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Elliot's Trackside Diner, Mark XIX Locked

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Friday, October 30, 2009 8:58 AM

Good Morning, Zoe - I'll have the #2 special, scrambled, wheat toast, glass of Ed's OJ, and a Rio Grande mug of coffee, please. Thanks!

blownout cylinder
and no, he ain't going RTR--he wants to go other way---seems he fell over a huge 'underground' market of kitbash scratchers out here---Whistling

Wow!!, indeed? Will he have an internet site I could order from, Barry? Willhe,willhe, willhe?Tongue


Chris - I kinda have my doubts about THAT being her response at the meeting, but hey, stranger things have happened (like Barry's LHS owner, above...).

Well, this morning the weather folks said some areas west of lovely Cape G. reported getting 5 inches of rain last night...Shock Yep, a ducky day in store for us, all right. I've already adopted my 'flood' driving - avoid cutting through the park where the car flooded out (several months to a year ago), avoiding lower spots in the roads where water might build up.

Sawyer - ALL RIGHTY!! Thumbs Up Congratulations to you (and the rest of the team, I'm sure you had a bit of help, right? Wink). That's the way to wind up a season, Yeah!!

(Spoken in 'I know best for you' tone of voice) : "Now, Keith, you know you really should have some green vegetables in there, and that breading isn't good for you at all.." Smile,Wink, & Grin

Eddie (Bama), will keep Amy and Mikayla's (soon) arrival in AngelAngel.Not to worry, I'll cover the page for you - you'll need the funds for the baby (toys, diapers, etc.) WHen my grandson was still not here yet, daughter and s-i-l walked around the yard a bit on at least one of the last days before Drew arrived.

Lee - I guess it's back to call blocking on your home phone. Hey, maybe you could send a letter to your state legislator, praising the wisdom of Texas' DNC polices and highlighting the "potential additional state revenues"...Heck, even if Iowa didn't share the fines with the people, it'd about be worth it for not getting those calls. Might even help the state budget.

Jeff, your gas station must have good prices - I see they're doing a bunch of business this morning. Thumbs Up That's a good idea on writing down the DVR recordings/favorites and such before disconnecting it.

Laundry tonight (hope the rain lets up when I am coming out to get back home), and then on-call for 24 hours tomorrow a.m. I may get the remaining two tracks re-laid before the %$^* pager decides to go off (I hope I can). Can't plan a lot more - may see if the new MR is at the P.O. Box yet.

I'll have my breakfast at the Rivet Counter, Zoe; thanks.


Blessings and prayers,

Jim in (rainy) Cape Girardeau

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, October 30, 2009 9:16 AM


blownout cylinder
and no, he ain't going RTR--he wants to go other way---seems he fell over a huge 'underground' market of kitbash scratchers out here---Whistling

Wow!!, indeed? Will he have an internet site I could order from, Barry? Willhe,willhe, willhe?Tongue


Chris - I kinda have my doubts about THAT being her response at the meeting, but hey, stranger things have happened (like Barry's LHS owner, above...).

WELLLLL------ I am waiting to see what happens---the fact of the matter is, is that he does have a large amount of scratchbuilding supplies on order for the store---as well as the racking systems---Whistling I told him about the internet thingeeee--and he is considering it---he is not so IT savvy so he'll be probs looking to get someone involved at some point------I HOPE!!!Tongue


Good morning from Wetville

Another raining kind of day---and windy---and getting cooler---and --- oh joySad

I woke up with a decided headache and what all else----another yaySadDead

So, today will be cuddle at home and nail whatever this is with a dose of Mattie's Chile----Whistling

Chloe, I'll just have a strong coffee and a toast/jam please----I'll be in the cornerbooth all cuddled upWhistling

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by BamaCSX83 on Friday, October 30, 2009 9:37 AM

Yeah, we've been walking a lot, and also I've been hitting every rough spot in the road whenever I can.  Chloe, I think I'll have an order of biscuits and gravy, with a side of sausage.  Today is going to be a gray day...  40% chance of rain and thunderstorms, with chances increasing as the day goes into tomorrow.  I know that we need the rain, but sheesh, I'm tire of it getting rainy, turning cool, then going back to 80-degree days, only to rain again.  Its playing absolute heck with my sinuses.  Well, today is a slow day for me, don't have to go to w**k until 4 this afternoon, so I think I'm going to just laze around the house, I did plenty yesterday for fun, including going and buying the new Tinkerbell movie (Heather absolutely LOVES Tink), and last night it got watched a total of 5 times back-to-back.  I had to go into the bedroom and take over the bedroom tv so I could watch something else.  Funny thing is, at least Tinkerbell will put Heather out like a light.  One minute she's in her PJ's watching tv, next thing I know, she's curled up on the couch completely out like a light!  Oh well, at least it was easy last night. 

