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Elliot's Trackside Diner, Mark XVII

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Posted by Cederstrand on Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:18 PM

Parmesan Encrusted Tilapia, please & thanks. 

***Sawyer, does this mean you're a Confederate? I mean, if you want to win and History repeats itself, then...Laugh Of course I hope your team wins, although I really do like thoroughbreds. Use to have one here on our farm.

Raining on & off here this evening and looks like it will continue for some hours still. It's good for our pond and creeks.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:11 PM

 Here's something funny. The forecast info at the top of my screen says it's mostly sunny. I just looked outside and the sky is heavily overcast and I can hear thunder. Mostly sunny my eye!

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by TMarsh on Thursday, August 27, 2009 3:53 PM

Ryan- I'm sorry to hear about Kitty.  Pets are not pets but family members who have a more efficient way to get around. You and your family are in my prayers.


Central Illinoyz

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Posted by Packers#1 on Thursday, August 27, 2009 3:36 PM

 Whoot, High school football tomorrow. Aiken High Hornets (my school) vs. our arch rival South Aiken Throughbreds (my girlfriend's school, lol). They nickname this game the Battle of Aiken (the original battle of aiken was one of the last confederate victories of the civil war). I think my school is gonna win, lol.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, August 27, 2009 3:16 PM

 Ryan: Sorry to hear about Kitty.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Cederstrand on Thursday, August 27, 2009 2:56 PM

***Ryan, that sucks! You and yours are in our thoughts and have our sincere sympathies. Losing a four-legged companion is always difficult.

Wife is attending the introduction of some new program being offered where her folks reside. If the nursing aspect of it doesn't cost too much, perhaps my wife won't have to make as many trips out there to check on them.

Trying to get motivated to head down to the train room. Kinda tuckered out today.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, August 27, 2009 2:12 PM

Ryan, my deepest sympathy to you all.  It is always hard to lose a loving pet.  I will keep you all in my prayers! Angel


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by SilverSpike on Thursday, August 27, 2009 1:33 PM

 Well, it don't look good. Vet just called and said that Kitty has a prolapsed rectum that just showed up this afternoon.Waiting for Ben to get home from school and Monique is leaving work early so we can tell Kitty goodbye before they put her down. Sad


Ryan Boudreaux
The Piedmont Division
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Posted by Robby P. on Thursday, August 27, 2009 1:33 PM

 Ray.....About a year ago the city was going around redoing the storm drains.  No if they would do something with the pot-holes.  Then this is PA.

 Jeff......You always seem to eat good.  All we have around here is your "choke and pukes".   Maybe I need to take a trip to LA.  Get some of that "Southern Hospitality" that I miss.

 Here's a few shots of the boxcar.



 After (side 1, and 2):



 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by Cederstrand on Thursday, August 27, 2009 12:28 PM

Coffee in a large  SOGGY SOUTHERN  mug, please & thanks.

Lots of thunderstorms passing through today.

Hope everyone is doing well today.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:54 AM

Afternoon folks!

Robby P.
 Ray.......I would love a job like that.  Five watch and one works.  Of course I would be the one working Banged Head.


I have to say that at the time, the "one" wasn't w**king either.......Whistling  Actually as soon as the truck with the hot asphalt showed up, all of them were w**king their behinds off, so no complaint from here. I guess they have decided not to put in the storm sewer collection after all.  What they are doing now is just a good repair of the edge of the street.  They put in several inches of large stone asphalt today and rolled it.  I would assume they will be back this afternoon to put in the finish coat.  (Yep a truck just showed up....) To bad, I was hoping the guy across the street could get his water in the yard problem solved.  They may do something to make the water move down the road and into the creek a couple of hundred feet away.  (That is where the storm sewer empties anyway............) 

Just got an email saying the layout won't get judged in September.  Hopefully some time in October....  Oh well, that gives me that much more time to get everything ready. Sad


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by ns3010 on Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:51 AM

Morning all. Chloe, is it too late for some french toast? Thanks.

