An Over-reaction? Locked

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Posted by BaltACD on Saturday, March 21, 2020 7:37 AM

Do it the other way around then, quarantine those that are most susceptible and let the rest of the population continue to roam, but don't quarantine everyone.

Let the carriers carry wherever they go - and they have no idea that they are carriers.  That is real smart [/sarcasm].  There are too many asymptomatic carriers.

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Posted by 243129 on Saturday, March 21, 2020 7:43 AM

Only if Fox News is your source.

You mean FAUX News.

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Posted by Convicted One on Saturday, March 21, 2020 9:21 AM

ut don't quarantine everyone.

You're not really "quarantined" right now, are you?  Most people are free to make essential trips to the grocery, or the bank, or to a convenience store.I think the only people who are actually quarantined are those who have been diagnosed positive. 

There are just too many people who chronically place their priorities above everyone else, who would (for example) see their "need"  to go watch a hockey game as more important than someone else's desire to not become infected with a  potentially lethal pathogen.

I know that I am repeating myself, but I am happy that the government is making that decision for all the people who are too shortsighted to properly think that through for themselves.

That's one of the drawbacks of a "free" society.  With everybody out there pursuing their freedom and invoking their rights....there are bound to be conflicts.


The guy who does not get to go to the hockey game will get over it. The guy he might have infected in a restaurant on the way home, might not have.  So it's wiser to risk error on the side of caution.


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Posted by Convicted One on Saturday, March 21, 2020 9:31 AM

There are too many asymptomatic carriers.

I suspect there are a good many people who really wouldn't care that they are spreading the disease, anyway.


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Posted by divebardave on Saturday, March 21, 2020 10:42 AM

Rode Cincy Streetcar  and will give a report as soon as I can get to a computer.OH Libraries closed. Bus and Trolley Drivers in Cincy and Dayton OH are now suited up like Darth Vader...

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Posted by Convicted One on Saturday, March 21, 2020 11:04 AM

I believe that one could argue that severity denialists are practicing a form of social NIMBYism.

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Saturday, March 21, 2020 11:17 AM

Convicted One:  +1

Good sentiments.  Unfortunately a lack of coherent policy has placed us weeks late in preparedness. 

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Posted by daveklepper on Saturday, March 21, 2020 12:51 PM

Steve Sattler emailed me a throughly researched time-line up to past Friday on the virus.  It's long and not official, so I am not posting it.  But, after studying, I can confirm that Trump's first remarks were inappropriate to say the least and suggest he did not consult with proper medical authorities before making them.  For me to speculate as what Biden or Sanders would have said would get intio politics, so I will pass on that, thank you.  But the free society of the USA would not permit the harm that was done in China, even if Trump had not quickly changed his mind, and Steve agrees with that evaluation.

For something more official:

The Health Ministry announced on Saturday that 883 Israelis have tested positive for the coronavirus, 15 of whom are in serious condition. The 178-person increase represents the largest jump in numbers Israel has seen to date.The ministry added that 274 of those diagnosed are currently hospitalized.

The increase in cases comes the morning after Israel reported its first death from the novel coronavirus.

The victim, an 88-year-old man (Holocaust Survivor - DLK), was hospitalized and placed in the quarantine unit for coronavirus patients at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem about a week ago. He arrived in severe condition, and was reported to have had been suffering from a number of underlying conditions. At the hospital, he received several treatments from medical staff in an attempt to combat his symptoms. However, during the week, the elderly patient suffered from cardiac arrest. He was later resuscitated but his condition stayed stagnant. The patient's condition worsened in the hours leading up to death, and he eventually passed away at around 9 p.m. Israel time.

The Health Ministry has issued guidelines that order Israelis to remain in their homes unless it is absolutely necessary to leave. Visiting parks, beaches, pools, libraries and museums is prohibited, as are all social interactions. Work that can be done from home should be. Currently all “essential” services will remain open, including supermarkets, pharmacies and most medical services. In addition, while Israelis are encouraged to work from home, employees who need to travel to work will be able to do so.

Rachel Wolf, Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman and Anna Ahronheim contributed to this report.

I have been given a decent room for sleeping at the Yeshiva for the duration, and thus won't commute regularly.  Two or possibly three times a week I'll be able to visit my apartment, because the food store, neighborhood small market, that I regularly use is located in the same building and will be open.  I have laundry soap at the Yeshiva, and will wash my own clothes.  Music listening is still an open question.  Ability to use the Yeshiva's computer, as I am doing right now, helps, and the content of most of my music CDs, as well as photos, the Kalmbach don't distribute file, etc, already stored in "my" directory.

