skagitrailbird I have only ordered via the web. Blick's is at The site shows stores in Cleveland and Columbus. Maybe these are close enough for you to visit. I might add that the spray paints I have ordered from Blick's are some of the nicest paints I have used. No connection here...just a satisfied customer.
I have only ordered via the web. Blick's is at
The site shows stores in Cleveland and Columbus. Maybe these are close enough for you to visit.
I might add that the spray paints I have ordered from Blick's are some of the nicest paints I have used. No connection here...just a satisfied customer.
Thanks again. My LHS is in Columbus and I usually go there once or twice a week so it wouldn't be that far out of the way. I'd be hesitant to try to match a paint color online given the experience I've had so far trying to match a color.
skagitrailbird Try Blick's, an art supply house. They have many dozens of spray paints available that you will never find at WalMart, Home Depot, etc. You will have to work off color charts on your computer screen so it may take more than one try.
Try Blick's, an art supply house. They have many dozens of spray paints available that you will never find at WalMart, Home Depot, etc. You will have to work off color charts on your computer screen so it may take more than one try.
I haven't heard of Blick's. Hobby Lobby and Michael's are the ones I know of in my area. If I strike out at Lowe's I'll give one of them a try.
I have used Scalecoat Pullman Green on my passenger cars and it looked very close to the proper color. You may want to improve your lighting. I just know it looked right for me.
dstarr Krylon or Rustoleum have an flat olive drab in a rattle can. Usually in with the other colors sold to off road drivers, who are into painting their off roaders in cammo. Haven't tried it myself, but it looks promising for Pullman Green.
Krylon or Rustoleum have an flat olive drab in a rattle can. Usually in with the other colors sold to off road drivers, who are into painting their off roaders in cammo. Haven't tried it myself, but it looks promising for Pullman Green.
Thanks. I've tried a shade of Krylon called Italian Olive. The cap looked about the right color but when I sprayed it on, it was just too light. That was the closest I could find at Walmart's. I'm going to Lowe's this week so maybe they'll have something several shades darker.
Can;t say I've ever seen Scalecoat's Pullman Green appearing as just black, and besides my own layout, I've run locos with that paint at club shows with various types of lighting depending on the venue. Brunswick Green, on the other hand, is just black with a drop or two of green - even when I visited Horseshoe Curve, in brioght sunlight, I thought the loco on display was just painted black, then I managed to hit some anlges where the sun glinted off of it just right and I saw the slight green tint.
Scalecoat PG is a close match for what Bowser/Stewart paints their locos. It's definitely darker than the color used by LL of P2K locos, but not black. Polyscale was close to the color used by Life Like, so whatever the replacement color in Model masters is for that, would be a lighter PG, although it looks more like a sun faded picture of the real locos. Much like Pennsy fans constantly debate over Brunswick Green, aka DGLE, Reading fans are always back and forth over what makes a proper Pullman Green for the first gen diesels.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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CTValleyRR Except that color isn't an absolute, but a function of reflected and absorbed wavelengths. Colors look different under different light, with most manufacturers considering sunlight to be the "true" color. I once tried two colors of spray paint that looked the same under the flourescent lights in the store, the color name was the same (although 2 different lines from the same manufacturer), yet when I got home and applied it to my cellar door, it was a noticeably different shade from the other can (which I had applied only days earlier), forcing me to repaint the rest of the door with the new color.
Except that color isn't an absolute, but a function of reflected and absorbed wavelengths. Colors look different under different light, with most manufacturers considering sunlight to be the "true" color. I once tried two colors of spray paint that looked the same under the flourescent lights in the store, the color name was the same (although 2 different lines from the same manufacturer), yet when I got home and applied it to my cellar door, it was a noticeably different shade from the other can (which I had applied only days earlier), forcing me to repaint the rest of the door with the new color.
I don't need an exact match to my heavyweight passenger cars from Walthers, Branchline, and Athearn. I just need something close. It is much more important to me to match to those than to the prototype Pullman Green and much more important than simulating sunlight in my layout room. A close match to my current fleet is all I want which gets back to my original question. Does anybody know of a rattle can paint that is a close match to the brands of passenger cars I mentioned?
David Starr
Connecticut Valley Railroad A Branch of the New York, New Haven, and Hartford
"If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." -- Henry Ford
jrbernierMaybe you need to upgrade your layout lighting?
It would be much cheaper if I could find the right can of paint.
Modeling BNSF and Milwaukee Road in SW Wisconsin
Can anyone suggest a rattle can paint for painting heavyweight cars in Pullman Green. I tried Scalecoat's Pullman Green and while I suspect it closely matches the true Pullman Green in outdoor light, it appears as a flat black in my layout lighting. I can't even see a hint of green in it. Ditto for their Brunswick Green. I tried their Southern Green and that is too green as is a number of shades of Tamiya paints I've tried. My heavyweight passenger fleet is a mixed bag of Walthers, Branchline, Athearn, and Bachmann cars. Bachmann is noticeably lighter but the other three are close matches and I would like to find something in that range. I don't need an exact match. Just something reasonably close. I have a number of old coaches from a previous layout in a variety of liveries and I would like to use these to build up a fleet of commuter coaches after painting them and upgrading them with KD 148s, metal wheel sets, diaphragms.