String Lining

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Posted by Miningman on Tuesday, August 29, 2017 9:24 PM

Here is a photo of a 2-2-0...someone asked a while back about finding a photo. It's on Pinterest so you may have to log in to an account. It is free. How stable was this really? Boiler is smallish. 

cx500- Nice additional photos of those rare Alco's. Seems they had quite a history and really got around in many paint schemes as well. Not surprising they migrated to Canada but it is surprising 2 are still operating stateside. 

NDG- Yeah, Baldwins and Warbonnets..something a bit wrong about that. Kind of busy looking on the D&H version, maybe looking like a running shoe? The Sharks were styled along the lines to compliment the Pennsy T1's and continue to present a "look", a presence, an image. Sante Fe warbonnets represent something else entirely...perhaps a warbonnet T1 could be photoshopped or generated, but pretty sure it would be a disaster...or maybe not? The swept back stylized "Chief" on the tender would work!

5 Prof's in our Mining Dept. One, my counterpart Mining guy and our surveying teacher had a catastrophic event last Friday, air ambulanced out with possible brain damage after "routine" leg operation earlier this summer, 2 years older than me. Another announced she is pregnant, and not just, since April..surprise!..and is leaving us on mat leave  shortly and the 3rd quit or got "maneuvered" out depending on who you listen to. This all found out about and occurred since Monday, yesterday......students arrive Tuesday after Labour Day! Leaving us with 2.5 for now, soon 2. Prof's that is. The Computer Lab guy, (AutoCAD, Vulcan and Technical Communication) and yours truly Mining I and IV and all Geology, Milling and Safety courses that deal specifically with Mining, both underground and open pit and surface. 

SOS call put out for Math and Physics teacher...we got a Mechanical Engineer today to cover that. If he is half as smart as RME that will pick up some of the load...every Mechanical Engineer I ever met was a pretty sharp person. workload has a huge unexpected and shocking increase. So much for enjoying the glow of my trip and cruising comfortably at my age! "We" spent the entire day revising schedules. After the 17th version we got it. These are just plugging the dike. Need Chemistry, Surveying, Environment, QAQC, Lab Measurement, Ventilation and still some Math for Power Engineers and certain of the tech trades and certainly I've forgotten something. What you up to? Climate harsh winter, town amenities very few, pay mediocre ( for the sub polar location) but it's fun! A challenge! Big 'lan ,,,verra few pipple. 


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Posted by NDG on Tuesday, August 29, 2017 6:04 AM


Thank You.
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Posted by cx500 on Monday, August 28, 2017 11:57 PM

I believe all four may have spent time in Canada.  Two were acquired by MLW for temporary loan to the Roberval Saguenay.   I believe they then spent some time on the PGE before the Devco Railway acquired them.  Another pair were leased to the CPR for a time by Peco.


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Posted by Miningman on Monday, August 28, 2017 11:20 PM

...nice pik...and I did not know about the Minnesota Commercial.  Getting it done again on the String...much better than whats been going on lately all over the threads...oh well, human condition I suppose. 



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Posted by SD70M-2Dude on Monday, August 28, 2017 10:51 PM

Learned something today, a quick googling revealed that two of those were leased to several different Canadian roads for a time.  I never knew that any operated in Canada.  The two in question were unfortunately both scrapped in the mid-1980s, having last worked for the Sydney Coal (Devco) Railway. 

Today there are only two left anywhere, both on the shortline Minnesota Commerical:

File:07 17 09 143xRP - Flickr - drewj1946.jpg

And happy birthday to the thread!  I don't post very often but enjoy reading (or re-reading) it nearly every day.  Long live String Lining!

Greetings from Alberta

-an Articulate Malcontent

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Posted by Miningman on Monday, August 28, 2017 10:07 PM

So to start the beginning of the 2nd year of the String Lining thread lets post something U.S., unique, and Alco that could be found also in Canada as MLW. 

UP 676 one of four units (675-678) acq. 9/1961 ex Alco DL640 demonstrators. 
Green River, WY March 26, 1966

So nice! What a beauty. 


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Posted by Miningman on Sunday, August 27, 2017 12:18 PM

Yes! Very nice of you Wanswheel.

Been a year. The "String" has gone multidimensional with one heck of a lot of tonnage of information. Enough here for a Doctoral dissertation. 

Long live the String. 

