Coffee Pot #4 April 2012 8 years [April 1 is Anniv.] and going strong and its for all to chat. Plenty of coffee and sweet ice tea for all. Come and join us and chat. GRITS for the Yankees. Locked

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, April 8, 2012 9:37 PM

I've been having some great conversation with the little Spring..the cat in my avatar. His vocabulary seems to include clicking, squeaks, meowling like a kitten, broken up..mmm...aaahhs....and what all else...Laugh

Started doing the cleaning up of Thompson I got a phonecall from one of the mods from another forum I'm on that a member of said forum passed away..we were close to each other...bad week hereCrying

Jeff: That does not sound good...will continue prayers...

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by AF53 on Sunday, April 8, 2012 9:56 PM

Roy - Unfortunately I was only able to take one box from HudsonJohn's house! Good thing, as I don't think he has any interest in AF pre-war stuff! Laugh

JoeD & Jack - My #1 daughter informed me that in 1998 the Yankees started out 0-3! They went 114-45 the rest of the way! Whistling




Bayville, NJ


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Posted by Brutus on Sunday, April 8, 2012 10:27 PM

Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!  My folks had a big luncheon with ham and turkey plus all the goodies.  My sister who lives in NC was in town with her family and it was really nice to see them after like 2 years.  Tonight, Char and the kids got back from their trip to KC on Amtrak, right on time.  Other than that, Chewy and I are glad to be over our 2 days of "bachelor fun", although we did catch up on some of our tv shows on the DVR.

TARDIS is running late, but we'll be around shortly!

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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Posted by cnw1995 on Monday, April 9, 2012 7:15 AM

Aloha from a sunny Crystal Lake where I'll be working from home to accomodate my mother coming in for a one-day visit. Had a nice Easter gathering: good food, good family time, and my dastardly hard egg hunt was a success.

 Brutus, I have bail money for you and Chewy.

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Monday, April 9, 2012 7:22 AM

Good Morning

Sun turning to a mix of sun/cloud later this morning with a 30% chance of showers...high will be 59F

Am going to get a few things today at the local Home Despicable...then off to the trainroom to start the demo work on Thompson Mills..and rewire the beeeeeep thingMischiefBang Head

Shock and dismay seems to be the catch phrase for a couple of music forums this morning. One of the closest mates I've who was about to do a collab with me has passed away ...

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Blueberryhill RR on Monday, April 9, 2012 7:33 AM

Good Morning from Blueberryhill RR....

It is a sunny 47 degrees. Going up to 62 today with sunshine.

Today is a busy day. I have a few phone calls to make and the usual chores. The wife has grocery shopping. Gas prices are still at $3.69 a gallon. Maybe I'll get a nap after lunch.

Dining car is here with Cheerios for breakfast.

Y'all have a great Monday.


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, April 9, 2012 8:04 AM

Good morning. It's 59° and partly cloudy. The high will be 82° and there's a 20% chance of showers and thunderstorms this afternoon.

Today I'll be getting my two Bachmann GP30's boxed up for delivery. Other than that, no plans.

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Posted by sir james I on Monday, April 9, 2012 8:21 AM

44 with bright sun, going into the 60s for today only. After yesterdays dinner and visiting today seems like a big let down. I forgot to mention that the Tigers won a close ballgame in extra innings yesterday. I guess today will be a slow one except we are all meeting for leftovers at 5..A good chat with some of the guys last night... S.J.

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Posted by cheapclassics on Monday, April 9, 2012 8:25 AM

Good morning all,

IIABSDISEI with temps near 60.  Will be doing some tree trimming tonight if weather permits.  Lots of dead in trees.  Did not sleep well last night.  Quiet drive in.  People off sick at work.  Nothing serious.  Blownout Cylinder, sorry to hear of your loss.  Jeffrey, prayers and thoughts for you and family.  I had streusel on the dining car for breakfast.  TBIL after yard work.  Really like the Motor City set in new Lionel catalog.  Hard to justify O-60 curves for it, but it does look awesome.  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by laz 57 on Monday, April 9, 2012 8:43 AM


  Very windy here today going up to 58?  Got back from In Laws and MOMs last nite all was good up there, had nice meals.

