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Jeffrey's Trackside Diner, July 2018 Locked

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Friday, July 20, 2018 12:18 PM

Steven Otte

Well, it's Friday... the end of what feels like a long, long week. Anyone else who needs comfort food as much as I do, come on up and grab some French toast from the breakfast buffet.



LIONS like French Toast, but why only two slices.



LION wants SIX Slices.



The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by ricktrains4824 on Friday, July 20, 2018 2:35 PM

Good afternoon all.

Zoe - As the French toast buffet is still an option, I will help myself to some of that, along with a nice tall Coke please. Thanks.

Lion - Welcome back from your vacation!

SteveO - Thanks for the buffet! I hope you don't mind that we kept it going for lunch as well.

Steven NWP - Just watch what you get on the first car.... It could help, or hurt, your driving. My first car was a 2 door Chevy Cavalier, and, it was great on fuel economy, but horrendous to drive in incliment weather. 

Even in just rain it was very "loose" driving. (Racing term - it means that the back of the car wants to swap spots with the front of the car when cornering.)

Even in just moderate rain, it would be too easy to "drift" through corners. 

And don't even ask how it handled in the snow!

And, you want a good, reliable, safe car, not a "sporty" one. Even an older "sporty" car is not as safe (or cheap) as some would like us to think. (And reliable and "sporty" car do not ever belong in the same sentance, IMO!)

Jan (Herrinchoker) - My sincerest condolences.

Dave (hon30critter) - Hoping for the best outcome for Diane.

Ulrich - I'm glad you and Petra weren't hurt! YIKES!

It was mentioned that some missed railfanning pics from someone who is no longer posting, so.....

Here is a UP Heritage unit, far from it's home, in North East, Pa. (No, not North-eastern Pa, but North-western Pa's town of North East!)

  SP 1996 Heritage by Richard Woodworth, on Flickr" alt="" width="640" height="360" />

It had a very friendly crew, who gave me a very nice "horn salute" on their way by. (Using a killer K5LLA!)

Hope all are well, and all enjoy the day!

Ricky W.

HO scale Proto-freelancer.

My Railroad rules:

1: It's my railroad, my rules.

2: It's for having fun and enjoyment.

3: Any objections, consult above rules.

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Posted by gmpullman on Friday, July 20, 2018 3:50 PM

Good afternoon, all...

First cars?

A hand-me-down 1966 Beetle.

 IMG_0005 by Edmund, on Flickr

I did rail-fan train chasing all over the north-east U.S. in this machine for about two years. Sold it to a friend who drove it another five years or so.

Great memories, indeed.

I hope everyone is doing well and have a great weekend.

Regards, Ed

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Posted by howmus on Friday, July 20, 2018 3:53 PM

Afternoon folks!

Tinplate Toddler
In those days, I had more hair and less weight ...Whistling

Didn't we all........Smile, Wink & Grin

I've been trying to figure out how to get my deck covered for the party next Wednesday evening....  My son came over about 1pm and we tried to put up the brtand new medium weight tarp I bought for the job.  Yep, that was a good investment. About half of the grommets except for the corner ones ripped right away.  More plastic junk!  So I got out the old one I used a couple years ago that was covered with paint and gunk.  Figured that one is not something I want over the heads of folks while they are eating either.  Spent an hour on line trying to find one of the new pop up cvanopies that might fit on the deck and do the job.  sure, I can get one for a reasonable price, and the company can get it to me the Monday after the picnic....  So, I called the local tent rental place that does major events and for a price they will put a suitable one up on the deck next Wednesday morning.  Problem solved and I ony had to throw  more money at it than I wanted....

So, I am now in get the house at least presentable mode.  I did get my 4 miles in this morning over at the fieldhouse at least.

Also need to spend some time down the the train room and clean uip in there, and hopefully get some trains running.  I have a couple teachers that taught at the high school years ago coming over Wednesday morning to see the layout and I know that several of the folks coming in the evening will also want to see the layout.  Saturday and Sunday I am on crew out at the museum, so that kills most of the weekend to get the house clean...

Well, Steven, I can vouch for the idea that girls may be more impressed by cars that aren't the "coolest" and hottest racers on the road.  Back when I was starting to date, my future wife loved the old American Motors Ramblers that we had.....  I can't say exactly why in here, but it had something to do with the seats in the car......  They had a "reputation" for getting Babes back then...) Whistling  It made "Lovers Lane" fun.......Laugh  The most important thing for you is to have a dependable and safe mode of transportation.  That said, I love driving a car that can blow most everything stock out there away of the line in a race.  Well, at least for the first couple hundred feet...  I can put full horsepower to the wheels almosty instantly and leave about 40" of rubber on the road.

