QUOTE: Originally posted by edbenton How about getting rid of all the politicians first and start over, but make a new requirement they can not be lawyers they have to know what they are going to be doing. Have a CPA as treasuer and engineers actually right the specs for anything new not a commitee who wants something on it because it looks nice.
QUOTE: Originally posted by edbenton It is called getting out there and vote. Eolafan the power of the ballot box is real here in central IL we got rid of a lawyer turned politican named PAtrick Welch and replaced him with a succesful busnessman and named Gary Dahl. I am sure you see his trucks all the time since he founded DD Express based in Peru IL not to far from Aurora. He was tried of Mr Welch going after unions and the working man with his tactics. In fact local labor was supporting Welch until he started attacking Wahl's trucking busness wrong thing to do since DD pays its drivers union wages without the dues and also Mr. Dahl is a Teamster himself.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Deaks QUOTE: Originally posted by eolafan yadda yadda yadda....AGAIN, IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE ENVIRONMENT YOU WORK UNDER, QUIT OR SIMPLY SHUT UP, BUT PLEASE DON'T TAKE YOUR PERSONAL FRUSTRATIONS OUT ON THE INNOCENT COMMUTERS OR RAILRAOD CUSTOMERS WHO INDIRECTLY PAY YOUR WAGES, they don't deserve it!.... yadda yadda yadda Remarkable attitude you've got there. It's a good job everyone doesn't think like you. Maybe you could suggest some other actions the dispatchers could have taken? Actions that bring their plight to the fore?
QUOTE: Originally posted by FP45 I do heavy construction and am glad my company is union free. I have been there 5 years and make more than some with 17 years in. I also don't get laid off when its slow,they do. I know many of you are hard workers( you know who you are) but I cant see paying someone lazy or dumb to keep working just because of seniority. [soapbox]
QUOTE: First off Deaks, welcome to the forums, glad to have you with us as another contributor to our sprited discussions. When I read in the newspapers, in books or see on TV about the many, many millions of people around the world who are litterally starving to death and don't have two nickels to rub together or the ability to put ANY food on the family table, I simply can not feel sorry for an employee who has such a BIG PROBLEM as the BNSF dispatchers in this case. Folks, we all need to take a step back and put all things into proper perspective. If you have a job paying what these dispatchers make and have little chance of being fired (thanks to the union representing them if not their own talents and work ethic) then you should be very thankful you are not one of the tens of millions in the world who would thank their maker for ANY job, let alone one that pays that much. We should all thank our lucky stars that we have the jobs we do, as there are so very many who have NOTHING, NOTHING AT ALL.
QUOTE: Originally posted by sammythebull I deal with these DS's everyday on my work and I will say that most of them are fairly good at what they do considering the enviorment present. Dispatchers are op tested more than train crews, work under more strict rules than train crews and many times are multi tasking. I have spent an entire shift watching the dispatchers at the Kansas City office with the thought of once doing a craft transfer and becoming a DS. After seeing what they have to go through behind the scenes and the stress created by the job, no way. It isn't for me.
QUOTE: Originally posted by eolafan QUOTE: Originally posted by arbfbe Eolafan, What a simple black and white lifestyle you live in. Would it be that life on the railroads were so simple. Work less for more pay. The Dispatchers are not asking for more pay though the railroads have beed dumping more and more work on them for decades now. Management wants it all their way and will violate the spirit of the labor agreement as well as the specific language of the contract to get it. Due to court decisions and government edict railroad labor organizations can only walk off the job for "major disputes" which translates to contract negotiation issues. Not for safety, not for personal welfare, not on a whim. You see how quickly BNSF was able to force the dispatchers back to work in this instance. I have two suggestions for you. Check your anti union bias at the forum door. To get a better appreciation of the issues involved make your next move to a career in railroad dispatching. Almost all of the major railroads are short and training is available. It might even pay more than what you are making now. [banghead] To your comment I say this...Our world would be a much better place to live in if only more of us lived their lives in a more "black and white" fashion...in other words "right and wrong" and not a million different shades of gray. I was raised to believe that right is right and wrong is wrong, with not so very many BUT's in the middle. Oh so many of us have adopted the "ME, ME, ME, ME" philosophy.
QUOTE: Originally posted by arbfbe Eolafan, What a simple black and white lifestyle you live in. Would it be that life on the railroads were so simple. Work less for more pay. The Dispatchers are not asking for more pay though the railroads have beed dumping more and more work on them for decades now. Management wants it all their way and will violate the spirit of the labor agreement as well as the specific language of the contract to get it. Due to court decisions and government edict railroad labor organizations can only walk off the job for "major disputes" which translates to contract negotiation issues. Not for safety, not for personal welfare, not on a whim. You see how quickly BNSF was able to force the dispatchers back to work in this instance. I have two suggestions for you. Check your anti union bias at the forum door. To get a better appreciation of the issues involved make your next move to a career in railroad dispatching. Almost all of the major railroads are short and training is available. It might even pay more than what you are making now.
QUOTE: Originally posted by greyhounds "Working a Strike" is one of the most memorable things I have done in my life Back in the 70's a union, I think it was BRAC, went on strike against the N&W. It went on for 77 days. We were part of a "mutual aid" pact with the N&W and helped them. The N&W continued operations using management personel to fill in... I came out of the experience thinking that grownups should be able to find better ways to settle disputes.
QUOTE: Originally posted by SP9033 QUOTE: Originally posted by greyhounds "Working a Strike" is one of the most memorable things I have done in my life Back in the 70's a union, I think it was BRAC, went on strike against the N&W. It went on for 77 days. We were part of a "mutual aid" pact with the N&W and helped them. The N&W continued operations using management personel to fill in... I came out of the experience thinking that grownups should be able to find better ways to settle disputes. And again, just what does this have to do with the issue that caused the walkout of ATDA members at BNSF's FTW center? Many of us can cite real-world experiences that color our perceptions of what we consider as right or wrong. But, this is not a thread about that, it is a thread about the walk out of ATDA members from the BNSF's FTW center. Your posting adds no facts to the discussion. Jim - Lawton, NV MP 236
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