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Posted by wanswheel on Sunday, August 27, 2017 11:28 AM

NDG, thank you for this great thread, and (if it don't get deleted by midnight) congratulations!

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Posted by NDG on Saturday, August 26, 2017 4:22 PM


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Posted by Miningman on Saturday, August 26, 2017 3:17 PM

Wanswheel- Yes the Railroad song thread was undermined. At least it is still there, put back, but locked. I have copied the thread to my desktop so I can access it quickly, as the thread itself will slowly sink into the abyss. There is a lot of great and diverse music on that thread, all of it railroad related.  When they initially removed it entirely even the copy on the desktop was empty.."file not found". Thankfully returned. 

Say what you want about the digital age..,it is at the whim of button and poof gone. This is the reason I still have my turntable and vinyl and a "jukebox" disc carousel, stacked 2 high with 100 CD's in each. Of course it has sort of stagnated now as there is no longer a music store anywhere. Yes I know "on line" but the music industry is confusing to me now. 

Love that turntable though. Students up here see it and are fascinated. Yes the sound is definitely more dynamic and have lots of vinyl. 

No one can just make all that disappear at a whim. It's real.

NDG- Thanks, yes it is good to "be at my adopted home again". Felt the cold last night and saw my breath around midnight while outside on the deck...One aspect of living up here I miss is the long extended autumn season of South Western Ontario. Fall season in Northern Saskatchewan is extremely short and all yellows. Tamaracks are a gold/brown colour. Visitors and the ignorant frequently state " all your evergreens are dying, damn mining companies!" These are adults and fellow teachers! Good grief. Half of Canada and all of the North is Boreal Forest and they don't know the first thing about it. Idiotic celebrities like that Titanic guy, brainless twits. Then spread it around social media like it's fact. I fear for Western Civilization I tell ya. 

Soon enough all white and never above 0C for months and months. Never.

Don't know exactly what it is about that picture but it keeps luring me back in. So much lost. So much nation building and history. The whole Southern tier Kettle Valley gone. Yes yes I hear the rationale, I just wave it off as nonsense. Saw the ghosts of the Milwaukee Road Western extension...lots of envisioning, I could hear it. What a tragedy. People mock the Milwaukee ...what fools. It will come back to bite.

Hey you know what? Maybe it is cheaper if we all live in caves and just crawl out each morning on all fours and just graze. Think how good that would be for the environment! 

My turntable and vinyl will not become the Kettle Valley. 

So the first to the right line of poles is CPR then. Telegraph and commuication? Anything remain? I'm sure the BC Telephone Co. poles, second row to the right are still there?

Do not mess with the bull. Good rule. I could not do the climb. Ya got me beat. 

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Posted by wanswheel on Saturday, August 26, 2017 1:21 PM

Songs thread fatally undermined


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Posted by NDG on Friday, August 25, 2017 11:36 PM

Thank You.

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Posted by Miningman on Friday, August 25, 2017 9:27 PM

Found new picture for NDG

Extra 8720 smoking it up and moving fast! 8623 trailing. MP 62 Cranbrook Sub. Caithness, BC August 18, 1970

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Posted by Miningman on Friday, August 25, 2017 2:30 AM
Well I have arrived at long last or all too short of a period of time, both simultaneously at my own humble abode.

Scamp, my dog, the Chevy Tahoe and myself are all in one piece. 

Last trip for me like this for sure. Too hard on the old everything.

It seemed as if during my trip through 12 US States things were going a bit bonkers a few days or less after I left each area.  You know those scenes in movies were the vehicle is outracing something coming at them from behind, crumbling earth, pyroclastic cloud, T-Rex, whatever, well it was like that except I was blissfully unaware and found out afterward. 

I will miss the fabulous food. Weather was outstanding and suppose I was just plain lucky with that part. Noticed lots of stored hoppers near the border on the US side. 15 Km worth! 4 Days late on original estimate and arrival time but who cares. Missed one meeting,,big deal, fhtttt.

Small town rural America is 100% A #1. 
Not going to bore everyone with "here are my vacation photos"

Will download and sort through and post anything worthy of railroad interest. Need a few days to get myself together and unfortunately back "to it" Monday morning. The trees are turning yellow up here already and numerous leaves on the front lawn and bush is thinning out. 
Back on the frontier! I have my concerns about so much from health to politics going forward don't know where to start. 

