I agree that is very nice that the US Government called a holiday today in your honor. Unfortunately for all of us the cover charges hit on April 15th.
Going to be 70 today! Sunny! Lot's o' wind from the SOUTH. If you guys up north are nice to us - we'll send some your way!
Have a great day all!
Regards, Roy
Bob Mitchell Gettysburg, PA TCA # 98-47956 LCCA# RM22839
Good morning everyone,
It is a cold day here. I am going bowing later with a bunch of people, and it will be good time.
Buckeye happy birthday.
I hope everyone has a good day.
Happy Birthday Buckeye!
Off for a whopping 22 hours before starting night shift. I may work in installing the "new" coaler today, between working on papers for class.
It is beautiful out. Clear and sunny, but cool, mid 20's. Talking about in the 40's by the end of the week. That would be great as my cars are white with salt.
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
Buckeye !! Gees, I hope your present from The Chief arrives on time this year !!
Thanks, John
Good morning from Buckeyeland! We have clear skies and a bright sun. Even with our cold temperatures we have seen the sun more this winter than most.
I haven't been doing much train work since I have been getting the new computer up and running.
Today is President's Day. In honor of President's Day, the wife is serving steaks tonight for supper along with my birthday cake.
Have missed most of the recent discussion on the pot.
See ya down the tracks,
Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum.
Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..
Jelloway Creek, OH - ELV 1,100 - Home of the Baltimore, Ohio & Wabash RR
TCA 09-64284
Morning all. Expenses to do. Got Town Meetings all afternoon and Mended Hearts tonight. Fife, you live near Martinsville VA? Owners of Angler's Choice Marine are friends of mine.
AH, NASCAR driver's name comes to me. Readheaded, DAAH, Rusty Wallace. Real AH.
Need to run trains before the 1 PM meeting. Warming here they say. Was a real blasting wind last night. Chat later
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Good Morning Everyone !! Glad it 's warming up later today ! I think we will be shoveling snow away from the garage doors where it piled up, before it melts & goes inside. Not looking forward to that .
Laz : today is a holiday & you're working ? ! I'll run a train just for you !!
I just changed a knuckle on an old K-line engine ! That was easy !! Plus it even works !! That was our first set when my boy was only 2. I lubed it up too, it's about 15 years old now & still runs great.
Well, now to run down the dining car !!
Hope everyone has a nice holiday today !!
Cold here at 11, to get to 31? Then rain tomorrow?
I have the dreaded parent teachers conferences today. Good thing is I get to go in at 1 PM, bad thing is got to stay til 830.
Have a good one.
Good Morning Everyone (Y'all),
finally off call and looking forward to a few days away at the meeting. Rick, won't be able to take in Jacksonville, She Who Must Be Obeyed has decided we are heading to Chattanooga instead after the meeting. Only 10 more miles than if we had gone to Valdosta.
I actually ran trains yesterday. I also won a auction for a copper range docksider NIB for $65. Now I need to get some ore cars and a caboose and we will be set. I may be able to take in some train action up in Tennessee, we shall see.
Hope everyone has a great day,
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a clear 21 degrees. Going up to 37 today. Wow. Heat wave. We had snow for 2 days. About 2 inches were added to what we had.
Today, I have a few things to do around the house. I have some paperwork to do and mailings. Wife is going out to lunch with her niece. So, it will be quiet for awhile. I might get down to the train room, later, to clean up a little. Needs some organization.
Dining Car is here from " points west ". Time for breakfast.
Y'all have a great Monday. Spring is coming.
Good morning all,
It is sunny and warming up into the 30s today in SE Indiana. We watched Desperate Housewives last night. I had some bran muffins this morning before I sent the dining car to "Points East". Hopefully, I will be playing some indoor soccer tonight. Thanks for the comment, Roy. Those electronic demons could be the ruin of all of us. I have tried to interest the kids in trains, but it seems to have only stuck with the middle child. I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
Evening all. Got home before dark. Unusual for me. Flew home with lots of Mickey's little friends. One cried just about all the way. Wife had HOT soup waiting. We watched a couple of movies and both went to sleep. Hitting the bed.
Quit following the NASCAR thing. Not like it use to be. Who is [or was] the red headed guy? He's a real AH!!!!!!!!! I was at Charlotte for time trials several years ago [Rick Hendrix use to invite me]. Guy was yelling at his crew and would not talk to fans [was real rude to them]. Spent most of his time in his trailer. Other drivers were signing autographs and talking to fans. Several of us "old" guys were talking about NASCAR changes this weekend in Florida. I remember when they were stock cars. Had to be production cars [you could work on the motors]. I remember when Dayton was raced on the beach and streets. Now just a frame of tublar steel and sheet metal. Hey, I've driven on Charlotte Motor Speedway!!! What a steep bank!!
Good night all.
That stinks - wish Martin had won. Would have been a great way to cap a career. At least as compared to last year he was able to get out in front and stay there.
