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Elliot's Trackside Diner, Mark XIX Locked

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Posted by Paul W. Beverung on Saturday, October 10, 2009 9:13 AM

Morning Everyone: Well I see that the place has been moved again. Progress I guess.

There is a train show today in Ft. Worth so guess where I'm going to be around 1 O'clock? I really don't need anything since I just placed a large order with Walthers but one can always look. I'll meet my buddy there who I used to work with at Six Flags. We don't get together as much as I'd like so it will be a chance to get caught up. He's side lined his MRing. I'm trying to get him hooked again.

Not much else happening here. We have still got our fields to bale but with the rain it will have to wait. We have baled after the hay has been killed by a freeze but it is harder to cut and we have to wait for a couple of weeks.

Our live steam meet is coming up in a couple of weeks and I haven't even been over to the track to help with the getting ready. I'll try and get over there this coming week.

Well It's time for me to go and get Mary Ann. She's doing fine.

See you all later. 

Paul The Duluth, Superior, & Southeastern " The Superior Route " WETSU
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Posted by Packer on Saturday, October 10, 2009 9:11 AM

Jim, nah it wasn't the diner's food. It's seems to be my mother's spagehtti or enchaladas that I get them. I ate some more from the same batch of enchaladas that may have made me sick a few days ago and didn't get sick. Maybe it's something else?

Robby, I like them as much as the next guy, but I haven't quite figured out which logo is approriate for the 1975-1985 timeframe. As a result I have a mix-up.

Jeffery, good to see you back and here's to a quick recovery!!

I've made some really good progress on the MR front yesterday. Got a decoder into GP35 2521 and got it to be a little bit quieter (It's an athearn RTR, probably needs run time to get it to quiet up some more), Made some pilots out of styrene for my GP20 (I'll probably attach it with tacky glue since it's one of the older runs of P2K geeps that had the seperate pilot), and got my 2 Alcos together:


These are the newer atlas shells on the Kato drives. A little bit of cutting and filling and the shell fits just right. I used some styrene superglued to the frame to make the pad for mounting kadees, then drilled the holes for some screws I had in my parts drawer.

NCE-DASR decoders and LED lighting were also added.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by Cox 47 on Saturday, October 10, 2009 9:07 AM

Good morning..We have sun for the first time in a few days..sure looks good..Its 41 posta drop to 32 tonite...I'll have order of biscuits and gravey,fried taters and coffee please..Thank You..glat to hear Jeff is getting along OK..Gonna watch the Card-dodgers game this gotta win this one but they are back in St. Louis...Gonna start in a chain link fence today...You all have a good one..Jerry

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Posted by Robby P. on Saturday, October 10, 2009 8:07 AM

 Gooooooooooood morning.  I believe the rain is over for a few days, and that means I need to cut grass again Banged Head.

 The plan today is..........see about changing banks (maybe), visit a LHS, maybe do some window shopping.

 Ulrich.....Hope you get to felling better.

 Jeff......I'm sure the layout is wondering where you have been.  60+ inches??   Thats way to much for me to handle.  I'm not much of a rain person.  Plus last night West Virginia was under a tornado warning.   So we got a lot of rain last night.

 Jim......I think everybody enjoys Railboxs at any era they model.   Its just a neat looking car.  Myself...Well I enjoy the ones with the BIG logo.   Here's a close up for some good weathering ideas.  Not not big on graffiti (just can't draw it), but I like the rust!!


 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, October 10, 2009 7:46 AM

 Thanks for the well wishes everyone. This latest surgery hasn't dampened my enthusiasm for the hobby in the least though it has seriously curtailed my activities. I have to go back and see the doc on Monday so he can check to see that the foot is healing properly. I also have an appointment to see my primary care provider on Wednesday. No rest for the wicked eh? The temp here is around 60 and the high will reach about 70. There is of course a chance of rain. The joys of being in a state that averages 60+ inches of rainfall a year.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, October 10, 2009 7:37 AM

 Hi everyone,

it is past lunchtime  over here and a wet and gray day - time to stay in bed and pull the duvet over the head... Sad

I am not feeling well, maybe a coffee and a slice of that apple strudel, topped with vanilla ice cream  will cheer me up.

