QUOTE: Originally posted by IRONROOSTER I have always regarded the product reviews as in depth product announcements. As noted above, there is a reason Consumer Reports doesn't sell advertising. One thing I always liked were the drawings that MR had. It doen't seem to me that they do as many as they used to. I would also like to see more coverage of the minority scales - S, O, TT, OO, etc. Still all in all, MR has been and is still my favorite magazine. I have all the issues back to 1965 and most (90%) of 1950-1964. Enjoy Paul
QUOTE: Originally posted by tpaulsen The greatest change that has come that has left me somewhat ouit in the cold is the progression away from detailed do-it-yourself articles that included a goodly amount of prototype background.
QUOTE: Originally posted by rails5 Second: more "overview" pictures is a suggestion that comes up again and again. If you look back over the last couple of years I think MR has responded to this. I suspect, based on the layouts that I've visited (inluding several that have been featured in MR), that two issues are (a) the portion of the layout that is unfinished, and (b) the amount of junk / clutter that would be in the picture. So I don't go as far as wanting "warts-and-all" overview photos. Plenty of those are available on personal web sites, and I enjoy them and sometimes find them instructive (especially good reminders to keep my own layout area tidy), but I want the photos in MR to remain high-quality.
QUOTE: Originally posted by FundyNorthern ...So if you want your local club or whatever in MR, prepare an article and send it in yourself...
QUOTE: ...Or find someone in your group who can do the photos....MR says they can fix up your writing but can't do much with less than suitable photos.