Is it just me, or is there now some blue background on here? Looks like they are still playing with it.
It's been fun. But it isn't much fun anymore. Signing off for now.
The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer, any other railroad, company, or person.t fun any
There is light blue, blue-gray, and gray around the features of the post box. I don't know if that different from at first or not.
I can probably get used to most of the changes. It is noticeably slower for me. And the last version was slower than the one before that.
But problem #1 for me is reducing the forum page post count by about 60-70% The same reduction occurred the last time they improved the program, and we finally convinced them to get more posts listed on each page. Apparently, the reasoning for doing so was not all that clear because we are back to a minimum number of posts on each page.
It is bad for business. It is a marketing issue.
Seems like many discussion sites (of various topics) are slowly dying. Probably the facebook and other social media influence. I know there's several RR-related groups and organizations I follow on there.
All good things must end...
Perhaps so. But while that may be a trend, there is vast potential for a forum to boom or bust just based on how it is managed.
Policies and structure can make or break it.
Hmm.. usually I find that a small handful of posters (sometimes 1 or 2) can do more to hurt a forum than any policy or structure. Nature of user-supplied content, I guess.
zugmann Hmm.. usually I find that a small handful of posters (sometimes 1 or 2) can do more to hurt a forum than any policy or structure. Nature of user-supplied content, I guess.
Forums are like selling soap. They are as market driven as any product ever was. They need to draw in the customers. What draws in customers is the attention and reception of the other customers. This is often thwarted by the forum structure.
I have had some ideas about a vastly different type of forum operation and structure. It would take a lot more thought to get it to a clear definition. But it would take communication to a very high key. The main challenge would be to run this new structure with a sort of automatic editor.
It would be a radical departure from just adding messages to a list of messages.
Maybe it is me, but the over all look is less professional.
I agree completely. Reminds me of an instant messenger window from about 10 years ago.
When I first access the forum on the afternoon of the 14th the response time seemed acceptable. Now, on the morning of the 15th - it is horrendously slow. Glad to see the e-mail box is now not checked automatically.
Never too old to have a happy childhood!
Tried replying to three different threads' first post...and I get a popup warning that I don't have permission to reply. IE9 and WIN 7 machine.
the new Forum looks like it came out of Fisher-Price toy box, don't like it.
good point about the borders.. what a waste of space and the space on the server. wonder if the re writers of the programs got paid by lines of code ??
(testing) Seems to be working ok for me
blue streak 1 good point about the borders.. what a waste of space and the space on the server. w
good point about the borders.. what a waste of space and the space on the server. w
Don't worry, those empty borders will fill up with advertisements, soon enough.
I can't even bring up this site in the way I did before, which was I simply had it in "my favorites", and now that just brings up a page of really telling me this doesn't exist anymore...
Seems each time a "change" or "maintenance" is accomplished...Results: It makes one wonder if he cares to fight thru another training class...
Trivia: Thought perhaps the heading photo, by the Icon TRAINS....might have been replaced by a "new" photo. Isn't the Amtak photo of a few cars being blasted with sunight ready for something "new".....
Why is my message in black type as I type...but shows up on post in blue..?
And now as I wrote this....and went back to post it....It printed in black...?????
Convicted One blue streak 1 good point about the borders.. what a waste of space and the space on the server. w Don't worry, those empty borders will fill up with advertisements, soon enough.
And the more advertising - the slower the response time.
Modelcar I can't even bring up this site in the way I did before, which was I simply had it in "my favorites", and now that just brings up a page of really telling me this doesn't exist anymore... Seems each time a "change" or "maintenance" is accomplished...Results: It makes one wonder if he cares to fight thru another training class... Trivia: Thought perhaps the heading photo, by the Icon TRAINS....might have been replaced by a "new" photo. Isn't the Amtak photo of a few cars being blasted with sunight ready for something "new"..... Why is my message in black type as I type...but shows up on post in blue..? And now as I wrote this....and went back to post it....It printed in black...?????
