Wayne, I WAS using the "IMG" line in Photobucket...
Just to see if there's a difference... The one below is from the IMG THUMB
This picture is of the office I made from a retired boxcar. In BOTH cases, the line after the picture link, the text shows up as a link. Oh, and thanks, Garry.
This picture is of the office I made from a retired boxcar.
See pictures of the Clinton-Golden Valley RR
Marlon, which line are you copying from photobucket? Your text is actually a link to the picture in photobucket, too.
This one is the img line placed using the link option here:
...and this just the img line pasted in:
Just testing to see what shows up.
Hi Marion ..... I clicked on the link and saw other photos in you PohotoBucket account.
By the way, I like the office made from a retired boxcar.
To try to answer a couple of responses:
Here is what I noticed; If I copy the photo link AFTER I type the description, the description appears right. If I type the description AFTER the link, it appears as a link.
Don't have that issue w/ posting from Photbucket, however all script typed after posting pics shows up in blue.
Modeling B&O- Chessie Bob K. www.ssmrc.org
I have the same problem. It is just one of the many bugs in the new software. I am wondering if they will get them all fixed before the next time that they rewrite to forum for no apparent reason.
Lackawanna Route of the Phoebe Snow
Perhaps, the tech gurus can explain this one. I do have this problem when I post photos. The link goes to my photo bucket account. Now, I write all of my text and then post the photos.
While we are at it...... Whaat hapened to spel checck?
Hmm. I like adding lots of pictures and haven't encountered that problem.
I wonder if not leaving a space between the picture data (which is a link) would create that situation.
...or if the picture data was on the same line as the text, like this
EDIT: Well, none of those attempts show the words as links. How are you placing the photos in your posts? Mine are from photobucket, and I simply click on the line of img data there, then "paste" it into the composition window by placing the cursor where I want the picture to appear.
In the previous edition of the forums, it was simple to add text describing images. Now, when I add descriptive text, it shows up as a link, instead of as simple text. Is there a way to add the text without it appearing as a link.