QUOTE: Originally posted by deschane Bob, What are "truthful warts"? Can you look at your last paragraph and clarify what your trying to say here? I think your saying MR pays to much attention to Walthers, but am unsure.
Joe Fugate Modeling the 1980s SP Siskiyou Line in southern Oregon
QUOTE: Originally posted by KenLarsen I would like to see articles about some modular clubs, in ALL scales. Those huge layouts are gorgeous, but I want to see more of what is within reach of the 'common man'. There is an excellent modular HO club in my area (the FCSME, not exactly sure what the 'FC' part stands for) that always sets up at the Great Scale Train Show every 3 months in Timonium, MD. Would it be too much trouble to send an MR photographer to such an event so readers throughout the world could see more of these community-effort layouts?
QUOTE: Originally posted by FundyNorthern ...So if you want your local club or whatever in MR, prepare an article and send it in yourself...
QUOTE: ...Or find someone in your group who can do the photos....MR says they can fix up your writing but can't do much with less than suitable photos.
QUOTE: Originally posted by rails5 Second: more "overview" pictures is a suggestion that comes up again and again. If you look back over the last couple of years I think MR has responded to this. I suspect, based on the layouts that I've visited (inluding several that have been featured in MR), that two issues are (a) the portion of the layout that is unfinished, and (b) the amount of junk / clutter that would be in the picture. So I don't go as far as wanting "warts-and-all" overview photos. Plenty of those are available on personal web sites, and I enjoy them and sometimes find them instructive (especially good reminders to keep my own layout area tidy), but I want the photos in MR to remain high-quality.