Big Gold find in Australia. Me next!
To help out and pitch in.

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Posted by RME on Tuesday, August 22, 2017 1:10 PM

A moderator explanation of why the thread was locked would have also been the responsible conclusion.

I don't think it takes much to figure it out, though.  Perhaps Angela would comment here 'in her own words' on the reasoning used,  but when a poster who is on record using the abbreviation STFU twice to refer to another essentially tells her baldly that he's going to keep on 'disciplining' other posters anyway... that's clearly over the TOS line.  (I would presume there have been PMs to the chief culprits, but those are none of my business and really none of the rest of ours, either.)

Truth to tell, it was long past time to lock this thread and start another one, as it was getting unwieldy to review.  Other ongoing threads with somewhat different structure have been emended to be 'quarterly' or focus more specifically (so that new readers searching for information don't have quite so much of a firehose to face).  That's now been done with the 'pop songs' thread, I think.

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Posted by Miningman on Tuesday, August 22, 2017 12:50 PM

Terrific news BaltACD. Thank you to Kalmbach. Good move. 

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Posted by BaltACD on Tuesday, August 22, 2017 10:17 AM

Thread is back, but locked.

Never too old to have a happy childhood!


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Posted by Euclid on Tuesday, August 22, 2017 9:50 AM

The Bad I have noticed with great shock and disappointment that the Best Railroad Songs thread has been removed in its entirety. This was a valuable resource that went back years and contained hundreds of songs and videos, many very obscure and rare. So the 2 guys that got into it for a few comments only managed to get the whole thing trashed. I do not think that was fair or reasonable. The few offending posts could have been removed individually And block those guys for a few months or something. Why lose all those songs that can/will never be put back together. What a shame. It reminds me of K.P.Harriers loss of pictures to the forum going back years. If everything on here is just vapour then whats the use? Very discouraging.

Yes, that should have been dealt with in a thoughtful way, especially considering that it was a thread built of constructive contributions as a great collection.  Locking the thread would have been disrespectful to all those not causing trouble, but at least it would have left the thread as reference for the rest of us, including those who look but are not registered.  A moderator explanation of why the thread was locked would have also been the responsible conclusion.  Simply deleting the whole thread with no explanation seems like a hostile over-reaction.

The reasonable and proper thing to have done would have been to deal with the person or persons actually causing the problem, especially since it was such a small part of the total thread participation.

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Posted by Miningman on Monday, August 21, 2017 11:52 PM

The Good and The Bad

The Good

USA Journey completed. I am exhausted but renewed at the same time.

Fresh outlook, change is good as a rest and all that as they say.

Big Thank you to the USA. Best neighbour ever. A+. Beautiful.

Did not get arrested, stopped, molested, shot, but your casinos gave me a good shakedown. Travel was a bit more expensive than I remember. Probably saw me coming and prices went back to normal after leaving the area.

I am back on "home rails" now...crossed the border just as the partial eclipse in my location was happening. 600 miles to go yet and still some side trips to see the badlands down here and chase trains. 

K+S Potash tomorrow or next day, I know where to find the busy lines in Saskatchewan both CN and CP. Then back to the frontier for Thursday night.

Back to work Monday 28th am, off since the 3rd week of June. Students arrive first day after Labour Day.

Already emailed the boss man, informed him to send over 2 guys Monday morning to drag me in. Same thing every year.

The Bad

I have noticed with great shock and disappointment that the Best Railroad Songs thread has been removed in its entirety. This was a valuable resource that went back years and contained hundreds of songs and videos, many very obscure and rare. So the 2 guys that got into it for a few comments only managed to get the whole thing trashed. 

I do not think that was fair or reasonable. The few offending posts could have been removed individually And block those guys for a few months or something. Why lose all those songs that can/will never be put back together.  What a shame. It reminds me of K.P.Harriers loss of pictures to the forum going back years. 

If everything on here is just vapour then whats the use?

Very discouraging. 



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Posted by tree68 on Monday, August 21, 2017 8:15 PM

Reflection of Sun on Roof Crossing Gate Bungalow, or Glitch on Google??

UFO...  Devil

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Posted by BaltACD on Monday, August 21, 2017 5:49 PM

Electroliner 1935
Reflection of Sun on Roof Crossing Gate Bungalow, or Glitch on Google?? 

I think you called it correctly. The reflective paint caught the sun and it overloaded the camera sensor in my estimation. An anomaly.

