LD357 wrote: DUDE!!! I'm thinkin' mega doses of PROZAC might be in order !!! I doubt that balloon is ever comin' back down R.T. !!! and he was doing so well........
DUDE!!! I'm thinkin' mega doses of PROZAC might be in order !!!
I doubt that balloon is ever comin' back down R.T. !!!
and he was doing so well........
You know nothing about Prozac. That is a powerful medicine and it can hurt people.
The best way to live free and strong is to NOT depend on drugs, medicines or feel good stuff.
Dont be so negative either.
Sometimes it takes a strong person to walk away from a fight. Other times well.. have at it. I dont think this is the time to fight. Walk away. Let it be.
Do you ever have anything positive to add to a conversation? It seems everytime you are on here, you rag incessently on UPChuck. (Or whatever his name is this week.) I don't always agree with UPChuck's behavior - past or present - but criticising someone publicly every chance you can get gets pretty old after awhile. How 'bout being part of the solution for a change?
Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.
tstage wrote: LD357 wrote: DUDE!!! I'm thinkin' mega doses of PROZAC might be in order !!! I doubt that balloon is ever comin' back down R.T. !!! and he was doing so well........LD,Do you ever have anything positive to add to a conversation? It seems everytime you are on here, you rag incessently on UPChuck. (Or whatever his name is this week.) I don't always agree with UPChuck's behavior - past or present - but criticising someone publicly every chance you can get gets pretty old after awhile. How 'bout being part of the solution for a change? Tom
On every board this is all i wanted anyone to say to ld all this crap would have never bolied if it wasnt for him. Mother goose was his fault. the reason i got banned of bachamnn was his fault. thanksyou too walkee and tstage
now back to trains. what new locos you all have?
unionpacificchuck wrote:ok fine you wanna know the truth i have problems. My dad left when i was a child i haven't senn him sence. I just have my mom and she has heath problems. My grandma is in the hospital right now. My grampa lives really far away. I am a only child i am lonely. It makes me sad that no one ever takes me anywere i don't play any sports. I have to walk 5 miles to go to the hobby shop. i work but i give to charities that help children with need because they need it more than i do, but other than that i am a kid with lots of problems so lay off.
I'm sorry you're having such a tough time at such a young age, but lashing out and alienating people is not the way to cope. It's hard to tell from this side of my keyboard whether you're more victim or bully, but you certainly seem to have a talent for verbal abuse online. We are not your father, so don't lash out at us like we are. If you calm down and use this forum for the resource that it is, and treat the forum members with common courtesy, you might find yourself forming actual bonds with some older (and hopefully wiser) guys, which is important for a young guy in your circumstance. If you're being as severely bullied as you said, then your Mom and the school board should know - they're taking these problems more seriously, since the problem seems to be so out of hand these days. But if you continue to act the way you have here on the forum, it will be very hard for anyone to take your claims seriously.
Kids can be jerks, but if you approach people differently, you might be surprised at how you're treated. And getting involved in some kind of sport is a great way to channel your anger, form friendships, and get stronger to boot. Think about it.
LD357, you seem to be trying to restart the flame war. Not cool.
Ex-Southern 385 Being Hoisted
Boy I am not sure where to start on this one. I do not know much about your pass on this site Chuck. But it seems you have burnt some tressle's behinde you. Far as the starting of this post you started it wrong others remembered your pass and it started.
I don't know how old you are or what your family life is like. I am guessing you are betten 11 and 15 doest not matter just a guess. When I was in that age range I as well strached things to get attation (spell check) I was rasied by Mon, dad skipped out when I was born. You would not beleive the BS that spilled out of my mouth. I had this, I had that, he was my Great Grand Father etc. Only thing driffrent is you have the internet I did not.
I had no male role model either so I had no idea how to stand up for my self. You want to talk about being bullied. (spell check again) In 7th grade there was Jeff Sigman, on the way to the bus to go home in the hall way he would punch me (held back 2 years and he could drive I will add) and I had no idea what to do.
