COFFEE POT #3, March 2010 for all to take a drink and chat. Welcome all posters. 4 yrs old and still going. Sweet ice tea too.

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Posted by SPMan on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 7:19 PM

Good evening all,  not much to report today but just checking in.  Went to annual sale at LHS in Burbank last week end but only bought a bottle of smoke fluid.  I'm sure they love people like me.  I had dough but did not see what I was looking for.  They looked like they were doing well with the sale however without me.  Stopped off with friend at another shop near home later in the day and spotted a RBBB circus advertising car (15 inch version) for $109 plus tax.  Thought it might look good with some other circus cars I have.  With an advertising car you could prototypically run it on any train as the real ones always ran ahead of the circus to put up posters and take out ads in local papers etc.  The car was made by K Line and looks very nice.  I would prefer an 18 inch one though and I think they made one.  Maybe one of you guys knows for sure.

On another subject, I had some what appears to be delayed earthquake damage.  A picture fell off the wall a few days after the quake and busted a hole in my ceramic model of a McDonalds hamburger restaurant.  One of the little eyelets holding the picture frame wire pulled out.  Don't know if the quake had anything to do with it or just coincidence.  Anyway I patched up the thing with Walthers Goo.  Works good on ceramics.

Went to Costco today and noticed some kind of pulled pork precooked and packaged for sale.  Thought I might be able to convert it to something like Eastern North Carolina Bar-B-Que with the right kind of seasoning but decided against it.  Probably better to order the real deal by mail order or make my own at home.













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Posted by wrmcclellan on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 6:19 PM

Regards, Roy

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Posted by LawsonFarmsRR on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 6:09 PM

sir james I

Good Evening All

It reached 54 and the sun did shine this afternoon.

I did not read what edw just wrote because actually I don't give a sh## what he has to say. I had a restful day and did  nothing worth while at all. Goin wait for the thingy and grab some banilla....S.J.


SJ - my new policy, in addition to resurrecting Chief's policy of  Ignore, Ignore Ignore, is DWR (Delete Without Reading) email notices on certain people on this forum.

TBIL and looking forward to the trip. I do love getting together with all the Tardis gang!BowThumbs Up


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Posted by sir james I on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 5:56 PM

Good Evening All

It reached 54 and the sun did shine this afternoon.

I did not read what edw just wrote because actually I don't give a s### what he has to say. I had a restful day and did  nothing worth while at all. Goin wait for the thingy and grab some banilla....S.J.

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Posted by edw on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 5:43 PM


edw, I’ll say this...either join in all the time or stop showing up just to stir up “issues”. 


Rich, since you saw fit to continue yesterday's discussion into today, let me offer a final comment about perceptions and communication on the forum.


With respect to "stirring up issues”. The dust-ups I have been involved in have invariably occurred when I was responding to a post that contained factual errors or was an unfair personal attack (the President seems to be a favorite target for several of the Pot regulars). In other words, the "issue" was already "stirred up" by the original poster.


On the Coffee Pot, as on many forums, there are a handful of daily posters who use the Pot as a chat room of sorts, and develop a close familiarity with each other. I suppose it’s only natural that those who gravitate into this kind of association will tend to hold similar views. Some may even come to believe that all of the other 66,000 forum members share their political philosophy, and see the world in exactly the same way that they do. Clearly, not everyone does. However, I’d like to think that the majority of Pot regulars have an open mind about all issues and are willing to afford those who disagree with them the same common courtesy and opportunity to express themselves that the regulars enjoy when voicing the majority view.


As far as joining in “all the time” on the forum, I’m sure you could care less about what I ate for breakfast. But I do read the forum on most days and I value and appreciate the wealth of useful information I have gained from other forum members.


So,  in the future, if I take a position that happens to conflict with anyone's personal beliefs or philosophy, please consider it my attempt to foster a fair and balanced dialog.


Thank you


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Posted by LawsonFarmsRR on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 5:19 PM

Ole Timer

If anyone has'nt checked the lionel site out today ... you should .... especially here and watch those videos ... WOW !

Charlie just directed me there ... we were on the chat together ... Thumbs Up


Checked it out. WOW is right. A 2-10-10-2. Now that is big! I to love that steam.Thumbs Up


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Posted by dwiemer on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 5:02 PM


OK where's the video?????LaughWhistling

Now, I know better than that!  It would certainly come back to haunt me in the future.  I guess I have to make sure my bride doesn't release it!



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Posted by anjdevil2 on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 4:52 PM

OK where's the video?????LaughWhistling

I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.
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Posted by wrmcclellan on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 4:39 PM


Glad it worked out and was fun in the process (at least for the observers).

