Good Morning: (I think!) Update.....First light....Drizzle.....Major roads are open but slow.....Many neighborhood streets and basements are flooded......Schools in bordering counties are closed.....2nd most measured rainfall on record.....Most of the problems have been caused by local rivers over-flowing their banks.....
Good News: Immediate family OK.....Flights are beginning to take off from JFK, LGA and Newark.....Friend's layout survived but basement and benchwork will require a lot of work.....
Looking on the bright side: Won't have to water the lawns this week
Good morning all,
It is sunny and windy, but warmer with temps reaching into the 50s in SE Indiana. Lucas and his girlfriend had a great time at the prom and after-prom. He looked quite handsome and she looked very pretty. We spent Sunday recuperating as well and then we went in to help tear stuff down from the prom. Fortunately there was not much to do, and there were more people to help. I did watch the F-1 race and unfortunately Scott Speed had another short day, getting taken out on the first lap. Watched another good episode of "Desperate Housewives" last night. I better send the dining car to "Points East". There are some extra donuts loaded on it today, so enjoy. Chief, those are great pictures of the grandson. Enjoy! I hope all affected by the weather are ok, and I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a sunny, clear 34 degrees. SUN. Going up to 50 today. Maybe an afternoon rain shower. Hope not.
Today is a typical day. I have a few chores to do around the house. Nothing much new on that front. Spent some time in the train room, yesterday. Starting to take shape. I'm sure glad I got the grass mowed, the other day. Looks like it will need mowning again, by the end of the week. We plan on putting in a garden this year. Last year was lost.
Dining Car has arrived from " points west " with donuts. Looks like a good breakfast.
Y'all have a great Monday.
Mornin' boys. Got back from West-by-God-Virginia last night. Visited some nice properties in the mountains...especially one cabin where the hills were whispering to me. Man, do I have that mountain bug (5 more years...).
It is a BLUSTERY day here in the Mid-Atlantic region, with highs in the 40's. Just thought I saw Piglet and Pooh fly past my window.
CHIEF - That baby smell sure is pleasant. He's a handsome boy, must take after his the way, Charlie Brown wants his shirt back...
88 - I was at the grand reopening of the Roundhouse, and a SUN photographer snapped a photo of me with my jaw dropped looking up at the new rafters...
wrmcclellan - Partner, please stop lamenting about your teenage daughter...I come here to get away from MY terrible T!
4 more days 'til the "Gathering"...
Windy here some gusts up to 45 MPH. No snow but just about 10 miles east they have the roads covered and school delays. DARN it we just missed out.
Good SOPRANOs last nite. Looks like the war of the families is about to begin?
Have a good one, 4 more days and I'll be in YORH, AHHH!!!!!!
Good morning from New England! We had a bellygusher over night and it continues today. A full-force Nor'easter that has level 2 hurricane winds. Still, I made it to work.
Today is a Massachusetts holiday - Patriot's Day. The Boston marathon kicks off soon, but I wouldn't want to be a part of that today. The weather is truly nasty.
Hey, I spent a little money this weekend. I bought a new Lionel NYC RS-3 for $80. I love it! It is what it is, so expectations were low. It surprised me. Pulls quite well and smooth as silk. The horn could be a little louder. Can't really hear it very well over the FasTrack din. any way to adjust the volume?
I also bought a set of MTH Railking 60' streamliners in Pennsy colors to go behind my Williams 671 S2 turbine (and a future GG1). Wow! These things are gorgeous! I got them again, new in box for $149. Both purchases at a local train store, Treasured Toys. They also have a set of NYC and one other road that escapes me for the same price. I'd love those NYC cars, but I'm not rich like the Roseyville Rapscallion.
Definition of rapscallion for Chief
Brent, I finally got around to installing new brushes and springs in that tender. It's not working. I think it's wired wrong. Both power wires are connected to the top of the relay. I think they should be connected to a brush post. Will get a wiring diagram on Wednesday and see.
Soldering is a snap! The hardest part is not having another set of hands to hold everything!
Julia is having adenoid surgery tomorrow morning. I will be by her side. Please remember to say a prayer for my little girl.
Have a great day everyone! See you all on Wednesday.
Modeling the Baltimore waterfront in HO scale
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
jaabat wrote: Brent, I finally got around to installing new brushes and springs in that tender. It's not working. I think it's wired wrong. Both power wires are connected to the top of the relay. I think they should be connected to a brush post. Will get a wiring diagram on Wednesday and see.Soldering is a snap! The hardest part is not having another set of hands to hold everything! Julia is having adenoid surgery tomorrow morning. I will be by her side. Please remember to say a prayer for my little girl.