I can also report that I can enjoy the hospitality of one American-Israeli family for Sabbath and Holiday meals and the Passover Seder, and possibly other meals as well, and also have a supply of my own food in two of the Yeshiva's refrigorator.

The American-Israeli family are good freinds, but not the three families I regularly enjoyed in the recent past.  All three have very small children, whom I now miss.

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Posted by zugmann on Saturday, March 21, 2020 1:33 PM

There are too many asymptomatic carriers.

First documented case in our area was a asymptomatic doctor.   Typhiod Mary sort of thing.  Then we had a convneince store clerk.  


LAst week, our governor let businesses be open, but pleaded for people to be smart (yeah, I laughed too).  If youg o to restaurants:g et take out, don't hang around in bars - that sort of thing.  As I was coming home from work last friday, all the bars and restaurants were packed.  A few days later the order came to shut them down (except for take out).   People are stupid.  They don't understand medical stuff, and they don't understand statistics. 


The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer, any other railroad, company, or person.

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Posted by BaltACD on Saturday, March 21, 2020 4:07 PM

charlie hebdo
Convicted One:  +1

Good sentiments.  Unfortunately a lack of coherent policy has placed us weeks late in preparedness. 

Since we have a TV President, we now have a TV disease - Trump Virus.

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Posted by Electroliner 1935 on Saturday, March 21, 2020 4:34 PM

charlie hebdo
Convicted One:  +1

Good sentiments.  Unfortunately a lack of coherent policy has placed us weeks late in preparedness. 


Like Trump Steaks.
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Posted by Overmod on Saturday, March 21, 2020 6:17 PM

LAst week, our governor let businesses be open, but pleaded for people to be smart (yeah, I laughed too).  If you go to restaurants, get take out; don't hang around in bars - that sort of thing.  As I was coming home from work last Friday, all the bars and restaurants were packed ... People are stupid.

Oh, it gets worse.  

We now have a standing order at our county clerk's office that only a few people can go in the DMV office at a time, and stay more than 6 feet apart.  This was being enforced by the armed guard at the metal detector -- another form of overreaction -- very strictly ... in utter disregard for the line of people packed cheek by jowl in front of Checkpoint Charlie, vigorously complaining in each other's faces about the delay and the problems.  More face-to-face discussion about restrictions on the type and number of permissible transactions.  No masks and no gloves in evidence ... but there was a hand-sanitizer dispenser on the wall, after you got 20 people forward in the line, and it still had plenty of 'product' in it when I got there.

The sensible rule is to limit talking, keep your distance, keep your face down and your nose and mucous membranes covered, don't touch stuff.  If you might need to cough, carry alcohol wipes or some kind of treated pad in a Baggie and cough into it, not your hand or your elbow or some random dry Kleenex.

Think of the gloves, masks and other PPE as the same rationale as 'adult vaccinations' -- so you don't give disease to others, not so you stave off picking it up as long as possible.  Booties, when those get established, are essentially the same thing -- keeping you from offset-printing virus on surfaces difficult to keep mopped 'enough' or from place to place silently as an implicit failure of trust.

When we start to get the fine-particle-filtering masks as a national resource, we'll be much farther along toward a reasoned solution.  It reminds me a little of the situation with an autistic child living on a property with large lakes: you can either try to fence everything around the hazards ... or you can fence the doors effectively.  Guess which is both cheaper and more assured of working under conditions of uncertainty?  But it also implies personal vigilance and a perceived measure of altruism to work...

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Posted by 54light15 on Saturday, March 21, 2020 6:24 PM

Want to see how stupid people can be? See what the woman does on an airplane. Unbelievable! 