Well, that's all I know, so I'm going to be poking around in here for a while until later...unless I get told "its time" by Amy.....

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Posted by Blazzin on Friday, October 30, 2009 10:08 AM

  Lee, Thanks for the input.  I decided to go with the Poly Scale water soluble.  I've never worked with an Airbrush and the water soluble seemed more forgivable.  The mixing of the colors shall be a pure delight for me. 

Ulrich, one of those pics showed a nice color of the steal supports. It seemed like a flat gray primmer with a hint of blue.  Lots of things to study in those pics.  I owe you one~  As a young boy, I remember the street cars of Los Angeles.  Rode them up til about age 10. And I am planning on running a trolley through two of the towns.  On a side note; my wife grew up in a very small town, in which there was a 'Mule Car'.  A  trolley.. that rode down the middle of mainstreet with green  grass dividers on both sides.   Supposidly the first in City Planning, considering its date.  The town of Upland would be at the very top / end of the trolley run.  Where the foothills start up into the mountains.File:Ontario-1885.jpg 

  And there was a Mule Car running.  Gravity fed,  the mule only pulled up the hill.  On the way back, the mule rode the trolley car down the hill, built with a  special platform was made for the mule.  Its hot out there during the summer, I could only imagine that mule loved the idea of riding on the way down, with a cool breeze  Here's a site with the pic and story.  So, since my wife grew up in this town,  I would like to incorporate that idea .. and the town(s) The town of Upland was there first.. the the two brothers from Canada.. developed Ontario, in which swallowed up Upland.  Its quite a story, if you care to read about it.. its in Wiki ..,_California   ... incorporate some of this into my layout.  It makes my wife very happy for me to include her town.. and the mountains she grew up under.  What mountains ..?  Mount Baldy  .

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Posted by howmus on Friday, October 30, 2009 11:08 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, just a cup of dark roast coffee in a R&GV Mug please.

Had to get up a bit early this morning and go to see the vampire phlebotomist  for my semi annual blood w**k.  When I arrived I expected to have standing room only, but to my surprise the place was empty.  I looked at the receptionist, then looked around the room and said, "OK, I'll come back later...."  Got done with the draw and headed down to a local diner in Geneva called "Water St. Cafe".  Place is run by a lady whose kids I taught and her son was one of my Scouts years ago.  I looked in the window and there was not a seat to be had.  I decided to go to the post office and come back later.  I mailed a couple of items to Canada to the AP Chairman of my Division NMRA.  This was all the photos (CD) and the written paperw**k forms, etc. for the Scenery Certificate.  Had to fill out the Customs form over at the desk with circles and arrows and information about my honesty.....  I thought for sure they would make me sit on the bench marked "Group W"....  But after I gave the lady at the window a few pictures of some dead presidents she gave some other pictures of dead presidents back and a reciept and said, Have a nice day..."  Went back to the diner...  This time there was no parking spots within a mile or so and it still appeared to be SRO as I looked in the window.  So I decided since I was right there nearby I would pop into the Drug Store and pick up an Rx they had all ready for me.  Didn't have enough pictures of dead presidents by that time to use so I gave her a plastic card with a bunch of numbers on it.  This time I found a parking spot almost in front of the place, found an empty booth in the back and had my usual #2 special that I have after blood draws....  This is the popular old fashioned diner in town and is often frequented by the likes of Doctors, lawyers, bankers, and stockbrokers.  Lucky today the clientele was much, much better consisting of some very nice older folks, a table full of bag ladies, and some college kids.  

