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Elliot's Trackside Diner, Mark XIX Locked

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Posted by GMTRacing on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 8:40 AM

Granted I do occasionally throw a "wobbly" but those are usually non person specific. I try real hard to praise in public and correct in private. Most boss bees know good help is hard to findBig Smile. J.R.

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Posted by fec153 on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 8:40 AM

The thousand and one things I do right NOone remembers- The one thing I do wrong , NOone forgets.



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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 8:43 AM


The thousand and one things I do right NO one remembers- The one thing I do wrong , NO one forgets.



In the era of the huge bonuses a new comment is now heard at times----

"Maximal work for Minimal pay is the inverse of Minimal work for Maximal pay"----and we are not being Polly Tickle here---Smile,Wink, & Grin

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...

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Posted by Blazzin on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:03 AM

  "oh hi Choe. I'll cop of cuffee"  "We never talk Chloe"

   hmm  This mornings topic .. if anyone cares to give an idea.  I have a Model Station. Completed built and  USED.  On top of the roof is a big 'splat' of white.  Well of course its got to come off.  Any ideas of how to approach this?  Like start with water and see if it comes off?  Then what if it doesn't.   Ugh


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Posted by GMTRacing on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:09 AM

Keith - G gauge seagull on peak of roof?Whistling

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:10 AM

 I assume the building to be made of plastic, so why not try warm water, a drop of detergent and a soft brush? If this (see, ChrisEight Ball, how I try to avoid THAT word?) does not work, is it possible to paint the roof?

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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:11 AM

Mornin, coffee and a sweet roll please. Been raining again and I'm kinda glad I'm not farming this year. Feels sorry for some of them though. Busy winterizing and getting things straightened up before the weather turns bad. So not much MR being done.

Garry- Funny Buffalo story. Brenda and I used to go through the drive thru zoo by Springfield, Mo when we would go to Branson every year. I can sure identify with the laughs and some of the "uncivilized" yet funny things they do. Your story reminds me of once when a small Buffalo (what is it with Bison?) relieved himself of, well, his solid waste, in the middle of the road. Now, if that wasn't bad enough, whatever the poor thing had been eating didn't agree with him because solid isn't exactly the best choice of adjectives. We were driving a small car and were able to steer through the ever decreasing section of clean road. However the Cadillac behind us was not so lucky. By the way, when a Buffalo has a digestive problem, it also creates a truly memorable smell. We laughed for a long time thinking about the Cadillac and it's new found smell.

Barry- My apologies. I surely should not have, in any way, put you even in the same sentence as Pie-a- Pault. Why what was I thinking?Whistling

Sue- Yep, that's what happens. A perectly running train will derail on two occasions. When left unattended, and when observed by guests. Fact of MR.

Jerry- That reminds me. I've heard the term "Clear Channel" used before (seems like years) and just assumed it was just a selling point such as "look how thick our sauce is". But now you've used it not trying to sell your radio station. What does Clear Channel mean?

Ray- YAAAAAAY!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I knew you'd get it but you just never know how people will see things. Now, how about a piece of Petra's strudel to celebrate.

After many years of "supervising" I agree with JR's way of dealing with the workers. However, I've sure met my fair share of those above me who were just like the one PC had to deal with. Most times it was them repeating something someone above them went on about and then come storming to me because they just got less than "ole buddied" by their boss. You know waste runs downhill. Many times I would just sit there and look at them. Then calmly say, "you finished? Wanna here how it really is or do you just want to play tough boss some more, but I don't really have all day to sit here and listen to you babble on about something you don‘t know anything about." Most times that worked. Other times it just smacked there ego enough to send them into super duper defense mode and, of course, it was on then.