DENNIS, sorry you had to go to work on Easter.  Sometimes you just want to shout out, hang in there it takes all kinds o people in this world.

CHIEF, CONGAs to BUBBA for winning the MASTERs.  With a name like BUBBA you know he had to come from NC.Huh?ConfusedBeerIndifferent!

DOUG M, damper is put on the hot fire at the end of the day when we put the Lokie in the barn for the nite.  What we do is put the train in its barn, and the fire inside the firebox is ablaze and if we left it go, it would continue to build steam and pop off the vavles until fuel is burnt down.  You don't want that to happen, because you would need a guy there all nite long injecting water on to the crown plate which is above the firebox.  If no water on crownplate and you put it on, this would cause a catastrophic explosion of the boiler, which is a bad thing.  So we use a coal silt that is made up of coal and slated that is as fine as a coarse sand.  It is wet and we shovel about a 3-4 inch topping on top of the fire.  This dampens the fire but does keep it alive and brings down the pressure and heat inside the firebox.  The next morning you can scrape off the damper put out the ashes and still have the center hot enough to start up your fire for the day.  We usually pull out the whloe old embers and start anew with another fire for the day because sometimes the quality of the coal will burn up and leave big clinkers in it and those clinkers cause dead spots in the firebox which in turn will kill your fire.

Stya frosty,


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by RockIsland52 on Monday, April 9, 2012 9:56 AM

Good Mornin' Ya'll From Overcast Taxachusetts,

Drought continues, and the local brush fires are picking up the pace.  Without a good, slow, soaking rain (which is not in the forecast) we could be in for a tough time.  Normally this time of year we have more rain than we can handle.  Add in the normal snow melt run-off from the higher elevations and you would normally see some flooding around here.  But Winter snow accululation was another missing element the past few months.  Bone dry!!!  Will save gas because the grass isn't growing very much.

Easter was especially "fulfilling" this year. Dinner  My daughter is a great cook and loves to cook.  Buried us in appetizers as soon as we walked in the door and then continued to stuff us from thereon in.  The pork rib roast (20 bones) was scrumptious, and she served it with salad and too many sides to mention.  Desserts: home made bannana whipped cream pie with chocolate sprinkles on top, jello with whipped cream, home baked cookies, chocolate mouse, some huge whipped dish made with mega amounts of sugar, eggs, and peanut butter, and the perfunctory Easter candies.  I had to pass out for a nap like a snake that just consumed an entire cow.  Then the rascals in the group took out the cameras to commemorate the event for posterity, including me in bunny ears snoozing.

Jeff....... Angel continue for your Mom and that she turns the corner on this stuff in short order.  You and your Dad must be besides yourselves.  Hang in there.

Blownout........prayers on the loss of your friend, and also for the other one that is still struggling in the hospital.  It seems to be raining setbacks for you.  Hang in there. Angel

MikeC.......that was a nice visit you must have had with Lucas and his fiancee. Thumbs Up about a high stress job!!  As much as one tries to remain professionally detached, it just isn't completely possible.  Especially when one has to contend with overwhelmed family of the patients.  Half of them are thankful for all you have tried to do while a few may act out out their sense of grief and of loss, questioning why more wasn;t done.  Catch 22 at times for you I suppose.  Your skin can only be so thick.  And you then have to go home to be with your family as if it were "just another day at the office."  Prayers for you too. Angel  The adoption can't happen too soon for your wife and you.

RaySP........hope this morning still has your wifey back at full and equal strength.