This is getting to be a busy place - have you noticed that the time span until we reach 50 pages gets shorter all the time? Difficult to catch up on all what is going on - at least for a non-native speaker like me... Big Smile The most important for me is that Jeffrey is back home and on the way of recovery... Thumbs Up

Blessings to all of you!

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, October 10, 2009 6:57 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe I'm gonna need that IV setup for coffee that Philip uses from time to time.....  That and a couple of glazed dougnuts to get me going.

I'm on my way out to Boy Scout Camp for the annual Fall w**k day out there.  I'm going to see if I can find out what somebody did to unplug the main speakers in the dining hall among other things......

I'll catch you all later.


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Saturday, October 10, 2009 4:55 AM

Good Morning!!

I'm all awake and piculous first thing this morning because I found 2 light bulbs---CFL's right--decided to pop first thing this morn---and I had to replace them right off the bat. Grumpy I am not usually coordinated without at LEAST ONE single cup of coffee in me but there I was replacing those bulbs---

We are getting some more 30% showers---after that all day rain--this morning---some of those showers are here 30%ing on us as I write. It will clear to a mix of sun/cloud later this afternoon then will be sunny tomorrow---but the highs will only be 9C or so----Whistling

I'm off to the university to do those weekend seminar things----but I'll be finished with these things a little sooner than I usually am ---- not a lot of stuff---heeheeheeWhistling

JimRC: That pic with the VIA was done with the telephoto inadvertantly out--I was not that close ---thank goodnessShock But that effect has got a few people!!

Chloe, I'll have a coffee and a toast with wild blueberry jam please-----I'll be at the RC for now

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Saturday, October 10, 2009 12:38 AM

Good evenin', I'll take a cup of coffee, unless KEITH has drank it all...Smile,Wink, & Grin Speaking of, KEITH! Great moogly googly! I still haven't even got one "L" bracket screwed into the wall...after 4 years of living in this house...and you've built....something so incredible I can't even begin to describe it. Thumbs Up

My little fuzzy buddy, Rerun, was hearing all the "cat talk" in here earlier...he's most disgruntled by it. Rerun HATES cats. He can just barely abide the Wife's cat. He thinks there should be more dogs in here. He also acts as "supervisor." I think though, he really wants to help with stuff. I keep telling him once he masters the concept of opposable thumbs, I'll put him to w**k. Then again, I keep telling the Wife that all the RR stuff " for Rerun and his future layout." It's not MY "wish list" of RR stuff that gets conveniently placed where she can't help but see it...especially around Christmas's Rerun's wish list. Yep...that's my story, and we're stickin' to it!

Speaking of the Wife...she says she's feeling better...and she "thinks" whatever it is/was has "finally broken." Great...'cause now I'm feeling it more and more! Then again, 3 hours along the sidelines tonight didn't help me any.

I ended up getting three stories for THAT editor however: the game itself (lots of pictures), it was homecoming (pic of King and Queen), and some lady was inducted into the school's hall of fame...BONUS! THAT editor will be most-pleased. As it is, she has 3 weeks of game articles she hasn't even had room to run yet. Apparently, I'm too prolific...I'm cranking out more content than she can use. Funny, I didn't think I was w**king THAT hard... I guess it's a good problem to have though 'eh?

 THAT reminds me, thanks JIM! Honestly though, if'n I had my druthers, I'd take a raise in pay. Yeah, I can stick a plaque on the wall, it may be a resume' enhancer...right now though, I'll take more cash in the take-home. My "award" is when people (readers) tell me they liked a photo, or an article. I guess that's all my ego needs... Now THAT editor on the other hand, she NEEDS the plaques (1st place) abhores the certificates (2nd and 3rd place) and feels slighted if she gets nothing in a catagory. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks...