Keith- Yup, like Chris said the dogs understand many words, phrases, (which they aren't suppose to be able to do), emotions, and what's good to eat. Our 3 ½ year old Chocolate Lab Missy's favorite word is "GO" which she has absolutely no problem distinguishing from "No" like she is supposed to. No means stop doing it and go means we get to go someplace and believe you me she likes the word go. Unless I say "I've got to go" then she just lays down and looks sad, hoping for the best. We didn't pick Missy either. We just kept her over night because the ones who owned her couldn't keep her and we were taking her to a friends house in the country the next day to stay with them and their dogs until she could find a home. Weird, when we were going to load her up the next morning and take her out there, she wandered from room to room and looked in the door of every room in the house,sat down in the living room and had this sad, sad, sad look on her face and just looked around the room as if she knew it was the last time she'd see it and wanted to remember every detail about the best place she'd ever been and was sad to have to leave and so wanted to stay. Needless to say, she never left. That was a little over 3 yrs ago. She's only been to the friends house to visit "Aunt Viki". I'd give my last bite of food to that dog

Have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:13 AM

   hmm  This mornings topic .. if anyone cares to give an idea.  I have a Model Station. Completed built and  USED.  On top of the roof is a big 'splat' of white.  Well of course its got to come off.  Any ideas of how to approach this?  Like start with water and see if it comes off?  Then what if it doesn't.   Ugh

For tough paint splotches that just won't come off I've used non-acetone nail polish remover. If that doesn't work give serious consideration to painting the roof.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by LSWrr on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:28 AM
Looks like the warm weather will end tonight with ran and a low of 44F. Wednesday high will be 55F.  The guy from the City’s hysterical department came out to look at my progress on the diner I’m building for the layout; he was very impressed.   I fixed two locomotives this past weekend for friends at the local MRR club, and did some touch up painting.  This weekend I need to work on my girlfriends 1:1 scale garage, the center is sinking into the ground.  I hope Thursday to get out there and dig/pour two footers then this weekend I’ll add new steel posts and jack the center of the roof back up with the hydraulic jacks.

The bridge derailment I was working on last weekend was caused by 2 runaway locomotives.  Train crew parked and left the locomotives unattended and they started to move on their own, went through a derailer and tore through the newly refurbished bridge.

Ray, congratulations!   Then again you have a great looking layout, I bet if you keep your momentum up you’ll be published in MRR or MRC magazine one day.

Robby, Nice looking layout!

Keith, my plummet zone is called: “Bachmann’s Leap” it’s where I have a drop leaf/duck under at the door way.  I installed my mainlines on the outside of the layout (near the wall not the edge of the layout).  This allows me to reach the switching industries and yard without leaning over the main lines.

Ulrich, I know it doesn’t help when people tell you to keep your chin up and that things happen for a reason, and that things will get better.  However you should listen now because in a few months you’ll realize they were right.  When I was first divorced people told me things would get better and I didn’t listen.  I couldn’t see how I was going to pay for the basic necessities and dig my way out of debt (my ex blew $75,000 and maxed out all my Credit Cards while I was overseas).  When I came home I had an almost empty house, garage roof was leaking, and my checking account was $350 over drawn.  I had a warning from the city waiting for me that I needed to cut my lawn or they were going to fine me, the lawn mower was in the leaking garage and rusted through.  I was in pretty sad shape.  That was in the fall of 2003.  Finally in the fall of 2007 for the first time I could see light at the end of the tunnel and it was daylight, not an oncoming freight train.  I can now look back at the troubles I was in and the friends I had around me and I’ve come to the conclusion I should have listened to them and taken some comfort in their words.  You keep your sights set on your goals, tighten your belt a little, and never stand still and you’ll reach your goal, I know you will.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:34 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Flo, I need lots of dark roast regular coffee this morning.  I think I have run clean out of adrenaline this morning......Zzz  Better have a bran muffin to go along with the coffee.  I'll be at the Rivet Counter.

The sun is shining for the moment outside and it is a nice Fall day.  Temperature is 55°F with a high around 60°F this afternoon.  The forecast says, "Mostly cloudy".  Still going to be a very pleasant day.

Thank you all for the congratulations and kind comments.  I think it was JR that asked if they gave me any suggestions to improve the work.  Actually during the chat we had after the judging they were still asking me questions on how I did certain things and what materials I used.  I took that to be a good sign that they didn't really find any areas of concern.  The low score on the backdrop I have to assume came from the fact that the style of backdrop changes. One section is painted on the wall (concrete) and the panels are 1/8" masonite panels.  The joints between the masonite panels and the screws holding them together also show.  I like using the masonite as it can be bent easily, but I haven't figured out how to hide the seams......  There is also a steel pole that was part of the construction of the house along the wall that was left exposed.  I have tried not to post photos of the pole or the transition.  You can the problem areas in this photo.  The backdrop on the left is the masonite, the pole is in the center, and the concrete wall is on the right.  It looks worse in real life........Whistling 

You can see the seam between the masonite panels easily in this old shot.  This is not in the area judged, but it gives a clear look at a problem:

Flip and Barry, I always used to tell my Scouts that one "Oh Crap (stronger word may be substituted...) wipes out a hundred "atta boys"!

