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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, March 4, 2004 1:52 PM
Have you guys seen the new K-Line "catalog?" Have you seen the Bush figures in the tank, on the missile and horse chasing Saddam and Osama in petal cars and flying carpets? What the BLANK is with this? I am as patriotic as the next guy, but this stuff falls just short of say....painting an American flag on the shaved rear end of a donkey!

That stuff has got to be the most embarassing things I have ever seen. Are you all familiar with the Johnson Smith joke catalogs? This stuff would be fitting for them but not a "professional" company such as K-Line.

All I can say is that the next time I groan that there are no BATMAN and other Super Hero related cars and accessories, I don't expect any of you guys to complain to me! Not after seeing this assortment!
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Posted by Jim Duda on Thursday, March 4, 2004 2:26 PM
From another forum...

Jim Duda
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Posted by Roger Bielen on Thursday, March 4, 2004 2:56 PM
The first thing that came to mind when I saw Bush riding the missle was Dr. Strangelove. I agree that they are on the fringe of good taste but I got a laugh out of them.
Roger B.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, March 4, 2004 3:54 PM
Personally I think that they are interesting. Possibly a collectors piece down the line...

My family members and several teachers at school got a kick out of them. It is kind of cheesy, but an interesting car altogether.
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Posted by cbq9911a on Thursday, March 4, 2004 4:09 PM
It's cheesy. But at the same time, the cars have a double meaning. The first meaning is the obvious one. The second meaning is "President Bush as Cowboy".

I suspect that there will be a non-factory variation of these cars, with the order of the figures reversed. :)
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Posted by Dr.Fu-Manchu on Thursday, March 4, 2004 4:52 PM
The Doctor is in[}:)] I must say that when I got my new K-line catalog, (after the mail
man found my secret mail box) Seeing the two cars mentioned by the first poster, I was
laughing so hard I scared Nayland Smith ( who I was about to torture).If you can't have
fun with your trains, I am very sorry for you. Also, they might be collectable someday.
Now, If you will pardon this Unworthy Doctor, I have to get back to my dungon and
torture my guest( I am showing him bad 60's & 70's reruns non stop!!!) I remain the
Humble Doctor[}:)]!
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, March 4, 2004 5:57 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Dr.Fu-Manchu

The Doctor is in[}:)] I must say that when I got my new K-line catalog, (after the mail
man found my secret mail box) Seeing the two cars mentioned by the first poster, I was
laughing so hard I scared Nayland Smith ( who I was about to torture).If you can't have
fun with your trains, I am very sorry for you. Also, they might be collectable someday.
Now, If you will pardon this Unworthy Doctor, I have to get back to my dungon and
torture my guest( I am showing him bad 60's & 70's reruns non stop!!!) I remain the
Humble Doctor[}:)]!

Fun is one thing---Clifford the big red dog, Mickey mouse, etc...This is just in poor taste. As for the collectible-ness of them, that is what they are counting on. You can keep em. Own the FREEDOM TRAIN if you want a collectible.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, March 5, 2004 1:05 AM
[?]Coming in what will be a very nasty election year, I don't see the value in these items except to stir up emotions on both sides. As to the "Dr. Strangelove" reference, it was "Slim" Pickens who rode the ABomb down waving his Stetson. Dr. Strangelove was Peter Sellers and was modeled after Henry Kissinger.
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Posted by ChiefEagles on Friday, March 5, 2004 3:20 PM
Trash if you ask me. I was in laughter and then amasement. K-Line is headquartered in NC but NO ONE from NC would have designed these. Well maybe, someone in one of our state mental hospitals.

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, March 5, 2004 4:25 PM
I don't buy or own ANY K-Line products for the reasons outlined in this post. This is some of the most disgusting satire that I've seen yet. The communists couldn't have done any better!!! It's K Lines right to put out this offensive garbage out but just as much my right not to purchase it. It will be a cold day in hell before K-Line get's any of my money. I say buy from a reputable wholesome manufacturer like Williams.
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Posted by Big_Boy_4005 on Friday, March 5, 2004 4:40 PM
I got their catalog in the mail, opened it up saw that junk and wanted to puke!!! I think it is ridiculous, and in bad taste.

It can be viewed three ways, one mocking Saddam and Osama, two mocking George Bush, and three mocking the military. I don't mind the first two, they deserve it, but it strikes me as somewhat of a backward salute to the military.