AF Ray.......I was indeed blessed with parents who gave it their all for the kids.  They found and preached balance, even in their toughest of times.  And they imparted the notion of taking the "long" view to us kids.  When things were going particularly bad for me, my Dad use to say with a smile,  "Cheer up.  Things will probably get worse before they get better.  And they will get better."  Or......"If you think you have it tough, look around you.  You DON"T have it tough." first granddaughter was pretty much the same way when passing just short of two years of age, quiet as a church mouse, much to the consternation of the entire family.  Then somebody flipped a switch and the floodgates opened. Angel

Fife........congratulations on your soon to be new "crew member."  Thumbs Up Pirate  I think that instead of eventually retiring to points West you need to build a family compound closer to home and buy a bigger yatchet. Whistling  Re Jos. A. Bank clothiers, the three for one suit sale os on here as well. you and Chewy are glad to have the family back safe and sound from their road trip. Thumbs Up  Having close family out of town can really be stressful, especially at the holidays trying to be in two places at once.  We had to do a lot of "visiting" by phone yesterday, received the usual "When are you coming to visit" refrain."

DonB........had to laugh when you said your thighs and abdomen were sore from "engineering."  Had visions of a fit and trim Flash Gordon (you) shovelling coal while Ming the Merciless' henchmen were whipping him.Whistling  By the way, 

Roy......what's this "sweeping" of the garage, driveway, and part of the alley stuff.  Use a leaf blower like the professionals do!! are lucky you don't live in Taxachusetts.  I have gotten a refund from the State about once in the past 24 years' tax returns. Bang Head  I suspect your photos of you serving as "engineer" have been delayed because they needed a lot of "photoshopping" to make you look like you knew what you were doing.Whistling

Buckeye......what is worse than being reviewed by a "superior" that doesn't know squat?  Being reviewed by a "superior" that can't do squat either, display any vision, or manage their way out of a wet paper bag, all the while they are in charge.  Titanic II waiting to happen. Bang Head

SubmmBob.......are you any good at refinishing hardwood floors?  After the U.S.S Ioway decks you must have it down to a science!!! Whistling  Thank you for the great pictures, and glad you are home safe and sound.

SJ.........Tigers sweep the Red Sox!!!! Bang Head  Doom and gloom as they pummeled two of our top 3 starters and the rest of our pitching staff.

JoeyD and AF Ray........the Red Sox will be lucky to make the playoffs this year with the talent in the AL East. Add in two front line pitchers on the DL for a long time, another returning after missing most of last year with a back injury, with Papelbon their former top flight closer now making zillions a year in Philadelphia, and middle relief pitchers who can't get an out.  The available talent.on the field certainly does not reflect the second highest payroll in baseball. sounds to me like your score on the trout fishing front is running way ahead of the past couple of years. Thumbs Up 

Later, gang!!!!



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Posted by anjdevil2 on Monday, April 9, 2012 10:58 AM

Good Morning!

Start off with sad news from Philly, as we have lost 2 brothers on a LODD.  Came in as a rubbish fire consumed an abandoned hosiery factory and a nearby exposure (furniture store).  Winds kicked up many embers and created hazards throughout the area. Angel

Many brush fires south of here, red flag warnings up.

We had 3 turnpike calls yesterday for MVAs. this morning we had a mutual aid for a fully involved barn with multiple exposures.  Barn was lost, exposures saved.  Hence my lack of sleep this morning.

Jeff - Angel for your Mom.

Blownout - Angel for your friend in the hospital and your loss of another.

MikeC - I'm just wondering....will you be visiting us here in the Garden State for the US Grand Prix? 2013 springtime, if I remember right.  Hey, at least they'll pave the streets!

Very windy this AM and continuing this afternoon.  Into the hi 60's, if you can tolerate the 40 MPH gusts...Bang Head.

RIJack - You and them bunny ears....all I can say

Well, I was going to surprise you Yorkies but as it turns out, I have another job interview that Friday, so maybe October....?  Had to cancel my motel reservation as well.....Sigh

That's all from here....Have a good day .... or as best as possible.



I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.
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Posted by Stourbridge Lion on Monday, April 9, 2012 11:08 AM

Good Morning CTTFans!

It's 46F heading up into the 70's today.  Saw reports of several fires breaking out again but they seem to got a handle on them quickly.  The winds and dry conditions just have things ready to burn and it looks like it will be that way all summer.  Not much on the Modeling / Railfan perspective for me right now but hope to get in sometime this summer...