Not much going on today, mostly just hanging. Might head up the beach if these clouds ever clear.

Ryan, actually, I was pretty close to Cuba. At the Southernmost Point in Key West, you're 90 miles from Cuba, and 120 from MiamiPirate. My Grandpa has (had) a boat. He took it out of the water over 10 years ago and put it in our yard, claiming that it would end up back in the water. But that didn't happen, so it's STILL sitting in our front yard, and as I look at it this very second, it's a piece of crap. We tried to donate it to the Boat Angels, a company who takes boats and sells or scraps them and gives the money to charity. Even THEY wouldn't take it! That's saying A LOT about the condition of this boat.

Let's all board the FAILboat! Captain

Well, I'll be in the back booth waiting for the intermodal.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:50 AM

 Had to take my mother to the diagnostic center this morning for a CT scan. It was going to be about an hour before they got around to her so I went to BJ's Diner for breakfast. I was in very good appetite. I had steak and eggs with hash browns and pancakes. The steak was an 8 oz sirloin and the 4 pancakes were each the size of dinner plates. Now that's my idea of a good breakfast.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Robby P. on Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:35 AM

 Good afternoon.  Give me the cheesburger basket, with a sweet tea.

 Well I'm finishing up a boxcar, which I will post later.  I also have to do what Barry is doing today......Grocery shop Zzz.

 Got my check today for jury duty.  $17.50 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now I can put that down payment on my new yacht Captain.

 Der John........Your project is really coming along.  Very nice.

 Nik N...........I'm also sorry for your lost.

 Jerry........Thats bad about your tire, but at least something is being done.  

 Ray.......I would love a job like that.  Five watch and one works.  Of course I would be the one working Banged Head.

 I will get some pictures of the boxcar up later.  

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:03 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have a short stack of blueberry buckweat pancakes with NYS dark amber maple syrup.  Please and thank you!  I'll go sit in the front booth so I can watch everything going on out in the yard.

City is back this morning with a backhoe, a small roller,  a hand roller and several rakes and shovel and other instrument of deee-struction to do some w**k on the project across the street.  Now I am guessing that they are going to be installing a catch basin to lower the lake in the nieghbors lawn every time we get more than a sprinkle......  Right now there are 5 workers who are not doing any.  Every once in a while one of them points to something and says stuff while the others either stand there or lean on something.....  Should be an interesting morning!

Ryan, ask your vet for something called "Pill Pockets".  They come in several flavors and come in at least 2 sizes (one for cats and one for dogs).  They can make pill time for a cat much, much easier!  I had to give my mom's old cat, Sheila pills daily for the last year and a half of her life and the pill pockets were great!!!  You simply wrap the pill in the pocket, squeeze the pocket shut, and give it to the cat as a treat.  Most cats will take the pill without problem.  (Of course, cats being cats......)  Dogs swallow them so fast that the they have no clue they just took a pill!  It makes a lot less stress on a sick animal as well.  There are also some pharmacies that will make a Tuna flavored liquid for getting medications into cats.  If you have a Medicine Shoppe near you, they will do that.  Trying to medicate Manét when he had FUTS several years ago was no easy task.  Even the vets had trouble.  I went to pick him up once when he had almost died because of it and they gave me a packet of pills....  I said, "Yeh, Right!"  The vet laughed and said, "We know, he just had his pill!  There is one very big, very ticked off cat in the back room right now."  It took 2 of us to get the liquid down him, but he at least got medicated!  Hope the cat can recover!

Oooooo, a dump truck just showed up with hotpatch, work is again under motion.......