OK, I yakked long enough.  I think I'll get started on a few ought to get dones...



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Blazzin on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:34 AM

   "Ah Coffee  Thank you"  Nothing like a cup of ambition~   Jeff.. Thank you for the input.  I was at a loss what to do in what steps.. I guess the oL Thunmbnail scratch an see is not an option?  lol.  Who knows.. it might pop off!  Wishful thinking  ...  I know.  I'm the type that would pick this up.. it gets away from me.. I try to catch it.. and next thing ya know~ its broken.  I hate that~  Ok.. I'm here going over some past reading.  I'm charging up the camera!


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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:36 AM

 Just a few humble words to say thank you to all of you

  • for bearing with me
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I don´t know where I would be now without the support you give me in a time, when the world I used to live in, is shattered and my soul is looking for a place to rest.

It is an honor for me to be your guest in Elliot´s Diner!
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Posted by fec153 on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:53 AM

Ulrich- The folks here are the cream of the world. Two in particular have helped me mentally and all have helped with their prayers.

I love 'em all. Prayers and Blessings unto everyone.



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Posted by fec153 on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 11:02 AM

Ray-Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think your work is great. The judges have to be picky else anyone would/could qualify.

Still curious re-the 73 on your posts. I am 73 but have trouble just putting joiners on the rails. lol



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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 11:14 AM


You can see the seam between the masonite panels easily in this old shot.  This is not in the area judged, but it gives a clear look at a problem:

OK--so there is an issue here--big whoopSmile The usual thing would have been a curved board around the corner---but guess what---the space that is in that corner disappears as soon as one does that curved board bitBanged Head--here comes smaller radii turns on the track---Grumpy---that kind of thing.. You did well there!!! So there----HAAAARRUUUUUMMMPPH!!Smile,Wink, & Grin

The only thing I might have done is use drywall tape in the corner to fill up the gap--then a bit of plaster in the corner to smooth it out---repaint--Whistling

I always get into these discussions with Heidi about her designs---"but look at this design flaw---who says it is a design flaw---it is not--is so--is not ---is so--LaughWhistling

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...

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Posted by Blazzin on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 11:37 AM

 Chris.. nice story.. I read that one to Jeanne this morning.  She and I both agree, that was a match made in heaven.  A little voice from out of nowhere said to Rerun.. "Its him!  Now~ Run to him"

Rob  ..Thank you.  I love my dogs.  All dogs do go to heaven.  Ya ever notice dog spelled backwards is God? Lol..  Rob is Bor  Madog is .. well we won't go there~   But thanks again.. I am glad you enjoyed the pic. Although when Jeanne saw the pic.. she said.. "That dirty floor and wall.. ah gheez~"  I said.. "Yeah Hon, We've raised 3 kids.. another 'someone elses 3' as well, we have six cats and 3 dogs.  Every person, animal that has come through the front door has always made that turn.. its straight for the refrigerator"  Guess what I'm get to do today.  ?  Mop

Sue,  Welcome to the 'On going ..Continuing Saga' of The Trash!  Clean everything up, then start work on a clean layout.  Then each area you work on.. clean it up afterwards.  Still it amazes me how the little pieces of glue.. wood chips.. or what ever .. manages to crawl over somewhere else.  I do have trash bags stationed and taped to various areas of the layout.. for ez reach..and even one plastic bowl in the very center a catch all for anyting I care to toss .. lol.. chuck into the trash.  Don't forget to have the Dust Buster charged and ready close by.  I also have various pencils and glue bottles stationed around the layout. I hate reaching or walking.  One other thing, never use a damp lightly wet cloth on wood to help clean up the sawdust or wood chips..  it can leave a mildew smell.. then you'll have to go back and used some kitchen wipe that has basically bleach in it.  Oops.  So Sue.. tell us what you're building.. Ok?

