Aloha all. Nice Tardis ride last night - good to see Kurt aboard. Wish I could've borrowed this last week to head east. Glad to not be traveling this am. snowing here. I've been dragooned by my bride into helping our church's Christmas services for the next two days - I have a fancy mike and have to proclaim verses like a prophet - LOL.
Prayers for Buckeye's friend who was in the accident - and of thanksgiving for his g'son and for Chuck being back!
Great chatting if briefly with Sir J, RT and Brutus. Love to see two boots, Bob, in your photo. Love the glow of radio tubes!
Ray, a 80s Buick just drove down our street in the snow as I was typing this and glanced up - was it you? ;)
James just threw a traction tire. I've never had fix one on our 2-6-0. How do you get a new one on? I can't see how to take off the side rods.
I'm running my dad's 248 with black crepe paper like a funeral train - is that silly? Just feels good.