I kind of feel sorry for the people in the military and their families, as I view them as the real victims here, being sent on a fool's errand, by the fool in charge, at the taxpayer's expense. And for what, the resolution of a Bush family vendetta?

I may have just gotten into political commentary, but it isn't any worse than what K-line has done with these trains.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, March 6, 2004 4:43 PM
As a postscipt to this post, I notice that some dealers are discounting Iraqi freedom railroad cars. The bloom is off the rose in regards to this flag-waving.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, March 6, 2004 5:41 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Big_Boy_4005

I got their catalog in the mail, opened it up saw that junk and wanted to puke!!! I think it is ridiculous, and in bad taste.

It can be viewed three ways, one mocking Saddam and Osama, two mocking George Bush, and three mocking the military. I don't mind the first two, they deserve it, but it strikes me as somewhat of a backward salute to the military.

I kind of feel sorry for the people in the military and their families, as I view them as the real victims here, being sent on a fool's errand, by the fool in charge, at the taxpayer's expense. And for what, the resolution of a Bush family vendetta?

I may have just gotten into political commentary, but it isn't any worse than what K-line has done with these trains.

Thank you Elliot! The only reason K-line made that stuff was to turn a buck. Not that there is anything wrong with that, that's why they're in business, but there's better ways to turn a dollar!
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, March 6, 2004 7:30 PM
Anything that mocks [^] George W. Bush [^] is AWFUL!!!!!!
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, March 6, 2004 9:17 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by 4884bigboy

Anything that mocks [^] George W. Bush [^] is AWFUL!!!!!!
yea must be an evil plot of the democrats![:P]
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, March 7, 2004 12:23 PM
Do I sense another personal-attacks topic coming on.

I hope not, I'm still recovering from the old one.

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Posted by spankybird on Sunday, March 7, 2004 2:01 PM
FYI, I understand that some stores already have these..[:O] No I have not seen them nor will I buy one.

It's too bad that they don't produce other itmes in the catalog this fast[:(!]

I am a person with a very active inner child. This is why my wife loves me so. Willoughby, Ohio - the home of the CP & E RR. OTTS Founder 

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Posted by brianel027 on Sunday, March 7, 2004 9:13 PM
The thing about the train companies today is that I suspect there are quite a few non-train type folks working for them. Folks that may have a college education in business or marketing, but don't really understand what it is about these trains that makes them so important to people. You can be certain much of what they know about the train market is learned at YORK... I'm sure in sometimes less than kindly words.

Maury Klein is not a train guy, neither is Jeff Cohen, both with K-Line. Nick Ladd was with the TCA and is more of a train collector than operator. But Maury is a shrewd businessman who wants his company to succeed. To give him (K-Line) credit they have introduced products that have set trends: the scale passenger cars from the early 1990's, their wide selection of intermodal transit cars and the die-cast series of cars. One of the reasons I respect Mike Wolf is that he is a train guy - he has a good idea what train guys want without having to ask. But being a train guy and being in business are sometimes two different things.

That said, I didn't think much of these cars when I saw them, and stated as much here. I think it would have been neater to see some SpongeBob cars like this - since I've been on a kick of designing and making SpongeBob cars recently. But I'm making cars for my own use, and not for mass retailing. SpongeBob or any other above mentioned recognized characters would require legal permission, royalties or user fees. These cars were made without that extra expense. Obviously if no one buys them, well then K-Line eats the mistake. But I have a feeling that enough will buy them (If for no other reason than the future collectibility mindset) to make it worthwhile. And if they happen to get reduced or become a blowout, then it's a fun operating car for a kid or a kitbashing project. I'm sure the figures could easily enough be replaced with others.

I'm not defending these particular cars. I tend to agree with what's been said above. I can think of other cars I would rather have seen get made. It's also possible that the figures on these cars were already made and purchased for these cars. This is true of the K-Line Kruisers, and some of the vehicles with the contruction, police and fireman sets. So in other words, there may have been no tooling costs on these. Minimizing the risk factor on making these cars, versus something like some new scale obscure model steam engine.

To us train guys, it's all about the trains. To the companies, it's all about the money. Sure, the two do intertwine, but in the end we want the trains and they want the money. I guess whoever best figures out the trains we want for what we'll spend, will get the most sales.

brianel, Agent 027

"Praise the Lord. I may not have everything I desire, but the Lord has come through for what I need."