GT  The Phillipines.. wow.. I bet you had a few tremors there. I know when Jeanne and I celebrated our 25th.. we went to Hawaii.  LOL I still remember telling her.. "Now Jeanne ..don't go cheapo on our 25th"  So off we went.. and on one of the tours.  We're at a Volcano site  ..They say.. "The Islands  are the most frequent area of earthquakes ...  anywhere around the world!"  So here I am~ I'm looking at a topigraphical map.. land and sea.. and  reading the heigth.. and under one of the volcano's.. in the water is.. a giant cliff.. and I say to the tour guide "If I read this right~ that underwater land mass could break off.. and.. ~"  and he says.. "Yup cause a tidal wave.. " Now I'm looking for where its going to hit.. and he says. "Yep.. it would hit the West coast of Central and South America.. we've been watching that one"~  Then Jeanne and I look around and everyone wants to see the Topigrapical map. Tons of people all around.

T Marsh.. So true.. the word 'Go' has to be up there at the top along with the word 'Hungry'  As far as Alpha Siberian dogs go.. Its a test of the wills everyday.  But to her.. 'No' only means .. when .. and if we have eye contact.  Alpha's only really respond if you look them straight in the eye.  Now if I should happen to say a phrase.. like.. "Who's here".. they all run to the door.  Open up a car door.. and say.. "Lets go" and we're gone.   I don't think I'd have to have any eye contact on that one.

  Ray.. if you have the time.. didnt' you have a pic of a nice Bus Station.. maybe Silver and Blue.?  If it isn't too much trouble.. can you post it right here.. its a beauty.. I can't see to find it.. but I think its you.  I'll thank you ahead of time.  Thanks

Jerry.. didn't get anything done yesterday.. other than my display case.  I'll try to have a few pics.. I'm glad I did it though.. those cars and stuff were getting ruined by being wrapped up.  It was also good incentive... I needed a kick in the rear.  Although I didn't have my coffee yesterday... I said it makes me talk to much. 

 "No.. no.. no refills on the coffee Chloe..but thanks!"

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 11:40 AM

blownout cylinder
OK--so there is an issue here--big whoopSmile The usual thing would have been a curved board around the corner---but guess what---the space that is in that corner disappears as soon as one does that curved board bitBanged Head--here comes smaller radii turns on the track---Grumpy---that kind of thing.. You did well there!!! So there----HAAAARRUUUUUMMMPPH!!Smile,Wink, & Grin


LOL.......Wink  Trouble is......  that's not at a corner. [edit] Actually that one is, but there is one just out of the right side of the photo that shows the same thing. Here is one that is in the judged area:

Also since the certificate reads "Master Builder"  even small stuff like that does make a difference.  (As it should...)  Now if they told me that the lake was not the color of Seneca lake, I would have produced a photo of the lake that was used to match the colors.....  Then I would have a problem!  I think their judging was absolutely honest and fair, and I am just guessing why I received a lower score on the backdrop than I thought I might.  I also should say I would have given myself lower scores on a couple of other areas......  I was rather pleased when I found out that the judge that does HO wanted to "borrow" a couple of my details like the service area by the roundhouse.  He asked Harold If he thought I would miss it......  I have to be very pleased with the score as it should raise any questions at the next levels.  I also made sure that what I consider weaknesses (like I mentioned on the backdrop) does not appear or stand out for comparison on the photos that go along with the Statement of Qualification.  I will be seeing two of the judges soon and will pick their brains for suggestions on how to improve areas.  One thing we did talk about was the use of some different color fine foliage on the trees (added to the flocking I use.  They also said tht they really liked my work on the trees and loved the scale of the trees with the scale of the layout.

One of the things I really like about the NMRA  Achievement Program is that the Member signs a statement certifying that they have completed all the requirements and "will agree to assist other members in this subject whenever possible, whether or not they are participants in the Achievement Program".  I think this is the strength of the NMRA and places like this forum in the hobby.  So much of my work was learned by seeing layouts of other NMRA members, attending clinics, and asking questions and examining the work of so many others here.  It is also one of the elements that makes this hobby fun!