*yawn* Time for bed, but I think Rerun has another idea...

ChrisEight Ball

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by Cederstrand on Saturday, October 10, 2009 12:21 AM

Chamomile Tea, please. 

***Jeffrey, glad you made it from under the knife again but do take it easy and please follow your Doc's instructions. Fingers crossed for your recovery. I'd cross my toes but think they would cramp up on me. 

***Keith, that is going to be some layout. Best not let my wife see how much you accomplished in that amount of time or she might accuse me of being lazy. Keep the pics coming & Welcome Aboard.

***Sue, how about posting some new pics of the layout progress?

Good night all.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by Blazzin on Friday, October 9, 2009 10:43 PM

  Joe, cool story.  I loved it.  Some ppl just don't believe this stuff happens.                                   Barry.. yo!  yeah~  1925.. thru 1985.  Best years of railroading to me.  I can't think of a better way to have all of them.  Small story here, I was laid up in bed for 4 months.  Yeah.. its called Sensory deprivation.. If it wasn't for the Military Channel, History Channel, Biography,Dicovery,a choice soap opera for cheap intertainment, and ebay I would have been lost.  But I found myself buying on ebay, I've been collecting unique items for quite some time.. most from the bed to the computer ...  bid ... go lay back down and watch the results.  So yeah, I've always loved trains since I was a kid... hoping them at age 12.. lol.. collecting railroad 'torepedo's' along the tracks.. some fun~  But why not, cover the best years... if you're going to do a layout.. why not.  From what I've seen.. alot of men.. just like collecting them.. placing them on/in a plack...on display.  But it was a good recovery for me, I got all this nice stuff.  Now my wife is considering looking for type of help she can obtain.. like some help clinic.. called Ebay anonymous. 

  "Refill on the coffee please.. and I'll have some of those Molasses cookies too.. if there's any left"  "Thanks"~

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Friday, October 9, 2009 10:00 PM

Good Evening, Chloe - puff, puff, puff... I come up to the old track where the Diner had been, about in time to see her rolling down the tracks with the RS-1 in the lead and the chapel car in tow. Gee, ya miss a half a day and a body can get worn out, catching up! (wheeze, hack..) I'll get my breath back, I promise. While I'm waiting for that, how about asking the chef to grill me another of those nice ribeye steaks, medium, and a Waldorf salad, with a nice baked potato (and butter and sour cream, since the calories are only virtual...), please. Oh yes - and a glass of Salmon Run Pinot Noir 2007, per Ray's recommendation. All that to celebrate the move to the new digs, please. Thanks!

Bama, hope Amy's doing okay (or I may find out as I get through the older posts, that the newest addition has arrived, perhaps).

Mreagant, funny (odd, not ha-ha kind) there - I just got an email today from my friend Linda in Memphis, that she's having the other knee worked on soon (MRI, then doctor's visit a few weeks later, then surgery, followed by 4 to 6 weeks of recovery (..your mileage may vary..) Apparently she's already got her daughter that lives there getting coaching (from the out of town twin daughter, who was the one to help her Mom post-recovery on the other knee's surgery). Linda said she's not the bionic woman, yet! Hope you don't have to have the surgery just yet. Steve Austin doesn't need the competition, I'm sure. Smile,Wink, & Grin

Attaboy - better practice up those ORF naps, so you can sleep through the first couple of "Oh, Honey..." calls...Wink

Ulrich, good to hear you're getting into better shape on some progress there (and good to hear that the flat is better than you'd expected, too). As others said, a step at a time, and do your best as you go along. If your space is limited for any MRR'ing, do you still have enough for one of those ARR switching layout plans that you'd posted earlier? Hopefully you won't have to go all the way down to Z scale! Will continue AngelAngel for your and Petra's progress toward your dreams. Yeah!!