Thoughts and prayers for all who who are in need!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Cox 47 on Thursday, August 27, 2009 9:39 AM

Good Morning All...Its sunny and 77 here this morning we had some foogy..Weather guesser on TV says high by Sunday will only be 71 kinda sounds like we may have an early fall..Thanks for the prayers and thoughts for Sallie they are going to run more test as soon as they can at hospital..I still havn't had much time to work on trains..I blew a tire on my old power chair first time that has happened since I got the chair..Tire guy here in town is airing it up ..its a slow leak and he is posta come this morning and put a new tube in it.hope that holds it..Hooveround says I should have my new chair in 3 or 4 weeks but that seems kinda fast for Medicare to get things done..You all have a good day...Jerry

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Posted by ewl01 on Thursday, August 27, 2009 7:53 AM

Morning Folks,  Hope all are well... I know I haven't been here for a while.  Time seems to evaporate this time of year.... especially this year. 

    Skipping breakfast this morning, have an "inspection" with the Dr. this morning.

    The heat seems to be abating for a few days.  The train area has been much too hot to work in.  The work room has no AC and the attic, well, it's an attic.  Maybe this willl give me incentive to get back to the MRR stuff. 

     Been super busy at work and the family issues finally seem to be coming to a close.  The great state of New Jersey agreed that we don't have any hidden assets or Van Goghs laying around so we don't owe any estate taxes on our meager holdings.  When all is said and done, the 3 of us get to split the remaining $25,000.00. At least I can pay for school and graduate. The lawyer already got his $14,000.00......  To be honest, the work he did do saved me a lot of time and grief. 

Hope to check in soon, Eric

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, August 27, 2009 7:11 AM

Good Morning

We're dull today---very dull. High will be sitting at 19C and will go to a low tonight of 10C. Currently we are sitting at 11C. Oh, did I tell you we are under a cloudbank? And therefore dull?

Got some more bents made up last night--knocking them off like an assembly line here-MischiefSmile,Wink, & Grin Of course--little "Spring" has to headbutt them as well----he's our stress tester here-LOL!!Laugh

Today will be running around doing the library thing as well as doing the grocery getting thing as well as---well, you get the idea.Wink

Chloe, I'll have a large coffee and a toasted bagel please---I'll be at the RC.

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by TMarsh on Thursday, August 27, 2009 7:00 AM

Good morning, Coffee and a sweet roll please. Too much Spam yesterday.

High today 83F with a 30% chance of scattered T-storms. Currently it's 70 F with humidity at 88%

Not much going on in the RR world today. Mom day then work.

Ryan- I hope all turns out well for Kitty. As to the fish flavored meds, we used to give Missy, our dog, worm medicine that was chewable and had a beef flavor. Monthly medicine day was a breeze. We have since changed to something else with a guarantee and does more with one pill, but the point is, if one can do it, why can't the rest. Now, though it's not exactly enjoyed, Missy will sit there and let you shove theses pills down her throat. She liked the beef ones better.

Jerry- Congrats on the 20 lbs and prayers for Sallie. I have not forgotten what it's like to be in constant pain.

Jeff- I have ceased buying anything that is as seen on TV. So far the only thing that has worked as described is...... No not that, um...... I'll get back with you. Don't wait up.

Have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:33 AM

 I'll have the steak and eggs this morning.


Good morning.

It's 69 and cloudy. The high will be around 90 and there's a chance of rain.

Good thing I got the grass cut Tuesday because we had a line of freak thunderstorms yesterday that just popped up out of nowhere. My mother and I had gone to Burger King about 10:15 yesterday morning and it was mostly clear. Within just a few minutes it clouded up and suddenly it looked like late evening. A couple of minutes later it started pouring down rain. We got a little over an inch in about half an hour. The only layout work I got done was to make the edge of a cloud more rounded. I really didn't feel like doing much. Recently I order two of those 'Windshield Wonders' cleaning brushes you see advertised on TV. What I got in the mail were two boxes labeled 'Glass Wizard'. They look a little different from what's presented in the ad. I'll find out how well it works when I clean the inside of my cars windshield. I gave the other one to my sister so she won't have such a hard time cleaning the windshield of her Honda Civic Si. You almost have to be a contortionist to pull that off. Maybe today I can get more layout work done.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA  71446-6114      8/27/2009

Wind Chill:  69°F
Humidity:  88%
Dew Point:  65°F

So Far Today
High:  70°F
Low:  69°F
Rain:  0.00"
Rain Rate:  0.00"/h
Gust:  3mph NNE

Today  High: 90 with a heat index of 101.   Partly cloudy with a 20 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Highs around 90. South winds around 5 mph.

