unit living in Louisiana. The temps here were over 90 and the humidity making it feel close to 110 this week in Southern Ontario, way too hot for my liking.

take care guys

 - Jeremy

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, July 10, 2010 2:56 PM

Afternoon guys!

I 'll have  cup of coffee please.

Well, my migraine went away with the tstorms last night, TG.

Took the Kia in for a pre-road trip servicing, tweaking, changing, updating, inspection today. $182 later....shes ready for the road and shouldn't need anything for aobut 4k miles...then maybe a tire rotation and an oil change again. so that's good she's ready.

ROAD TRIP to Strasburg RR and RR Museum of PA starts monday at 7:30 am sharp!

Got teh electric cooler checked and cleaned to be ready for service monday.

Can't wait! WOuld like to go on to Cass RR in W VA as we will be half the way there, but dont have time or money to do so. SO we are lucky to have this one Road Trip anyway!

well, got a few things to do like find suitcases.....

so have a great evening folks....


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Cederstrand on Saturday, July 10, 2010 4:38 PM

Sweet potato & a coffee, please.

Wife discussed the (HO) hospital scene and looks like I'll need to add "underground parking". I should have never mentioned how little parking area there was for such a large hospital.MischiefLaugh

Found a $7 simulated arc welding light (3 LED group) for her gas station work bay. Hope for that price it doesn't look to cheesy.

In our full scale future pasture, looks like the neighbors trackhoe guy dug up all but 15 stumps. Those are BIG stumps between 2' - 4' across. As long as they stand high enough for horses to see them, guess we can live with that.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

Cheers! Cowboy Rob


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Posted by GMTRacing on Saturday, July 10, 2010 4:41 PM

Oil tank's done and drying after a wash-out and I'm headed off to the house in a bit. Hope you have a safe and uneventful trip G (you know- the driving part - not the RR museums) and have some fun!  J.R.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Saturday, July 10, 2010 5:09 PM

Welp, got some stuff like I said I was going to get---how does 6 H16-44's sound? And a brass USRA 0-8-0? And a whole wack of covered hoppers of various sizes? A nice bunch of stuff for under $140!!!

Swap meets---gotta love 'emTongue

Hey, Sign - Welcome back to the diner, Jeremy!!

Oh, and I did get some more ABS piping for the bins etc-----heeheeheeTongue

Off to the trainroom with me I go----Smile,Wink, & Grin

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by JeremyB on Saturday, July 10, 2010 5:12 PM

 thanks for the welcome back Barry Smile, I don't know about you but aren't you glad to have some cooler temps back in S.Ontario?

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Saturday, July 10, 2010 5:22 PM

These temperatures dont bother me so much as the dang humidity----that can go somewhere else lol!!

Speaking of which--there is talk it might be back next week----Whistling

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Cederstrand on Saturday, July 10, 2010 5:27 PM

Coffee refill, please. 

***Barry, good going on that haul. Cool!

Going to start replacing trucks with couplers on some of my N scale cars. Question: How does one determine in "short couplers" will work ok? Is this determine by radius of track or simply personal preference? What do YOU folks use/have on your cars?

Off to do critter rounds and then start paving some new roads on the wife's layout.

Cowboy Rob 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, July 10, 2010 5:34 PM

Jeff those cars look great, do you plan on sealing them with anything?

Thanks Jeremy. They are sealed, with Clear Flat. That's what the experiment was all about.


Question: How does one determine in "short couplers" will work ok? Is this determine by radius of track of simply personal preference? What do YOU folks use/have on your cars?

I prefer medium shank couplers. I have a couple of cars that have short shank couplers bou on 18" radius the corners of the cars almost touch on curves.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Zandoz on Saturday, July 10, 2010 6:41 PM

Jeff:  That link is kind of along the lines of the trestle table I've been mulling over.  The problem I've been pondering on that kind of design is that horizontal legs across the bottom on each end could only be a maximum of 16" wide...when deployed I'm afraid the 36" top would make the whole setup too unstable.  But your first description of the folding table has given me an I need to find my old CAD program and get it on this laptop so I can do some experimenting.

Garry:  Hello to a neighboring Kentuckian! interesting concept with no successful applications, that should always be accompanied by a "Do not try this at home" warning.

Hundreds of years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...But the world may be different because I did something so bafflingly crazy that my ruins become a tourist attraction.

"Oooh...ahhhh...that's how this all starts...but then there's running...and screaming..."

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, July 10, 2010 7:52 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie a slice of the Apple Pie with a large scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream and a cup of decaf would do well right about now.

Man, am I bushed!  Just finished the lawn.  Got through it on one (extra) charge of the batteries...  I found one of the reasons it was using so much power was it was very impacted underneath the cutting deck.  I decided to use the clippings this time as mulch around the plants in the garden (helps to hold moisture and keep the weeds down) and I couldn't get the plug out THAT is used for mulching....  What a mess under there.  Next mowing should give me plenty of grass clippings to finish the mulching.  The garden is looking good right now.  The pole beans are starting to climb upwards, zucchini is in blossom and there are about a dozen little peppers on the plants.