Jeff, good to hear your doctor didn't have to go spelunking in your foot for any infection Shock - and that you're back home recuperating. Maybe you should do what your doctor (and Dr. Joe) said, eh? Could beat having to go see those wonderful nurses at the hospital again. Black Eye

And Sign - Welcome to the Diner, Dr. Joe! We try to tell Jeff not to rush things, but you probably know about how some patients are about that, I'm guessing... Jeff learns his lessons, it's just that some of them he has to re-learn until he gets it right. Oops So tell us about yourself and your layout/plans/dreams - modeling a particular RR, freelancing, specific time era, scale, etc.....? Nosy Inquiring minds and all that, y'know.Smile,Wink, & Grin

Robby, that string of Railboxes looked a tad beyond 'lightly weathered', didn't it? Or were those your latest batch for sale? Whistling And I'm with Barry, except I think Railboxes are a bit late for my RR's period, too.Smile,Wink, & Grin

And Barry, better not try to get closer to the track while you're fiddlin' with your camera...OopsShockBlack Eye

Ray, how are things with the Cub packs coming along? One way that I take to w**k some mornings goes by the local BSA office, and they have 'lawn' signs out front saying "Join Cub Scouts" now. And I expect from the sounds of things that you and your co-conspirator are gonna have way too much fun with your presentation on Sunday (do they still ride people out of town on a rail?)Whistling

Keith (Blazzin), Sign - Welcome to the Diner, and thanks for filling us in - that's neat the way you conned got your kids to help stock you up with MRRing stuff! Thumbs UpWink Some of us get the kids involved for additional pull with the CFO on getting more stuff ("Honey, a hobby'll be great for Junior..."). Whistling Yeah, on the train yard, I can imagine how much sounds probably resonate and sound even louder at night near one! Oh, I enjoyed reading parts of your topic on your layout (think I may have read between half and two-thirds of it, maybe, so far). Thanks for that, too!  (1925-1985, eh? Laugh) You'll find that several of the Diners here have the furry feline(s) at home. Just ask Calif.Tom when he's in, about Uff-Dah and Spooky (Her Majesty and High Princess)...

Chris, are you still staying healthy? Hope so - and as for the sn** turning local drivers into idiots, I think they might've been that way even with good weather. The sn** just shows off their (lack of) skills a little better, that's all...Oops JR did have me wondering - how are you going to explain that 'enclosure'? Wink Hope you and the wife have a great anniversary this weekend, if you get her back in 'the compound...' Cowboy Loved your story about the family heritage farm and the feisty 88 year-old grandmother with the sledgehammer, too. ROTFL! Laugh Hope you get an award/plaque for a photo, anyway - you can put it up in your 'w**kroom' (or whatever corner of the house you do your stuff in), and call yourself 'an award-winning photographer' (which with $1, will get you a cup of coffee...)

Vincent - how's your tummy doing? But better not say anything about "what I've been eating" too close to Vinnie or the twins (unless you specify that you mean *elsewhere* than in the Diner! Whistling Ya might have something other than your tummy achin'...

NS Joe, good to see you in the Diner again. Just remind yourself that after you graduate, you probably won't have to wear it for school (like in college or such).


Today at w**k wasn't too bad, except I could've used my two 'free' hours at the end to get the paper stuff done, instead of in the morning. Banged Head Most of the supervisors were gone today (not sure if they were having some supervisors/administrators' retreat, or what. Maybe they all got rained out last night - when the front moved through here, I think it dumped about four inches of the clear wet stuff on our area. Surprisingly (and pleasantly) enough, no twirly wind things after the front moved through. Of course, today was grey, cloudy, and drizzly/drippy most all of the day.

Yesterday/last night, I ordered some Woodland Scenics and Preiser figures (including some Boy Scouts - Ray), one of those 1959 Ford Fairlanes that Classic Metal Works makes, and some details for buildings and loading docks. I need to see about ordering a handful of Atlas #6 turnouts (which will either be just in case I don't get the Shinohara ones set up for DCC, or else I'll use them elsewhere on the layout when I get around to expanding).

