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Jeffrey's Trackside Diner, July 2018 Locked

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Posted by SeeYou190 on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 1:47 PM

TOP OF THE PAGE! Drinks are on me... Since I am buying, and I am in Florida... It looks liike Cuervo Margaritas for everyone! Enjoy! Now somebody find that lost shaker of salt!.


Check out this super-cute dentist's office I saw in Plant City, Florida... THE TOOTH CABOOSE!



Still not enough to make me want to go to the dentist.




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Posted by NWP SWP on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 2:16 PM

Good evening diners,

No Jose Cuervo Margaritas for me.

Maxman's "Did he really want to join the club" thread was deleted and I still don't know what the point was, I'm not sure I wanna know.

Perhaps Maxman had one too many Jose Cuervo Margaritas?

Well adios folks!


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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 2:55 PM


G'd Afternoon Gang,

Hope everyone is having a great week. Mr. B.  you in our prayers for a successful surgery, you will need all the energy you can assembleto keep up with your new favorite squeez.  (just a poke in the ribs)  we do want the best for you.

No margaritas for me either. Have managed not to have a drink, even beer since   1977. Now I can't drink anyway, I would have to pour it down the tube.

Ulrich,  You have done a marvelous job with your small layouts, they look very professional, I just love them.  Hope it cools off for you and the track cleaning car works great.  What kind did you buy ?

R.onR.   A belated congratulations to your Daughter. That was quite a challenge she set up for herself. and succeded. Thank her as well for serving. May the new job go well too.

Chef Ryan,    What a great sight to see you back in the diner. I read that you have moved, does that mean that you have retired or just starting over with the Cajun Foods and such ?   Always loved the Great Trains Diner Menus you used to post hear.I still have one of them copied here of the C.Z.

We have had some losses in Jeffrey's Diner since you left. Some great Guys have passed on to that more Elevated Railway and some have just disappeared and I sure wonder about them, like V-8 Vega in Calif., and Sue & Larry in the Northwest. They were so active here and then just nothing. I sure wish the best for them and many I haven't mentioned.

All has been quite on the LM&E for a month and a half now other than I have been purchasing some goodies to get working with once it cools off here amd winter starts checking in..  In actual fact I have way too much, it looks more like a train store down there and here in the puter room.  But if they are having difficulties with the chinese factories I have more than enough to wait that out. Nothing like being prepared.   (old Boy Scout).

I bet there are a lot of you that have that problem too.  Probably more models and supplies that you will never get too in our lives, but darn it's nice to have them.  Lets take a little poll here.. Who does have a fair sized larder  of goods waiting to be used and you don't know whether you'll get to them or not ????

Were going on a family camp next week and we'll be taking the Fiver that we haven't used for a couple of years and I have been getting it ready and still have more to do, so I had better get at it.

Wish the best to all of you and keep smiling as it sure looks good on you.

Johnboy out...................for a bit



from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 3:03 PM

Johnboy. ... good seeing you .   Have a wonderful vacation next week. 

Everybody .... it is the last day of the month.  Where are we going for August ? ... Canada has nice places and good Tim Hortons coffee and donuts . 

Brent... Would you like to treat us to a visit in BC?  It is beautiful there . 


Happy Model Railroading. 




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Posted by SeeYou190 on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 3:13 PM

last mountain & eastern hogger
No marguitoes for me either.



Well, if nobody wants margaritas (????? why), then just enjoy some awesome Schooner Wharf Conch Fritters and some Michael McCloud music.





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Posted by BATMAN on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 3:23 PM

Heartland Division CB&Q
Brent... Would you like to treat us to a visit in BC?  It is beautiful there . 

I'd love to Garry. Maybe next month as we are heading overseas             \(to Vancouver IslandLaugh) and I won't be here to do the job. Thanks for asking.


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Posted by Tinplate Toddler on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 4:05 PM

last mountain & eastern hogger
Hope it cools off for you and the track cleaning car works great. What kind did you buy ?