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Posted by Hudson#685 on Monday, April 9, 2012 11:30 AM

Lunch time,

I hope eveyone's Easter was as good as mine.

Roy, don't encourage AF53. He has been noted to "borrow items from relatives homes", all in fun of course.

AF53, I think pleading the 5th was a little of both.

YES the RED Flag is up for forrest fires by us also.

Kev, I would not worry about your Grandson and the speech issue. My son was the same way. We had him to Early Intervention and he would actually work the therapist over. She would bring out toy farm animals, ask him what they were and he would imitate the sounds they made. He turned out fine.

Prayers for all in need.

I will catch the crew on the Tardis tonight.

Have a Great Day,


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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 9, 2012 11:56 AM


             I've never been to that show.  I work Sundays, so I won't be able to make it.

Just got back from buying wheels off an 06 Mustang GT from a guy on Craig's List.  Wheels are in great shape along with the OE Pirelli's wrapped around them. Thumbs Up  Got a great deal on them.

Angel for anyone that I missed while catching up.

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Posted by SPMan on Monday, April 9, 2012 1:09 PM

Chief, where are those photos?  Pretty soon all the Yankees will say the whole thing was a hoax.

Dennis, sorry you had to go in yesterday.  We only missed going to the ER by one day ourselves.  Wife went in with chest pains the day before Easter and got evaluated after staying there most of the day.  Happy to report she is doing fine now.  Heart attack was ruled out.  Kudos to all the doctors and nurses especially on the holidays.  I used to get calls on the railroad at wierd times but at least I was not dealing with patients in trouble.

Easter dinner was good.  We had spiral cut ham with scalloped potatoes and green beans topped off with coconut cream pie and coffee for desert.  Gave some ham to DIL to take home and still have too much.  Might have to freeze some of it.  We had a lot of people at the 11:30 Easter mass.  I guess it was all the regulars plus the twice a year folks too.  They had a large painting displayed near the alter of the risen Christ standing in front of an empty tomb.  I suppose this is a famous picture but it was the first time I had seen it and let me tell you I was moved.  It was awsome.

Congratulations to Bubba on the win at the Masters.  That was some shot out of the woods that saved him.  It must have gone out then turned right towards the green.  He said he was pretty good at hooking the ball. (He's a Southpaw)  Hooray for the unfamous guys of the world.  Bubba said he never had a lesson but was taught by his father whom he said was not very good.   Tough luck for Oostheizen from South Africa.  He should have won too.  Tiger was just an also ran unfortunately for him. He has lost his swing and hasn't found it yet.  Sad story, kind of like watching a slow train wreck.  I was pulling for lefty Michelson but he couldn't quite catch the leaders and tied for 3rd place.  That triple bogey he had early on cost him the tournement.  Some commentator said it takes more than just skill to win at the Masters.  He said something has to happen to get you past all of the good players out there.  In Bubba's case it was that shot out of the woods on 18.  It should have been that double eagle for Oostheizen too.  I say it takes a little bit of luck as well.

Prayers for Jeffrey's motherAngel.  Also for you and your father.













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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, April 9, 2012 2:24 PM


Kev, I would not worry about your Grandson and the speech issue. My son was the same way. We had him to Early Intervention and he would actually work the therapist over. She would bring out toy farm animals, ask him what they were and he would imitate the sounds they made. He turned out fine.

I can just imagine that therapist about to go bonkers! I know I almost drove some of mine wild. Come to think of it my niece was a late talker, late noise maker period except for an occasional cry. At just short of three she started talking but if she didn't like what you had to say she just clammed up and stared at you. The joke was that she was getting in practice for the 'silent treatment'. She uses it with great elan on her husband and he caves in every time!Laugh

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Posted by fifedog on Monday, April 9, 2012 2:54 PM

Evenin' boys.  A gusty 67 here in the Mid-Atlantic region.  New crewmember "showed up" yesterday morning!  Fifepops has nick-named her Bunny.  Thanks for the well-wishes.  Oldest boy's shoulders just got a little broader.  After I had a 2 ltr Coke explode all over the back porch (good thing I cleaned it up so well...), and my nephew-in-law, Easter Dinner was kinda normal for us.  Long day.

jefelectric - Take care of the Mrs.  Perhaps we can get together over the summer.