Then there is my Dad, he married my Mon when I was around 12 I think. No matter what I did it was never as good as him. I joined the Boy Scouts, I made Heart but he was a Eagle scout. I made C's he made A's and on and on it went.
There is a old saying "what does not kill you makes you stronger" and it did make me stronger. If or when we meet you would never think I was ever bullied. In fact it hard for me to beleive as well. I did finaly bested my Dad in about everthing in adult life. It did give a warm feeling inside but I never bosted about it to Dad. Did not have to, he knew and he all so knew he made me do it.
If you want to talk PM me your phone number. At my age I still remember when I was young and needed to vent. All so felt like a out cast with no friends. Even now with the hours I work I have more no faces friends on the internet that breathing people. My car friends dissappred when I went the way of the trains. I know longer run a Auto Body Shop as well.
As far as Jeff Sigman, he got paid back! He got kicked out of school the next year. Fast forward to around 1974. I had just came out of Airborn Training and was on leave. Visting a friend that worked at all places "MR. Chicken". While I was talking with Allen one of Jeff's friends came in and saw me. He ran out side and I heard him yell "Jeff that (starts with a P and is a CAT) Greenwell his here, kick his but" Jeff walked in and said "where is that P Greenwell"! Hum, time had changed me into at 6'3 and 220 pounds of lean mean fighting machine. Jeff on the other hand was still 5'9 and 150 pounds soaking wet. I just turn around and looked at him and said "Hi Jeff, you looking for me"? "Well, yes I just want to say Hi" turned around and left.
Chuck till you give me a reason to think driffrent you still have one friend here. I would all so maybe start the post over and made a UP question game not make you all look bad.
It not what we think of you, but what you think of your self that counts and that will come with time.
Your Friend Cuda Ken
PS, maybe we adults need to get over it as well.
I hate Rust
SteamFreak wrote: unionpacificchuck wrote:ok fine you wanna know the truth i have problems. My dad left when i was a child i haven't senn him sence. I just have my mom and she has heath problems. My grandma is in the hospital right now. My grampa lives really far away. I am a only child i am lonely. It makes me sad that no one ever takes me anywere i don't play any sports. I have to walk 5 miles to go to the hobby shop. i work but i give to charities that help children with need because they need it more than i do, but other than that i am a kid with lots of problems so lay off.I'm sorry you're having such a tough time at such a young age, but lashing out and alienating people is not the way to cope. It's hard to tell from this side of my keyboard whether you're more victim or bully, but you certainly seem to have a talent for verbal abuse online. We are not your father, so don't lash out at us like we are. If you calm down and use this forum for the resource that it is, and treat the forum members with common courtesy, you might find yourself forming actual bonds with some older (and hopefully wiser) guys, which is important for a young guy in your circumstance. If you're being as severely bullied as you said, then your Mom and the school board should know - they're taking these problems more seriously, since the problem seems to be so out of hand these days. But if you continue to act the way you have here on the forum, it will be very hard for anyone to take your claims seriously.Kids can be jerks, but if you approach people differently, you might be surprised at how you're treated. And getting involved in some kind of sport is a great way to channel your anger, form friendships, and get stronger to boot. Think about it.LD357, you seem to be trying to restart the flame war. Not cool.
Thankyou steam freak thankyou.
From the far, far reaches of the wild, wild west I am: rtpoteet
unionpacificchuck wrote:On every board this is all i wanted anyone to say to ld all this crap would have never bolied if it wasnt for him. Mother goose was his fault. the reason i got banned of bachamnn was his fault. thanksyou too walkee and tstage
The key here is to never give your adversaries any ammunition to shoot you with. If you remove their ammunition, their shots (words) become hollow.
And don't be quick to blame others for things that you probably had some part or responsibility in yourself. The truth is that if you hadn't done or said certain things, my guess is that you would still be welcome on the Bachmann forum. Am I right? Part of growing up is to take responsibility for what you've done (past actions) and do have control over (present and future actions).
