Good morning all,
It is cold again in SE Indiana, but I think it is sunny outside as I have been too busy to check. Welcome to the forum, Nittany Lion, and to the hobby. As the others have suggested, I would start with a complete set, but I would also add at least one switch (or turnout) to your list. Just watching the trains chase their gets really boring really quick. A switch allows you to reposition cars in the train.
Lucas did really well on the radio show last night, but not so well on his math quiz. I think he finally realizes he needs to work with the teacher every night after school. I got a check instead of a Tinplate Traditions gondola from an eBay seller yesterday. Turns out they double sold the item :-( I also found out some potentially bad news from a fiscal standpoint on a medical claim. I was kind of hoping we might have dodged a major bullet, but we shall see. My wife did not have a good day either as she was called on a "stand by" basis as a substitute and then was told later not to come in. On the plus side of things, I did have a good run at the YMCA last night.
I see where the dining car from "Points East" is running late today. I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a cold 34 degrees. Only going up to 43 today. Cloudy.
Today has been a busy day. Lots of things to do around the house. I have a few errands to run later. No time for trains again.
Wife is doing better. Still has to wear the big shoe. But, she can walk around and has little pain. Unless she bumps her foot. She does.
Dining Car has been here and left. Breakfast was Cheerios.
Y'all have a great Friday.
Nittany Lion wrote: Good Morning All- Chief- Congrats on becoming Mayor. I was in Raleigh in August and it's a beautiful part of the country. Brunswick Stew is worth the trip! I did notice a few Yankee accents down there, though. Take Care-NL-
Good Morning All-
Chief- Congrats on becoming Mayor. I was in Raleigh in August and it's a beautiful part of the country. Brunswick Stew is worth the trip! I did notice a few Yankee accents down there, though.
Take Care-
See, another Yankee caught up on Southern food. Now to get him on GRITS.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Nittany Lion wrote: Brent- What makes you a PSU fan? Alumnus?
Brent- What makes you a PSU fan? Alumnus?
Good Morning Y'all!
Waiting to head in for call. Watching the daughter, again. She is a lot of fun, but dolls are not my thing. Did a bit of figuring on the layout this morning. I hope to get some serious wiring done this weekend and next week.
Made the flight arrangements for going to Texas. Now, I just need to find a train store near Killeen. We are planning a bit of hunting too, so we will see if I have the time. Won't be a long trip, but I am sure it will be a fun one.
Well, gotta run and get cleaned up for work.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Good Morning/Afternoon
Nittany, along with all the suggestions everyone provided. When you are at the hobby store see if they have a dvd on DCS operation. That DVD is specific to one manufacturer (MTH), however watching the DVD will give you a good idea of the full capability of the trains available today. Keep in mind however, that MTH is NOT the only supplier with radio control trains. Lionel has a fantastic system as well. But the dvd will show what can be done. Worth the $20.
Finished my presentation last night, AFTER I went to a train shop in the neighboring city. Returned an extra switch I had, and picked up a Church, UP Cubbaboose, crossing lights, and Lionel infrared detector.
Still trying to figure out my 4400 sound issues. Checked the batteries in the other engines to see about switching to see if the battery is indeed the problem. But of course the other batteries are a different voltage, so no can do. Was going to see about buying a battery charge, but they didn't have them. Even though the engine is under warranty, hate to send it back for a defective battery. Play with it this weekend.
Did get some good news. I stripped the drive gear in my dremel tool. Contacted their cust serv. they had a program that could upgrade to latest and greatest for $36, as oppossed to $32 for repair. Sent it in for upgrade exchange, they sent the new one and covered it under warranty replacement. $0
Working on Control Panel design, want to work electrical this weekend!!!
Have a great DAY and TGIF !!!
See, another Yankee caught up on Southern food. Now to get him on GRITS. " border="0" width="15" height="15" />
I have tried grits a few times. I guess I don't have the right taste buds to understand the attraction.
Nick 12 DMC.
Stockport is cold and cloudy 6deg C, gritters are out, and I'm off to root out the Damart.
ERNI crashed again (good job my car is driven better!) and I have lost all my Address book, but more importantly the information you kindly gave me on powering up the Copper Canyon Set, yes, I will get it running even if I have to take out a new mortgage, that's if I'm not sub prime?
