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Breaking News BNSF dispatchers on Strike
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[quote]QUOTE: <br /> <br />First off Deaks, welcome to the forums, glad to have you with us as another contributor to our sprited discussions. When I read in the newspapers, in books or see on TV about the many, many millions of people around the world who are litterally starving to death and don't have two nickels to rub together or the ability to put ANY food on the family table, I simply can not feel sorry for an employee who has such a BIG PROBLEM as the BNSF dispatchers in this case. Folks, we all need to take a step back and put all things into proper perspective. If you have a job paying what these dispatchers make and have little chance of being fired (thanks to the union representing them if not their own talents and work ethic) then you should be very thankful you are not one of the tens of millions in the world who would thank their maker for ANY job, let alone one that pays that much. We should all thank our lucky stars that we have the jobs we do, as there are so very many who have NOTHING, NOTHING AT ALL. <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />It appears from your post you still have not followed and read any of the good links to additional information about the issue that caused the walkout. Here is one more link to a thread on TrainOrders.com that should provide more information on the issue between the ATDA and BNSF. <br /> <br />[url]http://www.trainorders.com/discussion/read.php?4,881115[/url] <br /> <br />Jim - Lawton, NV MP 236
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