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Posted by daveklepper on Saturday, March 21, 2020 10:29 PM
Yes there is fear.
Yes there is isolation.
Yes there is panic buying.
Yes there is sickness.
Yes there is even death.
They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise
You can hear the birds again.
They say that after just a few weeks of quiet
The sky is no longer thick with fumes
But blue and grey and clear.
They say that in the streets of Assisi
People are singing to each other
across the empty squares,
keeping their windows open
so that those who are alone
may hear the sounds of family around them.
They say that a hotel in the West of Ireland
Is offering free meals and delivery to the housebound.
Today a young woman I know
is busy spreading fliers with her number
through the neighbourhood
So that the elders may have someone to call on.
Today Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and Temples
are preparing to welcome
and shelter the homeless, the sick, the weary
All over the world people are slowing down and reflecting
All over the world people are looking at their neighbours in a new way
All over the world people are waking up to a new reality
To how big we really are.
To how little control we really have.
To what really matters.
To Love.
So we pray and we remember that
Yes there is fear.
But there does not have to be hate.
Yes there is isolation.
But there does not have to be loneliness.
Yes there is panic buying.
But there does not have to be meanness.
Yes there is sickness.
But there does not have to be disease of the soul
Yes there is even death.
But there can always be a rebirth of love.
Wake to the choices you make as to how to live now.
Today, breathe.
Listen, behind the factory noises of your panic
The birds are singing again
The sky is clearing,
Spring is coming,
And we are always encompassed by Love.
Open the windows of your soul
And though you may not be able
to touch across the empty square,

name of author available from me at

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Posted by Paul of Covington on Sunday, March 22, 2020 3:21 AM

   Thank you, Dave.


  "A stranger's just a friend you ain't met yet." --- Dave Gardner

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Posted by daveklepper on Sunday, March 22, 2020 3:46 AM

Here is some serous thinking from a fellow MIT Alumnus more connected with the situation than I may be:

Gene Shuman <>
To:Anshuman Panda,,sh-alum,,will.kasper@gmail.comand 2 more...
Sun, Mar 22 at 7:43 AM
So this is a very good analysis, but it is missing one key fact.   Yes, the mortality rate
for covid is low. But in the best case scenario, even with a mortality rate of 0.5% or
something like that, still somethinglike 10% of all cases  need to be hospitalized, as
we can clearly see from statistics worldwide at thispoint.  This relatively low mortality
rate directly takes into account that we are able to save a lot of the milder cases with
direct medical intervention.  And if the medical system entirely shut down, the
mortality rate would *certainly* be several times higher than it is now. 
This to me implies that there is no choice except for at least mildly draconian
selfisolation/quarantine methods.  If we just let this happen on its own, and just
accept that we ware losing 0.5-1.0 of ourpopulation, our medical system will still
collapse.  *Without* a global pandemic, our medical systemis not healthy, I dont
think that anybody who has spent 3 hrs waiting to see a dr in an emergency room
can argue otherwise.  The point of all of these quarantine measure is to protect
the healthcare system. 
That is the missing fact here.  Italy's healthcare system is now in a complete
state of crisis.  We'll bethere very soon.  Yes, we're probably paying for this
with a great depressionera event.  But the mortalityrate of this situation will
be waaay higher than the 0.5-1.0-3.4%, whatever, number that we have if we
don't. Last I heard Italy's official mortality rate is like 5%.  And my understanding
is that is not the direct mortality rate of the situation, it has to be a in part a
function of their healthcare system not being able tohandle a massive influx, 
They also have an older population, relatively speaking so that doesnt help
either.  But I can say for sure, that right now what we're doing is 100% to
protect the healthcare systemfrom imploding, and that is a fact that needs
to be taken into consideration in this calculus.
=Gene Shumzn
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Posted by Overmod on Sunday, March 22, 2020 6:27 AM

Mr. Shuman's point is a valid one, and has been mentioned here, perhaps most notably by charlie hebdo, for some time.  Both the 'outbreak' in Washington and some of the ARDS experience in Italy have demonstrated how promptly certain clones of SARS-CoV-2 can cause lethal progression in susceptible populations, and I for one see no particular reason why this may not be capable of inducing much the same type of ARDS, in the same populations via the same mechanisms, as occurred in the worst of the 1918 influenza.  I cannot find in the literature that we have an expedient method for treating this, or effectively addressing cytokine storm in a clinical setting, or addressing the particular problems that effective ventilation encounters with otherwise-naively-treated ARDS cases, or even for increasing the number of effective ventilators or developing proper logistics and training to provide them effectively where and when needed.  Meanwhile, I see as a peripheral and perhaps ultimately catastrophic piece of collateral damage that most of the medical conferences at which these sorts of things would be taken up and effective approaches hammered out have been cancelled.

