Flat Wheel Cafe/Diner/CS Q3 2011

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Posted by AgentKid on Monday, August 8, 2011 6:03 PM

Well, I thought I would stop by for an early supper. At least here in Mountain time zone.

70° and sunny, now. Been the same for the last few days now. Last night though, the wind was running from the NW and it is still unseasonably cold. I think at one point I noticed the smell my heating system makes when it first gets used each fall.

Got a chance to visit with friends I hadn't seen in over a year on Saturday night. And yesterday I was just busy although I can't put a finger on exactly why.

The machinery on the construction job in front of my building left this morning, and now there are men pounding away building forms for the new sidewalk to be poured. I guess now I have cement mixers to look forward to soon.

No new local RR news.



So shovel the coal, let this rattler roll.

"A Train is a Place Going Somewhere"  CP Rail Public Timetable

"O. S. Irricana"

. . . __ . ______

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Posted by cherokee woman on Monday, August 8, 2011 3:39 PM

Well, Walt and I got our errands done, and back home.  I had been home about 12 minutes, when he got home.  As a matter of fact, I busy putting groceries away, when he walked into the kitchen. 

We got a pretty good shower, around 3:15:  it poured for about 30 minutes or so, before it slowed down, then stopped completely.  Somehow, though, not much accumulated in the rain gauge. 

Leftovers from Sunday Dinner are warmed up and on the serving station.  Will replenish every couple of hours, or earlier, if needed.

Everyone have a good evening, and see you all in the morning.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by JoeKoh on Monday, August 8, 2011 2:10 PM

Larry if you stop in at deshler we can show you the newly modeled museum.yardwork done.time for inside chores.Cw thanks for supper tonight.

stay safe


Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by cherokee woman on Monday, August 8, 2011 5:25 AM

Good Monday morning everyone.  Larry, sounds like you have an interesting, if busy busy week lined up for you, after a very busy weekend. And Joe, sounds like you all had a very busy day yesterday as well. 

81 very warm degrees and muggy here in Louisville this morning.  A little bit of fog around this morning, in the outlying areas.  Going for a high of 90, 91 degrees, with a chance of some showers sometime this morning, then again later this afternoon.  Hopefully, things will be clear about 10 a.m., when going to the grocery store for me, and Walt's trip to the hobby shop. 

Coffee, juices and other morning beverages are fresh and ready to go.  Breakfast is on the serving station. 

Everyone enjoy your breakfast, have a very good morning, and see you all sometime later this afternoon.  Take care all of you.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by tree68 on Sunday, August 7, 2011 9:00 PM

Temperatures not bad, humidity a tad high - I think I drank 4 liters of water Saturday, and was still thirsty.

Had to split time on RR on Friday between running the locomotive and working as trainman - short crew.  Got to do the fun part, though - running uphill at the speed limit.   That old F10 will get up and go.  Almost too quickly.

Saturday I was trainman all day. 

Sunday I was conductor, but we had enough help that I to run the engine for one of the trips.  Experience is a wonderful thing.

Came home with a length list of projects.  Gonna be a busy week, and I'm considering heading out to MI next weekend for "Milford Memories," and maybe a visit to Deshler and Fostoria.


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Posted by JoeKoh on Sunday, August 7, 2011 5:17 PM

thanks for supper tonight CW.Had an early rise for our churches mission festival today.good crowd and the weather held so we could have it 2 weeks its our neighbor church's turn for their festivals.going to get a quick nap in.back to work tonight.

stay safe


Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by Mookie on Sunday, August 7, 2011 2:30 PM

meat loaf - yes!  Dinner

She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by cherokee woman on Sunday, August 7, 2011 1:30 PM

Even though no one has been in this morning, I am posting our Sunday Dinner menu, after clearing away and cleaning up from breakfast.  Here is what is on today's menu:

1.  Meat loaf w/mashed taters and gravy, corn on the cob, broccoli w/cheese sauce, peas & corn, and tossed salad.

2.  Pork chop abracadbra w/veggies listed in #1.

Hope you are all enjoying your afternoon; take care and see you all later.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by cherokee woman on Sunday, August 7, 2011 5:48 AM

Good Sunday morning everyone.  Well, we are finally getting some rain.  Big ole thunderstorm rolled in around 3 a.m., and now we are just getting  good, steady rain.  N-i-c-e!

