July Coffee Pot. 12 years and running. Coffee and grits for the Sleeping Southerners.Oatmeal and Doughnuts for the Yanks. Enjoy Locked

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Posted by cheapclassics on Tuesday, July 26, 2016 9:50 PM

Good evening all,

Very busy, very good at work.  Pain one was gone today so pain two was quiet.  Walked in the rain today.  Cooler.  Checked on bunnies tonight.  Eyes are open but still not moving much.   Quiet night at home.   I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by rtraincollector on Wednesday, July 27, 2016 11:41 AM

Afternoon all. Not a lot going on here. Just thinking we haven't heard from Kevin in a couple of days, hope all is fine.

Going thru some of my trains that most have at least 5 of ( 6465,6462,6017, etc) and try to let them be on someone elses layout. Smile

Not much else going on, hope all having a good day

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by dougdagrump on Wednesday, July 27, 2016 4:16 PM

Afternoon Fellers,

The heat is back, might need a second mortgage for the electric bill.

Packing up a bunch of stuff for the museum. Regular run day on Friday and Kid's Club Fun Run on Saturday will require at least four complete trains and seven engines, primaries and backups.

Buckeye, Were you out and about in a red pick-up in Cuyahoga Falls this past weekend ? Laugh

Later all.

Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.

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Posted by KRM on Wednesday, July 27, 2016 6:41 PM


  Just thinking we haven't heard from Kevin in a couple of days,


All is as good as it can be RT, just don't think I need to rant on and on about my issues,

 Thanks for asking, friend. The fact of the matter is I am doing better but it aint been any fun at all. At this pointm I am just hanging in there and I hope for the best.


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Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


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Posted by cheapclassics on Wednesday, July 27, 2016 9:12 PM

Good evening all,

Quiet day at work.  Good walk at noon.  Weather still warm.  Mowed tonight as there is supposed to be rain the next few days and we are taking off for Mid-Ohio on Saturday.  Checked on bunnies.  All four still there.   I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by submmbob on Wednesday, July 27, 2016 10:35 PM

Hello all

Got another pretty good 'frog strangler' last night. Was pretty cool seeing the lightning flashes thru the skylights at the barn.

Got the freshwater system hooked up on the motorhome. New hose bib on the bus. Got a freshwater drinking hose. Was going to hook two hoses together to make the length and I end up...w/ two male ends in the middleTongue Tied

Got an adapter today and pressure tested the system. A couple leaks fixed and it holds pressure at 54 lbs from the street. Will still prob reduce it a bit. All the faucets and shower works. Now to get everything hooked back up to the tanks. Previous resident was dumping the sinks & shower on to the ground. 

Got a copper oil line going to the pressure gauge on the Datsun now. Plastic stuff was leaking. Mechanical fuel pump and engine mounts on order and will pick up the rear shocks tomorrow.



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Posted by fifedog on Thursday, July 28, 2016 7:37 AM

Mornin' boys.  Muggy & 82 here in the Mid-Atlantic region.  So far it's been peaceful in "Mobtown", despite the best efforts of its DA...  Can't wait to get away from all this; unfortunately, I have to.  Tried to put the cart before the horse, so to speak, but that fell apart this past week.  Then my realtor "pair" split up, so I had to hear those phone inquiries.  All of this has taken a toll on the homefront.  Just gotta take a shoulder down approach for now.

On the upside, O's are in doing well, and RAVENS training camp has begun.

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Posted by rtraincollector on Thursday, July 28, 2016 9:12 AM

Morning all. not a lot going on here today. Getting ready to go get my few hairs cut. Then some light shopping as main shopping will be tomorrow, but may try and go ahead and do it all today. Need to stop by Donna's booth to rearrange some items add some remove some and take some pics. 

Hope all having a good day talk to you all later

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by dougdagrump on Thursday, July 28, 2016 2:55 PM

Is it warm where you are today ?

How about a DQ Blizzard to cool off and at the same time participating outlets will make a donatiion to "Children's Miracle Network".  Thumbs Up

Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.

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Posted by KRM on Thursday, July 28, 2016 3:31 PM


Is it warm where you are today ?

How about a DQ Blizzard to cool off and at the same time participating outlets will make a donatiion to "Children's Miracle Network".  Thumbs Up


 I would love to Doug, funny the wife and I were just talking about there being no DQs anywhere close to us just the other day. Life in the sticks I guess. Tongue Tied

Joined 1-21-2011    TCA 13-68614

Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


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Posted by rtraincollector on Thursday, July 28, 2016 5:02 PM

DQ whats that I haven't seen one of those in years. If there was one in columbia I don't know where it is. And forget this area. 