Tomorrow here in town is (not sure what to call it) 'Techno-Recycling Day'(?) - from 9 a.m. to noon, there'll be a place to bring old computer (CRT) monitors, old computers, cell phones and other various electronics stuff to be recycled. I'll be taking my (non-w**king) 17" Trinitron style monitor that came with my brother's donated Power Mac G4. I'm debating about donating my 13"(14"?) monitor that does function, which I have hooked up to the Power Mac currently, and forcing myself to get moving along toward getting a widescreen LCD monitor (for it and/or the laptop when at home). But that means I'll have to get up on time in the a.m. and get laundry done so I have time to swing by the storage shed to pull out the monitor from storage...

Main MRR projects for the weekend? Back to the tracklaying - as best I can (rearranging the DCC-usable turnouts to the front where I've started) - and probably getting back to some of those structure kits I got sidetracked on earlier this year.  Might tackle a couple or more freight car kits and get some of those assembled. I think it's supposed to stop raining sometime tonight, though I'm not sure on the sunshine.

[And hopefully the Cardinals will get their act together (Hey, guys - it's time!) and make some headway on the division playoffs...]

Well, I've almost polished off my dinner for now. Prayers will continue for those still healing, in need of comfort, and/or indisposed by colds/flu's/whatever.



Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by Blazzin on Friday, October 9, 2009 9:58 PM

  You saved that kitten of yours.. 'Spring'  Surely would have been dead.  I have also a pit bull.  I know I know~  I would have bet Dollars to Peso's I'd never have a pitbull.. in this life or any other.  But my daughter~  found this animal.. the vet said.. tops 1.5 years old... wandering around a busy intersection.. she called it..  and it came running.. hoped in the car.  Was more than likely bred for her color.. and more than likey forcible.  She had deformed joints from gving birth at a very young age and was discarded after the pups were available for Sale.  After good nuitriition.. exercise.. she still grew.  She came in as a 'step sister' to  a yapper and a Husky (alpha dog) ..(both of them) and she is the most greatful animal I have ever seen.  Love.. she couldn't get enough of it. .. Gentle.. sweet.. faithful..listens.. to commands.. no problem.  Ever seen a dog.. from a good walk.. on a hot day.. come home.. and head for the backyard.. and hit the pond on all fours'...  she's happy.. and we're happy too.. all of us.. six cats.. and 3 dogs.  I love ppl that love animals.. I love mine.

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Posted by BamaCSX83 on Friday, October 9, 2009 9:50 PM

Evening all, just checking in on the new siding and I really like the diggs!  RBF and a bowl of ice cream for me please, dinner was a rather large affair tonight (had lots of friends over), so I was a little late coming in.  Tomorrow has a somewhat full day for me, going to be working on the house, then off to "real" w**k from 3-9:30-ish.  I've also got to w**k on Sunday (thankfully no big deal, probably the 1st Sunday I'll have to work within the next few months), but then I've got the next two days off!  Thinking about going up to my mom and dad's and getting ahold of all my other layout stuff and working on some cars and the like.  Also wouldn't mind getting pictures off all the stuff that's not going to fit into my era, so that youse guys can possibly see if'n you want some of it.  Well, I guess I'll hang out here at the window booth and see whom else comes in.

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Posted by ns3010 on Friday, October 9, 2009 9:45 PM

Sign - Welcome Keith!
Hmmm, you have a supervisor too. Mine is Frankie. He and his sister Lola, were put in a suitcase and thrown on the side of the road. The owner of my LHS happened to be driving behind the car and saw this happen, so he rescued them and kept them in a case in his store for a few days. Well, when my parents decided we could get a cat, we went to the pet store. They told us about the two cats. We then went to the store, and brought them home. This was nearly three years ago, and they were about 16 weeks at that point. Frankie enjoys when I run trains, so he just sits and watches. Kinda ironic how all trains and cats are connected, especially when you get the cats from the train store... lol Laugh

Ray, thanks for handling the move. The new location is great!

Jeff, glad to hear the surgery went well, and hope your recovery continues well.