Lastly, don't be surprised if your adversaries still come back and rag on you from time to time. As long as you remain truthful, a man of your word, and don't lash back, your critics will eventually run out of things to criticise you for.
It's time to take the high road, bud.
You're right SV...I know NOTHING about PROZAC, because I don't need stuff like that.
I'm a reasonably well adjusted member of society, I can carry on a normal conversation and don't spend my entire day making up lies and living in a fantasy world, unlike some others who shall remain nameless.
And just in case you missed it....my last post is what is known as ''humor''. You know, making a joke?
Perhaps you are not aware of the previous actions of the author of this thread. There is no ''fight'', there WAS a fight on the Bachmann boards and a smaller one here....but our young flamer was soundly and decidedly put in his place by numerous members here and elsewhere. This current tantrum is merely a way to try and stir up trouble, and now everyone here knows the true nature of this child and there won't be any ''fights'', a lot of sarcasm and laughing surely! but no fighting.
WOW....I had no idea I wielded so much power!! I got someone BANNED from Bachmanns boards?????? Man!!! where do I get my sash and golden septre???
There is no flame war......if you notice I haven't addressed any remarks to upwhatever......no need to, he digs his own holes and climbs right in!!
R.T. has already seen through this latest lie about the family situation...and those of you unfamiliar with up's M.O. will most likely get treated to some truly awesome fairy tales sometime soon!
Leave him alone ld. He's had a tough journey so far, so give him some damn slack! You keep hassling him. Why? Does it make you feel good about yourself?
Do you think he'll be a better modeler?
That was a painful joke. If he has problems he will handle it accordinly WITHOUT your "wise" comments. That's like me posting a bulletin saying how my Mom has died and you saying, "I hope she's not allergic to wood!" You, my friend, are the immature one.
Say I'm mean, but you better watch yourself.
I'd better watch myself?? threats?? c'mon gimme a break!!
Since you don't know about your little buddy milwaukee I'll give you a pass on that last post.....as for ''hassling'' him?? I'm not hasseling him in the least, but today, when the rest of the members see what hes been doing....he will undoubtedly get a full force backlash! and I'm just gonna watch and laugh!!
MilwaukeeRoad wrote:No problem..just ignore him.
good idea
Actually, I am quite aware of the "previous actions of the author of this thread" because you, in particular, keep bringing it up time and time and time again. As I stated previously, incessant criticism about anything or anyone gets really old, really fast.
Perhaps you don't spend "your entire day making up lies or living in a fantasy world". That's a good thing! Life if best dealt with truthfully and realistically. However, perhaps it might not be a bad idea to spend part of your day thinking of ways to help someone, rather than tearing them down.
Lastly, I don't think we missed anything. If there were humor to it, I would have laughed. My point being: Joking at someone else's expense is NO laughing matter, if you catch my drift. Tearing down is easy and destructive. Building up takes much more effort but is constructive.
MilwaukeeRoad wrote:I'll get a pass? No, tell me what you want to say. It will entertain me.
One suggestion before you get your foot too far in your mouth...go back and read page one of this thread......and then ask yourself....who said or did ANYTHING to set upwhatever off?
Tom....I haven't said a word to upwhatever since he started acting normal...I was pleased to see his progress...then tonite he went off on a tangent for no reason.....read page one carefully.....and tell us who said anything that might have set him off??
You are right, I do keep reminding everyone of his previous behavior, because, I dislike liars, and i believe shame is a very effective tool in breaking the lying habit.
LD357 wrote: MilwaukeeRoad wrote:I'll get a pass? No, tell me what you want to say. It will entertain me. One suggestion before you get your foot too far in your mouth...go back and read page one of this thread......and then ask yourself....who said or did ANYTHING to set upwhatever off?
Ok, all done swimming through replys. I have made my decision...you. Although UP has said more your stuff has been more meaniless and hurtful to "curing" someone.
Alright, rip me to shreds.
wait so does that mean i win? Yah!!!!!!!!!