Looks like brand new polished aluminum - just overloading the light sensor and potentially made worse by the specific angle of the sun at the instant that the image was captured.

Never too old to have a happy childhood!


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Posted by Electroliner 1935 on Monday, August 21, 2017 5:21 PM

Reflection of Sun on Roof Crossing Gate Bungalow, or Glitch on Google??  

I think you called it correctly. The reflective paint caught the sun and it overloaded the camera sensor in my estimation. An anomaly.

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Posted by Electroliner 1935 on Monday, August 21, 2017 5:19 PM

I think you called it correctly. The reflective paint cought the sun and it overloaded the camera sensor in my estimation. An anomaly.

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Posted by NDG on Monday, August 21, 2017 4:47 PM

Thank You.

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Posted by NDG on Monday, August 21, 2017 3:32 PM

Thank You.

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Posted by Miningman on Monday, August 21, 2017 1:32 AM

Now that is one heck of a website. Quite the resource. That Frost fellow was one busy and methodical guy. Question?- Why is this the property of the City of Vancouver? Seems like an odd thing for city hall to maintain. Oh well I'm not complaining.

If things go to plan it is highly likely I will be at the border at the height of the eclipse. That kind of freaks me out a bit...what does it mean!!!??? 

Did not plan it this way..did not even know about it when I left. 

CNR early Diesels had a fine beautiful paint scheme. Very dignified. Such a vast system and they never went with the high horsepower passenger A1A- no PA's, no E's. 

CPR vast as well and only 3 E's. 

I think the rather later, slower and methodical entry into full Dieselization across the Dominion allowed us to skip this step. 

Steam hung on longer because of a sustained serious upsurge in business across the land which seriously delayed steams extinction as they were needed. Essentially it was over mid 1959. Grand Trunk Western reflected this as well. Also although the Montreal Locomotive Works was cranking out Diesels late 40's they were still recieving a few orders for steam. GM did not get London Diesel Division built until 1950. I think by then 1500 HP A and B units and the GP7 provided a more modular and efficient way of using Diesels. Ditto for CLC built FM locomotives. Don't want NDG to feel left out. 

Now then having said all that here are 2 A1A high horsepower passenger locomotives operating in Canada.

Delaware and Hudson 17 meeting CPR 1801 at Westmount, Que. June 1968. Jim Boyd/Joseph Testagrose Collection.

This was the only line in Canada where for a few short years U.S. and Canadian roads passenger trains operated with A-1-A wheel arrangement passenger units. There were only ever three CPR E8's built by EMD in the US for the CPR B&M Pool between Montreal and Boston. D&H's only such units were four former Santa Fe PA4's built by Alco and acquired for passenger service between Albany and Montreal. They were later rebuilt with new Alco 251F engines rated at 2400 hp.

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Posted by NDG on Sunday, August 20, 2017 4:13 AM


Thank You.

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Posted by Miningman on Saturday, August 19, 2017 11:59 PM

Yes the D&H went all Diesel pretty early and quickly....actually that was the case with all the majors in New England. Then railroading went downhill severely in the East.  Even the BAR screwed up on the potatoes. The D&H stayed recognizable for some time though. 

The green jacketed S2 Northern is a beauty. Yes 80" drivers and a huge Vanderbilt tender. Some folks say it's in good shape but I'm not so sure.

Time does weird things to objects that are stationary and exposed and its been a long time now.  

It appears to be well looked after cosmetically.

Casino here called "Boxcars". Lure me in like a fish on a hook. 

Whats the difference between Montana and Alberta? Answer- Nothing.

Luv the big wide main streets with the angle parking. Easy to hitch up your horse or SUV. Plenty of those in Alberta too.

Lots of trains here. No Milwaukee or Wires though.

Now I remember David Klepper stating the the D&RGW was his pick for "All American Railroad". My vote goes to the Milwaukee Road.

Big city high speed railroading. Locals to the North, South and West. Manufacturing district spurs everywhere. Beer hauler extraordinaire. Big steam and little kettles. Prairie Grainger. North Country resource hauler. Transcontinental. Legendary named trains. CMSt.P&P on the passenger cars invokes far away exotic places. Superb unique homemade rolling stock and passenger cars. Lots of FM Beloit. Multi track mainlines. Commuter trains. West Coast. 2 Electric Divisions. Unmatched employee pride and dedication.

