RockIsland52 long did it take you to build your layout to that level of meticulous detail? long did it take you to build your layout to that level of meticulous detail?
Found a DTTX Double Stack Car in the mail today. It actually came yesterday but as I didn't check the mail yesterday, well. I didn't find it until today. It looks nice but had two problems. #1, an allergy to eighteen inch radius curves, #2, it's on the light side by a great amount. On the turns it was a lady trying to run in too tight a long thin dress. Had to loosen that dress up. A little judicious trimming underneath fixed that problem, nothing that shows from the sides or top. As for the weight problem, a few strips of sheet lead in each of the bottom containers fixed that. It now goes around my eighteen inch curves like it was made for them and there are no derailment issues.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Jack I'm not younger ones here but I don't understand why you can't handle a child and fix a simple light set. Hmmmm wonder if it might have something to do with I never had kids
but do understand where your coming from with the 3rd response. I usually get we need to get someone to do such and such.
Life's hard, even harder if your stupid John Wayne
Aternoon All.
Brrrr, two nites of heavy frost. Last month's G&E bill surpassed the $200 barrier, hate to see what this month's will be.
Jack, One benefit of a heartattack was no more of those urgent, aka on demand, "Honey Do's". If you are really thinking of a P.E set there have been some great buys listed on Amazon dot Com, haven't looked lately though.
Brent, One of Laz's favorite hangouts, Barry's Trainshop, has a perfect Christmas gift for your SWMBO. They have a Lionel Camelback on E-Bay in the Susie Q (Susquehana) road name.
Debating on what to take to the museum on friday, my Christmas trains or regular freight/passenger consists. Hhmmm, oh heck why not both.
Time to check on laundry, be back later.
P.S. Kev, Take a look at the Atlas Industrial Rail log cars. Shorties that look good and a whole cheaper than the other guys.
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
Neighbor came home this afternoon. It was a surprise. He was not doing well yesterday. Good to be home and not rush back up there. Got every chore done up there.
dougdagrump Jack, One benefit of a heartattack was no more of those urgent, aka on demand, "Honey Do's".
Jack, One benefit of a heartattack was no more of those urgent, aka on demand, "Honey Do's".
Didn't have heart attack but 6 by-passes. Wifey thinks that means you are fixed and can do more.
Now do some hunting [coycote and fox as well as deer] and work on getting the box moved here.
Early meeting tomorrow AM. [back in the grove]. Town checks to sign.
Will read and catch up on Pot later.
Have a good one [BTW: CA, don't freeze].
PS: My favorite subject. Wells Fargo. Glad I do not do other business with these folks. In NC, if you had bank draft for your car payment [no matter what bank], they double deducted everyone's car payment for December. No joke. They are now trying to cover their tacks. Any bank fees [over draft and etc.] will be refunded. What a mess.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
wrmcclellan Kev and I have formulated a plan
Kev and I have formulated a plan
Roy’s HVAC "formulated plan" now in action. Here it is the freeze protection circuit for my shed HVAC. Going down to the teens next few days so we will see how it works. Up to now the lowest I could keep the shed was 48 degrees.
Roy’s HVAC "formulated plan" now in action.
Here it is the freeze protection circuit for my shed HVAC. Going down to the teens next few days so we will see how it works. Up to now the lowest I could keep the shed was 48 degrees.
I think it will work great!!!
Thanks ROY!
Step 1
Joined 1-21-2011 TCA 13-68614
Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL.
Deymay (Joe)
Had to run from TV to post this while I could remember it all on HGTV I was watching house hunters international and all I could think of was you as this guy got an offer from his company and he accepted it and he was moving to Okinawa , Japan there last name is Pugh I think his first was Alan or something like that that started with a A maybe Alex i don't know but heres the real kicker there moving from eglin, OK (SP) you sure you didn't use fake names and thats you on TV I'm seeing.
Just returned from oil and gas rich Eastern Ohio. Chuck is going to be worth millions any day now with money from the oil and gas on his property. The old steel towns are coming alive with the boom.
Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum.
Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..
Jelloway Creek, OH - ELV 1,100 - Home of the Baltimore, Ohio & Wabash RR
TCA 09-64284
Tree is decorated and lighted. Now all I need to find is the garland to go around it. Hate to spend ten bucks on new stuff when I know I have it somewhere.
Good night all,
Buckeye Riveter Just returned from oil and gas rich Eastern Ohio. Chuck is going to be worth millions any day now with money from the oil and gas on his property. The old steel towns are coming alive with the boom.
Aloha. Still sick, Jack but think I turned a corner. Everyone's left me alone tonight on their errands so I thought I'd check in. Darren, at least you only have to do that conversion of tape to disk once to AVI. Then save the DVDs separately from what you might put on a back-up drive. Banks, if you have enough tapes, there are machines that will copy them to DVDs for a hundred or so dollars. Since I had a bunch of different VHS and mini-tapes and mini-disks, I took most of them to a local outfit to convert. Also borrowed a camera I could play a tape and copy it directly by plugging it into a computer - took a while as I had to monitor them as they ran. But that was the fun part. I realize I took 16 disks of my oldest; 9 of my middle boy; and 2 of my youngest. But now I just video off the phone and upload directly - bang! Gotta go back to bed. Catching up on reading old train mags.