Tonight  Low: 70    Partly cloudy with a 20 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Lows around 70. Southwest winds around 5 mph.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by LSWrr on Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:20 AM
Good morning,
Well I spent the night at the MRR club, I’ll be picking up 2 mallets for $50 each this week from one of the guys who is switching to all diesel.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
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Posted by SilverSpike on Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:13 AM

Good morning! 

Toast with butter for me this morning, just a quick bite for me today! Dinner Thanks Chloe


Ryan- Didn't we have a constipated cat in here a little while ago? Nope haven't herd from Garry. I hope all is well, the spider bite sorta kinda has me a bit worried. Oh I see he's stopped in. Also haven't heard from Galaxy. 


Yes Todd, in fact I am taking her (Kitty) back to the vet this morning for some more procedures, she is still leaking blood and has been relegated to the front porch for now. Not easy giving her meds either I might say, the pill is hard to swallow and the bubble gum flavored antibiotic is not what I call her favorite flavor, maybe fish flavor would do well! Confused Black Eye Dead

Jerry, congrats on the 20 pounds! 

nik.n, sorry about your step uncle, thoughts and prayers for you and the family.

Ohhhh.....Teen Steam Fan is getting some sauerbraten in the Diner! Dinner First time I made that dish was at the culinary school for and Oktoberfest celebration and Chef Gunter Preuss was giving us the recipe and preparation steps. Love that stuff, now I may have to make it again soon! Chef

Joe, sounds like a great adventure on the boat....Cuba and all! Laugh Actually, I sail too, just wish I had a sail boat now.Did a few overnight trips on Lake Pontchertrain in LA many moons ago...Captain

Der John, glad to see you survived Bill! And that tar trailer is something special too!


Off to the vet now with Kitty! Sigh...


Opppppsssssss........belly up folks! Breakfast and lunch are on me today. Been some time since I got the TOP honors! 

Ryan Boudreaux
The Piedmont Division
Modeling The Southern Railway, Norfolk & Western & Norfolk Southern in HO during the merger era
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Posted by BamaCSX83 on Wednesday, August 26, 2009 11:31 PM

Yep Blue's Clues still shows.  Heather watches it every night at 8:30 on Noggin, then I go and toss her off to the bathtub and then off to bed for her.  Normally I follow pretty close to right behind her, but not tonight.  I wanted to stay up a little bit.  Well, its sprinkling outside right now so maybe tomorrow morning I'll wake up to the sound of rain on the roof.  Which means I can take the day off from work (gotta love working outside so weahter is a factor).  I really would like to work on my GP40-2, which means taking her out of the alcohol bath and then sloppy slapping some grey primer onto it (I don't have to be perfect, I just want something other than B&O blue on it).  Well, its off to bed for me, I'm going to check on my post in the prototype forum, then head for sleepy land.  Goodnight all!

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Posted by TMarsh on Wednesday, August 26, 2009 10:11 PM

Evenin' RBF and an Apple Dumpling with cinnamon sauce please.

Trustees meeting with the church went off without a hitch. All is well.

Nik- sorry to hear of you Uncles passing. Angel

Barry- I got my fingers crossed for good weather fo the BBQ. I also got ‘em crossed for our chicken fry Friday night.

Bama- They still show Blues Clues? My gosh they showed that when my daughter was little (21 now). I never had good luck with J-B Weld. Not knocking the stuff, I know guys who can make it work real well. I can't even get the stuff to stick to itself.