My condolences and prayers go out to all who are dealing with grief and fearfull issues!

Have a good evening out there!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by BATMAN on Friday, July 20, 2018 4:10 PM

Good day, it is high noon on the West coast, sunny and warm, can't remember the last rain we had.

Sorry to hear of the losses, illnesses and other life-altering events going on right now for some of our friends here. Those times come and go in all of our lives and if we don't look after ourselves through them, it can have a detrimental effect on our own health and well being. So get sleep and eat healthily and I know from experience that it will help a lot. 

I remember being with my Mom at the hospital when she had her first heart attack at 80, she wasn't expected to survive and my Sister was on a plane flying to Europe at the time, an hour into her flight. Mom rallied enough probably because she kept herself fit her whole life and they said even though she was 80 she was a good candidate for a quintuple bypass. She had many good years after that.

Car talk puts a smile on my face. Driving is a love of mine, the mechanical part of cars is not. I have taken extensive driver training, including a 1-week intensive motorcycle course that is the same course the police bike riders go through. I went back for high performance driving courses after I had discovered the school when attending the motorcycle course. They were held at an old WWII airbase that had long runways that could be flooded to simulate most conditions.

I bought this in 1989, ordered it right from Japan and went back to the school again for their sports car course. I went out with the instructor so he could evaluate my level of performance driving for sport and when we finished he told me there was nothing he could teach me, that made my year when I heard that.

It topped out over 265KPH.

While working for the feds in logistics, I had annual training in driving various vehicles including a vast array of unique airbrake equipped vehicles, done at the same school again. They would flood the runway and losing and regaining control of large fully loaded rigs can get the blood pumping. I drove some very sensitive stuff over the years for the military, Nasa and the various law enforcement agencies in Canada. Even picked up a couple of times from Airforce One and delivered the items to U.S. Navy ships that were visiting Vancouver. I had a decent security clearance at the time and could be alone with heads of state. To this day they scan my passport and hand it back to me and I am never questioned. Don't they know I am retired?Mischief

My son and I were out looking for a new car for me. I really miss the RX7 above. Getting married and having new financial obligations meant a Honda Civic was in order so that was that. Daughter has one year of High school left and it has been already paid for. Dad gets to start enjoying retirement now. This is at the top of the list at this point in time. 


I'll be 62 soon so I don't want anything too fast.Mischief

Ken sorry to see you racking up the repair bills yet again. What you spend on repairs would probably pay the lease on a new Honda Civic, not to mention your fuel bills would be cut by half. 

A 76-year-old friend of ours was spending a fortune on repairs on her old Chevy. On my suggestion, she leased a one-year-old Civic and is miles ahead $$$$ wise. She thought she would have to give up driving because of the cost. I put about 300,000 KM on my Civic and only did a water pump in 14 years. It got 50 MPG on the highway consistently. It was my goin to work car. 

Wife is away at a dog show for five days. Sister is in Scotland judging a show. She sent a pic. Watch where you walk.

All Golden Retrievers.


Ray, watched a movie the other night that reminded me of you. It was called "Our Souls At Night". It was about a retired teacher that lost his wife, who hooked up with the widow next door. Her Grandson came for a visit and he hauled out his trains. On the box it said "Howard Electric Trains". 

The kid was on a set the other day when a casting director came to see him about doing work on a show next month. She asked him if he had any "in shape friends", she needed five more "fit" guys for the show. He has lots of very fit, in shape friends. He called them and they are now all working the show together. The kid can't wait as he thinks it will be fun working with his buds. They will get about $500.00 each day, plus overtime and premiums. 

Vancouver has now past Los Angeles in production for films and TV shows. It is closing in fast on Atlanta and then will be #1 in North America. India and China are so far ahead, they will never be caught. 

The kid and I have been working out together since he got home from Ottawa and I started talking about how Josh Brolin got in shape for Deadpool. The kid started telling me how much time he spent talking to him on set. He had never mentioned it before. 

Taking the kid to the ferry as he is going to Vancouver Island for four or five days to meet up with a girl he met on the movie he was working on over there. She is going to medical school and the movie extra work pays all her bills. We met her, she is really, REALLY cute to boot! The kid is a chip off the old block.LaughWhistling

All the best to all, Stay safe and Think and work hard to keep healthy.