In all of this, something profoundly lacking is the role of 3CLpro inhibitor prophylaxis in identified cases at risk of "viral pneumonia" promptly upon early diagnosis of infection, perhaps coupled with selective blocking (and subsequent active support of things like RAAS mediation) of the ACE2 receptor site that appears responsible for much of the hyperinfectivity of at least the dangerous clones of this virus.  (It fills me with nothing less than deep dread that the president of the American College of Cardiology seems to think that the virus somehow infects ACE rather than selectively attaching to its cellular receptors...)  Any even-minimally heroic strategy for addressing induction of ARDS hinges on reducing effective virus titer before either the observed kinds of cytokine storm or the rapid collapse of lung function become established, even if that action does not in itself arrest or dispel the development of ARDS in time.  And it may hinge on early and effective induction of functional immunity -- or effective resistance to establishment of infection, or progression to dangerous syndromes -- in a large population of potential 'responders' and people to be trained as effective paramedics.

With this amount of foreknowledge, it is almost amazing that we have to have active discussions in this country of how to 'triage' even relatively small saturations of people presenting with dangerous symptoms during (almost inevitable) outbreaks.  The good news in this, I suppose, is that we've had the dry run for a truly dangerous virus, as well as beginning to appreciate the awful economic and social consequences from a naive method of "preventing" rather than addressing the important issues involved.  Much of what we establish systematically represents knowledge and perhaps experience that might be incorporated into systematic methods for 'the next time' -- even the next time there's a flareup of dangerous symptoms or complications of COVID-19.  That this is not consciously being done coherently is a major failure, although laying it on "Trump" or witless figures in public administration is not any more useful as castigating Obama for failing either to preclude the nearly 14,000 recognized deaths in the 2009 H1N1 pandemic or for setting up just the kind of directed research into ARDS and other prompt causes of morbidity or lethality when experienced in a context that saturates existing cost-effective access to 'hospital treatment' that were proven then to be significant.  While it would greatly simplify the necessary efforts if supplied via a Government crash program, especially with the growing recognition of Cuomo with others that current social distancing methods may work medically for a while, but at a cost of billions per 'victim' saved, with no particular ultimate hope other than partial containment for a while, it becomes clearer and clearer to me that something proactive needs to be developed for the at-risk populations -- not just for those over the age of 60, critically important though that is.


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Posted by daveklepper on Sunday, March 22, 2020 8:59 AM

Aren't trial innoculations with a test vacine already begun? I have hopes it is successful, and that present disdancing prevention methods will be unnecessary, as we all get innoculations.

Or is this just a great hope?

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Sunday, March 22, 2020 11:02 AM


Aren't trial innoculations with a test vacine already begun? I have hopes it is successful, and that present disdancing prevention methods will be unnecessary, as we all get innoculations.

Or is this just a great hope?


Trials are just that.  Initial trials of many medications,  including vaccines end up on the ash heap.  They may be ineffective or have nasty side effects including death. So it's unlikely we will have an effective vaccine for public use in less than six to 12 months. There is no vaccine for the first SARS virus which took lives in 2003.

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Posted by daveklepper on Sunday, March 22, 2020 1:00 PM
Some 945 Israelis have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, SAR-CoV-2, on Sunday morning, as numbers continue to increase.
The Ministry of Health reported that the majority of cases - 863 - are mild, 24 are moderate and 20 critical. One person died from coronavirus over the weekend. The 88-year-old Holocaust survivor was the first Israeli to die from the disease.
So far, 37 people have recovered.
The number of coronavirus patients in the country is expected to climb by even hundreds each day, according to Health Ministry director general Moshe Bar Siman Tov, as Israel expands the number of tests it takes each day.
When coronavirus first came to Israel, the Health Ministry tested around 750 people per day. That number climbed to 2,200 over the weekend. Some 3,000 people are expected to be tested on Sunday.
Bar Siman Tov said that Israel will likely test as many as 10,000 people per day in the coming days.
Magen David Adom is responsible for most of these tests. It has thus far opened four drive-through testing complexes, which allow Israelis to be swabbed and tested for the virus in their cars in two or three minutes.
The coronavirus outbreak has been harshly challenging the Israeli economy, as the government rolls out additional isolation and other restrictions to stop the virus from spreading.
On Sunday, the Israeli Employment Service reported that an additional 8,500 people registered for unemployment benefits on its website, bringing the total number of people who have registered in March to 511,965.
The unemployment rate in Israel has increased fourfold to 16.5%. Before the outbreak of the crisis, the unemployment rate was about 4%.
Acting Justice Minister Amir Ohana, in coordination with the courts, extended the state of emergency governing courts actions from Sunday until April 16. Those aspects of the courts, such as the High Court of Justice and emergency hearings in lower courts, which were still operating will continue to operate.
In addition to those out of work, several medical professional are in isolation: 3,030 as of Saturday night, including 814 doctors and 893 nurses. 
Yonah Jeremy Bob contributed to this report.