Maybe Agusta,GA. would closest big city to me. 

Well we got done our shopping for the day. Spent more than planned.

Hope all had a good day

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by submmbob on Friday, July 29, 2016 12:09 AM

Hello all

Roy - I think they are making some of those lawn maintenance devices rechargeble now:)

Got the rear shocks on the Datsun today. The ones on there were the originals and were done. Have the mechanical fuel pump and the engine mounts on order. While it was up on the lift today I checked the mounts and the passenger side one has let go. 

Back to the bus tomorrow. Hopefully will get the shift cable adjusted and then start improving the bed platform and franing in the ac unit.


Tucson, AZ (aka the Ol' Pueblo)

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Posted by Banks on Friday, July 29, 2016 11:14 AM

Hello there,
Belated Condolences and Congas to those I missed. I read daily but don’t take time to post
Been really crazy here since returning from a week at the beach……Ended up spending biggest end of 2 days working via mobile Hotspot from phone. Tried a couple times to hook up with Jimmy T but it wasn’t to be. One trip to Toy Town but nothing new since my visit in June. Also thrown in was a visit to the local Urgent Care to have a toothpick sized splinter removed from the back of my leg. Got that from the picnic table while moving to make room for Mrs.
Work continues to be nuts. Brutus’ talk of retirement hit me. Never realized it but part of my problem is retirements. Lost several of my best leaders last year. Three years ago there were 3 of us in the office. The other 2 retired, one on disability. They only replaced one. We did OK while we weren’t busy but now we are and I’m learning the new guy dosen’t do well when rushed. Depending on Obamacare I’m at least having a career change sometime between 9-11 of ‘18 and Valentines of ‘19
Mom is Mom. Good days and bad. When dropping her of for respite I cautioned them she was due for UTI. Spending 5 minutes with her when she came home I knew they paid no attention. She had a good one. She gets in a foul mood and restless. I can tell by the look in her eye……The Docs then refused to medicate without a culture (wouldn’t want to give the wrong antibiotic) It took a week to get the results of a 48 hour culture……..
The heat and drought continue. We suffered from too much rain this spring. Now suffering from too little. The hay fields look like they were cut last week but it’s been almost two months. The rye was for the most part blind (no grain) so son gave up on the combine and cut it with the haybine. It will be fair feed due to the alfalfa growing along with it. Two out of three corn fields are brown. No chance of corn. May cut and feed now. The other that was planted in the bottom may make a little corn. We did get a nice rain yesterday afternoon and evening. Hoping for more this weekend.
I sat up the 24” x 8’ soft side pool for the grandkids this week. It’s small but the sure enjoy it. I found a 36” x 12’ from Rural King on clearance and ordered it for next year
Tuning is helping grandson’s new ride. Last Saturday the only thing that kept him from 1st place in both classes was a negative .008 reaction time (red light) in the final run. I’m thinking I might’ve staged him too deep plus it is leaving a lot harder than it did.
Tomorrow I hope to catch up on some long neglected yard work. Sunday is Hillclimb. Plans are in the works to turn it into a family outing again.
Try to be back more regular
Prayers for those in need

Banks, Proud member of the OTTS  TCA 12-67310



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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Friday, July 29, 2016 8:29 PM

Good Evening from warm 88°F Southern Ohio,


Today is my 38th Wedding Anniversary.  I am truly blessed.  My bride made two wonderful pizzas, one sausage and one gorgonzola cheese, and I had a cold beer, then she had oatmeal raisin cookies for dessert.

I put an Easy Lift on my truck tailgate today.  Makes closing the tailgate really easy.  My wife loves it.  Cut grass in a couple yards today, then had football practice.  I may get another beer to re-hydrate!

Banks - That is a good size splinter!  I’ll keep your mom in my prayers this evening.

Bob - I sent you a PM

Kev - Are being a good boy and staying out of trouble?


Good night and may God bless


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Posted by cheapclassics on Friday, July 29, 2016 8:32 PM

Good evening all,

Was really busy last night so did not post.  Really quiet at work the past 2 days, which is a good way to lead into a vacation.   Going for our Mid-Ohio weekend although today's practice speeds do not give much hope for the Foyt team.  Edged the sidewalks and weedeated the brick sidewalk as well.  Checked on bunnies.  Probably will be out of nest by time I get back.  Got to see the Honda train tonight.  Went to see the latest Star Trek Thursday night.  Good flick, not a great one.  I hope everyone has a good day.   Will post as time and wife's tablet will permit.  