[edit]  Keith, I don't think that was me.  No bus station on the SLOW.  Back in 1925 most everyone in Hopewell Junction rode the rails. Whistling


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Blazzin on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 11:54 AM

Sir Madog.. a special  'Allo'  to you my friend.  I too am glad to be here with others..  a sense of community, family and others who care.. and talk about Model Railroading.  When  I read your post yesterday I wanted to put in my 2 cents.. but didn't.  Ok.. so here goes.  I know from my biology background that water is truly the symbol of Life.  For every molecule that goes into your body.. it takes 2-3 molecules of water for the human body to turn over that other molecule.  If you had one glass of Coca Cola.. it would take 2-3 glasses of water to get rid of it.. and truly purge your system.  When adding food and what have you  (etoh).. you also kick up the need to drink more water.  When emptying out your bladder.. just  a quick visual .. if you see dark amber.. you need to drink more water and get rid of that motor oil. Drink more water...  Each time.. til it becomes clear.. just as water.  If you don't.. well end game would be 'free radicals'  and they do go to your joints and can and will eventually cause pain.. (arthritis) (of some sort).  So my friend flush out that radiator of yours.. and put on your Dancing Shoes! 

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Posted by Blazzin on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 12:23 PM

  Not too bore you with it too much.. but anyone.. Jeff buddy you too.. cuz I know you are the 'Informed kinda guy."  If and when you ever get the results back on your blood tests..  If you get the read-out.. like what is in your chart.  Or an actual exam / results on a blood test sent to the Doctor .. there below the actual findings are what is considered to be the "Normal range" of that particular test.   Two most important items. One is BUN ... Blood Urea Nitrogen' test. 

And the Creatine Test. 

The Bun measures how much water your are drinking.  If you are not drinking enough water, your test result will be at the lower end of what is considered the "Normal Range"

Concerning the Creatine test.  Well, that measures how hard your kidneys are working.  Which could almost mean anything.  Lets say.. you are drinking enough fluids.. or ... lets say you are a patient in a hospital.. you have an I.V. flowing.. you're getting the fluids.. but heck.. the doctor has pumped you with so much medication and anti biotics  and has literally taxed the system.  Thus your kidneys are working harder.. even though you've been getting the fluids. And if you are not drinking enough water.. you also see it here.

So if you get a chance to see your results.. its nice to be informed and see where you fall into the 'normal range'.. and by all means.. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR~ 

Reminds me of the time I got a kidney stone.  There I laid in bed.. a Saturday morning... ah.. wow.. I must have pulled something in my back.. ~  oh   ... Ah... aAAAH ARgh.. Everytime I moved.. it got worse. Being an x ray tech, I had women tell me.. its worse than having a baby.  Well it felt like a dagger in my back..I cried out to my wife.. as I sat on the toilet.. (btw..its true when the body senses something is does say.."Everybody out.. NO WAITING! two exists!)  I say to Jeanne.. "I don't feel very well~"  "Well .. whata want me to do~" she replies.. I pass out on the floor the pain is so bad..! She's shaking me.. and says.. "What do you want me to do?"  I say.. "I want you to know.. I love you~ and I want you to re-marry if anything happens to me"   I was fine two hours later.. but really .. Drink water..  or you'll be giving birth ot a little baby stone. Did you know.. taking Ibruprophen taxes your kidneys.. and that Sports Athiletes have been known to abuse them.. and two weeks later..find out they have to be on dialysis.. for the rest of the lives. Yikes.. I'll stick to plain old aspirin.  Whats that.. oh yeah.. Tylenol ruins your liver~   Oh great.. any thing fairly safe out there?  Yeah .. water.

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Posted by Cox 47 on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1:13 PM

Howdy..Its a rainy day here and 52...I'll have a pork burger basket and a diet coke please..thank you..Been running trains this morning just cleaned up a derailment..a moving coal train on main derailed into another coal drag on loss of life but probaly a ICC report..made a deal for another Life Like SD 9 this morning..gonna use it for yards..

Jeff..Like your road work photo..Get your dish troubles taken care of?

Keith..If you havn't got that "splat" off try water and an old tooth brush..seems like I manage to get those "splats' ever time I get the plaster out..