Flo, I'll take another RBF, thanks.

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Posted by Blazzin on Friday, October 9, 2009 9:43 PM

  "Mmmm Good~"   Hot coffee..nothing like it on a cold rainy night.  Ok.. now where was I ?  Oh yes.. my friend raising kittens by hand ..including using some type of baby bottle from the Vet.   And don't forget my little girl who's hoping Charlie lets me have one of those kittens.  And Charlie's wife, whos tired of it all.  So his wife and I team up on Charlie.. to let me have one...he loves these kittens very much.  I tell him, "I've got a 17 year old cat.. who'd make a good mom to one of em"  He replies.. ut uh... "You take both of them.. or none"  "They've been together from the start."  So after I leave his house.. with both of them, he soon realizes, he really didn't want to do that~ .. and he was tricked!.. lol. we all still laugh at that.  So anyways.. I come home.. and here's my little daughter.. all of six years old.. tops.. she say.."Daddy..? .. Did you bring me home a kitten?"  I said ..  "No hon, I brought you home two kitties"  I bring them in.. and that old cat of mine.. she knew nothing but love.. she immediately.. bathe those two for at least an hour.  And you know what.. it was really something to see this old cat.. she was getting love back.. and those two kittens.. why they had a mom.. has a nice sound to it..don't it?  Mom~  Really a site to see.. definately a match made in heaven.  Then after that.. I brought home other kittens.. and that old cat raised em.  A Calico kitten found at a little league baseball game.. with a broken leg.  A blind white kitten found at the swap meet... and even a few others.  During all that time Crash.. any kitten that got near him.. they got a bath.  As far as the blind cat..she got out one night .. and came back pregnant.. lol.  Enough of this.. all in all.. I have six cats.  Do I love cats?  Yes.. they have brought me good luck all my life.

Did I mention my dogs..well my kids dogs.. yeah.. they go off to College and leave me 'Goodnees' and 'Mercy'   Yes.. I know.. Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.


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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, October 9, 2009 9:27 PM

His name is 'Crash'  Crash was found in a box.. along with his sister about when they were abandoned two weeks old tops.  Dying .. dehydrated.. found by my friends son.  They rushed the two kittens to the Vet and were saved.

He looks like a well looked after and loved fellow--Smile-

'Spring' was also a found fellow----he was found by a farmer we know just outside of town in a duct taped box--middle of February---had frostbite on one ear and a paw---and cigarette burns on his tail and other parts------now he is a lithe active and very loving headbutter who is about 8 years old----

Sometimes one would like to duck tape the 'individuals into a box in the middle of FebruaryGrumpyWhistling

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by ns3010 on Friday, October 9, 2009 9:24 PM

Evening all. Flo, I'll take a RBF, thanks.

TGIF!!!!!! This was such a long week.

Not much new to report, except progress reports came this week (already!). 96 in Chem H, 100 in band, 98 in Theo, 102 in Driver's ed, 93 in English H, 93 in Algebra 2 H, 101 in History, and 96 in Spanish 2. Not bad at all...
And today was the excellence assembly, where people get awards and stuff for academics. Apparently, they send you a letter if you are getting an award, and I didn't get one, so I figured I wasn't getting anything. But when they were announcing the names for Excellence in Theology, mine came up, so that was a nice surprise...

Enough from me. I'll be at the RC catching up.

My Model Railroad: Tri State Rail
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Posted by Blazzin on Friday, October 9, 2009 9:14 PM

  Ah .. a sad but true story with a happy ending.  My supervisor has been my friend for many years now... some where I believe I said about 15 years.  His name is 'Crash'  Crash was found in a box.. along with his sister about when they were abandoned two weeks old tops.  Dying .. dehydrated.. found by my friends son.  They rushed the two kittens to the Vet and were saved.  My friend raised these two by hand.  The reason why they were left for dead, was because they weren't 'Pure Bred" 'Ragdolls'.  If you can't imagine what its like to raise baby kittens.. well my friend and his wife had to wash the.. almost on a daily basis.. dry wash.. don't worry.. and wash their behinds under the facet.. (til this day Crash hates water!)  Alot of work... but my friends wife .. was getting tired of it.. (we were talking on the phone)  and so I go visit.. with the intentons.. of coming home with one kitten.. after all .. my lil girl.. Stacy would love a kitten.

