QUOTE: Originally posted by DigitalGriffin . .. I finally got the passenger train around it last night without derailing, shorting, or stalling....But there are times I just want to sit and watch the train pass from city->country because it's realaxing to hear the chuffs and watch the trains go by peacefully. So loops are mandatory... ~Don
Mark P.
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Don - Specializing in layout DC->DCC conversions
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Summerset Ry.
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QUOTE: Originally posted by cmrproducts It is not that we, the modeler, can not or should not have a Roundy-round layout BUT from my over 20 years of being in a train club is that those modelers have fun with a Roundy-round layout. But again they soon lose interest in the layout, rip it down and MAYBE if they are lucky build another one. They get bored with JUST watching it make the one millionth lap on the ol’ 4x8. What seems to keep the interest fresh is doing some type of OPs. Yes, you can still set the train in motion and work the yard but you are doing OPs. It seems that a number of responders here are trying to give reasons why they do Roundy-round as there is some sort of need to defend what they are doing!? What ever you do is your business. If you are happy, Great! But what about those that are just not quite sure. Could they maybe missing something? Could there be something else, other than just going Roundy-round? Maybe that missing thing is OPs!
Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
--Zak Gardner
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QUOTE: Originally posted by caellis I don't miss roundy's because I still use um'! I guess my opinion and taste in MRR will be like those that have already stated they prefer roundy's. It is not that I prefer roundy layouts but rather I prefer layouts that have the best of both worlds. I have a medium sized switching/operation area as well as a main line loop. I generally have a train running on the main line while I am doing extensive switching and short line operations on the other parts of my layout. Just another reason I use DCC.. This is what I like and after all it is my railroad. Too many 'experts' feel their way is the only way! After all this is a hobby.
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QUOTE: Originally posted by cuyama Most of these many layouts have provision for continuous-running or loop-to-loop operation, for open houses, loco break-in, and "just watching them run". This is rarely an "either / or" question. Why, other than for the sake of whipping up controversy and posturing, is this being presented in this way?