Todd...We were 800 on AM dial clear channel meaning no other station on 800 to mess our signal..We where Mexican clear channel which had to do with a treaty years ago over radio freq's...there is also Canadian Clear channel..doesn't mean much any more but back in the day we were 800 on the dial 250 watts and clear channel and we went out about 125 miles which is great for 250 I would give my eye teeth to fire up that old transmitter,get a stack of Hill billy records and sign that puppy on the air one more time..but radio just ain't what it usta be...

You all have a good one...Jerry

ILLinois and Southern...Serving the Coal belt of southern Illinois with a Smile...
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1:36 PM

Cox 47
Jeff..Like your road work photo..Get your dish troubles taken care of?

A new DVR receiver is on the way via UPS.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by sunsetbeachry on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1:51 PM

ok here goes, i saved some of the rr after the fire,mostly rail and switches. lost all of the scratch built wooden things,most of plastic just melted into blobs [ used for target practice] building burnt to ground all ceder.So started again, Used ins. money to clean out front half of garage, buy more wood [bass and balsa also plywood and plastic sheets] and have started again. Here we go through again JR [the big siameze CAT] sleeping on the bridges. As you know Kathy died on Columbus day at 11:31 pm ...... So i'm not alone JR, TIGGGGER, and BUDDY all from the same litter,6 yrs old and always eating, just like me.. We knew that this would happen,everything was already taken care of by lawyer[ very long time friend] .I'm doing fine and had time for the first time to sit down and go thru all of the posts from beginning to now, WOW everybody shure has been busy and it was very good to see all the pictures to help me rebuild....Time out,,,may I please have a cup of Kona Dark with a splash of Cocoa Thank You,,,,,, now I'll light up a ciggee......OHHH the engines that were metal and metal parts some of them made it,all three of the MDC Shays are blobs 

, my one 2-6-6-2t made it ; was perked next to door..The loggin trucks which were brass also made it, but the ones from MDC didn't..........just melted...I found a drawing by Ian Rice that just fits on a 4x8 with a leg that will run into my workbench so far looks good!!!!!   Again its good to talk to RR FRIENDS  again. Another butttt ....Please keep up the good work. And thank you for being here and letting me back.......Also listening to me.....

Fair Winds & Following Seas  to all


Remember model railroad logging is a FUN business and we all need FUN........ACD
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Posted by fec153 on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 3:15 PM

Oh d@mn!  Didn't know about Kathy. My condolances, Chuck. When 'puker went down lost a bunch off addresses.

Heck, you know you were and are always welcome into the diner. I'm so sadden about Kathy. If you still have my E address, let know if I can be of help. Or let me know in the diner.



p.s.- are you still in Seaside, Or  97138  ???










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Posted by bjdukert on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 3:19 PM

 Chuck  Same here,really sorry to hear about Kathy.  AngelAngelAngel


"Don't take a wooden nickel,because it isn't worth a dime" by my Dad

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 3:46 PM

Good afternoon, a RBF with a double cheeseburger basket please 'n thank-you. Actually, to flip-off the enviro-nuts who say we have to go veggie to "save the planet," make that a TRIPPLE cheeseburger. Mischief

Just back from a fire run, we did a mutual aid response to neighboring Stanwood. They had a baler full of recycling paper light up. The crew w**king there hit it with about 15 extinguishers before Stanwood Fire got on-scene...good thing!Thumbs Up Coulda been a lonnnnnnnnnnnng afternoon otherwise.

CHUCK: Hello, good to meet you. I didn't know about your fire, so very sorry to hear about that, and my condolences about losing KathyAngel. I wasn't aware of that either.

KEITH: Your comments about ibuproffen and kidney damage perked up my ears. You see, when I get my skull-crushing sinus headaches (lasting side-effect from multiple skull/facial fractures), I tend to put down very large doses of that wonderful wonder drug. Fortunately, I don't do it everyday. But, when necessity dictates, I slam down a hefty "loading dose," then "titrate to effect." W**king in occupational healthcare, I had a guy stop by the first aid office everyday for his packets of "Skittles" as he called the ibuproffen. The generic version we had looked like white Skittles. I could about set my watch by the guy.