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Posted by PJS1 on Sunday, March 22, 2020 2:33 PM

 So far, 37 people have recovered.  

How is recovered defined?

Rio Grande Valley, CFI,CFII

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Posted by GERALD L MCFARLANE JR on Sunday, March 22, 2020 8:53 PM

There are too many asymptomatic carriers.


First documented case in our area was a asymptomatic doctor.   Typhiod Mary sort of thing.  Then we had a convneince store clerk.  


LAst week, our governor let businesses be open, but pleaded for people to be smart (yeah, I laughed too).  If youg o to restaurants:g et take out, don't hang around in bars - that sort of thing.  As I was coming home from work last friday, all the bars and restaurants were packed.  A few days later the order came to shut them down (except for take out).   People are stupid.  They don't understand medical stuff, and they don't understand statistics.  


After the 14 days from first exposure, if you are asymptomatic the entire 14 days then you are no longer a carrier, it's nothing like "Typhoid Mary".  There hasn't been a single case of a "Typhoid Mary" like carrier yet.

Also, "Social Distancing" is an oxymoron, you can't be social and distance yourself from people at the same time, they should rename it to "Physical Distancing", since that's what they want you to do.

I still contend it would be easier to isolate those most susceptible to COVID-19(the official name for this particular strain, no matter what everyone else writes) from contact with the general public than it is to get people to self quarantine or "shelter-in-place".  Witness the Mayor and Chief of Police announcing that anyone found not sheltering-in-place for other than an essential need will face more draconion measures such as a fine or misdemeanor(not withstanding the fact it's a civil order with no enforcement mechanism behind it).

To use the same example as above about the person going to the hockey game and not worrying about infecting someone after the game while dining.  I say isolate that person that would normally go out dining and let the other person enjoy their hockey game.  That's the difference between grinding the economy to a halt and letting it keep going with only minor inconvience.

Another statistic I read the other day.  Our state has 78,000 plus hospital beds available, and based on the numbers they claimed that maybe 15,000 people would've needed to be hospitalized had we not done a state wide "shelter-in-place' otherwise the medical system would've been overwhelmed.  Someone is using funny math if 15,000 hospitalized out of 78,000+ beds is going overwhelm our system, that's just under is that overwhelming the system?   Yes, yes, I know about the inadequate number of resperators, etc., etc.,.  

I mean, we had a little over 660 some odd confirmed cases when the Governor ordered the statewide "shelter-in-place" vs the over 5,000 cases in New York.  Our Governor is just a little over zealous in my personal opinion. 

Still, I'd much prefer to get it myself and let my body do it's job by building up the immunities to it.  I already dislike all the changed they've made at my job to reduce contact with other people, it's our damned job, if someone doesn't want to do it, send them home.

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Sunday, March 22, 2020 9:46 PM

Social refers to living in various forms of contact with other humans.  Physical space refers to the three dimensional volume around us.  Since the virus is transmitted only between humans (assuming you don't have access to the fruit bats from Hubei that are the theorized source)  keeping a 2 meter physical space around one would include all objects, which would thus be an unnecessary precaution.  Social distancing refers to keeping a 2 meter space around you in relation to other humans only. 

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Posted by Convicted One on Sunday, March 22, 2020 9:56 PM

charlie hebdo
  Physical space refers to the three dimensional volume around us.  Since the virus is transmitted only between humans (assuming you don't have access to the fruit bats from Hubei that are the theorized source)  keeping a 2 meter physical space around one would include all objects, which would thus be an unnecessary precaution

How would you feel about substituting the word "liability" in place of the word "precaution"?

Suppose you  are an owner of a non-essential business, but you continue to require your employees to report to work.

A confirmed outbreak occurs in your business, and one of your employees dies from it. Are you  going to be sheltered by workmans comp, or are you staring down the barrel of a wrongful death lawsuit? Or both? Just a thought....many of these employers might be content to comply with the embargoed workplaces.