" More coffee please?"

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, October 9, 2009 8:58 PM

Hey, if any of you haven't seen what Keith has going on, you neeed to check it out.  It's really quite something! You can see it here!

Keith:Good Grief Mon!! That is going to be something when it is all done!!Bow And I see a little furry one is there to supervise---the one in my avatar is quite adept at doing the same!! What size turnouts are you planning on using? 


Got out a little earlier so I got a chance to come on the forum for now---

Chloe, I'll have a small chamomile tea and a muffin please----I'll be at the RC and check out some mags here

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Blazzin on Friday, October 9, 2009 8:54 PM

    Jeff, glad to hear all went well, I think everyone hear was thinkin of ya all day long, I know I was.  Lee, Phillip..?  Is it time for a long story on this rainy night?  If so, maybe someone better get another pot of coffee going.  Maybe a tall tail, but Gospel Truth story?  I love those~ .. A sad but true.. sounds like a country song.. story?   I'm here just sitting drinking my coffee reading, looking at pics of layouts and thinking.  I've been going over link in the forum with thousands of hours of pure fun.   Now, Phillip, I thank you for the nice compliment.  Up until now,  I was still feeling like one big dope. lol.  I figured never to the likes of you in  Let me tell you, I have already more than likely dropped 10 grand in this.... lol.. I had no idea. And probably ready to drop another if need be... but that another story in itself.  And I've read some men have spent more.  Don't think that I am going to do some Halfaz job here.. oh no~  I'm an artist by heart.  When I draw .. it has to be perfect.  The major problem with any artist, they dont' know when to stop!   And Maddog, where in the heck did he go?  I got started on this.. all this posting cuz he wanted to see a layout from start to finish.  So hey, if you guys want to really hear .. what kind of a layout I really want to build.  I mean its enough to make most advid RR Model'ers shudder.   So, pull up a chair for a rainy night story.. if ya want.. I'm just sitting here drinking my coffee.

  "More coffee? please?"


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Posted by pcarrell on Friday, October 9, 2009 6:23 PM

So this one guy, his name Phillip, I'm sure you know him, nicest guy on Trains forum.. he says to me.. "So whats with the sloppy mess? The glue drippings?, of course yhou are going to re-enfore this before it falls apart" lol.. Well he didn't say that.. well in so many words he did.. I said "DOH!" in so many words.  Phillip has been of great help, by the time I am finished with picking his brain, he's either gonna hate me, or I'll be buying him dinner to a fine resturant.

Keith, you're gonna make me blush!  I'll let ya buy me dinner here in the diner, OK?  I like helping out though.  Track planning is fun for me.  It's the one time in the whole layout process where you have the least constraints and the most freedom.  Then reality sets in.......

Hey, if any of you haven't seen what Keith has going on, you neeed to check it out.  It's really quite something! You can see it here!

Now, Sue, you haven't seen anything in a while, that's true.  All of the medical problems of the family put things on serious hold.  Then I got the scoot, and, well, I've been riding, ya know?  (How 'bout you and your new mount?)  But that doesn't mean all is lost!  I've recently bought a ton of new building kits, enough for a couple of towns.  This winter should see a few new towns springing up on the Autumns Ridge Railway & Navigation Co. right of way! 


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Posted by Packers#1 on Friday, October 9, 2009 5:43 PM


SAWYER: Good to see ya Pal, glad you're out of the plastic bubble...I might disinfect it and stuff my wife in it before her head cold/creeping crud wipes me out too.


That sucks man. Gotta love colds especially; sick enough to feel like crap but not sick enough to warrant skipping out a day or two of life, lol.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

Building a protolanced industrial park layout


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Posted by howmus on Friday, October 9, 2009 4:41 PM

 Afternoon everyone!

