QUOTE: Originally posted by alstom My layout is HO Scale. My first loco was an EMD SD60MAC in NS paint. I purchased it in 2001. I dreamed to build a permanent layout ever since. My first favorite rr was SAL, and I purchsed a O sclae Baldwin SAL diesel. After a while I got into NS as my favorite roadname and got a NS SD60 in O scale and then a CSX C44ACCTE in O Scale (AC4400CW). I relized that O Scale was too big for me so I knocked it down to HO in 2002. I have been collecting models since. In 2003 CSX became my favorite rr. Right now, as I said on my profile, I have over 100 HO engines and 200 HO railcars.
QUOTE: Originally posted by uspscsx QUOTE: Originally posted by alstom My layout is HO Scale. My first loco was an EMD SD60MAC in NS paint. I purchased it in 2001. I dreamed to build a permanent layout ever since. My first favorite rr was SAL, and I purchsed a O sclae Baldwin SAL diesel. After a while I got into NS as my favorite roadname and got a NS SD60 in O scale and then a CSX C44ACCTE in O Scale (AC4400CW). I relized that O Scale was too big for me so I knocked it down to HO in 2002. I have been collecting models since. In 2003 CSX became my favorite rr. Right now, as I said on my profile, I have over 100 HO engines and 200 HO railcars. Actually, the C44ACCTE designation is strictly UP. Everyone else uses AC4400CW. Good thing UP doesn't run around here. I'd have a hard time keeping up with all their new names for locomotives!
QUOTE: Originally posted by alstom QUOTE: Originally posted by uspscsx QUOTE: Originally posted by alstom My layout is HO Scale. My first loco was an EMD SD60MAC in NS paint. I purchased it in 2001. I dreamed to build a permanent layout ever since. My first favorite rr was SAL, and I purchsed a O sclae Baldwin SAL diesel. After a while I got into NS as my favorite roadname and got a NS SD60 in O scale and then a CSX C44ACCTE in O Scale (AC4400CW). I relized that O Scale was too big for me so I knocked it down to HO in 2002. I have been collecting models since. In 2003 CSX became my favorite rr. Right now, as I said on my profile, I have over 100 HO engines and 200 HO railcars. Actually, the C44ACCTE designation is strictly UP. Everyone else uses AC4400CW. Good thing UP doesn't run around here. I'd have a hard time keeping up with all their new names for locomotives! Model error, model error: uspscsx pointed otu that the C44ACCTE is only UP and it says that on the sides of two of my CSX locos. Both AC4400CWs. Another prefix for the loco can be: CW44-9AC CW44AC CW44-8AC ........well, don't know 'bout the third one, but at least I think it's there because there is a CW60-8AC for AC6000CW.