The Butler Maybe it is me, but the over all look is less professional.
I've been through a number of software updates on this forum. And while each episode has included it's own troubles and frustrations..., *this* time is the first one where it truly feels like a downgrade, right out of the box.
BaltACD Click on 'latest post' in the menu.
Click on 'latest post' in the menu.
That "Latest post" link is almost useful... it takes you to the very last post in the thread, but unless you then scroll backwards through the postings you will miss postings that may have occurred since the last time you looked.
And it sure appears to me that a lot of folk NEVER read intermediate posts in any thread anyway, given the number of replies that ask a question that has already been answered, but that has ALWAYS been a problem, so the "Latest post" link will probably just exacerbate that problem.
Semper Vaporo
Progress is always change, but change is not always progress.
Semper Vaporo BaltACD Click on 'latest post' in the menu. And it sure appears to me that a lot of folk NEVER read intermediate posts in any thread anyway, given the number of replies that ask a question that has already been answered, but that has ALWAYS been a problem, so the "Latest post" link will probably just exacerbate that problem.
I agree. The communication between posts in a thread when moving from one page to another is quite dysfunctional. My feeling is that as soon as the page changes, everything else on the previous pages might as well be deleted. No matter how a discussion has evolved, the entire thread exists only on the last page. And now, with the new inability to open a thread to any page, it will further exaggerate the focus on the last page only.
The same effect applies to the threads listed on the forum page. This new layout gives me claustrophobia because it is like looking out at the world through a keyhole. Not only are there 50-70% fewer threads listed, but the red font of the unread posts jumps out. It is a fundamental graphic principal that warm colors advance toward the viewer, and cool colors recede. So it seems to me that scanning up and down the list creates a sort of stumbling feeling that makes it harder to assimilate the content.
I don’t believe most people are judging the forum layout as though it were merely an abstract graphic design. The point of the layout is functionality. The better the functionality, the busier the forum gets. The busier it gets, the more successful it is.
Seems things are being addressed as we discuss them!
I decided to test the "USERS ONLINE" box on the right side of each displayed page (scroll down a bit to see it). It displays 3 rows of 4 icons (12 icons total, remember that, "TWELVE") with the user name below it for those users who are presently on-line (I assume!). in the lower right corner is a link reading "see all..."... oops, clicking that link produces a page that shows only 9 icon ("NINE"). It has happened several times today and refreshing either the original page or the new one does not change the number it shows as on-line (although it does alter the content of the list, i.e.: the icons and the names change [resumably to protect the innocent] but not the number of icons)... The "ALL" list is still shorter than the original page list.
And sometimes neither list show ME as being here. (Yeah, I have been accused of "not being all here", but how can I post if I am not here? Huh? Answer that one! HA! Didn't think you could! But, of course, that is neither here nor there.)
This latest evolution (regression?) is rapidly becoming a "bust!" At least for me. IMHO
I am definitely from the " If it ain't broke don't fix it" school The previous Format of the Forum was very user friendly, and enjoyable to use. Call it "comfortable" like an easy chair, enjoyable.
Quentin (Modelcar) made a good point, re: For some of US, "Seasoned Citizens" who like to come here for any number of reasons. This change is problematic!
This new format reminds me of something conjured up by a fugitive from AOL. [One of the reasons I bailed of of their junk site], and then had to have my machine reformatted to clean them(AOL) out of that system. I still harbor them ill will and even worse,ulgy thoughts. But I am venting...
I guess where I am going is: I wish that someone from the Kalmbach Editorial(?) Office had taken a little time to explain what, and why they were doing this in a FORUM post prior to wrecking this train.
Not that it would have changed anything, but maybe they could have fielded a 'test' (Beta) site to work out some of our frustrations. ( Yeah! I know this is a 'free' access site, but the 'extra's' do come only with a subscription).