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Sunday, March 22, 2020 10:29 PM

I wouldn't hazard any legal opinion:; it's not in my bailiwick.  Maybe Euclid? 

Probably safer and less "unmutual" ** to follow the suggestions of public  healthcare people. 

** as in The Prisoner

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Posted by Overmod on Monday, March 23, 2020 12:29 AM

It's less a legalistic issue than a practical one: if, as with colds, the primary infection risk is in droplets from sneezes/coughs or breathing, it makes sense to keep thr roughly 6' distance from the part doing the 'respiration'.

A far more alarming factor is how often I see the common sense of the distancing violated.  I visited four separate facilities yesterday where customers and staff were animatedly talking straight to each other at about 3' distance, none of them wearing masks or any other protection at all.  A number of people were walking around animatedly yakking into their phones.  As I mentioned yesterday it isn't unusual to see people waiting for 'limited admittance' into government facilities now practicing 'social separation' to be crammed close together, talking vociferously about the irritation and risk they are suffering ... and thereby probably increasing it dramatically if they should happen to be infectious, and perhaps (if they are inhaling strongly between comments) if not.

Please, folks, try to breathe through your nose and keep your head down and be quiet if you have to talk -- keep your breath away from others as much as you can.

Incidentally, as of March 9th there were at least two fully-documented instances of asymptomatic people shedding very large amounts of virus.  I wouldn't be surprised if, with the advent of much wider testing in the days since, the recognized incidence has not increased.

Cuomo mentioned a couple of days ago that at least some patients 'tested negative' in recovery -- whether this means negative for symptoms of COVID-19 or whether it means negative for shed virus remains unclear.  My own great concern is that I expect many who 'recover' to continue producing virus particles, albeit at a lower rate, that may continue to pose an infection hazard through both aerosol and contact transfer to at-risk cohorts, perhaps indefinitely.  That may mean widespread continued 'social separation' between the bulk of 'recovered' and perhaps immunized/antibody-treated people (the 70 to 98%) and any people at risk of ARDS or other lethal complications.  Ways of doing that and still bringing back many social institutions otherwise unsustainable are a current concern...

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Posted by daveklepper on Monday, March 23, 2020 3:21 AM

In Israel, Recovery is defined as complete lack of symptoms and testing negative as a carrier.  Is not this also the definition in the USA?

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Posted by daveklepper on Monday, March 23, 2020 4:10 AM
British ear, nose and throat doctors have called on adults who lose their sense of smell to isolate themselves for seven days, even if they have no other symptoms, as studies indicate that a loss of smell and taste could be a symptom of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.
“We really want to raise awareness that this is a sign of infection and that anyone who develops loss of sense of smell should self-isolate,” said Prof. Claire Hopkins, president of the British Rhinological Society, according to the New York Times. “It could contribute to slowing transmission and save lives.”
Ear, nose and throat specialists and eye doctors were infected and dying in large numbers in earlier reports from Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, according to Hopkins.
Reports from multiple countries have indicated that significant numbers of coronavirus patients experienced anosmia, the loss of sense of smell, and ageusia, an accompanying diminished sense of taste, according to the Times.
The American Academy of Otolaryngology stated on Sunday that mounting anecdotal evidence indicates that lost or reduced sense of smell and taste are significant symptoms related to COVID-19. Some coronavirus patients have had a reduced sense of smell and taste without any other symptoms.
"There is evolving evidence that otolaryngologists are among the highest risk group when performing upper airway surgeries and examinations,” said a notice on the academy’s website on Friday. “A high rate of transmission of COVID-19 to otolaryngologists has been reported from China, Italy and Iran, many resulting in death.”
In Italy, doctors have concluded that loss of taste and smell is an indication that a person who may otherwise seem healthy is actually carrying and spreading the virus.