Coffee, juices and other morning beverages are fresh and ready.  Plenty of hot water for our hot tea drinkers.  On the serving station this morning:  cinnamon strudel coffee cake, blueberry muffins, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, toast and fresh fruit.

Hope everyone has a good morning, and take care going to Church, work or railfanning this morning.  See you all later on.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by cherokee woman on Saturday, August 6, 2011 6:24 PM

Ed, you and Murray want to come to Louisville?  Our high today was only about 86, 87 degrees.  We had a lot of cloud cover, which kept the temp down a bit. 

Our Health/Fun Fair had a very, very good turnout today.  I think we had more people than ever before.  Spent about 5 1/2 hours there ( I was a volunteer helper).  One of our local TV stations had a cameraman there, filming the kiddos getting their back to school backpacks, and before him, there was a photographer from the local newspaper. 

Our Saturday Night Pizza Fest is now on the serving station:

1.  Anchovie; 2.  Canadian bacon; 3.  Cheese; 4.  Chicago style; 5.  Goetta; 6.  Ham & green pepper; 7.  Hawaiian; 8.  Italian sausage; 9.  Pepperoni/mushroom; and 10:  Supreme

Hope everyone has had a good day; may you enjoy your evening and take care.  See you all in the morning.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, August 6, 2011 5:56 PM

Hi Ed....Currently 100 and Sunny over here.  Dry drier driest all over the region....



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Posted by edblysard on Saturday, August 6, 2011 5:44 PM

Most of Texas is currently on day 39 of 100 degree plus temps.

Record is 42 days I think.

Doesn't stand a chance.

Touching switch stands and railcars bare handed has become dangerous.

Thermometer in North Yard read 107 at 1300 hours.

It was 89 this morning under my car port at 0530.

Hope it rains sometime in Murray in San Antonio is cooking.


Mookie, I told you...magic!

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Posted by Mookie on Saturday, August 6, 2011 4:57 PM

Obviously our cable company reads over our shoulders.  We left for most of the day and miraculously - my puter is fixed!  At least for now.  Practically grabs the mouse out of my hand to get me to my destination!

Appt is still on for Monday for tech to check it all over.  Going to let TWC - keep him coming.  I am not satisfied quite yet until we do a full exam!

Otherwise - sunny - not too warm but very humid.  Nice day all in all.  This is what summer should be!


She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by grampaw pettibone on Saturday, August 6, 2011 1:23 PM

Peace be with you and good afternoon. It is 88 and sunny in Carolina, with a chance of thunder later. We had a lot  of thunder last night, noisy but very little rain with it.

Everyone have a safe cool day



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Posted by JoeKoh on Saturday, August 6, 2011 11:42 AM


went to the church to get things set up.mother nature sent some rain our way.we should be okay for tommorow morning.have chores to do here at home.

stay safe


Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by cherokee woman on Saturday, August 6, 2011 5:32 AM

Good Saturday morning everyone.  Getting an early start this morning.  Today is our annual Health/Fun Fair at the Community Center, and before I get there to work, have to go pick up my meds.  Have to be there around 10 a.m., to help with setting up.  The Fair itself runs from 11 a to 3 p.

Everyone have a good day, keep cool, take care, and I'll see you all this evening for our pizza fest.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by cherokee woman on Friday, August 5, 2011 9:53 PM

Picture of the "Outside Cats" at feeding time.  "Dad" is the white/orange one, kitty closest to the house is "Mudchicken", kitty closest to camera is "Mookie" with "Momma cat" at the far right.

Haven't seen safety glasses or work books near any of them.

Should mention that the flowers in the foreground are in one of Sarah's flower beds.




Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by AgentKid on Friday, August 5, 2011 5:52 PM

cherokee woman

Well, we have decided to name the little kittens:  the one we know is female, is now called Mookie,  instead of Explorer; the other one, formerly Bashful is now Mudchicken.