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Posted by Stourbridge Lion on Monday, April 9, 2012 2:57 PM


New crewmember "showed up" yesterday morning!  Fifepops has nick-named her Bunny.

CONGRADS!!!!!!! Yes

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Posted by jefelectric on Monday, April 9, 2012 3:32 PM

Stourbridge Lion




New crewmember "showed up" yesterday morning!  Fifepops has nick-named her Bunny.




Congratulations Fifepops.

I will not only have to take care of her, but probably tie her to the recliner as she doesn't follow doctor's orders to well. Wink

John Fullerton Home of the BUBB&A
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, April 9, 2012 3:36 PM

Congrats Fifepops.

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Posted by rtraincollector on Monday, April 9, 2012 3:40 PM

RI52 ( Jack) when I showed wife your avatar of max with bunny ears she busted and said bet the dog was calling you Jack#$%

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, April 9, 2012 4:17 PM

Today I was running the H24-66 and I found I was quite annoyed with not being able to see much of the detail on the trucks as they were jet black. So I made a small change. I painted them. The color is a satin latex called 'Shining Armor'.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Stourbridge Lion on Monday, April 9, 2012 4:51 PM

Speaking of it being a warm / dry winter here in Colorado, this just got posted on CNN...

U.S. sees warmest March in recorded history, NOAA reports

Wilted Flower

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, April 9, 2012 4:54 PM

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by rtraincollector on Monday, April 9, 2012 5:17 PM

Evening all not a lot going on today just taking it easy now. Only had to do my normal 8 hrs today in fact I won't do any O.T. for next 2 weeks unless something comes up. Supervisor misplaced my sheet for days I wanted oh well probably for the best anyway. Been getting tired easy lately ( glad I have another appointment with my reg doc wed)

Oh well not a lot going on tonight, hope to get some screws to mount track to shelf layout tomorrow, then work on the layout starting next week when I'm off for 9 days. Big Smile

Jack Wife just came down and said you where just so wrong for putting those ears on the doberman. (laughing as she is saying it)

talk to you all later

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by rtraincollector on Monday, April 9, 2012 5:30 PM
Anybody know what happened to WALLYWORLD ?

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by KRM on Monday, April 9, 2012 5:37 PM

Joe, Jack , & John

Thanks, Nathaniel has never tried to say words or did baby talk. They say that the baby garble is good because they are learning to use the things they need to talk. He never did any of that. His sister talks enough for a few people. Maybe that is why he does not try.


Kev – Is your grandson communicating (speaking baby language) at all? Our 21-month-old son only says a handful of clear English words, but he has some great conversations in baby speak. We understand this to be an acceptable development of speech. Our older two kids were not as chatty as this one and they both speak well now – every child is different. I’ll pray for him.


my first granddaughter was pretty much the same way when passing just short of two years of age, quiet as a church mouse, much to the consternation of the entire family. Then somebody flipped a switch and the floodgates opened. Angel

Kev, I would not worry about your Grandson and the speech issue. My son was the same way. We had him to early Intervention and he would actually work the therapist over. She would bring out toy farm animals, ask him what they were and he would imitate the sounds they made. He turned out fine.

Spent the day fighting with IT again, Humm

Later guys, Right now I feel like shooting any computer in site.


Joined 1-21-2011    TCA 13-68614

Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


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Posted by laz 57 on Monday, April 9, 2012 6:10 PM


  BIG CONGAS to you SIR,  Spoil dat BUNNY.


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by Buckeye Riveter on Monday, April 9, 2012 6:24 PM

Happy Dyngus Day!!!

Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum. Smile, Wink & Grin

Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..

Jelloway Creek, OH - ELV 1,100 - Home of the Baltimore, Ohio & Wabash RR

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