"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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Posted by cudaken on Friday, July 20, 2018 5:17 PM

 Afternoon Diners

 Flo, the gang and I will have a Beer and give Rick and Steven what they like.

 Steven I missed posted, I was thinking of the old 1973 260 ZX, they where the rust buckets. Not sure on the 1983 280 ZX. Looked up some perfomces figuers for a 280 ZX and well on a dry road you should be safe! Laugh Zero to 60 is a whole 9.3 seconds and quater mile time is a whole 16.5!

 While I am old, I am not a old fart when it comes to cars. If you can afford the insurances and don't mind working on a car I would say go for it. Stay away from T-Tops and Sunroofs, they are going to leak!

 I have seen  young people killed driving slow cars. Yes it will take longer to get to high speed. It just takes longer to do it. Plus a slow car is not ment to handle higher speed's so the suspension is not there. Fast Cars do not kill people, people kill them selfs in fast cars.

 Brent Good to see you! I sure cannot blame this last repair bill on the age of the old Town Car. Just ash pit road repair.

 Ulrich My first car was a 1963 Bug, Dad did not want me to beable to Hot Rod it! Boy was he wrong! Laugh When he sold it because I would kill my self it was making around 150 HP. But I got my 68 Road Runner from him so I did not complane! Big Smile Still own the Road Runner, I have owned it 45 years now.

 Later, Ken

I hate Rust

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Posted by CNCharlie on Friday, July 20, 2018 5:40 PM

Good Afternoon,

Wow, amazing how many of us had a VW Beetle as a first car. Mine was a '61. I had it for about a year and then 'moved up' to a '62 Chevy II.  Mind you I didn't get that first car until I was in second year at University and was sure of the funding for my education. 

Steven, rather than borrowing money for a car, why don't you concentrate on funds for your education?  Cars can come later and with a good education you can afford to buy nicer ones. In fact you might find that other things are more important or indeed fun. I spent my spare cash, once I was working and financially ok, on sailboats. Cars were just a way of getting to the marina. 

Well it has turned very nice outside so I think I'll join my wife on the patio with a glass of red wine. 

CN Charlie

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Posted by Track fiddler on Friday, July 20, 2018 7:10 PM

Happy Friday Diner's

It's good to hear everyone a little happier tonight. I did send positive energy and good karma when I got back from my North Dakota trip. Troubled waters are always a sensitive subject. After my Son's wedding, sad was just a little hard for me while still walking on air.  I'm sure you all understand.

Okay we're doing cars now.  Here's the 1969 Mach 1... 351 Windsor. 

I started restoring this car when I was 23 and pretty much finished when I was around 30.  She is all original, with exception of paint color and engine modifications. She is a Boss 351 Windsor now... thanks to my brother-in-law.

Snaps like a whip off the line.  Scary fast... a very fun toy. 

It's been either really hot up here or raining all the time. I only had her out once, a couple of weeks ago. I snapped this picture because I liked the black shadows of the leaves on the red and black. I thought it looked cool.

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Posted by NWP SWP on Friday, July 20, 2018 7:52 PM

Evening diners,

Got some grass mowing done.

Earlier we had to go into town (by to town I mean to Baton Rouge) get a rental car supplied by Chrysler, we got a Dodge van, ten dealership specified that they would only pay for a Mopar or Fiat-Chrysler vehicle. I won't be driving the rental car.

It was quite funny some french nationals were trying to rent a car and were bargaining with the guy to get a lower rate! And not to mention the guy behind the counter was an amateur stand up comedian! Cracking jokes the entire time.

Saw this on the way home.

Yeah that's a plane, it was a "textbook unpowered off field landing" the pilot put her down shortly after taking off from Baton Rouge Metro (BTR) (I've dabbled in flight simulation so I know some of the terminology) which is about a half mile or so from the chemical tank field he put her down in after loosing power. He was unharmed.

Cars, hey track fiddler nice ride! I love 69 fastbacks I hope to someday own a Mach 1 with a 460, right now I'm the proud owner of a 69 Mustang Coupe, 302, automatic, shell and chassis. I've gotta get a coat of paint and the rust spots fixed to preserve her till I can fix her up.

The Datsun isn't a sure thing, right now I'm in the information gathering period of car shopping, I'm not making any definite decisions.

I might buy a nicer truck like a F250 or a Bronco.

Well I'll be back, later.


If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough!

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Friday, July 20, 2018 7:59 PM

Lion ... Nice to see you again .