Morning all from a sunny and mild (58) N. Texas! Gonna be a nice one today. Weather supposed to hold for take off in the am for Baltimore and on to York, or as LAZ calls it YORH. Must be that PA accent???? or a hangover....
Montoya and Stewart taking it in the press this morning.
fife - oh the joy, oh the joy! Doug and me - we're hangin together on ths one. If we didn't feel sorry for ourselves who would????
Jim - Your daughter is in our prayers. Good luck with the surgery tomorrow.
Grand-Chief - hmmmmmm - not bad!
Brent - glad to hear the house purchase is moving along.
Got the lawn mowed yesterday. It has been so cloudy and cool here the last week that it hardly grew compared to previous weeks..
Busy day to day - getting ready for the trip this week and this afternoon is the last robotics calls before the district competition.
Regards, Roy
Good Morning All,
Expecting a little rain later today through tomorrow. I'm not complaining...I'll take the liquid version of precipitation over the frozen kind anyday. Yesterday was a very productive day early on. Got up and watched the F1 Grand Prix....Ferrari came in 1 and 3....Good. For you Nascar fans....what do you really think about Montoya? Is he working out for you?
Put the finishing touches on the second large bench I started on Saturday. These things are big....heavy....but solid. I put a lot of extra 2x4 bracing into them. I weigh in at 215 and wanted to make sure that as I crawl around on top of them that they wouldn't rock, bend, break, sag....SOLID. I didn't get the final one done...this will be a smaller bench completing the horseshoe. I hope to get that done next weekend.
I didn't watch the Soprano's lastnight (should have), but watched game 3 between Dallas and Vancouver. Should have watched the Soprano's...but Tivo has it queued up and ready for tonight. The Stars lost and are now down 2 games to 1. Keeping my fingers crossed that we can tie the series up tomorrow night before the series heads back to Vancouver.
Hope everyone has a great Monday.
Jim - is a "bellygusher" the same thing as a "GULLYWASHER"? Hope Julia does well!! Prayers sent up for her and your family.
Doug - hope your wife is OK and returns home safely..she probably won't forget this b'day!!
Strange weather here - Some areas with flooding due to yesterdays rains, power outages due to high winds; rather chilly - up to low 50's today???... but feels more like 20's-30's with the windchill. Snow in the mountains ('bout 1 1/2 hrs west of me) with hazardous driving conditions due to icy roads and high winds (up to 70mph gusts). Sure hope Dewey T is here in the foothills and not at his mountain home - could get blown off the mountain today!!
Hope all have a great time at York! Will pray that you arrive there and return home safely!
Morning all ! Glad there was not any severe tornados, hope everyone comes through that northeaster OK! Some people here talking about the storm that went through yesterday, whe e got a total of .2 inches of rain, Bringing the season total to about .4, bad news ahead for fires.
Best wishes for Julia and Doug's wife getting home safely!
Had a busy, busy weekend. Didn't even get to watch the race, ugh! (I will probably be the only person walking through York wearing a NASCAR jacket.)
Wanted to get the elevated G-Scale shelf done. Made it!! Of course the planning took the most time, measure twice cut once. right? Everything appears to be good and solid. Wasn't easy given that 3 walls was using thin vinyl and foam to secure to, and the fourth wall having stucco as a base. The only concern now is whether or not the tracks will fit. Might have to run military trains only, (they make sharp right angle corners don't they?)
Today will spend getting ready for trip to PA, lots of running around, getting stuff packed and rounded up. Will have to leave around 5:00 am, tomorrow.
Keith - No Chris will not be coming with me, he went back to school today from spring break.
Finally, got one of those Williams catalogs in the mail, however about 15 pages were missing out of the middle section, ripped right from the staples. Remaining was Very interesting, need to check them out a lot closer.
Chief - I think you need to spend the next 5 or 6 days strategizing with , planning, and training the new troops and recruits you have acquired. IN OTHER WORDS: NOW IS THE TIME FOR THAT TRUCE REGARDING ANY WEATHER INVASIONS. Us folks from out west don't understand these things they call rain and snow.
Fifedog - Don't forget Gordon use to run open wheel, he started very young, about 7 yrs old.