Now those must be some high-tone cats!Wow

Larry, I saw you in the video. Now I know how to say Thendara. I was riding on the Alberta Prairie tourist railway a few years ago when were were "robbed" in a similar manner. I was carrying my scanner, and the fellow I was with said it didn't quite seem so spontaneous when we could hear the conductor calling out; "½ a car length... 15 feet...10 feet... 5 feet.... that'll do!"

It is noisier than a boiler factory in here again today, but at least I know what they are up to now. My building is on the stub end of a street that had been blocked off a number of years ago. It did have parallel parking on both sides, but now they are taking out some of the boulevard on one side and creating angle parking on my side of the street. Where the cars used to park on the other side is now the access way. I have a couple of more weeks now to put up with this racket.

75° and sunny now, but we are under a thunderstorm watch. We can look forward to similar type weather for the next seven days. I heard a meteorologist on the news last night say we received 80% more than the average amount of snow last winter, and 40% more than the average amount of rain this spring. So, it is no surprise that the minute we get nice warm weather we get thundershowers.

No new RR news.



So shovel the coal, let this rattler roll.

"A Train is a Place Going Somewhere"  CP Rail Public Timetable

"O. S. Irricana"

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Posted by edblysard on Friday, August 5, 2011 5:09 PM

I don't think it is the glasses you have to worry about, but those work boots....

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Posted by Mookie on Friday, August 5, 2011 4:55 PM

Watch for safety glasses on baby MC....Geeked

She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by locomutt on Friday, August 5, 2011 4:34 PM

cherokee woman

Mookie, Baby Mookie and Baby Mudchicken are both black.  About the only way to tell them apart, is Mookie's back legs have a reddish tint to them.  Mama is also black, and Daddy is white w/and orange back half. 

Been out running errands:  getting bus tickets for both Walt and myself, and doing a little bit of grocery shopping.

Our Friday Fish Fry is ready and on the serving station.  All the regular kinds of fish, and all the regular side dishes and desserts. 

Everyone have a good evening, take care, and if I don't make it back in this evening, see you all in the morning.

The "Kitties" almost look like twins!! Smile, Wink & Grin

Being Crazy,keeps you from going "INSANE" !! "The light at the end of the tunnel,has been turned off due to budget cuts" NOT AFRAID A Vet., and PROUD OF IT!!

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Posted by cherokee woman on Friday, August 5, 2011 3:38 PM

Mookie, Baby Mookie and Baby Mudchicken are both black.  About the only way to tell them apart, is Mookie's back legs have a reddish tint to them.  Mama is also black, and Daddy is white w/and orange back half. 

Been out running errands:  getting bus tickets for both Walt and myself, and doing a little bit of grocery shopping.

Our Friday Fish Fry is ready and on the serving station.  All the regular kinds of fish, and all the regular side dishes and desserts. 

Everyone have a good evening, take care, and if I don't make it back in this evening, see you all in the morning.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by Mookie on Friday, August 5, 2011 3:30 PM

To clarify - I have always been a touch typist long before puters were born.  Don't like to mouse any more than necessary.  And in our "office" (spare bedroom) we have the Dell Studio for me and the Dell laptop for him. 

They both have keyboards, a mouse and are easy to use.  Have to be careful on the laptop - it has touch screen which is totally unnecessary! 

I hate this laptop - even at 150% it is hard to read and it has the biggest screen I could get.  Text size is the largest I can go and it just drives me nuts to work on  it.  But....

It works and that is more than I can say for the studio.  I have this connected directly to the router.  I can't do that with the studio - would require some crawling and fussing and since it is only sick until Monday - I can wait. 

I had an optical mouse at work few years back.  Hated it.  They were still using batteries and it would go dead every few days.  Gave it back to boss and plugged my trusty mouse back in. 

For Murray -  is cooler here, but humid.  Did get a little rain last nite - raining right now.  Sorry 'bout that!

CW - what color is Mookie and what color is da chicken? 