RAY: Your backdrops look fine to me, then again, I'm not a "master model railroader." I didn't really notice the pipe, until you pointed it out. I would've done the exact same thing you did: paint it to blend in. I would think most people would be looking at the trains, trees, buildings, etc. more than the "sky." In my RR room, I painted the walls "sky blue" with a darker variation up towards the ceiling. I "should" cove the corners, but I probably won't. I'll live with the 90 degree bend in the world and sky. I've got two windows to deal with, am debating between just blocking them off, or going with blinds. I saw a discussion about this situamacation over in layout design/construction. Some good points made both ways. Fortunately, starting on one end, and slowly w**king my way around the room, I've got some time to cogitate upon this.

ULRICH: THAT editor would be pleased with your avoidance of "that." Laugh She'll use it in conversation, she'll use it in e-mail. She w**ks very hard to avoid it in her articles. I don't know, I guess everybody has some "thing" they have a "thing for." I don't claim to understand it, I just play by her silly rule Clown.

Well, time to edit/process some photos for THAT editor. I covered a fundraiser Belgian Waffle breakfast and a soup luncheon over the weekend. Tomorrow night, I get to w**k the sidelines again, possibly for the last time this season as the first round of post-season play gets underway.

Have a good rest of the afternoon...

ChrisEight Ball


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Posted by fec153 on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 3:58 PM

I use either 4 or 5 'Ibu"s' whenever arthritus hits my knees. Ten-Fifteen minutes later, fine. Oh, unless I'm on the job, wash them down with VODKA. Any other liquid takes longer to ease pain.



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Posted by GMTRacing on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 4:28 PM

Chuck,  welcome back to the diner. Sorry to hear about Cathy and the fire - seems you've had a time of it. I guess we can plan our next moves together as I've been looking at some of the Ian Rice small layouts as well while I plan for my next empire. Still getting the house back together so an empire is aways off and a 4x8 or smaller isboth doable and encouraged by the CFO.

Keith - any idea what the white roof blotch is? If it's paint, mineral spirits might remove it, other stuff requires a different tack depending on what it is.    J.R.

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Posted by Packers#1 on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 5:32 PM

 Afternoon y'all. Rained all day today, so soccer game got canceled. it's the playoffs now.

How about a bit of an update vid (and yes, I know my head is cut off):

And pics of my weathered MNS boxcar. just wanted to lightly weather it; surprised at all the grime that showed up in the pics.



Sawyer Berry

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 5:53 PM

Chuck: Welcome back to the forum!! Sorry to hear about the fire and Cathy's passing on.

Ray: You know, I saw that AFTER I posted!! LOL!! Oh well, I still think it looks really nice so there---with attached haaaarrruuuuummph.Approve

Good Evening peoples---

Had a wonderful afternoon of cleaning up trainroom. Along with the supervisor of ROW maintenence, 'Spring' we tackled the shambles that is my workshop--finding about 24 wheelsets and a total of 44 couplers! We also discovered that there were at least 3 sets of needlefiles underneath an old wicker chair that I sit on when 'meditating' on my layout. That had me wondering what else was in here--so, after I spent another 3 hours in that room I can now say that this room IS a BLACK HOLE---I found besides the above mentioned---

  1. a couple of short passenger cars
  2. 4 Reading magnetite(?) hoppers
  3. a book on steam RR's that went to the Bruce peninsula
  4. two notebooks---full of notes on a photography trip to some locales that I have no idea ofWhistling
  5. 3 pliers---all needlenose
  6. a ball peen hammer
  7. a tupperware box containing a pile of N scale stairways--catwalks--and suchTongue
  8. another RS11---Atlas----Dunce
  9. 5 hacksaws
  10. some styrene sheets--all clapboard
  11. 3 MRR mags that I thought I had still in my mag boxes[%-)
  12. another box of Preisser figures----all unpainted

So----how many things can/do you find in your cleaning up periods?WhistlingMischief

Chloe--after all that I'll have a barrel of giant chicken wings and a large RBF----I'm gonna sit by the RC with Ray----



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Posted by pcarrell on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 5:53 PM

Sorry about the rant earlier, I was grumpy.......


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