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
jeffrey-wimberly Buckeye Riveter: Just returned from oil and gas rich Eastern Ohio. Chuck is going to be worth millions any day now with money from the oil and gas on his property. The old steel towns are coming alive with the boom. Don't bet on it. My family owns land in Texas with oil and gas wells all over it. My parents own the land and mineral rights but all they get is a small royalty check that won't even make the car payment.
Buckeye Riveter: Just returned from oil and gas rich Eastern Ohio. Chuck is going to be worth millions any day now with money from the oil and gas on his property. The old steel towns are coming alive with the boom.
When you come to Ohio, you will see it and believe it. If Chuck owned 200 - 350 acres and using Chesapeake Energy current practice of buying the rights at $3000 to $5000 per acre plus future royalties, he would have a million. (Unfortunately, Chuck doesn't own that much land. If Chuck's land already has had the rights sold, he's out of luck. ) These are Utica shale wells that go down over a mile from the surface and then spider out for sometimes over two miles. This is similiar to the drilling in ND and PA, but Ohio is tapping the Utical formation which is much deeper because they found they were more productive than the Marcelus formation.
I was in Cadiz today, boy hood home of General Custer and Clark Gable.
In the vallleys, on either side of the hill, that I live on, are 4 gas wells. They supply free gas to about 20 residents. Not me. We are totally electric. The owners of the land and mineral rights, not only get free gas, but a check every month. There are thousands of gas wells in this County.
Evening all!
Kev - looking forward to the results. It was good to hear the 38 degree thermostat showed up in just a few days. I may get some to contorl my outdoor faucet "freeze" protectors (drop lights).
Chuck - sorry to hear you are so gassy?
RT - As I recall the way the TX RR commissi0on works here is your oil/gas royalty is dependent on the price of gas/oil when the well was drilled. So if it was drilled when oil/gas was at a low price - you are stuck with it.
Regards, Roy
Busy day today, Spent the AM trying to find the source of the gas smell in the house. Two neighbors and a friend from Plainfield came to the rescue. Had a gas sensor and could find nothing. We did find an obstruction in the vent pipe ( leaves ) for the ejector pit in the basement that gets rid of the softener ren-gen water and the condensation from the furnace. Things seem better. Of course they blamed it on the Chile I made for supper last night. Went to Lunch with my friend. Got home installed the HVAC plan. Got two MRC sound boards to install in some cheap switcher I have but won’t get around to that for awhile. Got to spend some time with the wifey. Later, God bless all, Kev.
Busy day today,
Spent the AM trying to find the source of the gas smell in the house.
Two neighbors and a friend from Plainfield came to the rescue. Had a gas sensor and could find nothing. We did find an obstruction in the vent pipe ( leaves ) for the ejector pit in the basement that gets rid of the softener ren-gen water and the condensation from the furnace. Things seem better.
Of course they blamed it on the Chile I made for supper last night.
Went to Lunch with my friend.
Got home installed the HVAC plan.
Got two MRC sound boards to install in some cheap switcher I have but won’t get around to that for awhile.
Got to spend some time with the wifey.
God bless all,
Good evening everyone. Interesting day. Two minor cases this morning, then I went and had lunch with my son at school. Mid morning, I got a message that the schools were on lockdown due to someone with a weapon. Mind you, my wife was at our daughter's school to help with the "Santa shop" for the kids. I was able to get in to my son's school too, so felt better about that. Turns out the person with a weapon is a war vet from the Iraq war. He was talking about suicide and was last seen near the schools going into the woods. Long story short, they captured him, but rather than placing him under arrest, they arranged to get him into our VA clinic here that has a special section for vets suffering from PTSD. So, everything turned out good and this guy gets the help he needs.
Regarding the copy from VHS to DVD, Walmart sells a unit that does it for about $36.00. We bought one. For really important video, you may want to look at a professional copy place as they can enhance any video that may have degraded over the years.
Our church executive pastor's grandson who is four days old had to have heart surgery today. He did amazingly well, but will have at least two more procedures in the future. As you can imagine, we had lots of folks lifting up prayers.
Well, time for bed. God bless, dennis
Good Evening
34 degrees now.
No news so I'll wait with the banilla for the thingy..S.J.
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
Been in the 70's for days. Nights in the low 60's. Turned cold and windy. Ouch.
Sleep tight.
ChiefEagles PS: My favorite subject. Wells Fargo. Glad I do not do other business with these folks. In NC, if you had bank draft for your car payment [no matter what bank], they double deducted everyone's car payment for December. No joke. They are now trying to cover their tacks. Any bank fees [over draft and etc.] will be refunded. What a mess.