Joe- Ya got me for a second there! Laugh

DerJohn- Oh my gosh. You made leaf springs. Individual leaves! Bow

Ulrich- Johns right, no one here will knock you. We all started out too. Some of us are still trudging along.

Which reminds me, my still scene is coming along better than I thought. Boy I wish the boy would RETURN THE BATTERY CHARGER!!!!!!!!!! Kinda pleased I am. Also the fade went not great but ok this time. I wanted to post a picture to get an opinion of whether to try again or not before doing the dull cote but it seems Jeff's nephew would have changed the belt twice before my son will BRING BACK THE BATTERY CHARGER FOR THE CAMERA!!!!!!

Might just call it an early night.



Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Wednesday, August 26, 2009 10:08 PM

Good Evening, Chloe, Diners! I feel much better after getting more sleep last night (more in a minute). Chloe, I'll have an oatmeal raisin cookie and a Santa Fe mug of decaf, please, 'n' thank you!

Well, last night - after making it through the 'w' thing and getting home, I fixed dinner, did the dishes, brushed my teeth and went to bed around 8-something (I think 8:30ish or 8:40ish, maybe...), slept through until 3:45 this morning (Central time). Then I got up, went to the bathroom (loo/W-CWink), came back to bed and laid down on my other side, went back to sleep. Woke up one other time, but I don't look at the clock usually when I get up in the night, so no idea when that was - turned back over and went back to sleep until the alarm went off at 6:00 a.m. Amazing what a bit of sleep will do to help balance out that rare night of only 3 hours!

Ulrich, you've probably already thought of this, but you could put that ARR-Whittier plan on top of a couple of bookcases (so long as they aren't about 2 meters tall!) and not lose much real estate in whatever domicile you're in. I stole that idea from a combination of Iain Rices' book ("Small, Smart and Practical Track Plans") and John Olson's Jerome & Southwestern layout (where he put magazine storage and spare rolling stock storage under the layout). But I bet anyone who's lived in cramped quarters or on a boat/ship (which usually is about the same thing) also could tell you that much. Yeah!! Nice plan, and keep yourself going forward and checking out all your options. Thumbs Up

Hey, I understand that just after I dozed off yesterday, Zoe was running a Timesaver Special for lunch? Darn - missed it! Ray, did you get that for your lunch? Smile,Wink, & Grin

By the way, although my Dad sounded like a good ol' chainsaw, I never had my wife tell me when we were married that I snore, so I don't think that was me you heard. Now as for Duke, I can't speak for how silent he may or may not be...Shock

Lee, I'm not sure if I already did (so my apologies if I'm repeating myself repeating myself...), but yep, got the PDF file(s). Sent you my RSVP on the second one, too. Wink If you get the Walthers e-letters, did you notice that their 'Details' piece at the bottom this time was about custom scenes for your layout? (Do you get a commission on that idea?).Oops

Jeff, I think I can see where you might've made the mistake on the order of your backdrop panels...Whistling Since I saw that you finished your parent's yard, should I guess that the nephew got your sister's place done himself? Banged Head (NOPE!!) I like your idea of billing him for your time - but include the time wasted waiting for him to get it done, get the belt, etc....

Jerry - tell those folks to include a spare tire for your replacement when you get it (and a jack, too...).Smile,Wink, & Grin

Garry, Sign - Welcome back from your Mom's birthday party. Sad to hear about Diane, but glad to hear Shelley's treatment/medication is helping. Hope the police nail the creep who cheated your Mom out of the money or belongings. Angry

JP, hope you hear something soon from your girlfriend.