The rest of today, I have to carve some pumpkins for All Hallows Eve (that's the evening before All Saints Day you know), get my allergy shots, and buy a bunch of candy to feed the little monsters kids when they knock on my door tomorrow night.  I need to order some decals today for the flat cars.  I may go over to one of the big wholesale stores nearby, stand in the Christmas/holiday section and wait for a bunch of little old ladies to show up.  Then look at the Christmas decorations, then at them, then at the decorations, and say, Holy S*** is it Halloween already!"  It's an annual tradition......Whistling

Hope you all have a fine day!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Cox 47 on Friday, October 30, 2009 11:13 AM

Howdy All...Its rain'in and 63 here...I'll have a bowl of chili with cheese and a Diet Coke please..thank you...Got my Life Like SD 7 yesterday but havn't had time to test it yet also a 0-6-0 that a feller rebuilt for me..gonna slip into back booth and see who drops by..You all have a good one...Jerry

ILLinois and Southern...Serving the Coal belt of southern Illinois with a Smile...
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Posted by TMarsh on Friday, October 30, 2009 2:30 PM

Bowl of chili, Dr Pepper and a towel please. Soggy here. 2 1/2 inches in 24 hrs on already soggy ground.

Boy I did it again. Stayed out of the diner a day and don't know what's going on. I'll try and get caught up.

Have a Great Day!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by TMarsh on Friday, October 30, 2009 2:35 PM

LSWrr were the one that built your next to us in 1990, live with it or move.

BINGO!!!!Thumbs UpThumbs UpThumbs Up Ding Ding Ding!!!!!!! Thumbs UpThumbs UpThumbs Up

(quote edited by me)


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by TMarsh on Friday, October 30, 2009 2:46 PM

Next weekend I have to empty my grandmothers apartment as we have already moved her into a nursing home, any advice?

I'm sorry to hear she has to go to a nursing home Lee. As far as her stuff goes, I have been moving and clearing out my Mothers home that I grew up in for coming up on 2 years now. She has gone from a family home to an apartment in Springfield. It is a daunting task. I hope you have help in making decisions. My suggestion is, and I hope this doesn't come out sounding wrong, get your siblings if you have any and your Grandmother and parents together and work out what each wants. That way since she will be moving to a place were she can have almost nothing, nothing will be given or sold that will cause hard feelings or disappointment later. Garage sales and E-bay are fine for the rest but sometimes good ole Goodwill is easiest and with the writeoff can almost be just as profitable for the trouble.

The type written word sounds colder than I intend for it too, but it's something I'm dealing with right now. What my sister and her daughter, grandkids etc "may" want. It's taking forever and as it's starting to wind down not getting any easier.  


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by ns3010 on Friday, October 30, 2009 3:15 PM

Afternoon all! Chloe, I'll have some Apple PIE!!!, please!!!

I'm in such a good mood right now...

I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!! I got a 94, which means I only got 3 wrong. You need at least an 80 to pass (there are 50 questions, you can get 10 wrong), and if you get above a 90 (which I did), you can get a discount on your insurance.
However, this is useless to me until I turn 16 in June. I have to do 6 hours if instructed driving before I get my permit (the road test is for your license). But it just feels good just to get it off my chest.
My class was the first to take it, and I got nervous because there were none that passed, and I wasn't sure if mine was graded yet. But when I found out I was fine, I was so excited. In my class, there were only 3 of us (me included) that passed. In all the other classes most people passed, just showing how, um, "smart" my class is... There were four tests, and I got Test 1 (they're totally random), which apparently is the easiest. Oh well.

Big SmileBig SmileBig SmileBig Smile

Chloe, I'll buy PIE!!! for everyone! Just throw it on my tab.

I'll be at the RC chillen.

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Posted by TMarsh on Friday, October 30, 2009 3:43 PM

Ulrich- National, or World Rant Day sounds good to me. But as others have said, no female dogging for the rest of the year? Wow, talk about pent up aggression. I have no problem with people feeling differently than I do, though being married I'm not allowed to feel many people, it's when they decide their rights are the only rights there are that the problem arises. Trust me, most people around here try their best to avoid causing discomfort to others. Barry brought up a good point on the health issues, people with asthma and other problems have difficulty dealing with smoke. Most people here are thoughtful of this and arrange it easily to have as little impact on the affected as possible. You know, the good neighbor thing. Most don't complain and are willing to meet them at least half way. Some however begin coughing and choking when they see smoke a mile away and the fight is on. To celebrate their victory..... they have a weiner roast.