What I'm asking is; Please e-mail me the info again. Thanks.
John Baker
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
Back from my walk early today. It is chilly out there. Windy too. Looks like I need to dig out my warmer coat and World Champion Boston Red Sox knit hat!
My daughter has Brownie scouts this afternoon. Helloooo Brownie mommies!
Modeling the Baltimore waterfront in HO scale
sir james I wrote:NOBODY should be allowed to mention good southern food and grits on the same page. Not even his honor the Chief.
Life's hard, even harder if your stupid John Wayne
sir james I wrote:NOBODY should be allowed to mention good southern food...
Ever heard the term "oxymoron"? "Good southern food" is right up there with "military intelligence" and "jumbo shrimp". That's a joke son. Hyuck hyuck hyuck! I keep throwin' em and you keep missin' em. Jokes that is.
Almost forgot to mention this - 2 local radio stations have been playing non-stop Christmas music since Sunday.
XM has has Channel 103 for Christmas Music since Nov. 9, The country music station is doing it too (and no, I don't listen to it. Just heard it in passing.
Had a couple people in to see the layout in my office, been quite chilly here (see RR Charlies post for the weather!! Thanks, Mel!!
I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.I am the venom in your skin --- Breaking Benjamin
My car gets XM radio free for a year, but like you, I don't listen to it. Good luck with your display layout.
Jumijo wrote: Almost forgot to mention this - 2 local radio stations have been playing non-stop Christmas music since Sunday.
Been listening to these pretty much non-stop for a week or more. 99.3 seems like they keep playing the same 15 songs. PlanetChristmas is pretty broad.
Good people,
I don't usually post on the pot, but today I will make an exception. If I waited until after tomorrow's "Big Game" everyone would likely call it sour grapes.
There is a member of this forum who seems to be very proud of his old school. That's fine. He can root for them all he wants, and take pride in his own academic accomplishments. He is welcome to dislike other schools if it makes him happy, although is strikes me as a waste of emotional energy. Some folks have even used the word "hate". I think this is too strong a term for any mature person to use in this context. But, whatever the wording, in my opinion the member crosses the line when he uses this forum to denigrate the academic reputation of a world-class university.
In my own case, when the time came to go to graduate school, I was accepted by all of the schools that I applied to -- except one. Indiana, Minnesota and Duke not only accepted me they offered me stipends. Wisconsin accepted me, but, alas, didn't put up any money. Michigan's academic standards were so high I couldn't even get into the place.
One might almost suspect that this member, or perhaps someone close to him, has had a similar encounter with Michigan's academic standards. That would explain a lot. Are we to believe that his bitterness arises simply from the fact Michigan has beaten his school's football team nine straight times? What on earth does that have to do with academics? One problem with hatred is that it is often unfocused and tends to slop over where it makes no sense.
In 1950 two brothers named Momsen played in what became known as the "snow bowl." One played for Michigan, the other for OSU. Who ya' gonna hate?
Very few of our lives will change much as a result of tomorrow's contest, but some will celebrate the win with too much to drink, and then be maimed on the roads. Others will try to drown their sorrows and be maimed on the roads, or in brawls. What a waste!
A couple of year's ago, a Michigan player collided with a PSU player in a legal but violent hit. The PSU fans were upset, as was I; but the fact is the collision ended the budding careers of both players. "It's all part of the game!" as they say. What a waste!
Last year Ohio State won the game against Michigan, and their fans were on top of the world -- until they ran into Florida. I rooted for OSU in their game with Florida. What a waste.
How many fans experience any meaningful change in their lives as a result of all this? Think about it.
I will watch the game and root for a good, clean, injury-free contest. I will be unhappy if anyone get hurt or plays dirty -- on either side. I will pull for Michigan. I will not root against Ohio State.
So, to those for whom it really matters Go Bucks; for me it's Go Blue.
College Sports......not to my liking.....anything New Jersey Go Rutgers!!!
Otherwise, no use for it.....
skinner - if you have a problem with me fine... but this is not the forum to address those concerns... you want to 'duke it out' email me... don't post junk like that here.
sir james I wrote:Jumijo-How did religion get into this? I'm not a oxymoron, I'm baptist.
Oh, a wiseguy! Nyuck nyuck nyuck! -Curly (the 3 Stooges)
Speaking of religion, look what the next page number is! Boogha boogha!!!