She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, August 5, 2011 2:51 PM

Afternoon all:

Currently 99 and sunny in Alamo city.  Expected high today of 107!!!!  Cool

Enjoy your Friday!!!!  Cowboy

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Posted by JoeKoh on Friday, August 5, 2011 6:25 AM


cw thanks for breakfast.time for a nap.chores this afternoon.

stay safe


Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by cherokee woman on Friday, August 5, 2011 5:40 AM

Good Friday morning everyone.  It looks like things were really hopping in here last night.  Mookie, I'm glad to hear that you were pleased we named one of the kittens after you.  Mudchicken, if I can find a kitty shrink, maybe he can help your little namesake not be so skittish!  Laugh

Coffee, juices and other morning beverages are fresh and ready to go.  Breakfast, including a variety of doughnuts, is ready and on the serving station.

Everyone have a good morning, keep hydrated today, take care and see you all later.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by Deggesty on Thursday, August 4, 2011 9:27 PM


I got a spiffy wireless mouse for my laptop.  I get it out if I'm going to be working on the laptop for more than a few minutes, or especially if I'm doing graphics or the like.

If you've got a USB mouse, Ed's right on the mark.  Not all newer laptops have the old PS2 connections, though.

A lot of the folks were I worked had docking stations for their laptops.  Regular keyboard, regular mouse, regular monitor.

About ready for a weekend on the railroad.  Deer beware - I'm in the cab tomorrow!

Wireless mouse is nice--but I do not always remember to turn mine off when I will not be using the computer for a while (my desktop mouse a wired optical model).

The optical mouse is nice, too--but two years ago I learned, while we were in a swellagant hotel in Banff, that it does not work well if it is on a good reflective surface such as a glass-topped desk. It becomes quite confused (absorbed in admiring its reflection?Big Smile)


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Posted by Deggesty on Thursday, August 4, 2011 9:17 PM


Take lap top, place on desk....

Plug mouse fron old computer into lap top...

Ta-Da...lap top is now a desk top.


We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

And the lap top's screen becomes wider and higher so you do not have to scroll from side to side.Smile That is one thing that I dislike about our laptop--its screen is smaller than even my small desktop monitor's screen. And the notebook Ricki bought about a year and a half ago is even worse; it has been in its case many months now.


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Posted by locomutt on Thursday, August 4, 2011 9:11 PM


CW - I am flattered!  Mookie is definitely an easy kitty name.  Watch them closely - you will notice that Mookie will stand and look at Mud with great awe.  Like I said - he's the smartest chicken I know. 

On laptop - this is hard.  My desktop has a broken connection with my cable company, so have to use this as a backup.  I don't know how people spend more than 30 sec on one of these.  They will be here on Monday to fix the connection - that might as well be 5 weeks if I have to use this. 

I know, kwitchyerbellyachin - at least you have internet - even if it is like eating off a child's tea set. 

Off until I work up the courage to do this again.


Mook, glad that you weren't offended by us naming kitty after you.  She's an independent little cuss, likes to explore, get away from the "general' area and seems to be interested in everything going on around her.  . . mudchicken, on the other hand; every time Mookie raises her paw, (or Mama Cat) goes back under the house.  (He has yet to adjust to visitors.)  (Loved MC's answer!...have not found any "shrinks" that will "do kitties"!)

I dislike laptops also, every time we have to borrow Sarah's, we bring along a mouse to use with it!

Being Crazy,keeps you from going "INSANE" !! "The light at the end of the tunnel,has been turned off due to budget cuts" NOT AFRAID A Vet., and PROUD OF IT!!

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Posted by edblysard on Thursday, August 4, 2011 9:00 PM

Got a wireless mouse at Best Buy, $19.99.

Microsoft sells it.

Has more features than I could ever use.

Plug the little sender into the USB port, and go.

No wires, and the mouse works on any surface, no need for a mouse pad, uses a led and sensor, so the top of the desk, or the top of my jeans works just as well.

Been using a lap top and a netbook for a few years now, all the goodies of a CPU and less space used.

Aux hard drive holds more stuff that I will ever need, already has 3 to 4 thousand songs and reams of photos and have not even made a dent in the memory.


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