Jerry- Tootie? Like a toot on a train horn? OK who named her. You? Just kidding, she's adorable and looks like she's Grandpa's little train buddy. I still can't get over the size of your layout. You've done so well with the space I keep forgetting how small it is.

Keith- Glue. Hm, let's see. I've started using liquid glue lately and really like it. Sometimes however if the parts are prone to gravity it takes a while for it to grab good. If that's the case then good ol Testers orange or red ( I won't go into my color probs again) in a tube is the ticket. However with this has it's own problems. Dispensing, globbing and those annoying glue strings. Super glue also works well but then you have the it sticks almost anything to anything including the fingers on small parts.

Jeff- glad to hear the foot is coming along well. In the meantime we'll just sit and watch it rain together.

Chris- I sure wish you hadn't mentioned the Polar Bear problems with burning. Now we'll have to hear about that. I'm sure that any launch of the shiner airbrush cap by you was purely accidental old buddy. Taking into consideration the time of the launch and the amount of atmospheric disruption due to the expulsion of vast amounts of hot air from the constant griping by the aforementioned group of complainers, maybe you should request that Barry, while cleaning up his train room, keep an eye out for it.

Tim- HAH! The secret's out!!!!

Sawyer- Congrats on the Championship!

Robby says the sun's out- Grumpy

Aaaaand Congrats to you too Joe!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, October 30, 2009 4:01 PM

maybe you should request that Barry, while cleaning up his train room, keep an eye out for it.

Found it!! Along with about 6 others?-----oh  well----

Barry brought up a good point on the health issues, people with asthma and other problems have difficulty dealing with smoke

There are enough around here that we find out when they do outdoorsy stuff and leave well enough alone. They don't care about our campfire thing---it's the HUGE bonfires that 'el torcho' about 2 blocks away does---which usually requires about 3 pumpers to put out---he does 3 a year---they bill him to put it outMischiefGrumpy

Robby says the sun's out- Grumpy

He gets sun-----we get blahSigh

Again---another dull day----big yayGrumpy

I've got a cuddled up 'spring' between my arms----purring away----Smile,Wink, & Grin

Catch ya'll inna bit--

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Packer on Friday, October 30, 2009 4:07 PM

Hey ya'll, and RBF and some visine (see rantbelow) for me.

[rant]I went and got the new car registered with a new tag (last one was in parent's name) and all. It cost me: SoapBoxSoapBox$445.90SoapBoxSoapBox

I hope all those people in the tax office are enjoying their new Ferraris in addition to the Lambo and Mercs we already pay forSoapBoxSoapBoxSoapBoxSoapBox Floriduh and it's tax rape, and they wonder why people are moving away....

    Note: I actually do have a good reason to do say that. The county tax collector has recently bought a new yatch, a new silverado, and a new house. He comes to my work (fast food) everyday and gets a 11.00 meal, usually twice a day.

Everytime he asks for a senior discount (the guy is 30 something) I ask if I can have my tax money back while looking to see if there is a button to double the cost (I found one to add stuff to the total Mischief, punch in the total and hit the button). He hasn't forked over my tax money yet so no discount for him.

So tag and registration on a $1000 costs $445. I ain't gonna stay in Floriduh for long (I do want to move back to San Antonio) at this rate. As of now, in August it'll cost $80 to get it re-registered, that is if they don't double or quadruple it again!![/again]


*snip*.......and if you get above a 90 (which I did), you can get a discount on your insurance.... *snip*

Congrats!! And I'd have to say you're lucky. In Floriduh (I'll call it that from now on) they don't do that, and I got a 100 on the whole thing, too!!!


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by Packers#1 on Friday, October 30, 2009 4:14 PM

 Thanks for the congrats on the championship everyone! and Jim, yes, my teammates played their guts out; we earned this, lol

Got my school's homecoming game tonight.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, October 30, 2009 5:48 PM

 Home health got their signals crossed on who was supposed to come change my dressings today. When the usual nurse didn't show up I called and found out what was going on. They sent a nurse out as soon as they could. By the time she got here it was three and a half hours past the time it should have been. She got the work done by 3:30 then I left to go pay bills and take the old DVR to the UPS counter at Phoenix drug in Leesville, already boxed up and with the prepaid label in place. Got it sent off and got all my bills paid and still had time to stop at the drug store and pick up some of my meds. Tomorrow I'll probably be heading to Alexandria to hit Hobby Lobby and the LHS.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by ns3010 on Friday, October 30, 2009 6:42 PM

Evening all. Zoe, I'll take a RBF, thanks.