Cars ..... When I was young, the typical car had bench type seats which were good for "parking". .. Whistling... Eventually, "bucket seats" were more common, and you saw fewer "two headed drivers". ... Whisper... 

My first was an old rusty  Chevy station wagon. A few years later, I replaced it with a Chevy Impala convertible (much nicer). 




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Posted by NWP SWP on Friday, July 20, 2018 8:06 PM

I've thought about looking into getting one of those fold down center seat/console for the F150 to replace the center console.Whistling


If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough!

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Posted by hon30critter on Friday, July 20, 2018 9:57 PM

Steven Otte
As for car insurance... NWP SWP, you're still young enough to be carried on your parents' policy. Paying the increase in premiums to add you to their policy will be much cheaper than getting covered on your own, because the risk is "spread out" over more drivers, some of whom have a longer driving record than you.

Hi Steven(s),

I would like to add a small clarification to Mr. Otte's suggestion. That is to make sure that the car is owned in Steven's name and not by the parents.

We made the mistake of trying to save our eldest son Glenn some money by putting his first car in my name. It saved him about $400.00 in insurance costs. Unfortunately he had an accident which injured his passenger. The passenger sued me for $6 million because I owned the car.

We got lucky. The final settlement was much smaller so it was fully covered by our insurance. However, the two years that it took for the claim to be settled were very stressful. We were faced with the possibility of losing everything we owned.

Nasty business!



I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by hon30critter on Friday, July 20, 2018 10:08 PM

LIONS like French Toast, but why only two slices.

Ya, I asked myself the same question. French Toast isn't all that bad for you, that is until you add the syrup! If somebody served me just two pieces of French Toast they wouldn't get a tip!GrumpyAngrySmile, Wink & GrinLaughLaughLaugh

Dianne and I frequent a small diner close to our house. The food is great and the service is great! On the rare occassions where I order French Toast the owner Kate tells the waitresses to bring me real Canadian Maple Syrup instead of the usual sugar concoctions. She reserves it for her special customers.YesThumbs UpSmile


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by gmpullman on Saturday, July 21, 2018 12:09 AM

A couple of weeks ago it was the presence of forest fires—

This week its mud slides!

Sometimes you just can't win Huh?

Cheers, Ed

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Posted by hon30critter on Saturday, July 21, 2018 12:18 AM

A couple of weeks ago it was the presence of forest fires— This week its mud slides!

Further proof that Mother Nature rules supreme, and as our climate deteriorates thanks to human stupidity she will become ever more dictatorial!


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by Tinplate Toddler on Saturday, July 21, 2018 1:11 AM

The D&S NG RR´s closure sucks railspikes - to quote Ken! Mudslides unfortunately quite often follow forest fires, as the top soil gets destabilized with all the weeds to hold it gone. I just hope that this will not used as an excuse tonclose the railroad for good. There is just too much heritage at stake!

Happy times!

Ulrich (aka The Tin Man)

"You´re never too old for a happy childhood!"

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Saturday, July 21, 2018 9:24 AM

Hi Steven(s), I would like to add a small clarification to Mr. Otte's suggestion. That is to make sure that the car is owned in Steven's name and not by the parents.


HUMPH.... Dad cosigned a loan when the youngest brother bought his car. Kid fell behind in the payments so Dad reposessed the car. When I came home for a couple of years (between jobs) he rented the car to me (Along with the room and board which I always paid on time.)


My first car was a used VW bus. Spent all of the money that I had saved up while in the Navy. Dad said "Forget the collision... The car isn't worth it"

Bad Advice. Let the kid pay the extra money, because he cannot afford to be out that $2000.00



The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by Tinplate Toddler on Saturday, July 21, 2018 9:56 AM

My first car was a used VW bus. Spent all of the money that I had saved up while in the Navy.

When I grow up and get rich, I am going to get either a nice red pick-up truck or a vintage VW T1 "split screen" bus!

Early 1960s VW T1 busses fetch horrific prices these days! Even those imported from Brazil, where they made them until the 1980s, cost more than an arm and a leg.

A big sigh!

Happy times!

Ulrich (aka The Tin Man)

"You´re never too old for a happy childhood!"

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Posted by Track fiddler on Saturday, July 21, 2018 10:28 AM

Thanks Steven.  A 460 in a Mach one is your dream machine. That would be a heck of a beast.

When you put a 429 Cobra Jet in one of those things you have to cut and modify the fender walls. I don't know exactly what you have to do to fit a 460 but I'm sure anything's doable.