Chief, There was a time in my life where we all Loved Wells Fargo!! At least that provided by MARX. Kev,
Chief, There was a time in my life where we all Loved Wells Fargo!! At least that provided by MARX.
It's 34 now. Low tonight will be 26.
Time for me to call it a night. My eyes aren't burning so bad tonight and I'm able to focus a bit better. See y'all tomorrow.
Jeffrey, Love that TTX car. I had better not get started on those.
dougdagrump P.S. Kev, Take a look at the Atlas Industrial Rail log cars. Shorties that look good and a whole cheaper than the other guys.
I love them How long are they?? I think I could get one a month for a while.
One of the kids plugged up the toilet and didn't say anything. Nobody is fessing up either. About 6 towels and a snake later, we are good to go. Oh well, just a blip on the screen. Tardis - beam me up!
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
In the high teens this morning, was sunny and got to about 40.
Worked on the scenery on the Polar Express layout tonight. Pieces parts got here today for the voltage splitter. I try to get that together tomorrow night. Little bit more scenery and hopefully the buildings get here from Charles Ro in time. If they don't, I'll have to get the old American Plastic Bricks out and build a couple of houses.
Penny Trains - I found some stone work pictures from the source you reccomended. We got them printed out and are planning on putting them in place tomorrow night. Thanks again.
All for now.
wrmcclellan RT - As I recall the way the TX RR commissi0on works here is your oil/gas royalty is dependent on the price of gas/oil when the well was drilled. So if it was drilled when oil/gas was at a low price - you are stuck with it.
I didn't ask anything about this maybe jeffery (Running Bear.)
Morning all not a lot going on yet first day back at work and speaking of that need to get going so i can get there
rtraincollector wrmcclellan: RT - As I recall the way the TX RR commissi0on works here is your oil/gas royalty is dependent on the price of gas/oil when the well was drilled. So if it was drilled when oil/gas was at a low price - you are stuck with it. I didn't ask anything about this maybe jeffery (Running Bear.)
wrmcclellan: RT - As I recall the way the TX RR commissi0on works here is your oil/gas royalty is dependent on the price of gas/oil when the well was drilled. So if it was drilled when oil/gas was at a low price - you are stuck with it.
Thanks CHUCK, only a trace of SNO HI O!!! I think JACK got all of ours?
BUCKEYE and CHUCK, YUZ GUYZ got gas? I think they have a pill for that called BEAN O!!!!!
Stay frosty,
Good morning. It's 27 and clear. The high will be 53 (so the weather guesser says) and it will be sunny.Besides the minor work done on the new well car yesterday there was no progress on the layout. I had thought that making the well car capable of negotiating eighteen inch radius curves might be hard. It was actually very simple. The wheels were rubbing against the front and rear of the well and against the sides of the coupler pockets. Simply removing a small amount of plastic from these areas improved things immensely. As for weight, the car with it's containers only weighed less than four ounces. This light weight and the cars eleven inch length made it a derailment specialist. By upping the weight of each stack of containers to four ounces the car now weighs in at just under ten ounces. It now tracks very well and derailments are a thing of the past. From the information I can find online it looks like an Athearn Husky Stack. At $50 each I won't be buying any unless I get a real good deal on some used ones.For today's plans. I'll be going to my parents place for breakfast. Spicy hot link sausages, bacon, scrambled eggs, home fries, biscuits. No way am I passing that up.
Blueberryhill RR In the vallleys, on either side of the hill, that I live on, are 4 gas wells. They supply free gas to about 20 residents. Not me. We are totally electric. The owners of the land and mineral rights, not only get free gas, but a check every month. There are thousands of gas wells in this County.
And those wells are the small shallow wells. The big rigs are just starting to move in. To start a well, normally a road to the site needs to be built. The first evidence of a well is new CAT equipment arriving to build the access road/drive in a remote farm field. The heavy water hauling trucks and their damage to roads and bridges are my future work.
Mornin' boys. Just chilly and damp in the Mid-Atlantic region. Our natural defenses (Alleghanies) thwarted the SNOHIZO cannon. Better aim a little higher next time.
Wifey is starting to warm up to the idea of a Christmas layout, especially since I've been showing her pieces from the Dept 56 North Pole series. Perhaps next year. At spring YORK (it never stops...) I might pick up a Lionel (Potter) red Christmas engine, and really doll it up with details.
Or maybe green...?
Probably need one of these...
Perhaps this too...
I'm sorry, what were we talking about...
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a sunny and clear 28 degrees. Going up to 46 today with sunshine.
Today is a busy day. I have a few chores to do and a project to work on. I'll be busy until naptime. Love that afternoon nap.
Took the car in for an oil change and tire rotation yesterday. Ready for winter.
I still do not have an e-mail account set up. I will have the wife set it up for me.
Dining car is here with Cheerios for breakfast.
Y'all have a great Thursday.
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