Jeffrey glad you are home and recuperating.   Hope the bandage issue is the only problem yu will have the healing.  I figured they would keep you there for a day or two...  Just being good to their staff I guess...WhistlingWinkWink  I see you found the new palace with no problem.

Never did find a rubber chicken, but I bought a Halloween chicken that plays "The Chicken Dance".  That should work.  Picked up or made all the other props we will need for Sunday as well today.

Zoe just cup of decafe right now.  For some reason I lost my appetite. Sigh


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by LSWrr on Friday, October 9, 2009 4:36 PM

Evening all,

Still raining, still chilly.  May have frost in the morning.

Jeff good to hear all went well, I wish you a speedy recovery.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by JoeinPA on Friday, October 9, 2009 4:24 PM

 Hey Jeff:

Glad to hear that all went well and that you are home recuperating.  Make sure and take your doctor's advice and don't try to speed up your recovery.

Dr. Joe

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, October 9, 2009 4:11 PM

 Got the surgery done and I'm back home. My nephew took me to the hospital this morning then came back to pick me up when they called him to tell him I needed to be picked up. There was one perplexing moment though. As I was getting dressed to leave the hospital I noticed this rather large dark red puddle on the floor then looked up toward my foot which was propped on the edge of the bed and saw a thick stream of blood coming through the bandages. I called to the nurses in the room somewhat urgently and informed them that I was bleeding like a stuck pig and could use some assistance. Three of them quickly unwrapped it, applied new dressings over the old ones and did a rather professional job of wrapping it up again. They surmised that what had come out was what had collected from just after the surgery. So far I haven't had another bleeder moment and I'm taking care to insure that I don't.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Friday, October 9, 2009 4:04 PM

Good afternoon. I just put up the "stars" so you can find the new location easier.

I'm thinking of Jeff. I suppose he had the operation, and he is looking forward to returning home to his layout. Jeff has been thru a lot, and I say he is one of the most inspiring people in the forum. He keeps doing all sorts of stuff while enduring his diabetic condition. I'm glad to see all the names of people concerned for him. I hope somebody here is in contact with his family.




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Posted by AmanaMedic on Friday, October 9, 2009 3:54 PM

SAWYER: Good to see ya Pal, glad you're out of the plastic bubble...I might disinfect it and stuff my wife in it before her head cold/creeping crud wipes me out too.

SUE: Good afternoon Ma'am *tips the hat to the lady*

KEITH: Smog inspection? Glad I'm in Iowa... right now with all the repairs my '97 Ford Ranger pickup'd likely be condemed if it were inspected. Still runs good. Makes about 18 mpg...just kinda falling apart underneath...Whistling Overall not bad for 200,700 miles and counting.

It has gotten colder throughout the afternoon. At least the sky is clearing, so no rain on this photographer w**king up and down the sideline tonight. Homecoming for Clear Creek Amana, the school district THAT editor assigned to me. I'm hoping the brand new concession stand at the brand new stadium (the Mecca of high school football stadiums) has decent coffee and/or hot chocolate tonight...I'm gonna need it.

No staff meeting this morning (YAY!) but w**king tonight, so got a little farther on the XTRA hoppers. Here's part of what it takes to make an Athearn PS-2 look like a Portec hopper:

The ends are the worst as the "end cage" gets some pretty heavy surgery to narrow-up parts, hack-out some pieces, scab-in some others... All in the name of having something a little different eventually rolling on a layout.

ChrisEight Ball

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by Packers#1 on Friday, October 9, 2009 3:27 PM

 Just psoted in the old diner, my bad.

Well, I'll jsut re-post here. I'm feeling good, but I'm tired, it's been a long week. I ain't gonna go to the football game tonight. I do think i'll probably work my tail off on the soldering tomorrow on my layout, we'll see how much I actually get done though.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

Building a protolanced industrial park layout


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