Oh, waiter, a round of pea soup for everybody!
anjdevil2 wrote: College Sports......not to my liking.....Otherwise, no use for it.....
College Sports......not to my liking.....
In total agreement with you. College sports are not very big up here at all. We dig the pros. The Red Sox are THE sports team here 12 months a year, followed by the Patriots. This season, the Celtics are starting to gain some attention with their perfect start. But they are way down the popularity ladder. The Bruins aren't even on the radar.
Wow !! Even on a forum, we need to be careful of ticking someone off, because we didn't all go to the same schools. I have an idea.....
To ensure we are all "Politically Correct" lets ban all capital letters. That why we won't have any referrance to pronouns (I think that's correct). Then we don't have to worry about car names, schools, states, cities, train manufacturers, or anything else specific.
Even the trains we talk about, that new Big Boy (whoops) big boy can become the 4-8-8-2 eng w/big tender. And, we can stay generic on car types too. Just describing the car function.
I sure am glad I was born when I was, I don't want to be around here in another 30 years the way things are going. Everyone will have the same shape car, and color, same cookie cutter house, same approved hobby, read the same newspaper, watch the same tv show, and have the same opinion. Boy, won't that be grand. And nothing to discuss, or maybe the same conversation with everyone, sharing the same opinon.
Live and Let Live, and Look at the Lighter side, try to enjoy life
Nittany, I live just south of your old subdivision: town's just about doubled.Well, my eyes are OK which is good news - the dialating stuff just wore off. But they want $2,700 to fix a 12 yr old car. And it's all big stuff - brakes, struts. Waaaah!
Not quite sure what to do. I told them to put it back together for now.
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
cnw1995 wrote: Well, my eyes are OK which is good news - the dialating stuff just wore off. But they want $2,700 to fix a 12 yr old car. And it's all big stuff - brakes, struts. Waaaah!
Well, my eyes are OK which is good news - the dialating stuff just wore off. But they want $2,700 to fix a 12 yr old car. And it's all big stuff - brakes, struts. Waaaah!
I was faced with this dilemna a few months ago. I punted and bought a new car. There is never a "good" time to do it, so what the heck. Now I feel like Plush Spice driving around. Go treat yourself!
Glad to hear that your eyes are better.
John Bakeer wrote: Nick 12 DMC.Stockport is cold and cloudy 6deg C, gritters are out, and I'm off to root out the Damart.ERNI crashed again (good job my car is driven better!) and I have lost all my Address book, but more importantly the information you kindly gave me on powering up the Copper Canyon Set, yes, I will get it running even if I have to take out a new mortgage, that's if I'm not sub prime?What I'm asking is; Please e-mail me the info again. Thanks.
John B, No problem I'll re-send the info. I want to re-write a bit of the "how to guide" on earthing the inverter and add a bit of info. I got from Chris on powering up some of the newer versions of the Aims pure sine inverters. I am working a fair bit this weekend but I'll try and get it to you for Monday. Gritters are out here to. Had to clean the frost of the Van windscreen this morning. Just a tad chilly.
Charlie's Hogwarts set arrived today. Thought I had better check for damage. Boy this set is cool! Nice Job Lionel. Have to hide it till its time for Mr C. to deliver
I bet the guys at ACE are looking over there shoulders at what Lionel can do for £112!(+Vat and shipping of course)
Have a good weekend all
Ford trucks and OSU all the way
This from a die hard S gauger with a serious O gauge habit, and drives a pontiac(Transam w/ramair)
Yankees, NY Giants, NJ use for basketball either, very boring to me.
I dunno why some people get offended. Really don't care anymore. It's like don't like it, change the channel..GOD knows there are enough of 'em. This used to be a good time place.
Hey Nittany...Welcome to the PARTY!!!!
Doug, glad you can still you didn't want to after "seeing" that repair bill!!
Sometimes, ya just gotta say WTF (ya know that old Chicago saying, like the U-Boat commander quip). How much cash are you gonna throw into a 12 y/o car? Maybe something newer...but then those payment$$$$$!. I feel for ya my brotha. Until my company car, I was driving a '76 Aspen Wagon (which, I only use on Sundays..1/4 mile at a time, of course!)
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