Got both the Challengers done, the 3 Yellowstones are next.   And after that, my 3 2-8-8-2's and then the Cab-forwards and--well, you know. Whistling 


...Buy more articulateds and repeat? Smile,Wink, & Grin

Todd, as for my primary on-call for Monday night, I don't know for sure - at times, she leans in the direction of Jeff's nephew, but other times she's better about doing stuff herself... Your guy on the oiled road sounds like he was spoiled by 'city' living (or else he's silly enough to have a dark color car and live there on his road!). Of course, if he wanted the more 'laid-back' life in a smaller area, maybe he should've looked it over before moving there, eh? Even I know that there are trade-offs between living in the city and the country, so you better recognize what they are... Whistling Oh, Todd, you'd probably fit right in with Yazee and the crew at Inch's - he'll never notice one more (slightly larger) 'kid' around the place. Oops

And Chloe, why is Barry sitting at the counter and muttering to himself, as he stacks and unstacks those trestle bents? Might want to hide those from him for a bit... Think the poor guy's been too hard at it for too long.Dead

Teen Steam - I'll just refer you on your cat problem to some of our other Diners; maybe one of them can tell you how to (try to) keep a cat out of the train room... Whistling Luckily, the cat didn't mistake the tipple for a kitty litter box! Shock

Good to see you back in town (and at the Diner), NS Joe. Thumbs Up Good luck on the layout rebuild!

DerJohn - Wow!!!!BowBow

Got a new WiFi card in today that I'd ordered. It's an 802.11n (faster), with WPA2 capability (which now allows me to use the public WiFi at w**k with my own laptop, so I can save files on my drive instead of just sending myself links to pages). Took a bit of fiddling to get it w**king right, but don't most things computer?

Nothing new on the MRR front - possibly something either Friday evening or Sunday after church (since I'm the primary for Saturday (8 a.m., to Sunday 8 a.m.).

High time for me to get going home for the evening (which hopefully will NOT include any calls from my primary du jour for the evening...). Prayers for all those in need of healing, comfort, encouragement and de-stressing (think that covers about all of us).


Blessings and a good night's rest,

Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, August 26, 2009 9:37 PM

Evenin' folks!

Didn't get a whole lot done today except for the upgrade on the 'puter.  Leopard is purring like a kitten!  As always a lot more bells and whistles on it that I will "discover" in the days and weeks to come, but I am pleased that the whole thing went well.  Only thing that I lost was some email that I should have backed up.  Couldn't recover the old inbox from OSX.3.9.  Not sure exactly what happened, and it may still be recovered later.  I also put Office for Mac 2008 in it and checked everything out to make sure that is running as it should be.  All my old programs seem to work with it including a few very old ones like Appleworks 6. 

Also made the rounds to a few stores today.  Went to the LHS to find some gold or brass colored paint.  No such thing at least in stock, so I mixed up something close from some other colors I had.  Went to the Value center on my way through town and picked up some CA glue, then did a bt of grocery shopping.  Got down to the layout for a while this evening and continued w**k on a 1911 Model T Ford Van (which is what I needed gold paint for some minor trim).  

Hope you are all doing well and having a great evening!


[edit] Der, you posted while I was writing.  The Tar trailer is coming along superbly!!!  You have given me a couple of ideas that might be transposed into something from 1925........

Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by der5997 on Wednesday, August 26, 2009 9:32 PM


Pumpkin Pie and Maple Walnut ice-cream please Chloe, both nsa, and a dob of whipped cream, if you please.  Luc says to say Hi, and that link to the original Coffee Shop has got me in contact with Lupo (he'd be one on that list you wanted nik.n) I'll maybe post his reply in here, if that's OK with him.

I've been having fun with the Tar Trailer project. I figured out what to use for the propane tanks, the rod from those shoes I mentioned some while ago. Here's how they would fit. That rod has to be shaped of course. I said I'd make the burner out of rusted wire, and that's how it turned out. It's sitting on three HO 2x3 stand-offs.

The axels - how to fit them to the frame? I figured that the best way would be to make leaf springs, so here's  the fixings for them, made from thin Evergreen sheet material; and this is how they turned out.  Here they are on the frame with the axels attached.   The axels are 0.035" Evergreen rod #220.

