Dave H. Painted side goes up. My website : wnbranch.com
Brought to you by the letters C.P.R. as well as D&H!
K1a - all the way
QUOTE: Originally posted by dehusman What a sad indictment of the times that the MR staff felt obligated to add the disclaimer "Not to scale" to the concept drawing on the last page. Dave H.
QUOTE: Originally posted by CNJ831 I don't think it really matters much that the construction diagram on page 130 isn't to scale as it is simply conveying a concept and not something expected to be reproduced precisely. What did disturb me in the October issue was Gary Hoover's use of an inserted digtal sky in photos for a traditional layout tour article. I greatly admire Gary's work but I want to see layouts/layout rooms as they really are...not imaginary visions of what the builder would like them to be. I very much hope this doesn't begin a trend, as it's not much of a step from inserting a digital sky to doing the same for the entire background. I want to see a modelers' actual work, not his ability at trick photography. CNJ831
Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.
QUOTE: Originally posted by CNJ831 What did disturb me in the October issue was Gary Hoover's use of an inserted digtal sky in photos for a traditional layout tour article. I greatly admire Gary's work but I want to see layouts/layout rooms as they really are...not imaginary visions of what the builder would like them to be.
QUOTE: Originally posted by tstage Don't they use Adobe (Paintshop?) to create all the layout renderings for the MR magazine?
..... Bob
Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here. (Captain Kirk)
I reject your reality and substitute my own. (Adam Savage)
Resistance is not futile--it is voltage divided by current.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Seamonster I do feel that it's okay to paint out the background or insert one when the modeler doesn't have a skyboard or backdrop behind the layout. It's better than piles of lumber and tools and other stuff. I too remember the very heated controversy when MR started displaying digital photos in its contests. But as Alco_fan pointed out, photographers have been modifying photographs for decades and we never thought ill of it. Digital programs like Photoshop have just made it easier to do, and made it possible to do much more.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Seamonster Jacon12, that's a beautiful picture! In a picture like that it's the artistic content that counts, not the realism. I have to agree that I'd rather see model RR pictures as they are. I do feel that it's okay to paint out the background or insert one when the modeler doesn't have a skyboard or backdrop behind the layout. It's better than piles of lumber and tools and other stuff. I too remember the very heated controversy when MR started displaying digital photos in its contests. But as Alco_fan pointed out, photographers have been modifying photographs for decades and we never thought ill of it. Digital programs like Photoshop have just made it easier to do, and made it possible to do much more. As an example, we just had a family photo taken at a studio. The photographer used a digital camera and also uses Photoshop to process the pictures. When we were choosing the shot we wanted printed, in the shot of our choice one of the nine people in it had an uncomplimentary look on her face, but her face was good in another shot. We were told it was no problem to substitute her head from the other shot. Is that bad? Is that unrealistic? Maybe, but she will be much happier with the result than if we had left it alone. There's my [2c] for what it's worth.
QUOTE: Originally posted by dgwinup "All's fair in love or war." Now we can add model railroading to that list! LOL
QUOTE: Originally posted by alco_fan QUOTE: Originally posted by tstage Don't they use Adobe (Paintshop?) to create all the layout renderings for the MR magazine? At least in the past, it was Adobe Illustrator -- a drawing program.
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
QUOTE: Originally posted by Catt Well I've read this thread this far (not quite sure why yet) and I've come to the conclusion that your wifes,girlfriends,daughters,moms, etc. aren't the only ones on the rag at your houses. Get a new hobby guys this one don't cut it for ya anymore.
QUOTE: Originally posted by loathar I beleive it means having to cater to those less intelligent people that might think the pic is actual size.
Modeling B&O- Chessie Bob K. www.ssmrc.org