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by fifedog on Saturday, July 30, 2016 8:40 AM

Mornin' boys.  Hazy with periods of rain today in the Mid-Atlantic region.  Big pool party over in-laws too...

Spent yesterday outside sweatin' my butt off getting fifedom ready at realtor's (not mine) request, only to have a no-show @ 7pm.  No phone call.  No nothing.

Bang HeadBang HeadBang Head  I am quite sick of this process.

Phish - Congrats on the Anniversary.

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Posted by KRM on Saturday, July 30, 2016 8:40 AM


Feel a bit better today but still two weeks later way off the mark. Oh well where I cut my leg open when I fell down the stairs still has a scab so everything inside must to.

 68 and only going to 75 today with clouds. That will be nice for a change.
No real plans.
  Phish, I am trying. Wife had a colonoscopy yesterday. What a joke that was. Sandra's surgery was set at 4:00and she did not get in until 5:15. By the time she recovered and we got out it was half past seven and the place was empty. At least they removed two polyps so it was worth it. Healthcare today. Bang Head
Phish hope you had a Happy Anniversary.  Drinks
FIFE, I feel your pain. It gets old fast.

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Posted by sir james I on Saturday, July 30, 2016 9:54 AM

The medical profession doesn't seem to know what on time means. Yes a doctor can't predict the time needed for each patient but their appointment system is way out of whack with reality. I just spent(Wed.) an hour and a half to see a doctor for two minutes having stitches removed from my hand.Time

"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

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Posted by KRM on Saturday, July 30, 2016 10:07 AM

Your right SJ and like I tried to tell Sandra. If the doctor is doing 10 procedures in a day and takes 5 minutes to long on the first one and you are the second one of the day you will only have to wait 5 minutes. But when you’re the last appointment of the day like we were and someone has to be, and he has taken 5 extra minutes on each one then your 50 minutes behind so it is what it is. One thing for sure you don’t want them to rush.
Since they did find two polyps it was a good thing she went in even with the long and frustrating wait. 


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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Saturday, July 30, 2016 7:31 PM

Good Evening from muggy Southern Ohio

It has not rained today, but it was cloudy at times.  I got some honey -do jobs done today.  Cleaned the gutters on the back of the house, fixed a leaky toilet, Trimmed some branches away from the house and caulked around the skylight on the back porch.  Then it was off to Mass, and my bride had grilled steaks when I got home and we had fresh peach cobbler for dessert.  

The kids are home from their vacation to the beach with the other grandparents.  It is good to have them home.  I really missed them.

Tomorrow after Mass we are going the the State Fair.  Felicity will be competing in quilting.  She has studied quite a bit.

Thanks guys on the anniversary congrats.

Fife - I can’t imagine having to keep the house “show room ready” while trying to live in it.  It’s hard enough just to keep up room to room.

What if a doctor’s fee started out at $X and for every 15 minutes he makes you wait, the fee is reduced 10%.

Good night and may God bless



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Posted by dbaker48 on Sunday, July 31, 2016 1:10 AM

Evening All,

Thought I would just jump in for a few minutes, hope I don't bore you all.

- Happy belated Anniversary Jim, BTW really enjoyed your visit here, you are welcome anytime.

- Kev, I can see you just dont get it when it comes to resting when you get hurt.  Mowing and all the other stuff you've been doing.  Hope that back issue goes away soon!  Glad to hear it worked out well for your wife.  That is something you dont want to mess with, the tests are uncomfortable for sure, but it is so important.  (My mom passed from colon cancer, therefore I am in a high risk group and have to have the colonscopy frequently.  They are MUCH improved from what they use to be.)

- Made a big score today, we were working a HAM Radio swap meet selling printer supplies.  Another vendor who is usually there had some train stuff.  I picked up a Lionel TMCC Command Set, (Module and Remote) for $50!  And they look brand new IN the box!  Also got some Fastrack about 18 pieces for $10. 

After we finished for the day (11:30), we went to a train show in Pomona which is only done annually.  Didn't buy anything.  (The TMCC set was there for $149).