John - No concern about driving MD, don't forget I'm from Southern California. We KNOW how to drive with emotion. Either throw flowers at em, or SHOOT em
fifedog wrote:JTaylor801 - J.P. Montoya has came onto the scene with a roar. He's returned some pizzaz to my HAVOLINE car (I'm on ol' Davey fan). He's ruffeling a few feathers (mainly Stewart & Gordon), but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'd like to see Indy or Champ car run companion events with NASCAR (there is some talk), then we would get to see these crossover stars show us what they got, and vice-versa (would love to see what Jeff Gordon could do in openwheel).
Hey y'all
Sorry, gotta make it quick, slammed here @ work.
Been a rough week, Wife's Birthday and was sick all weekend, so I did all the housework and took care of her. Daughter had CCD and then dance show in the eve (on wife b-day). Wife felt well enough to go and then got Brick Oven Margarhita Pizza. She even got a canoli with a candle on it. Our waiter sang Happy Birthday to her (he's VERY Italian..). Got a phone call from one of my buds in Jersey, a very dear friend died Easter Monday morn. Only 68, retired from USMC (a USNA grad) and the NJTP. After I moved here, he moved to Daytona and would spent some weekends with him and his wife. They then moved to VA, his son is in the USMCR and was sent to Iraq (he's a MP), as his family was having $ trouble. They stayed to help out the son's family. He had a stroke last year and never really recovered.
Prayers to all and thanks for the vent.
I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.I am the venom in your skin --- Breaking Benjamin
JIM, A prayer out for your daughter, hope all is well.
ROY, hickup? YORK, much better?
Afternoon all. Blowing like a hurricane. Trees blowing over and splitiing. None in my yard so far. Been out to mail GWB his next year's salary [felt like it when I wrote the check ]. Took lots of postage so glad I checked. Was going o put only two stamps on it. That would not hve been enough. Got only 1.3 inches of rain. Checked the pond and everything OK there just up a 1/2 foot.
Going to do some work in greenhouse and move plants that are too big to shelter. About Wednesday, they will go in the ground.
Lunch time and then some trains.
Jim, look after my Niece and I got it from a good source, she will be fine.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
fifedog wrote:Don & 88 - I'm beyond my old "anybody but Gordon" days. I truly would love to watch a half dozen of these guys racing Saturday in open-wheel, then hop into stockcars on Sunday. Kinda separate the men from the boys. I'd pay good money to see Stewart, Jeff Gordon, Robby, Montoya, Kahne, Newman, Mears mix it up with Helio, Sam, P.T., & Dario. Would't you?
ChiefEagles wrote:Hope our friend Allan Miller is OK. Just turned on TV and saw special on shooting on VT campus.
You illustrate the beauty of this forum and particularly the bunch of people on the 'pot. We go from discussing the pros and cons of open wheel vs. closed wheel racing to worrying about whether one of our own is involved in a tragic event. It is a wonderful sight to see people arguing vociferously over the attributes of grits to being united in sympathy, prayers, and thoughts when one of us in trouble or hurting. I think this aspect keeps me returning day after day to the coffeepot. My thoughts and prayers are with the ones affected by the events at Virginia Tech.
cheapclassics wrote: Brent,You illustrate the beauty of this forum and particularly the bunch of people on the 'pot. We go from discussing the pros and cons of open wheel vs. closed wheel racing to worrying about whether one of our own is involved in a tragic event. It is a wonderful sight to see people arguing vociferously over the attributes of grits to being united in sympathy, prayers, and thoughts when one of us in trouble or hurting. I think this aspect keeps me returning day after day to the coffeepot. My thoughts and prayers are with the ones affected by the events at Virginia Tech. Keep on training,Mike C. from Indiana
I believe Allan Miller handles or edits publications and such at Virginia Tech. He was probably in an Administrative Building rather than in a Dorm or Classroom Building.
Awful tragedy.
Good afternoon,
Rain about over here, we got a total of 2.2" so far. Pretty windy but no local damage that I know of. The Southeast corner of Lancaster County had it the worst. Pictures on TV of a greenhouse on an Amish farm that was destroyed by the wind. Amtrak lost power to the catenary on the Harrisburg - Philadelphia line and had to bring in diesels to keep the trains running.
Jim, Ours prayers go out for Julia. That brings back memories of spending the day at the hospital with my youngest daughter when she had her tonsils out. She was about 4 or 5 can't remember exactly.
Just finished running the track cleaning car on the rest of the layout.
Take care,
wrmclellan - Roy, when that girl of your walks in the door today, give her a hug, tell her you love her.
...because you still can.
'Nuf said...
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