According to Dr. Clemens Wendtner, a professor of medicine at the Academic Teaching Hospital of Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, patients regained their ability to smell after a few days or week. The loss occurred regardless of how sick they got or whether they were congested and nasal drops or sprays did not help.
Studies on the newly realized symptoms have not been able to take place as physicians handling coronavirus outbreaks are overwhelmed, according to Forbes.
German virologist Hendrik Streek took daily samples from infected workers isolated in a hospital and interviewed them about the progression of their symptoms. He found that two thirds of those he interviewed described "a loss of smell and taste lasting several days," according to Forbes.
Both Streek and Professor of Infectious Diseases at the University of Milan, Massimo Galli, found that the loss of smell and taste usually occurred late in the course of infection.
According to Judy Stone, an infectious disease specialist, the only other infection they knew of with a loss of smell was Herpes simplex encephalitis, a rare neurological disorder characterized by inflammation of the brain, according to the National Organization for Rare Disorders.
Medical professionals are unsure what is causing the loss of the senses of smell and taste. Some virus destroy the cells or cell receptors in your nose, while others infect the brain via the olfactory sensory nerves. The ability to infect the brain may explain some of the cases of respiratory failure in COVID-19 infections and evidence shows that coronaviruses may invade the central nervous system.
SARS has been reported in the brains of both patients and experimental animals and, considering the high similarity between SARS and the novel coronavirus, an infection of the nervous system may be partially responsible for the respiratory failure of patients with COVID-19, according to a study by Yan‐Chao Li, Wan‐Zhu Bai and Tsutomu Hashikawa that was published in the Journal of Medical Virology last month.
Deputy Chairman of Iran’s Rhinology Association Dr. Ebrahim Razmpa told the Iranian ISNA news that there has been "a sudden, unexpected and unbelievable jump in cases of weak sense of smell and difficulty with vision" since the coronavirus outbreak reached the Islamic Republic, although it is still unclear whether the coronavirus or other factors caused the spike, according to Radio Farda.
As of Sunday night, 335,997 cases of the novel coronavirus had been confirmed around the world, with 14,641 dead and 98,333 reports of recoveries.


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Posted by daveklepper on Monday, March 23, 2020 5:02 AM

Hello, everyone.

At New York City Transit, our number one priority is to move New York safely and efficiently. Even in a crisis, that priority doesn’t change.

I wanted to take a moment to update you on our current situation, and how we are reacting to it in real time.

Most importantly, we are listening to medical and health experts, and executing on their guidance and direction. We are also in constant communication and coordination with all of our partners across all levels of government - state, city and federal.

First, it's important to note, public health experts have also said if you can stay home, you should stay home. If you’re able to work from home, please do so. If you don’t need to go out, please don’t. Please continue to follow their advice on all fronts: take care of yourselves, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, use hand sanitizer, don’t touch your face, and if you start to feel unwell, contact your doctor.

For our part, we are taking every measure we can to help keep New York safe, healthy, and moving (but only if you need to be). Here’s more about what we’re doing, what's recommended, and how you can stay informed:

Right now, we’re staying open for those who need us—and for those whom we all need.

The subways and buses are how New Yorkers get around. That includes our medical professionals, firefighters, law enforcement personnel, child care workers, food service employees, and everyone else we need to keep New York safe and healthy. We continue to run trains and the buses so that these folks can get where they need to be. We are constantly evaluating our service levels to ensure we have enough capacity for those who need it.

We’re undertaking every practical measure to keep our system sanitized and safe.
Every day, we’re disinfecting subway cars, commuter trains, buses, work spaces and offices. The entire MTA fleet gets disinfected at least every 72 hours. In stations and on buses, we’re cleaning and disinfecting the surfaces customers touch at least twice a day.

We will keep you continually informed about what we’re doing and what you should expect.
We will be in constant contact with you about what we’re doing and how we’re responding as the situation evolves. We are keeping our website up-to-date and are providing real-time service status alerts and 1-1 customer support on our social media channels, and at 511. Inaccurate and unfounded rumors are common at moments like this – if you hear rumors about subway or bus service, please check our official feeds. We will be the ones to tell you if anything changes.

If you have any questions at all, please ask. We are available 24/7 on Twitter at @NYCTSubway, and @NYCTBus, and via phone at 511. Check and sign up for the City’s text alerts by texting COVID to 692-692.

Our top priority will always, always be keeping you and our employees safe. Please, take care of yourselves, your families, your neighbors, and everyone else. Thank you for riding with us (but only if you need to). It is an honor to serve you, and this city.

Sarah Feinberg
Interim President, New York City Transit

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Posted by Murphy Siding on Monday, March 23, 2020 11:18 AM

charlie hebdo

I wouldn't hazard any legal opinion:; it's not in my bailiwick.  Maybe Euclid? 

Probably safer and less "unmutual" ** to follow the suggestions of public  healthcare people. 

** as in The Prisoner


Laugh Thanks. I needed a good pick-me-up this morning.

Thanks to Chris / CopCarSS for my avatar.

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