I am venting, but I don't plan to cxl my magazine subscription. But I am trying to keep my 'warm, fuzzy feelings' in check!
AS mentioned before, I also have a big problem with the number of posts that can be seen at a glance on the main page. This was made clear to my because I was getting mixed up between "New forum look" and "New forum format". This was because the other thread would drop off the page and I would think I was reading the similar thread. Please fix this and bring back 50 threads on the main menu.
I just figured out that I have to go to "MY" box o the right and click on "Email Notifications" and select and click on what forums I want notifications from. do I select what threads I want to follow or not follow and how do I stop follow if I wish?
RIDEWITHMEHENRY is the name for our almost monthly day of riding trains and transit in either the NYCity or Philadelphia areas including all commuter lines, Amtrak, subways, light rail and trolleys, bus and ferries when warranted. No fees, just let us know you want to join the ride and pay your fares. Ask to be on our email list or find us on FB as RIDEWITHMEHENRY (all caps) to get descriptions of each outing.
Henry --
Further down in that same column, there is a box called "Thread Options", which should have a line like "Email replies ...".
But it does not seem to appear where one has requested an update for every thread in that particular forum (which makes some sense, because you're already following it, in effect, with every other thread in that forum).
But. I feel like the blind leading the blind, because I am still trying to figure out the new format myself ...
Dragoman Henry -- Further down in that same column, there is a box called "Thread Options", which should have a line like "Email replies ...". But it does not seem to appear where one has requested an update for every thread in that particular forum (which makes some sense, because you're already following it, in effect, with every other thread in that forum). But. I feel like the blind leading the blind, because I am still trying to figure out the new format myself ...
Thanks, Dragoman...followed and found. But clicke on the thread "click here" and got one thread I already am following with a "remove" box (which I didn't want to do) but no remedy to follow other threads I have posted. And I see at the bottom of this page a box to click to get email replies to this post, but not to the rest of this thread?????
One feature that now hugely appeals to me is that this change works very well on my Android phone. I tend to browse while trackside and couldn't post for some reason. Now that that's not an issue, I'm sold - for that reason alone. Thanks Trains!
Eh, better than when we used to kick it old school round here.
USAF TSgt C-17 Aircraft Maintenance Flying Crew Chief & Flightline Avionics Craftsman
Semper Vaporo Okay... not sure I like the "new look". Especially all the "white space". Maybe if the stark white were toned down a bit to slightly grayer. Not sure I like the access methods either. Now to see what threads have new posts that I have not read, I have to click the "Not Read" link at the top. I guess I can get used to that but it is just one more click after a long wait for the page (that I don't want) to be populated so I can do the click and wait for the page I do want to be populated. And it appears that that 2nd page will just get bigger and bigger unless I actually read each and every posting it lists. I am not interested in every subject and skip over many of the postings... There used to be a link that I could click and it would mark all the threads as having been read so that the list of subjects would have no highlighted threads showing them as "new". Is there such a feature in this new forum layout?
Okay... not sure I like the "new look". Especially all the "white space". Maybe if the stark white were toned down a bit to slightly grayer.
Not sure I like the access methods either. Now to see what threads have new posts that I have not read, I have to click the "Not Read" link at the top. I guess I can get used to that but it is just one more click after a long wait for the page (that I don't want) to be populated so I can do the click and wait for the page I do want to be populated. And it appears that that 2nd page will just get bigger and bigger unless I actually read each and every posting it lists. I am not interested in every subject and skip over many of the postings... There used to be a link that I could click and it would mark all the threads as having been read so that the list of subjects would have no highlighted threads showing them as "new".
Is there such a feature in this new forum layout?
AH Ha! I found the "Not Read" link! There is a link in the right column in the block labeled "Forum Options" (between the "USERS ONLINE" block and the "TAG CLOUD" block) that will mark all the threads as "read" so they will appear in black/gray print instead of Red. And it actually works!
I think it would be better to be at the top and bottom of the list on the left, but at least it does exist!
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