Today has been the hottest day recorded in the last 50 years, with temperatures surpassing the 40°C mark in some places. Not in my neck of the woods, but we hit 35°C, bringing the inside temperature up to 29°C. I am soaked!

I bought a Marklin track cleaning car. They work nicely.

Happy times!

Ulrich (aka The Tin Man)

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 6:28 PM

Evenin' folks!

Thought I would get one more cup of decaf before the dinner is closed for the move....

Tinplate Toddler
Today has been the hottest day recorded in the last 50 years, with temperatures surpassing the 40°C mark in some places. Not in my neck of the woods, but we hit 35°C, bringing the inside temperature up to 29°C. I am soaked!

Wow, Ulrich, that is a bit warm for where you live.  The those of us that live where old fashioned Fair-un-Height scale is still used, that translates as follows: 40°C = 104°F  35°C = 95°F and 29°C = 84.2°F  Glad I am able to have airconditioning (doesn't cost me anything to run on a nice sunny day, BTW)

Oh, and speaking of nice sunny day.....  As of 6PM when I checked the site for my solar panels it said I made 609.47 kW of electric during July.  That is 1.1 kW below the best month of July which was back in 2015.  Since the panels are still generating some power now at 7:25pm it is possible that it could gain enough to be the best July so far with the system....  I will know when I check the site tomorrow when I get home from my walk.  [Edit] Did it!  Just checked down cellar as the system was shutting down for the night.  Beat the old record by...  get this...  .09 kWh....  That is 90 watts, I believe.  That's OK, I'll take it!

"What can be more palpably absurd than the prospect held out of locomotives traveling twice as fast as stagecoaches"  - The Quarterly Review, March, 1825.

And for those of you that are old car fans.... "That the automobile has practically reached the limit of its development is suggested by the fact that during the past year no improvements of a radical nature have been introduced." - Scientific American, January 2, 1909.

Look forward to seeing where we actually end up by tomorrow morning.....


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by BigDaddy on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 7:34 PM

Had  magaritas this weekend with some egg white mixed in.  They seemed smoother and did not give me instant heartburn.

Mr B. Hope your procedure was a success.  Sometime they just can't convert you. 

I always found defibrillator implants scary because they test it. The take a normal (well maybe not normal) but a beating heart and cause it to fibrillate and the shock it back to normal rhythm.   It always worked but it seemed like parachute testing to me.  Parachutes don't always work.


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Posted by Little Timmy on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 7:45 PM

but it seemed like parachute testing to me.  Parachutes don't always work.

That kinda remind's me of an old ( 1942 ) Bugs Bunny cartoon.

He's working in a wartime munitions plant, Testing the bomb's by hitting them on the nose with a big hammer. If they dont blow-up, he would mark them " DUD" and move on to the next one.

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Posted by maxman on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 8:08 PM

Maxman's "Did he really want to join the club" thread was deleted and I still don't know what the point was, I'm not sure I wanna know.

Well, the point was that the president of the club was spending too much time there, so the spouse was "doing other things" while he was away.  The story was a variation of a commercial on the local radio here by a guy who calls himself Norman the Floorman.  I thought that a little humor would be a change from all the gloom and doom that gets posted.  Obviously the powers that be felt differently.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 8:40 PM

Good evening. 

Maxman... I am glad you took the time to try adding humor to the forum.  

Brent... thanks for your willingness to shows BC  . Maybe October will be good for that . 

Ulrich.  .. if you open the August Diner ,  apparently it is your choice. Sounds like Europe’s too hot. ... Easten Canada is very nice , and I’ll suggest that . Der John might wish to show Nova Scotia. NS is a very beautiful part of Canada.

Henry ... Regarding implanted defibrillators, I have a strong favorable opinion of them because they have saved my life be restarting my heart six times. In fact two weeks from now, it will have been 10 years since that happened .  I would not have had my last ten years without that.  




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