John - I don't know about rules today - but quite some years back it did not matter how you crossed the finish line as long as it was just the driver and his car - even if the driver pushed it. So as long as he tripped the lights - it should count. If he gets that credit - that is what makes racing great!
Mike C - nice evening you had there. It is hard to have one of those around here with a 13 and 15 year old. Everything is at fever pitch around here lately. The 13 year old lives on the edge with his perks. Today he risked all his electronic stuff in a showdown about finishing homework (laid around all day avoiding it). Gave him an ultimatim - get it done or do without.
Good evening all,
It was sunny and cold in SE Indiana with temps in the 20s today. I watched the Daytona race today and saw where Harvick got the "call". Can some one tell me how one car running by itself managed to pass all those cars on the last lap in a restrictor plate race?!?!? My wife and I went to the YMCA and watched "Reba". Lucas, my wife and I played Clue and some cards last night. It was nice, just the three of us. I hope everyone has a good day.
laz 57 wrote: I'm a FORD GUY, but what a GREAT finish to that race. At least EARNHART didn't finish, wrecked another one.laz57
I'm a FORD GUY, but what a GREAT finish to that race. At least EARNHART didn't finish, wrecked another one.
I was beginning to feel like I was the only Ford guy! Nice to know that I am not the only one.
CSXect wrote: dougdagrump wrote: Wow, what a finish ! Does the driver coming across the finish line on his roof get points for finishing? I don't know that I have ever seen this asked but I have a question for those of you who would be affectionately referred to as electronic geeks. I have some of the pewter hobos playing musical instruments that I put in an auto parts boxcar. Are there any small remote control devices, preferrably record/play, that could be hidden in the boxcar as well. As a bluegrass fan I think it would be pretty cool to have it running around the museum layout to see some hobos in a boxcar playing a little bluegrass. Sound Blox or maybe it was sound blocks was an early form of adding sounds to layouts and trains. They had stock sound bytes and I beleive they would do custom sounds as well. A guy in the S gauge club I used to belong to had one in a stock car hooked up to a motion switch that would activate the sounds of cattle it was realy cool....may have to dig into some HO magizines to see who made them they may have been by QSI ??? the moduals if I remember are half as big as a pack of smokes. By the way Bluegrass and trains go together pretty well.
dougdagrump wrote: Wow, what a finish ! Does the driver coming across the finish line on his roof get points for finishing? I don't know that I have ever seen this asked but I have a question for those of you who would be affectionately referred to as electronic geeks. I have some of the pewter hobos playing musical instruments that I put in an auto parts boxcar. Are there any small remote control devices, preferrably record/play, that could be hidden in the boxcar as well. As a bluegrass fan I think it would be pretty cool to have it running around the museum layout to see some hobos in a boxcar playing a little bluegrass.
Wow, what a finish !
Does the driver coming across the finish line on his roof get points for finishing?
I don't know that I have ever seen this asked but I have a question for those of you who would be affectionately referred to as electronic geeks. I have some of the pewter hobos playing musical instruments that I put in an auto parts boxcar. Are there any small remote control devices, preferrably record/play, that could be hidden in the boxcar as well. As a bluegrass fan I think it would be pretty cool to have it running around the museum layout to see some hobos in a boxcar playing a little bluegrass.
Sound Blox or maybe it was sound blocks was an early form of adding sounds to layouts and trains. They had stock sound bytes and I beleive they would do custom sounds as well. A guy in the S gauge club I used to belong to had one in a stock car hooked up to a motion switch that would activate the sounds of cattle it was realy cool....may have to dig into some HO magizines to see who made them they may have been by QSI ??? the moduals if I remember are half as big as a pack of smokes. By the way Bluegrass and trains go together pretty well.
Doug, Try this link.
Try the Turkey and the Straw sound sample. You could use track power with a power supply like the one used to power an onboard camera and get remote control via an Electric RR Mini Commander. All of this could be done for less than $100 with a little work.
Go for it.
See the USA in a Chevrolet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
( Mark should have won )
wrmcclellan wrote: 60's today, sunny, and warming to high 60's and low 70's for the rest of the week. Hooray!Watching the Daytona - ol' Mark Martin has made it up to 7th place and Tony Stewart just crashed! Ouch! Hey - Martin is now in 6th place! Let's hear it for the old guys!
60's today, sunny, and warming to high 60's and low 70's for the rest of the week. Hooray!
Watching the Daytona - ol' Mark Martin has made it up to 7th place and Tony Stewart just crashed! Ouch! Hey - Martin is now in 6th place! Let's hear it for the old guys!
Hey Chief, I have Trains RUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just one loop, but it is a start. This is the middle loop that has the least amount of wiring issues. The upper loop has relays, and the lower one will be TMCC. It is nice to actually see trains running, but I have to tell ya, had problems with 3 different locomotives. All need work that has been neglected while building layout.
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