Regards, Roy

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Posted by dwiemer on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 4:23 PM

ShockShockBlushNote to self.....when following Roy's advice, make sure you have emptied bladder first!  I about pee'd in my shorts!  Was all set, hooked spare spark plug to plug wire and touched plug to manifold....YIKES!  That smart!  Let's be smart about this, Grabbed rest of plug wire/spare plug(s) with insulated channel locks.  Guess what, got zapped with each testDead  Final judgement, gaps on spark plugs need adjusting, all is well (almost, except I can hardly walk straight as my legs are still numb from the power surge that found ground through my body).  Tested tractor by mowing front yard and enclosure for dog.  Happy Happy, Joy Joy!

I guess I should be thanking Roy, but I think my wife wants to also say thanks for the entertainment.  I am glad I didn't ask about testing some issue with house current... Just kidding.  Thanks for the help and I am glad that the tractor is fixed.  Gives me a chance to get to work on the layout.  That will have to wait as our son came home with another straight A report card.  We are going to Red Lobster to celebrate after we go to the open house to see his work.  Glad the kid took after my wife!

I am looking forward to perusing the new Lionel Catalog.  Time to make the wish list for bride to get me some goodies.
Have a great night,

God Bless,



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Posted by Ole Timer on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 3:05 PM

If anyone has'nt checked the lionel site out today ... you should .... especially here and watch those videos ... WOW !

Charlie just directed me there ... we were on the chat together ... Thumbs Up

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Posted by LawsonFarmsRR on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 12:26 PM

Ole Timer

Darn I wish one or a couple of us was close enough to give him some help .... Sigh  ... it takes very little time to bang together a few sheets of plywood and supports .... he surely can't by himself ... Ashamed


I to wish we were close enough to help. Aren't there any Pot members in his IL area?

I think his problem is that the layout needs to fit into his bedroom, so size may be limited. Isn't that right Navyjack?


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Posted by Ole Timer on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 11:36 AM

Pat ...  you're correct ... I stand corrected sir ... I went back and edited that .... I did'nt go back far enough on the posts to see he was useing a 4x8 table .... my bad ...  Oops

Darn I wish one or a couple of us was close enough to give him some help .... Sigh  ... it takes very little time to bang together a few sheets of plywood and supports .... he surely can't by himself ... Ashamed

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Posted by wrmcclellan on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 11:14 AM


Roy, I am going to attempt a fix on the tractor permitting.  If things go bust, this may be my last post.  I will have the bride post a detailed discription so everyone else can have a laugh be warned.  If the lights dim like in "The Green Mile", you'll know.

Dennis - make sure there are no lightning storms in the area. This way if one occurs we will know the cause. The good news if your heart appears to stop just have your wife turn the tractor over a couple more times and all should be well. As long as you are jumping around this should be a sign to her that you are good. Looking forward to the video.

Regards, Roy

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Posted by LawsonFarmsRR on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 11:11 AM

Ole Timer

 Navyjack ... yep tubular track is good to go as Doug and Laz said ... and a heck of alot less expensive . I'll third that .. don't get any smaller radius than 054 ... not only the big engines need it but the engines and cars look a heck of alot better running on it ... not that jack-knifed look . Thumbs Up


Navyjack said he was going to use a 4' table. Can he get 054 track on it?


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Posted by dwiemer on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 10:43 AM

Good almost noon everyone.  Mitch, great to see you back.  Regarding the tests, one of the local school systems got caught with administrators changing test resultsDunce  I am glad we don't live in the town with that issue.  As they say, not all systems are created equal.  In fact, the district in question just hired a head administrator who had several grammer mistakes and multiple mis-spelling errors on his presentation.  He also has had several brushes with the law.  I guess like everything else, if the head stinks, the rest probably does too.

I remember both SAC and TAC command bases and was always impressed with some of the larger planes.  C-5s were huge, and when they were doing a major move, one right after the other.  We still had F4s, but they mostly stayed parked.  I think they were flown by A-N.G. at that time.  My career was cut short by a knee injury and I 4-F'ed.

Rich, I too can drive in the snow, but Lord help us if we get snow down south here.  Most don't and shouldn't drive.  I try to stay off the roads if I can help is after all the 'Other guy' you have to watch out for.

Roy, I am going to attempt a fix on the tractor permitting.  If things go bust, this may be my last post.  I will have the bride post a detailed discription so everyone else can have a laugh be warned.  If the lights dim like in "The Green Mile", you'll know.