Perhaps the template for what is happening at CSX? 

Thanks for those Pics NDG...Mining Electrics are the best!..superb preservation. Hard working lives.

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Posted by NDG on Saturday, August 19, 2017 6:21 PM


Thank You.

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Posted by Miningman on Saturday, August 19, 2017 2:01 AM

Have not travelled that far really since the slipping by the pool thing, maybe 150-200 miles a day. One day I just stayed where I was and napped a lot. Today I did much better. Hoping for Saskatchewan on Monday now, not Sunday. Fingers are fine really, sore thats all. 

Hope you fellas caught that picture of the day on the Classic site with the D&H Challenger passing by a milk plant at Otego, NY. Oct '51. 

I stared at that for 20 minutes and kept going back. Everything looked so right, a society well put together, such a sense of purpose with beauty and such permanence! The rails look like the high iron for sure and very well maintained. No garbage and junk. A quintessential upper NY State/New England bucolic scene for sure. 

1951...not much time left for the Challenger, probably the milk plant as well, definitely any milk trains. I believe this scene was gone in short order, impossible to re-create. The dichotomy is striking, here it is and soon here it isn't. Something that was for more than century has gone for good. The D&H stuck around for a while yet, the Diesels came of course and the D&H did a fine job with the railfan community for many years to come.

I get it, but I don't get it. 

Smithsonian channel did a show on Lake Erie last night, starting at the St. Clair river and Detroit river then along into the Canadian North Shore. Drones have really changed everything when it comes to video. 

They skipped by Leamington and the NYC Branch down to there, ditto Port Burwell and the CPR, Port Rowan and the CNR, but they spent a considerable amount of time in Port Dover. They did not touch on the railroads so I will fill in the blanks.

CPR Electric Lines down from Galt/Guelph/Brantford terminated there. Lake Erie and Northern and the Grand River Railway. CNR branch down from Brantford terminated there...domain of 2 digit 4-6-0"s, such as a #89, or #86. CPR Electric Lines and CNR crossing at 90 deg. the Wabash, Pere Marquette and New York Central rails about 6 miles to the North. Also yet another CNR branch coming in from the East from Hamilton, terminating at that Wabash trackage mentioned 6 miles North. Quite a busy place. The CNR station, moved up from the beach to the bridge over the Lynn River, was sold and moved ( not the first time!) and is now a gift shop near the beach, actually closer to its original location. They call it the Grand Trunk Station gift shop. Stuff for the beach goers and tourists. The CPR station is history. 

ALL, all of it, all the rails are gone from all of the mentioned above. ....and  Port Rowan, and Port Burwell, and Leamington. That is insane and it is wrong. The fabric and very meaning and core of these places have been destroyed. It shows. Empty meaningless destruction on many levels. Empty buildings, empty people. The railroad built these towns, it is why they were. 

Port Dover has the worlds largest inland fishing fleet..they did not miss that point. It will be Ok but it too has serious problems. 

Way back in the day, to "just" after WWII the CNR station was moved for the first time. It was originally located very close to the beach, along with a roundhouse and turntable with tracks that went all the way out to the end of the pier ( they remained embedded in place well into the 60's). These tracks received coal shipments from the Bessemer and Lake Erie and the New York Central. Those stopped in the late 30's but here and there shipments would arrive. It got busy in the war with all kinds of things.  The real big deal was Passenger service from Erie, PA and Conneaught, Ohio. Those I remember. Lasted into the late 50's.

Breathing easier out West. Air, elbow room and sky more agreeable. See UP and BNSF trains, lots of them. Highball thats all. 

Back in my own time zone but still an hour out because Saskatchewan does not do Daylight Savings Time. Received an email today that my new students books have all arrived. It is a big big stack for incoming !st Year students.

I always hold one up after handing them out and ask them if they know how to turn them on. 

Also been asked to take a group of up to 15 U of S Gelogical Engineering students on a 2 day visit to Cigar Lake Mine in November. Any of you fellas want to pretend you are an U of S student? Sneak you in no problem!

My regular class does 3 Mine trips, 2 Uranium, 1 Gold, plus 10 days at a mill "job shadowing" and 2 major Geological Field Schools, plus 2 conferences in Saskatoon. This is the first time I've been asked to take U of S students. 

Friends in Havre, Montana tomorrow.

Milwaukee Road ghosts.



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