On the layout scene, I had to go back to Marks and modify his Ross 3 way switch to accomodate roller spacing on his conventional engines.  That went well.  Another guy (Dennis) asked me to quote wiring his layout.  After looking at it decided I would pass.  He has a shelf layout and is extremely crowded, and built in a Cherry Wood cabinet.  The cabinet is beautiful.  The layout is in the shape of a "Z".  Track already mounted on Hemosote which is on MDF plywood.  ONLY access for wiring is between the Hemosote and plywood.  Meaning have to cut trenches for all wire runs.  NO DRILLING !!!  Just too much access dificulty.  So I told him I would have to pass.  Then today at the train show ran into my buddy Lloyd.  Dennis had came to the show earlier and talked with Lloyd about his layout, Lloyd said he would come and look at it and would be able to resolve it. AND THEN, told Dennis he knew someone who could wire it!   ME.  I come walking up about this time, and see the two of them talking.  Lloyd calls over, Hey Don, come here!  Dennis says I know him!  Gee, I was kind of on a spot, they decide if they take care of the trenches and do the grunt work, will I tell them where to run the wires, and then hook them all up.  So I may not be out of it yet.

- Going to take off this week and head up to Reno, and visit my brother for a few days, looking forward to that.

- Our van got backed into in a parking lot, apparently its going to be in the shop for a week to be repaired.  The other insurance company covering the rental vehicle for that time.  Hertz told me they could give me a Mustang convertible, I was planning on taking the El Camino, but now not sure.

Fife, Hope your housing situation gets untangled SOON!

Hope I havent bored you all, but take care and be careful! 

Regards !!


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Posted by KRM on Sunday, July 31, 2016 4:06 PM




- Kev, I can see you just dont get it when it comes to resting when you get hurt.  Mowing and all the other stuff you've been doing.  Hope that back issue goes away soon!  Glad to hear it worked out well for your wife.  That is something you dont want to mess with, the tests are uncomfortable for sure, but it is so important.  (My mom passed from colon cancer, therefore I am in a high risk group and have to have the colonscopy frequently.  They are MUCH improved from what they use to be.)

 I hear you Don But there is just no one else to do this stuff. I paced myself on the yard work. And on the colonscopy frequently, Me to. Lost both of my folks colon cancer to, My mom when I was 6 years old after she had a 1 year fight and my dad in 1991 after a 9 month fight. So I have been getting them since I was about 30 years old every 3 years. Why I am still here..


Been a rough day, not sure but the gut is way out of control, no appetite and I have been sweating on and off all day. Starting to wonder if I have some sort of internal injury? Anything on my waist hurts. Maybe I am bloated or something I don't know. Feel best butt naked in the recliner with a blanket cover. Don't get nothing done like that. Will be talking to the doctor this week and 3 days of PT. That is worse than cutting grass on the rider. Dead

The NASCAR race got rained out so stuck watching those Indy cars. At least it was at a track I like. Yes

Have a good one.

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Posted by jefelectric on Sunday, July 31, 2016 6:33 PM

Good evening everyone,

It's been a while, but I'm back.  Haven't done much training so far this Summer. Got my October York registration in the mail a week or so ago & got to get that in the mail.  Hope everyone is doing well, only read back a day or so & I'm sure I missed a lot.  Older I get it seems the less time I have to do anything.  

Went to an afternoon service at a daughter's church which was all music.  One 15 year old grand daughter played her guitar and the 13 year old sang with her.  I thought they did well.  About an hour and a half of music by young and old.

I think our extreme heat has finally broken, next week to be in low to mid 80s. Last two weeks have been mostly above 95 during the day.

Have a good week.

John Fullerton Home of the BUBB&A
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Posted by jefelectric on Sunday, July 31, 2016 6:37 PM

Been really crazy here since returning from a week at the beach……Ended up spending biggest end of 2 days working via mobile Hotspot from phone. Tried a couple times to hook up with Jimmy T but it wasn’t to be. One trip to Toy Town but nothing new since my visit in June. Also thrown in was a visit to the local Urgent Care to have a toothpick sized splinter removed from the back of my leg. Got that from the picnic table while moving to make room for Mrs.

I sure hope you are going to find time to come to York in October!

John Fullerton Home of the BUBB&A
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Posted by Banks on Monday, August 1, 2016 7:33 AM

I sure hope you are going to find time to come to York in October!

Hello There.........

No September POT yet???????

I am planning October YORK If Mom has no issues . Thats why We missed April

Banks, Proud member of the OTTS  TCA 12-67310



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Posted by sir james I on Monday, August 1, 2016 8:39 AM

Mr Murphy started an August pot

"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

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