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Posted by Ole Timer on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 10:41 AM

 Mike ... i think if any of us could wrap our arms around Ashly Costa in that red dress we'd have a bit more snap in our step .... LOL . WOW ..... Kisses  .... the bad part was finding out he is 80 !  Now I really feel old . 

Doug ... that sounds great laying there under those jets ... would have been cool to have gotten some belly shots of them . Hardly ever see those pics anywhere .

Navyjack ... yep tubular track is good to go as Doug and Laz said ... and a heck of alot less expensive . I'll third that .. don't get any smaller radius than 042 ... not only the big engines need it but the engines and cars look a heck of alot better running on it ... not that jack-knifed look . Thumbs Up

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Posted by laz 57 on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 9:57 AM


  I agree with DOUG, to get the biggest radius that you can handle.  I have both fast track and 0-27 profile in 0-54 radius.  Works for me and the tubular 0-27 profile is cheaper.  If I lived closer I could give you a pile of it.  Good luck.


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by wrmcclellan on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 9:40 AM

Morning all!

Already 55 and headed to 70 and sunny today. Life is good in N Texas.

Still getting over the crud I had all last week. Felt good yesterday. Today I feel like I am having a relapse.

Gotta work with the insurance company today on the settlement for the daughter's car.

Regards, Roy

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Posted by sir james I on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 9:18 AM

Good Morning All

40 degrees but feels cold and damp.

Everyone have a great day.


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Posted by cnw1995 on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 8:25 AM

 Aloha all. Nice and sunny but coooold. Rich, I wouldn't mind a trip to Tampa about now Wink  Prayers for 8n's bride and Brutus' bride's continued recovery. Good magneto memories. Definitely learned to be careful around electrics. Speaking of which, the bride told me the microwave was kaput last eve, I pushed the GFI reset button on the outlet and told her I fixed it. Wink  I used to go down to park at the approach under the longest runway at Kennedy airport to watch the big jets come in on a summers' evening. It was also fun to lie on the beach and watch the Concorde SST take off over our heads on its way to Blighty. Great chatting with the guys on the Tardis. Nice haul, Charlie - isn't it something to think of the last man to hold that spike before pounding it in the tie. NavyJack, there's nothing wrong with tubular track and it's a lot less expensive. Get the biggest curves you can handle - I think your E unit needs 042 at least

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by anjdevil2 on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 8:04 AM

Morning Guys...Hey there John B...


Well, the “special assignment” was a trip to Tampa...Banged Head Banged Head and it was stalled long enough so that we left at 1 PM and didn’t get back until 10PM  475 miles, geez I could’ve been have way home to Jersey by now....(oh, yeah that SNOW thing..sure, I’d go back ‘cuz I can DRIVE in the sweat thereWhistling).


Pat +1 (+2 if you include the Princess  Whistling).


edw, I’ll say this...either join in all the time or stop showing up just to stir up “issues”.  I don’t mind what you say, but if you were a regular, I, um, might tolerate you a wee bit more.  As it is right now a socialist is a socialist (or community organizer)Thumbs Down....and that ends the political portion of this missive.


Dennis & Roy...nice stuff about the grounding and checking for spark...that was awesome...made my morning....Laugh


Angel – for us all and the nation as a whole.  Special intentions for the Q & 88, Brutus & Char, SJ’s aunt....sorry if I missed someone, still have a little white line fever...Zzz


And the Flyer thing – yeah, me likes, just too heavily invested in Dad’s & my Lionel Whistling


Back later – if I don’t have another trip....


I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.
I am the venom in your skin  --- Breaking Benjamin

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Posted by cheapclassics on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 7:19 AM

Good morning all,

IIABSDISEI with temps near 60.  Interesting observations, John Bakeer, but remember what happens on the Tardis....stays on the Tardis.  BTW, what is the latest on the Portsmouth Football Club?  Are they really going to shut it down?  It appears I missed an interesting political discussion, and I do not mind that at all.  I used to be a political "junkie" (and perhaps I should be more involved), but being a govenment employee puts a big crimp on those kinds of activities.  Biggest decision I have to make is who to root for more at St. Petersburg this weekend, SFR with Rahal or AJ with Vitor.  Dennis, sounds like things are progressing with the movie and you certainly have a good theme to it.  I look forward to its release.  Any named talent in it, or will you be using strictly local help?  As far as power equipment is concerned, I would be the last one to offer advice.  Just make sure any sharp objects are disconnected.  One "snowblower manicure" among the group is enough. (Shudder)

I stayed home last night to rest the toe.  Took some ibuprofen last night and this morning.  Toe is feeling better.  Watched some of "Dancing with the Stars"  Buzz Aldrin did well for a guy 80 years old, almost as good a score as that "Kate" person.  "Lost" may be good tonight.  I had the regular fare on the dining car this morning for breakfast.  TBIL after "Lost".  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by fifedog on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 6:47 AM

Mornin' boys.  Mornin' English.  Clearing and 50 here in the Mid-Atlantic region.  Sat trackside at dusk finishing a report, when a 6-unit CSX coke train rolled past.  A lot of Wheeling & Lake Erie hoppers in the consist.  The D&RGW inspired scheme really looks good on this regional.