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, March 8, 2004 1:23 AM
You made some very good points. So I guess these cars are the Lionel Girls set of the 21st Century.
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Posted by spodwo on Monday, March 8, 2004 2:02 PM
Not my cup o tea. I am not much into the "action series" of any car. My kids are too old for them and these just look cheesy. Then again, I think the aquarium car looks cheesy. But that is only my personal taste....

My wife bought me the Coca Cola bears on the hand car....I think I ran it all of 10 minutes. Maybe next Christmas.

The similarities to Dr. Strangelove makes the missle riding leader less patriotic and more comedic/satirical then was probably originally intended.
Stephen "Pod" Podwojski LiZarD AtTiTuDe RailRoaD
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, March 8, 2004 2:59 PM
I honestly do not follow the "O" scale very much at all these days. But I am old enough to remember the Bright Pink Lionel 4-6-4 that was introduced as an effort to encourage Girls to take up the hobby. Talk about a non-event.

We are a country at war. For right or wrong our President has seen fit to send us first to Afghanistan and we are going back over as I type this. The second fight was Iraq, I felt that the first gulf war ended way too soon and was mishandleded. I am joyful that for once we went down to Badghad and finished the tyranny that has hurt so many people. Now were going back to get Osama. He must know that by coming over here and killing those people on 9/11 we must respond in kind and we did. It is not over yet.

As for the products on the catalog, I feel that from a marketing viewpoint it would be valid to a professional who is trained in the field of Advertising. However poor taste it may have been done in, it certianly achieved one aim.. generate attention and therefore a demand for that item.

We are certianly affected in different ways both good and bad when images of leadership or current issues are yet being played out on the world stage.

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Posted by eZAK on Tuesday, March 9, 2004 10:33 AM
Very well put Lee!

I will be buying both of these. I think they are funny.

If you don't like 'em don't buy 'em!
But to say that you will never buy from K-line is a little short sided.
Anyway More K-line for me.

I also know for a fact that several of these cars, along with the Iraqi Freedom train are being shipped to OUR troops in Iraq and Afganistan.
Relax, Don't Worry, Have a Home Brew!</font id="size2"> Pat Zak</font id="size3">
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, March 9, 2004 10:37 AM
Could you imagine a 1951 Lionel set with Harry Truman chasing Kim Il Sung who's running away on a water buffalo?

I think the Kline product is below jeuvinile.

Just my .02.....
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Posted by Railrunnin on Tuesday, March 9, 2004 7:14 PM
Wow, one thing is for sure - people have different opinions.

Lest we forget: during WW2 there were all sorts of advertisements in the main stream media about the "japs" and the "krauts". We interned alm ost the entire japanese population in the United States - whole families sent to "camps".

My point you ask?

I don't see anything wrong with these items and look forward to seeing them on my doorstep when I come home from my current business trip. Every week I look at the gap in the New York skyline, and a missile up the A%^ is too good for those who espouse our destruction.

I respect the opinion of those who don't like them, but that is part of this great hobby - different trains for different brains. To each his/her own.

RUn em if ya got em[;)]

aka Railrunnin
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Posted by Craignor on Tuesday, March 9, 2004 10:48 PM

I laughed when I first saw the items.

They are funny.

I wouldnt buy them because they are in bad taste, and are too expensive for a novelty item.

These will sell, because they are a goof, and a good conversation piece.

I actually admire K-Line for having the stones to market these items, as they are quite anti-PC in a PC world. The other train companies would never do this one, or even the Iraqi Freedom set.

Like it or not K-LIne is gutsy. I like it![C):-)]
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 8:09 AM
Geez I thought they were pretty good and I did order them. I'm not old enough to remember but weren't these types of things produced during WW2 that depicted the Germans and the Japanese in not so flattering terms? Maybe not by train companies but by other companies? Anyhow to each's own, that is what makes this country great if you don't like don't buy it.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 5:38 PM
I don't see anything wrong with the two cars being produced mocking two of America's worst enemies. K-Lines latest catalog has something for everyone at prices that are affordable.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 5:40 PM
Did I say anything about WRONG. They produce anything they want. It's just in poor taste thats all.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 7:23 PM
How about a Bill Clinton car with him chasing Monica around the car? Now that would be funny.[:p]
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Posted by prewardude on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 7:43 PM
Good one, Santa!!

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