I'm so glad its the weekend!

I'll be at the RC catching up. And yes, I'm still buying PIE!!! for everyone! (Barry, please don't throw it! Big Smile)!!

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, October 30, 2009 6:58 PM

! (Barry, please don't throw it! Big Smile)!!

I NEVER throw pies---   ---coff coff---aherm---now Todd on the other hand-----Smile,Wink, & GrinWhistling

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by howmus on Friday, October 30, 2009 7:38 PM

Evenin' folks!

Just a cup of decafe Flo, I got into the Halloween Candy...........  GrumpyEvil  I'll go sitt in the corner booth with Barry....

blownout cylinder
I NEVER throw pies---   ---coff coff---aherm---now Todd on the other hand-----Smile,Wink, & GrinWhistling

Yeah, right!!!  Barry would never do such a thing would he......Whistling

I got all the shopping done for all the little monsters and ghouls and ghosts to come knocking on my door tomorrow night in the rain....  Had to sample a few pieces you know, just to make sure it is good...... Wouldn't want to have my blood sugar checked right at the moment.  I also carved the Pumpkins and have them lit in the windows of my dining room where they can be seen.  Saved all the seeds, roasted them and brought a big bag of them in to the diner, so if you have the munchies just help yourself.

Started the decaling of the first two flat cars tonight.  Just the road logo and car number.  I ordered the other decals today .  Hopefully they won't take too long to get here. 

The LHS called me tell me that the order I placed a week ago has arrived so I popped down there to pick the stuff up.  As I was leaving the store a very long Tractor trailer was trying to turn the corner at the stop light (this is the main street of the Geneva Business District).  There was a very new red pick up truck parked right at the corner illegally (right under the "no Parking here to corner sign.....).  The rear frame on the trailer caught the bumper of the truck......  Big loud CRUNCH!  The poor trucker then couldn't find anywhere to stop and park the truck....  I took off so I didn't see all the yelling unfold when the guy who owned the pick up (parked in a no parking spot) and the trucker had at it.....  The trucker was not supposed to be coming around that corner unless he was making a local delivery and I don't think he was.  Could be an interesting insurance issue.  Any Lawyers here?

Have a good one!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by CNCharlie on Friday, October 30, 2009 8:56 PM

Good Evening Diners!

It's turned a little cool here with a high of 35F today with a strong north wind and that is about what we can expect for the next week or so. I took the opportunity today to get the fish out of the pond and pump out the water. We have 2 goldfish that will now spend the next 6 months in a laundry tub in well yes, the laundry room. I'm sure the aren't happy about their winter accomodations but if they knew of the alternative I bet the'd change their minds, indeed if fish even have minds. The alternatives are either "free Willie" into the Red River or being sent to a pet store where the'd wind up as food for some sort of lizard. 

The leaves are just now falling here which is a month later than normal. It means raking will be a cold proposition but we'll just have to do it on Sunday or we might wind up not being able to at all if it snows and we do have a lot of leaves what with 2 very large Elms, a maple, and crabapple trees plus many bushes.

Ran trains today for a little while as I was home again with the flu. I thought I'd be OK yesterday but last night and this morning weren't great so I thought that there was no point in sitting at my desk and being miserable.  I was running a freight with the Consolidation pulling my 4 hoppers and a few box cars.

Well it's time for East Enders so I'll sign off for now.

CN Charlie

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Posted by ns3010 on Friday, October 30, 2009 9:46 PM

 Evening all. Janie, I'll take a RBF, thanks.