I see guys at car shows that get so crazy under their hood, the hood doesn't even fit back on the car... Some of them dress It up and line it with polished stainless steel and make it look like it's supposed to be that way. At that point it looks so pretty, why would you put the hood back on anyway?

My favorite Ford motor is a 390. Rare hard to come by.... I've heard they're a rock-solid trouble free engine just like the 302

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Posted by Track fiddler on Saturday, July 21, 2018 10:38 AM

Hey Lion and Alrich.  Not So Much Anymore. But I could see myself getting into a whole lot of trouble in my younger days packing all my friends into a bus like that. Smile, Wink & GrinLaughLaughWhistling

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Posted by RideOnRoad on Saturday, July 21, 2018 2:29 PM

My first car -- a 1967 Plymouth Satellite. I traded it to my brother for a 1967 Dodge Dart.

We had an exciting night. We had a thunderstorm blow right over us. One bolt of lightning lit up the house and the sound of thunder was simultaneous. I half expected to go out this morning and see a tree in our backyand split in two. I have had one other close encounter with lighting where the sight and sound were near simulateous. The other time was on a bike. The lightning was so close it fried my heartrate monitor.


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Posted by Track fiddler on Saturday, July 21, 2018 4:42 PM

Don't want to interrupt the car thing.

I went out to my buddy's in Prior Lake today. Last I left off when I was a kid we had gliders and wind up plane kits. The neighbor kid wanted a drone for his birthday and got one. 

This stuff is really weird you put on these glasses and he flies it. It went down by the lake. Were looking at people in their boats a mile away.  I felt like we were spying.

Too much for my head. Anyway if you fly one of these drones too far out of its range. It auto Pilots itself back to where you first launched it.


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Posted by BATMAN on Saturday, July 21, 2018 4:53 PM

Good morning afternoon from the West Coast. It is yet another warm sunny day.

I can't remember the last rain we have had. The wife has tons of stainless water buckets she has acquired over the years, so I have been filling them with water for the wildlife in the area. Every morning they are considerably lower, so it is obvious that there are some thirsty animals in the area. There was a small lake a few hundred metres from here that now drys up in the summer. I believe that it is because of all the development closing in from the West. Runoff now makes its way to the storm sewers instead of the creeks and ditches that use to lead to the lake. Can't wait to return to rural living. 

My cousin is going to look at a house on 10 acres on Vancouver Island for us that we like from the real estate website. We are trying to rearrange a very busy week to get over to look at it. The train room has an amazing view. 

I kind of want to go further North on the Island, maybe Comox, that is where Crandell (Selector) lives and I have always liked it up there. We shall see. We have many things to consider even though we are retired. Not having PWRS just down the street is and will be a major concern for me.Laugh Wifes elderly parents.Hmm

The kid looks like his career is heading towards the movie industry as he has developed some really good connections and wants to work on the business end of things. Media/entertainment/business law is his new focus. He got somewhat disgusted (in just one year) with the corruption and incompetence of international affairs.

My Daughter has almost 200,000 followers on fan fiction. It is a site where she writes new chapters to carry on stories like Harry Potter and all the other favourites of kids. She has also entered international animation contest featuring original stories where she has done all the animation and written the story.  She has done very well in those and has people in that industry talking to her already. I think her heart is still in medicine at this point, like her mother.

We want to live where our kids will be able to at least visit often. I would like to know how having your kids moving away from you has affected how often you see them, anyone! The house is about a fifteen-minute flight from Vancouver so we would hope to see them often.

Ulrich is right about how a bad forest fire can destabilize a hill or mountain. We have had family experience with sides of hills and mountains coming off a couple of years after a fire has destroyed the forest of huge trees. Once the roots of those dead trees rot out, down comes the hillside a couple of years later. 

They had this idiot on the news saying that when he throws his cigarette out the window of his truck, he always makes sure it hits the pavement so it doesn't cause a fire.Tongue Tied Darwin missed that family.Laugh

Back to the car thing, my good friend drag races and has about 5 or 6 Chevy Vegas he has put $40,000.00 motors in. I have had rides many times in these and going straight and fast for a few seconds gets old for me real fast. His favourite line is POWWWERRRRRR!!!!!!! I always refer him to the Saturn V and Space Shuttle when he thinks the greatest invention of power to the human race was the V-8.Laugh Give me a good handling sports car any day, the thrill can last for hours, not seconds. Plus I always got the girls with my RX-7, he got funny looks from them in his V-8 Vegas.Laugh

Well lots to do today, still purging a little at a time in anticipation of moving.