I also went over to Staples and picked up an APC Battery Backup for the computer down cellar.  They had one that should run the Mac Mini and the small monitor for almost 45 minutes for under $50....  Got it set up and running after I got home from grocery shopping. 

I also finished everything I needed to do for the little trailer.  When I get home from the museum tomorrow I'll  put the trailer off to the side and back the truck behind the house and hook on to the log splitter.  I have a small amount to split, and then I'll take the splitter out to camp for the ranger to use.

Still looking for the little parts I have misplaced......  Any Idea where I might have hid them?

Best get moving... Still a couple things I can accomplish today.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, July 10, 2010 8:15 PM

Jeff:  That link is kind of along the lines of the trestle table I've been mulling over.  The problem I've been pondering on that kind of design is that horizontal legs across the bottom on each end could only be a maximum of 16" wide...when deployed I'm afraid the 36" top would make the whole setup too unstable.  But your first description of the folding table has given me an I need to find my old CAD program and get it on this laptop so I can do some experimenting.

They have tables of the same type biger than that but they cost more. I think they have one about the proposed size of your layout.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, July 11, 2010 12:23 AM

It's late, so a simple steamed veggie plate, please.

Paved some roads and the area around the gas station. Besides a simulated welder's light in the work bay, one of those animated signs might be nice, too. (expensive though) It's wife's (HO) layout, so whatever she wants, right! Also dug out some foam and set up the underground parking entrance for the hospital, along with the ramp up to the Emergency entrance.

All that was more work than it sounds like....I'm beat. Glad my own (N) layout won't have all this "stuff" to do, when that time comes.

Have a good night all.

Cowboy Rob


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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, July 11, 2010 12:24 AM

 Good Morning,

the predicted thunderboomers passed by us, so we had an enjoyable BBQ yesterday evening at our friends´ place. I ate way too much - I just can´t say no to all those fresh salads, home made bread and, well, not to forget the meat!

Zoe, I am still full, so just make it coffee for me please!

Lothar, my friend, is building a Germany-themed layout in his 15`by 15´ basement. He is using Marklin C-track, but runs on DCC. He starts to dislike the look of the Marklin track and is pondering to take his layout down and build a new one, using flex track. So we had a long conversation about what could be a good theme for his new layout and finally settled on an island railroad, located on a fictitious island in the North Sea. It´ll be a point to point layout, running from the ferry port to the island´s village, with small hotels and guesthouses in the typical turn-of the century seaside architecture, and on to the beaches, with a lighthouse as the highlight. Building to scale lighthouses is his second hobby, so it is a must to combine those two pastimes. All of the structures and buildings will have to be scratch built, so that will keep him busy for years to come.

Of course,  I already had some ideas for him!

It is a very basic design, but it allows for two operators   running two trains on a timetable. There are hardly any spurs for industries, as there are no industries on those islands. They live off tourism, so passenger trains, moving the tourist from the ferry to their hotels and on to the beach, is the job of the railroad, as private cars are not allowed on this island. Trains will be run by small Diesels, and an old 2-6-2 tank loco will handle the steam special on sundays.

Now all we need is to get his wife´s approval Big Smile

You all have a pleasant day.

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Sunday, July 11, 2010 1:44 AM

 Good morning.... Zoe? whaddaya recomend for something to help me get to sleep at this obscene hour??? Why are you holding up a rather large mallet??? What? A klonk on the head??? Maybe I'll just have a RBF and call it good....

ZANDOZ: Welcome Sir! I see you are in the Cincinatti area, a good friend of mine relocated there a few years back. Now she has some blog thing..."The Food Hussy" I believe she calls herself. Her bit is she'll go to some eatery and then review the place with a critical eye and taste buds to match.

ULRICH: Another great track plan!  Thumbs UpThumbs Up Are you sure there isn't some way to derive at least a little income from THAT???? Just a thought...


Hmmmmm, radio propagation is bringing in "skip" from parts unknown again. Just heard "Rescue 34" get called-out to a truck which has hit a tree. Hmmmmm. Darned trees just love to jump out in front of pickup trucks at 0130 (maybe 0230 depending on where Rescue 34 is based...).

Now I've got Rock Falls (Illinois) Fire/EMS rolling on an unconscious male, found behind a bar...gee, wonder how he got there? Mischief Betcha he got klonked...Dead

JEFF: Nice job with the weathering powders!


Bed time.

Good night...

ChrisEight Ball

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by Robby P. on Sunday, July 11, 2010 6:24 AM

 Good morning.

 Another work day.  At least its not as hot.  Maybe some MRR for me later tonight.

 Hope everybody has a good day.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, July 11, 2010 6:37 AM

Hmmmmm, radio propagation is bringing in "skip" from parts unknown again. Just heard "Rescue 34" get called-out to a truck which has hit a tree. Hmmmmm. Darned trees just love to jump out in front of pickup trucks at 0130 (maybe 0230 depending on where Rescue 34 is based...).

mmmmm---must be a new species of tree. Jumping Tree. The propagation is kind of funny here---we get Windsor Police calls sometimes------not bad considering---

Got a few things t do this morning then it is off to my trainroom and start the next project---a metal fabrication plant-----

Chloe, I'll just have a coffee for now and a toast with jam please---I'll be at the RC for now---Big Smile

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...

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