Last night I painted the frame and tank, installed the burner, and then the tank. The springs are rusty, and that rust seems to have gotten onto the frame too. Won't Robby be pleased! Tongue Incidentally, Ulrich, I don't think that anyone in the Diner would rip you up for any weathering pics you might post.Yeah!! 

I puzzled a bit over the wheels, as I've no HO vehicles to cannibalize.  I thought of rounds cut from a pencil (most round pencils are 24" HO - tuck that away in the database!), but cutting the incurve for the hub was a bit daunting. In the end I made them from rings cut from soft plastic tube for the tires, and rounds from a straight sided paint brush handle. That handle exactly fit the ID of the tube. Here's the particular ones I used. I trimmed off the edges of the 9" HO rings I cut from the tubing; and that's easier if one does the first edges before each ring is cut off, there's more tube to hold on to! The tires were then pushed down onto discs of paint brush handle. I hope acrylic paints will stick to the tubing. Lucked out in having the tube on hand that's 24" OD in HO, and the paint brush matching the tube ID.  The propane tanks are next; but not tonight.Zzz

That pie was great, but now I must say Goodnight and God Bless. Prayers continuing for all in need of healing, comfort, prosperity and peace.Angel





"There are always alternatives, Captain" - Spock.

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Posted by ns3010 on Wednesday, August 26, 2009 9:27 PM

Hey all! Zoe, I'll take a RBF, extra large, thanks.

Well, I see we moved to a new place. Feels great to be back!

I was in Florida. On a boat. In the middle of the ocean. Stranded without food, and miles away from civilization. Without any way of reaching land. And I eventually drifted to Cuba.
Not really. I was on a sailboat for a week. I have tons of pictures from Key West and snorkeling on the reefs, so I'll post some of those when I get them.

So today, I went to a LHS that I had never been to before to order my Atlas Genset. While I was there, I picked up a Walthers Platinum P&LE bay window caboose. Since it is already yellow, it will be easy to paint it as a MOW caboose (which would be yellow anyway) and throw it into service. I'd just have to patch over the P&LE marks and letter and number it. So now my rolling stock fleet is one NS boxcar, and two TSRy cabooses (one for regular use, and another for MOW use).

I also got my Blue Box SW1500 from Atlas in the mail just before I left. Since I don't have a layout down here, I haven't gotten a chance to run it yet, but I'll be home on Sunday.

Which reminds me, school starts on Wednesday! Wednesday is Sophomore/Junior Orientation (I'll be a sophomore). Then I don't have to go back till the next Tuesday! So I basically don't start for another two weeks! So I'll be spending the next week just hanging around.

It's likely that I'll be working Saturday, and possibly the Saturday after that. And I'll be down every weekend in September, so I can work if they need me to. And my aunt still owes me birthday money from June...
So I might be able to start tearing down my current layout and starting construction on my new one sometime soon (September or October). It all depends on income and stuff, because I don't want to use all money on my layout (spend some on other non-train stuff, and maybe even save some).

So what's new with all of you? I'll be in the back corner just chillen.

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Posted by BamaCSX83 on Wednesday, August 26, 2009 9:19 PM

Not going to disagree with you nik, not at all.  However, I'd still have to pull the manifold to JB it properly.  Besides even JB Weld is a crap shoot on whether or not it'll work. 

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Posted by teen steam fan on Wednesday, August 26, 2009 9:19 PM

hey guys,

Chloe, I'll have an order of saurbraten.

I've had my share of cat problems on the layout. I broke the mold and use live loads, well, the resident feline wasn't too happy about having a coaling plant going, so she kept pushing the tipple over.

If you can read this... thank a teacher. If you are reading this in english... thank a veteran

When in doubt. grab a hammer. 

If it moves and isn't supposed to, get a hammer

If it doesn't move and is supposed to, get a hammer

If it's broken, get a hammer

If it can't be fixed with a hammer... DUCK TAPE!

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