Just stoppin in one last time for the night.

probably a PL42 but looked REALLY new

It probably was a PL42, since I doubt it was a P40DC. The PL42s are quite long (about 75'), have wide bodies, the new "Faded Disco" stripe along the bottom edge, and kinda resemble the GE P-series. The PL42s are still in fine shape, at least externally (internally they have issues, they did from the beginning). Transit keeps their stuff in pretty good shape. The Geeps (GP40FH-2s and all variations of the PHs) range from 21 to 13 years old (except -2Bs 4205 and 4213, which have only had about 1-2 months since their last rebuild), and are still running fine. The only things right now that aren't in that great shape are the Comet IIIs, which are nearly 20 years old, the oldest in the fleet (unless you count the Comet IIs from 1983, which were rebuilt as CIIMs in 2001-02).
AFAIK, there are only 1 or 2 PL42s currently on the CL (depends on how all the equipment is rotated), so you need luck catching them. The 23XX series trains are a good chance to catch them, since every train heads up to Hoboken once a day to refuel. Even if you can't get a photo, the PL42ACs are numbered from 4000-4032.

Thanks for all the Congrats!!

I'll be here for a while, then I'll be hittin it...

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Posted by Packers#1 on Friday, October 30, 2009 10:19 PM

 We won the homecoming game 35-20!!!

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by BamaCSX83 on Friday, October 30, 2009 10:26 PM

Evening all, just settling in from my night at w**k.  Things were fairly slow, so we were able to do some of the more meanial (sp?) tasks that needed to be done anyway.  Tomorrow is going to be a rough day, go in at 12, get wrapped up at 9:30...  Well I've got a question for youse guys that I've also posted in the Trains forum. 

Anyone got any idea as to why there are extra trains running through Troy on the Dothan Subdivision?  I've done some looking, but I can't find any information about track curfews, etc, so I'm kinda wondering...

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Posted by ns3010 on Friday, October 30, 2009 10:30 PM


 We won the homecoming game 35-20!!!

Cool! We won ours too. Guess what the score was... 5-3. Yes, it really was. Doesn't seem like a football score at all...

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Posted by Packers#1 on Friday, October 30, 2009 10:38 PM



 We won the homecoming game 35-20!!!

Cool! We won ours too. Guess what the score was... 5-3. Yes, it really was. Doesn't seem like a football score at all...


Nope, that's a baseball score. of course, every score is possible in football except for 1.

let me guess, y'all had a field goal and safety, they had a field goal?

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Friday, October 30, 2009 10:39 PM

Hello ... Just returned from Alabama.

I briefly skimmed over recent diner posts.

Chuck .. Sorry to learn of your loss of Kathy. It must be sad for you. Also, sorry to read about the fire.

Joe ... congrats on the test scores.

Sawyer ... Lots of wins at your school. Congrats! 

Bama ... The little one will be here before you know it!

My layout has been idle with all the stuff going on. News about little grand son, Oliver, in MI is still good. My time helping elderly Mom in AL is not good. It's been very rough on emotions for my sisters and myself.

I took a sanity break in Alabama and visited the Heart of Dixie Railroad Museum. Photos are below. Much of the equipment needs restoration.









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Posted by BamaCSX83 on Friday, October 30, 2009 10:46 PM

Garry, glad that you got to take the sanity break, but I am sorry about things with your mom. I'm fairly certain that it can be rough on you, but things will get better.  Well, I think that I might be off to bed, I've got what's probably going to be a long day ahead of me tomorrow.

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Posted by ns3010 on Friday, October 30, 2009 10:51 PM

let me guess, y'all had a field goal and safety, they had a field goal?

Yep, that's exactly how it happenned. It was 3-2 them, and we got a field goal in the last few seconds. I'm surprised they won, cause frankly, the football team sucks (so do 95% of our school's other teams...)

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Posted by Packers#1 on Friday, October 30, 2009 10:53 PM


let me guess, y'all had a field goal and safety, they had a field goal?

Yep, that's exactly how it happenned. It was 3-2 them, and we got a field goal in the last few seconds. I'm surprised they won, cause frankly, the football team sucks (so do 95% of our school's other teams...)


lol, our football ain't been beast either. I think the varsity record is 4-3; idk if the JV team has even won a game or not.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by New Haven I-5 on Friday, October 30, 2009 11:28 PM

I'm back from a.... 5 month (guessing) hiatus from trains! I've been playing too much golf!

- Luke

Modeling the Southern Pacific in the 1960's-1980's

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Posted by NittanyLion on Friday, October 30, 2009 11:31 PM


Cool! We won ours too. Guess what the score was... 5-3. Yes, it really was. Doesn't seem like a football score at all...


I was once at a football game that ended 6-4.

That was a rough afternoon.

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