All the best to all.



"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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Posted by BigDaddy on Saturday, July 21, 2018 5:36 PM

My first car, Ulrich would know as a type 3 VW, a squareback.  It was the 1st SUV if you ignore wagoneer.  There's a guy a couple miles from here that is constantly selling VW's, currently he has a red karmann ghia for $4.995.

We are in the midst of a Nor'easter in the mid Atlantic.  May get 6" of rain.

Worked on painting my MR gorge.


COB Potomac & Northern

Shenandoah Valley

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Posted by NWP SWP on Saturday, July 21, 2018 7:31 PM

Evening diners,

Did a bunch of stuff today, went to a yard sale to pick up a picnic table my parents bought, got two old small single cylinder four stroke engines for free, I'm going to tinker with them see if I can get them running.

Went and got some lumber from home depot, some 4x6x12s for the porch roof were putting up, and some 2x4x8s for the fence, and also some manure and soil for my garden, two of the tomato plants are dying for no apparent reason, no bugs are on them, plenty of water, no fertilizer has been added recently so they're not burnt.

We were going to get three more tomato plants because they were "on sale" 3 for $12, they weren't, despite the fact that the plants were gallon plants as the sign said, the cashier and manager were both rude and unhelpful, we would've settled for two for one but nope.

I finished mowing the grass, and now I've got some post holes to dig before calling it a day.


If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough!

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Posted by Track fiddler on Saturday, July 21, 2018 7:52 PM

Evening diners

Okay no response to nothing today. 

I haven't smoked for 6 weeks and it's getting way harder. A living hell.

My buddy in Prior Lake told me of a guy that quit smoking when he was 50 and got lung cancer and died when he was 60. Very supportive uplifting stuff wouldn't you say.Super AngrySuper AngrySuper AngryThumbs Down

I don't know my 40 Years of Tar and nicotine in my lungs may need to be kept rekindled and kept afloat. Maybe it's too late. Maybe I should just go back to smoking. Maybe sometimes poisonous crap for a long period of time is just better off being left alone.....................?

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Posted by maxman on Saturday, July 21, 2018 8:32 PM

Track fiddler
I don't know my 40 Years of Tar and nicotine in my lungs may need to be kept rekindled and kept afloat. Maybe it's too late. Maybe I should just go back to smoking. Maybe sometimes poisonous crap for a long period of time is just better off being left alone.....................?

Maybe you've just been lucky so far...........

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Posted by NWP SWP on Saturday, July 21, 2018 8:44 PM

Sometimes damage is already done, but there's no sense in giving up when you've come so far, and it will just make the damage worse if you go back. It's like lead or asbestos or radium, it was everywhere used on anything but then the dangers were discovered and everyone ran away even though it was expensive to do so. Point is hang tough you'll never be temptation free but it will get better with time.


If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough!

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Posted by Track fiddler on Saturday, July 21, 2018 8:56 PM


Or I just needed a little more support.... Thanks.... appreciated

There is cigarettes all over the house. My wife still smokes. I still don't. Very hard, very hard.

My Mind is Playing Tricks on Me. For now I am not smoking. It's getting really hard now.

Honestly it would just be easier to go back.... for now I'm not

This has been really hard for me


Track fiddler
I don't know my 40 Years of Tar and nicotine in my lungs may need to be kept rekindled and kept afloat. Maybe it's too late. Maybe I should just go back to smoking. Maybe sometimes poisonous crap for a long period of time is just better off being left alone.....................?


Maybe you've just been lucky so far...........


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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, July 21, 2018 9:18 PM

Good evening ... 


Or I just needed a little more support.... Thanks.... appreciated

There is cigarettes all over the house. My wife still smokes. I still don't. Very hard, very hard.

My Mind is Playing Tricks on Me. For now I am not smoking. It's getting really hard now.

Honestly it would just be easier to go back.... for now I'm not

This has been really hard for me


Track fiddler
I don't know my 40 Years of Tar and nicotine in my lungs may need to be kept rekindled and kept afloat. Maybe it's too late. Maybe I should just go back to smoking. Maybe sometimes poisonous crap for a long period of time is just better off being left alone.....................?


Maybe you've just been lucky so far...........


Track Fiddler and Maxman .....You must not start smoking again. Period..... One of my sisters in law had lung disease. ... Watching her suffer as she died at a young age was absolutely terrible ... .... It is not just the fact that cigarettes kill you that matters.... It is how they kill you ! ! 





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