Bakeer - Enjoyed your take on the Scottish beavers (and other things annoying...).  Well put. Wink

mitchie - Glad to see you're all thawed out.  Did you notice how during the snow, anjdevil wasn't "pining" for home...Laugh

Chief - Will you be "Maverick" or "Goose" Confused

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Posted by Blueberryhill RR on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 6:16 AM

Good Morning from Blueberryhill....

It is a cloudy 42 degrees. Going up to 64 today, with some rain, later.

Today is busy. I have some paperwork to do and a few chores around the house. Later, I will be taking it easy. Not much else new.

Dining car has arrived and it is the usual for breakfast.

Y'all have a great Tuesday.


Chuck # 3 I found my thrill on Blueberryhill !!
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Posted by navyjack on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 6:16 AM

Smilegood morning guys.  i remember going to edwards afb one time and seeing f-4 phantom 2s parked as far as the eye could see.  they differed from the navy version in several ways but the most obvious was the paint job.  a lot of the air force planes were really neat.  any recommendations about track?  42 inch radius?  what should i use.  i like the old style o gauge track, but have been told that the rails are not true on curves and make engines bind.  this is supposed to be in the new track from china?  any experiences?  i figure on a four four foot table i should use as big a curve as possible so i can run as many engines as possible.  i just need a loop and a few switches.  i am going to place the sidings near the front so i can use manuals.  i can keep it as simple as possible so i can operate it with my dumb old head.  by the way i use big type so i can read what i am typing.  i have not been able to get my eyes tested in ten years(bedridden).  the longest diesel i have is a williams e-7, and the largest steamer is a williams scale hudson.  i have heard the fastrak is good but i do not think it comes in 042.  i would really treasure your advice.  navyjack  

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Posted by laz 57 on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 6:12 AM


  52 and a little damp here to get to 58?  Not much happening, hope all have agood one.

Stay frosty,


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Posted by mitchelr on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 5:39 AM

 Morning to All

Been quite a while since I checked in.  All is well here in South Central PA.  Spring has sprung and all the snow is finally gone.  Work has been busy with lots of late nights.  March is usually a crazy month.  State mandated testing is done, so that is over of another year. Ran some trains with my nephew when he was here a couple weekends ago, no pile ups.  Made a journey to the local train shops and picked up some things for him.  He wanted two tunnels and a caboosie (his pronunciation).  Found two styrofoam tunnels at one shop and a $12 caboose at another shop.  I couldn't see spending big $$$ on a caboose that may well take a nose dive to the basement floor.

Well, I've got to go.  Looking forward to York, have invited a guest (wife's friend's husband). Sounds like he is so excited he can barely sleep.

Take care,


Bob Mitchell Gettysburg, PA TCA # 98-47956 LCCA# RM22839

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Posted by dwiemer on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 4:45 AM

John, love that British wit.  Roy, I think I got this down, and you are probably correct in going with the spark plug as opposed to the screw wife bought those for me and if it was after a comment like, "you bought more shoes for yourself", she probably included the ground wire secretly secured to the outside of the handle.  As for the video, I am beginning to wonder as she has already volunteered to take photos of the "moment".  HMMMM?
As for Magnetos, my dad used to own a Magneto and Generator company.  I worked for him for a few years and had my share of surprises!Black Eye  Was especially fun with the 24V systems.  Also a good way to learn about positive ground vehicles...remember those?  Only takes one time to learn.

God Bless,



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Posted by John Bakeer on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 2:20 AM

I live under the glide path to Manchester Airport.  An ATC last night reported an oddly shaped blue coloured UFO trailing semi molten banilla like stuff across runway two. Stockport police identified it as their missing police box and have offered a reward for its capture.

Keep the vitriol for the hustings please chaps, I can rant on about Botox face Cameron and his **** faced Tory party. But I don't. After all this is supposed to be fun!!!!

Latest loony news is some pratt has reintroduced Beavers to Scotland. Heaven knows what damage they will wreake. I understood they actually escaped from a blue flyer destined for somewhere in the eastern USA.

After a couple of days with rain and gales Stockport is once again bathed in sunshine and the birds are coughing better.

John Baker

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