A VERY good morning all, this is the first opportunity I've had to get on. This dial up stuf is for the birds....but it's Mom & Dad's so I don't complain.
It went from 48 to 33 in 3 hours here, went to a Trenton Devils Game (of course they lost to Reading 3-1). Fife, the flight was good up 'til North Carolina, hit some turbulance, dropped the plane a few times, realized it was the Chief, so I knew HE was ok.......
Had dinner at the Italian restaurant last night, went in and it was snowin' came out and it was a rainin'.
Saw my Aunt today, her husband, my Uncle/Godfather passed away 2 years today, still miss him bad. Great guy, had the Big Casino and it was very quick...
Dad is going to let me unearth the Lionels later today. Last seen by me in 1969, no joke. Mom knows where they are. I'm going to take inventory and pictures and bring one home to see how bad to get it up and running again.
Did a little house hunting, visited the High School to check the curiculum for my daughter, so when I get back I can make a presentation to the Wife. Her idea, I just need to make sure the plans are made correct and executed properly, if it happens at all. Most homes have >>>GASP<<< a BASEMENT!!! A place for me n my stuff!!!
Tonight is the Firemens Dinner, should have a blast I'm just no going to get blasted like last year. That hangover stuff just sucks...
Behave youse giz....I'll check up on youze later!
WOW!! Just noticed I opened up on page 41!!! MY FIRE STATION NUMBER!! How cool is that???